America is Great Again.

It is not great again, but thank Jesus The Donald has stopped the efforts by democrats to reduce the USA to Brazil/Zimbabewe type status.
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.
We need Monica back in the White House.

Come to think of it, both Bill Clinton and Trump used the Make America Great again slogan. Under Bill Clinton the law to move the American embassy to Jerusalem was passed and signed by Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton cracked down on illegal immigration. Trump and Clinton are like peas and carrots.
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

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In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

THat would be when we impeached a popularly elected president over getting a blowjob?

That was when we 'governed from the center"?
Yes. Try to calm down.
America is Great Again.
Define "Great".

Seems to me that we're still the same decadent, self absorbed, hyper-consumerist hypocrites ruled by self centered kleptocratic liars just like last year and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that and..............................

In other words Late Roman Empire V2.0.
We can only wish we had some Roman influence. There would be no ugly babies unless there were no "self-absorbed" animals fucking each other. No offense to Africa, but in all seriousness, males and females look almost identical in terms of their facial features. And they are ugly as fuck.
We can only wish we had some Roman influence. There would be no ugly babies unless there were no "self-absorbed" animals fucking each other. No offense to Africa, but in all seriousness, males and females look almost identical in terms of their facial features. And they are ugly as fuck.
I am sure you are no prized pig yerself..
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

THat would be when we impeached a popularly elected president over getting a blowjob?

That was when we 'governed from the center"?
He got impeached for lying under oath, not for getting a blow job.

Moron thinks that happened in the last 11 months. China didn't have to work hard to catch up to Ear's anemic economic disaster

LOL, I always find it amusing when a left wing anti-capitalist dingbat tries to point the finger of blame regarding U.S. economic output growth underperformance, when they're the well spring of support for public policies that seek to inhibit private sector capital investment and business expansion.

Apparently Nat doesn't realize that he and his tribe of gub'mint worshipping statists are one of the primary reasons why the U.S. Economy's share of global output is declining so dramatically.

"You reap what you sow"

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