America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Oh, if ONLY we could legally treat women like property!

And elevate a few to royalty (the only ones with access to money), while the rest of the country lived in squalor, just like those "great" muslim civilizations of the ME.
Just like Allah wants.

Allah must really hate Muslims.

Hey Dave, Its not Gods fault those fucking lunatic's didn't evolve. They're like a 1000 years behind the times. Fuck em all.

And elevate a few to royalty (the only ones with access to money), while the rest of the country lived in squalor, just like those "great" muslim civilizations of the ME.
Just like Allah wants.

Allah must really hate Muslims.

Hey Dave, Its not Gods fault those fucking lunatic's didn't evolve. They're like a 1000 years behind the times. Fuck em all.

Allah really isn't much of a god.

Do you know why Saudis go to Bahrain to drink? "Because Allah can't see over the causeway."
America is basically compliant with the ideals of sharia law.

The next step is to codify those laws into our judicial system.

Which will never happen.

As I’ve noted in other threads (apparently with no success with regard to the thread author), Sharia is anathema to American law and will never comport to Constitutional jurisprudence:
Judge, Jury and Executioner

In Islamic Shariah, there is no jury, no defense lawyers, no prosecutors, no pre-trial discovery process, no courts of appeal, no cross-examination of witnesses, no legal precedents, and perhaps most damaging of all, little room for modern evidence.

Former State Minister of Islamic Affairs, Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, while graciously acknowledging the validity of long established forensic methods of DNA profiling, stated that such evidence could only be used as ‘supplementary’ evidence, presumably while relying primarily on eye-witness testimonies, as practised in Arabia 1400 years ago.

Furthermore, due to the lack of separation of powers in Islamic Shariah, the Mullah is literally the judge, jury and executioner on whose shaky whims the mortal life of the accused rests.

Coupled with the severe lack of capable judges, this is often a recipe for disaster.

Comment: Shariah not a solution*|*Minivan News

I support Muslims’ right to practice their faith and observe Sharia in a religious context. But it will never be incorporated into our current judicial system.

And the thread author should know that, if indeed he were a Muslim.


Who would have dreamed 50 years ago that we would now have homosexual marriage.

Or 100 years ago that blacks could vote and that we would even have a black president.

America's legal system is fluid and not static.

As time and our demographic change so does our political process and laws.

America will adopt some if not all aspects of sharia law in the future.

That is a given. :cool:

LOL...You are the most delusional poster I have EVER seen on this board. You don't seem to think that Sharia law in places like IRAQ and IRAN is bad...People are beheaded for disobeying Sharia Law... End of story. :cool:
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This one is especially nice: :eusa_angel:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Do you know who will go first on the Day of Resurrection to the shade of God…Those who when given what is right accept it, when asked for something given fteely and who judge in favor of others as they do for themselves.” ———Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1042.

Fact: - Mohammed was a pedophile, and a piece of shit. So is Sharia Law and ISLAM. DEATH TO MUSLIMS and ISLAM!!!!!!!!! :cool:
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Sorry bout that,

1. Sunni might as well, *all in*, he's toast as far as the real God is concerned.
2. Sunni works for Satan, at his local Muslim recruiting center, where he pats the losers who come to him on the back, and claims how he was once a Christian, but now, after escaping that hog wash/prophetic teacher Jesus, he has, learned of a better way, through Mohamed, praise to god, for him, blah, blah blah,.......
3. And he has told that story so often, he actually believes it now, while his fellow Muslims in a foreign land behead Christians, and eat their organs in soup, murder innocent people for no real reason, other than to stay sharp doing evil deeds.
4. Day in day out, he betrays Jesus, while claiming Jesus was some sort of prophet, in the queeran, he tickles the ears of losers who come to his loser center, where he is lost, with *all* the likewise losers, lost and waiting for the judgment.
5. I have no pitty for Sunni man, nor anyone who joins in or even goes to a mosque, careful where you dare to tread your feet is all I can tell you, stay clear of their doorways, you won't like what you find out, after going in.
6. Venture not in, its best to stay out, unless you defile yourselves.

For thousands of years the Jews kept rebelling against God.

He sent them Prophet after Prophet. Telling them to repent.

That is basically the story of the Old Testament.

Then God sent them Jesus and allowed him to preform miracles.

The Jews refused to listen to Jesus and sought to kill him.

That is the story of the New Testament.

Then God sent the final Prophet named Mohammed.

Mohammed was sent for all mankind.

And gave us the Quran to build our society and live by.

This is why people are flocking to Islam.

Because they see it as God's answer to the problems that plague the world.

Using the Quran to build a just and equitable society for mankind.

Based on the laws of God and not mankind's artificial laws.
No, I am not a member of CAIR but it is a great organization.

What I posted was a fairly standard Islamic worldview.

I can't imagine any Muslim person disagreeing with my post. :cool:
Why don't you just answer my question Nahla ?

I will when YOU do
Okay I will answer your question.

I follow the Jesus of the Quran.

Now answer my question .

The Jesus of the Bible says to love your enemies and forgive them.

When are you going to do what Jesus commanded?

although it is a sneaky answer, but it's ok, I'll answer with the SAME sneaky way.
you changed you religion, in your quran you should be dead now, right? but christianity is NOT a violent religion, christianity forgive and understand human nature because this is what GOD created and knows how it is. So I hate, big deal. you kill, and burn, and hate more than I do, you even hated your religion that you changed it. Is that enough for you?
The different between you and I Nahla.

Is that I never hated Christianity or Christians.

I just look at Islam as a continuation of Christianity.

Whereas you have hate in your heart towards Muslim.

Which is going against the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.

Why are you not willing to change your behavior and attitude on this issue ?
For thousands of years the Jews kept rebelling against God.

He sent them Prophet after Prophet. Telling them to repent.

That is basically the story of the Old Testament.

Then God sent them Jesus and allowed him to preform miracles.

The Jews refused to listen to Jesus and sought to kill him.

That is the story of the New Testament.

VERY TRUE. The old testament was about few stories written by many writers or people across different times. about different accidents during that time.
New testament is kinda the same, except different people wrote about same period of time, about same person.

While, Islam is ONE person, ONE book, ONE period of time. what mircale could be in that? Notice that they call it, the linguistic mircale, which I can prove, as NATIVE arabic speaker there are 26 mistakes in it. Get anyone who can speak arabic and ask him about that, and they will tell you it is wrong. you wanna bet?.. I can PROVE it from YOU quran. SO?
For thousands of years the Jews kept rebelling against God.

He sent them Prophet after Prophet. Telling them to repent.

That is basically the story of the Old Testament.

Then God sent them Jesus and allowed him to preform miracles.

The Jews refused to listen to Jesus and sought to kill him.

That is the story of the New Testament.

Then God sent the final Prophet named Mohammed.

Mohammed was sent for all mankind.

And gave us the Quran to build our society and live by.

This is why people are flocking to Islam.

Because they see it as God's answer to the problems that plague the world.

Using the Quran to build a just and equitable society for mankind.

Based on the laws of God and not mankind's artificial laws.

what fair in a law that gives the man double amount of a woman? what law that tell you to kill apostasy? what law that allow a man to beat a woman? is that the kind of respect to humanity as to peace of your Islam?
The different between you and I Nahla.

Is that I never hated Christianity or Christians.

I just look at Islam as a continuation of Christianity.

Whereas you have hate in your heart towards Muslim.

Which is going against the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.

Why are you not willing to change your behavior and attitude on this issue ?

YOU changed your whole life as a christian, and did NOT listen to jesus, how do you ask other to go by their book, while you didn't? DO NOT think that you are better... it is not a contest to me as much as it is to you
oh, by the way sunni man, I know a couple catholic family here whose each has 7 girls, and 3 boys, 5 girls and 6 boys the other one. and they ARE christians. so, it not about how many a muslim woman and non-muslim can give birth to.
Jesus said " I didn't come to abolish, but to fulfill" while your book, say and show the opposite. why would god bring us Judaism and christianity, then bring Islam to abolish and remove all that? although, it does NOT bring any kind of peace to earth whatsoever
Sunni man, would you please tell, if a man knew his wife is cheating what is the law for that? in islam
Yes I can read the Arabic of the Quran.

And speak some standard Arabic but not fluently.

Of course I post translations in English.

Because we are on an English speaking board. :cool:
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