America’s Creeping New Normalcy: Sluggish growth and high unemployment are now just a

I'm with Iamwhatiseem...

Every day the lot of you go back and forth on whether or not it was the Republicans or Democrats that destroyed the economy when in fact the answer is very simple... it was both.

Goldman Sachs - if you pay attention - donates to both sides of the political spectrum, and has close ties with both Democrats and Republicans. Heck, it was under Bill Clinton that the Glass-Steagall act was repealed (arguably one of the chief reasons our economy collapsed in 2006).

Instead of blaming parties, how about we start by singling out the politicians who are clearly working for the establishment, and who are backed by the deepest pockets - regardless of political affiliation - and go from there?

Glass Steagel was repealed about 10 years before th recession in 2008, not 2006. Hard to make the case it caused a collapse 10 years later.

Not at all.

I am laughing out loud at the BRUTAL lack of understanding of huge, complex systems. No wonder partisan-halfwit America still believes Reagan was a conservative and Clinton was a liberal.

I am laughing at you because you're a half wit who doesnt even know what he doesn't know.

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