America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Nahla, in the Bible Jesus says to love your enemies and to forgive them.

You say that you are a Christian

But all I hear you talk about is Hate.

Why do you not do what Jesus said ??
Sorry bout that,

The Quran contains the solution to all of America's social and economic problems.

Eventually, the American people and the US government will recognize this fact.

And will incorporate Islam into every area of their lives.

The end result being a more just and equitable society and nation for everyone. :cool:

1. Only a brain washed mindless parrot of islam would say that.
2. I'dd say you are a security threat.

Nahla, in the Bible Jesus says to love your enemies and to forgive them.

You say that you are a Christian

But all I hear you talk about is Hate.

Why do you not do what Jesus said ??

Why didn't you do what Jesus said?

You are the one who is a Christian.

So why don't you do what Jesus said?

you were christian too, and didn't do what jesus told you, did you? or because christianity wasn't violent enough for you?
Sorry bout that,

over a million witches have been killed the name of christianity...but we dont count do we?

and i am sure just as many by muslims

1. A witch counts about as much as a muslim.
2. Starts at zero, stays at zero, kinda like my *rep count*.:lol:
3. Which I like it that way.

Sorry bout that,

Islam is such a beautiful religion. Check out this one: :cool:

“Anyone who has property that exceed his needs, let him support someone whose property does not (meet his or her needs), and anyone whose food exceeds his needs, let him share it with someone who does not have food.“ ———Prophet Muhammad (s) in Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 93C.

1. Oh God, this man thinks that words in a book are a religion.
2. Oh look at the beautiful religion, because the words are so pretty.
3. Just really?
4. REALLY????



Instead of dealing with sincere questions or evidence presented, he puts his fingers in his ears and chants. I don't understand why there aren't more muslims.
Islam is a religion given to all mankind.

It's logic cannot be refuted.

And it's beauty is unsurpassed.

Man's wisdom is nothing compared to the wisdom in the Quran. :cool:

Still waiting for you to explain any of what has been posted here, you know the facts about what the "followers" (or if you prefer "believers") are doing in the name of their god, Mohammed.
There are several self admitted Christian people posting on this thread.

According to Jesus they are to present the gospel In love to the un-saved peiple of the world including Muslims.

Yet all they do on this thread is spew hate and venom.

Where are the real Christians ? :doubt:

Show me the "hateful" acts.
If the American economic institutions and banks were set up using sharia law as guidelines.

We would not be in the financial mess that the United States finds itself currently in. :doubt:

Oh, if ONLY we could legally treat women like property!

And elevate a few to royalty (the only ones with access to money), while the rest of the country lived in squalor, just like those "great" muslim civilizations of the ME.
Why didn't you do what Jesus said?

You are the one who is a Christian.

So why don't you do what Jesus said?

you were christian too, and didn't do what jesus told you, did you? or because christianity wasn't violent enough for you?

Apparently he thinks islam gives him power over everyone. If they won't eat the shit sandwich (looks okay on the outside, but once you know what is on the inside, not so appealing) of islam, he will try to beat them over the head with a few Biblical verses while not addressing why muslims don't follow Yeshua's (who they claim is one of their prophets)teachings, or that the Lord (who he claims in Allah) said "He" was offended by people bowing to the east.
If the American economic institutions and banks were set up using sharia law as guidelines.

We would not be in the financial mess that the United States finds itself currently in. :doubt:

Oh, if ONLY we could legally treat women like property!

And elevate a few to royalty (the only ones with access to money), while the rest of the country lived in squalor, just like those "great" muslim civilizations of the ME.
Just like Allah wants.

Allah must really hate Muslims.

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