America without guns, what would really happen to us....

How do you know it will never happen again?
Trump did mention rounding people up several times come to think of it. When he did, he was resisted, panned, voted out, and sequestered from polite society. MAGA has been marginalized. His supporters are seen as total worthless garbage. Thats probably why they are so in love with their guns...nobody living and breathing gives a flying fuck about them.
The anti-gun extremists lie, and say they think this country would be safer without guns......
"Guns don't shoot people. People with guns shoot people." This is the best proof that banning guns in the US would be safer. A gun lying on the table ain't gonna' shoot anybody but let Americans get hold of it and it's murder mayhem. Kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, colleges, universities, post offices, shopping malls, fast-food restaurants, drive-by shootings, road rage shootings, church shootings, shooting for insurance money, shooting for child custody, shooting for divorce settlement, shooting for jealously, joy shootings, shooting for trespassing, shooting for a disagreement, shooting for "stand your ground", shooting for being verbally insulted, shooting for mistaken identity, Shooting for being bullied, shooting for feeling inferior, etc. Are guns safe in the hands of citizens of other countries? Most certainly. So, "banning guns" is not an international necessity. Banning guns in the US definitely is a necessity.

..... The Nazis ... didn't invade ..... Sweden .... As long as these neutral countries were willing to play ball on trade, Hitler left them alone.
The Nazis didn't invade Sweden because Hermann Göring's wife was Swedish. "Playing ball on trade" had little to do with it. Sweden would have fallen to the Nazis quicker than spit from a camel and could have taken over Swedish resources without paying a cent.
The Swiss didn't get invaded because there was no strategic reason to invade them. The Nazis also didn't invade San Marino, Monoco, Leichtenstein, Sweden, Spain, Turkey. As long as these neutral countries were willing to play ball on trade, Hitler left them alone.

That's the point, Bob, it was apocryphal. The quote is wrongly attributed to Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, the guy who planned Pearl Harbor (and had no problem with attacking America).

Of course, attacking America was never Japan's plan. Japan's goal was to conquer China. They wanted to scoop up the European colonies in SE Asia for resources the US had cut off because they imposed embargos. If the US just let Japan have her way with China, there never would have been a war. (Of course, it's a good thing we did, because Japan's plan for China was more horrific than what Hitler was doing to Europe. But since the Chinese don't run Hollywood, you never hear about it.)



That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.
Trump did mention rounding people up several times come to think of it. When he did, he was resisted, panned, voted out, and sequestered from polite society. MAGA has been marginalized. His supporters are seen as total worthless garbage. Thats probably why they are so in love with their guns...nobody living and breathing gives a flying fuck about them.

And the democrat party has actually started doing this.......
The Nazis didn't invade Sweden because Hermann Göring's wife was Swedish. "Playing ball on trade" had little to do with it. Sweden would have fallen to the Nazis quicker than spit from a camel and could have taken over Swedish resources without paying a cent.

Wrong country doofus....
So if/when your blob starts sending his thugs to round up anyone with brown skin...they should start shooting...right?

Yeah.....if the government goes full socialist and starts rounding people up for concentration or death camps, what would you do?
So if/when your blob starts sending his thugs to round up anyone with brown skin...they should start shooting...right?

The racists are not Trump....Trump isn't a racist. The racists in this country, with a history of racism going back to the founding of the party, is the democrat party......founded by two racists, started the kkk, lynching, jim crow........they never changed. And since the democrat party now changed out the kkk for blm and antifa, they have recently added the anti-semitic hamas supporters to their mass murder sympathizers...

Of the two political parties, racism and mass murder are the core of the democrat party and it's support groups...not the republicans.
The Nazis didn't invade Sweden because Hermann Göring's wife was Swedish. "Playing ball on trade" had little to do with it. Sweden would have fallen to the Nazis quicker than spit from a camel and could have taken over Swedish resources without paying a cent.
Wrong country doofus....
"Wrong county ........... doofus"? You just dumped a ton of shit on your head, Bonzo. :auiqs.jpg:
So if/when your blob starts sending his thugs to round up anyone with brown skin...they should start shooting...right?
Round them up? LMAO, that's got to be the easiest round up in history. Joe the vegetable says "C'mon Down" and the horde comes running. Try again, moron.
The Nazis didn't invade Sweden because Hermann Göring's wife was Swedish. "Playing ball on trade" had little to do with it. Sweden would have fallen to the Nazis quicker than spit from a camel and could have taken over Swedish resources without paying a cent.
Bullshit. Germany didn't invade Sweden because the Swedes were supporting the Germans in every way short of military force. They were laundering money for Germany, they were supplying Germany with materials that Germany couldn't get anywhere else.
Bullshit. Germany didn't invade Sweden because the Swedes were supporting the Germans in every way short of military force. They were laundering money for Germany, they were supplying Germany with materials that Germany couldn't get anywhere else.
You don't know shit about it. As a neutral nation Sweden "sold" material to Germany just as it had been doing since the days of the Hansa era. But the fact (the details that reading the headlines didn't tell you) is that Sweden was actually spying on the Germans and reporting to London. I could tell you lots more about it but I don't think you are listening.
The Nazis didn't invade Sweden because Hermann Göring's wife was Swedish. "Playing ball on trade" had little to do with it. Sweden would have fallen to the Nazis quicker than spit from a camel and could have taken over Swedish resources without paying a cent.

Nope, the reason they didn't invade Sweden was that Sweden was happy to sell them Bauxtite Ore and other needed raw material.

In fact, the western powers treated Sweden like it was a member of the Axis in terms of trade.

That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us."
Switzerland was already doing Germany's bidding, why invade it?

The Swiss bolstered the Nazi regime in many ways, ways that can be summarized by the following categories: border policies, opportunities for trade, and financial transactions. Behavior in all of these categories was either immoral or amoral, but Switzerland's closing of escape routes over its border is probably the most troubling. Because the Swiss feared that the appearance of "softness" with respect to its borders adjoining Nazi Germany would be an incentive for Hitler to attack (to undertake "Operation Tannenbaum"), they were highly vigilant in guarding against those attempting to cross those borders into Switzerland without the appropriate visas. The Swiss did establish a series of internment camps during the war to provide sanctuary for a precious few: 200,000 refugees of whom 20,000 were Jews.3 The Swiss Jewish community and other organizations were then charged a head tax to support them.4 Many others who were fleeing the Nazis were turned away by the Swiss -- 30,000 Jews in 1942 alone were denied entry.5 Very often, those who sought sanctuary were apprehended by Swiss authorities and then delivered either to the Germans themselves, or, in the case of refugees trying to enter Switzerland from France, to officials of the collaborationist Vichy government. Moreover, it was the Swiss, specifically the head of the Federal Justice and Police Department, Dr. Heinrich Rothmund, who suggested to the Reich in 1938 that German Jews have their passports stamped with a red letter J. Rothmund is also credited with coining the now-famous phrase, "the lifeboat is full."6 The tradition of Swiss asylum, then, was effectively undermined during this period.7

The second way that Switzerland sustained the Reich was through trade ventures with the Nazi regime; these undertakings can best be summarized as cynical opportunism. Because Nazi government officials dominated Germany's foreign trade -- the "New Plan" conceived by Reichsbank president Hjalmar Schacht in 1934 centralized economic policy and gave the Reich government control over imports and exports as well as precious foreign currency -- trade with Germany effectively meant doing business with the Nazi leaders themselves. The Germans traded their coal for Swiss steel (among other products); Swiss armament producers, such as Oerlikon (known for multibarrel antiaircraft guns), also sent their wares northward. Swiss rail officials cooperated completely with the Nazi government: "[T]hrough the transalpine lifeline of Switzerland's St. Gotthard rail tunnel flowed supplies between the Axis partners Germany and Italy."11 As far as rail transport was concerned, Switzerland was effectively part of the Greater German Reich.
Nope, the reason they didn't invade Sweden was that Sweden was happy to sell them Bauxtite Ore and other needed raw material.
An utterly senseless explanation. All of the Baltic region (on both sides) was part of the Hansa Company since ...... forever. "All" of Europe (as well as the US) was post-WW I neutral and those who did fight the Nazis were those who had been invaded despite their neutrality. Germany wouldn't have had to pay for Sweden's resources if they decided to invade and occupy the country. The only reason they didn't invade was because of Hermann Göring's Swedish wife.
In fact, the western powers treated Sweden like it was a member of the Axis in terms of trade.
Hogwash. Pure hogwash. London received Swedish espionage favours and that was against Sweden's own neutrality regulations.
An utterly senseless explanation. All of the Baltic region (on both sides) was part of the Hansa Company since ...... forever. "All" of Europe (as well as the US) was post-WW I neutral and those who did fight the Nazis were those who had been invaded despite their neutrality. Germany wouldn't have had to pay for Sweden's resources if they decided to invade and occupy the country. The only reason they didn't invade was because of Hermann Göring's Swedish wife.
You do realize that invading and occupying a country is more expensive than invading it, right? The only reason Germany invaded Norway was they were afraid the British would seize it and then cut off their trade with Sweden.

Let's review why Germany invaded the countries it did invade.

It invaded Poland because there were Germans living there who wanted to be part of Germany.
It invaded Norway to protect trade with Sweden. Denmark just happened to be in the way.
It invaded the Low Countries because it was easier than going through the Maginot Line.
It invaded France because France declared war on them for invading Poland.
It invaded Greece because Mussolini was getting his ass kicked. Conversely, Yugoslavia joined the Axis, tried to do backsies, and Germany invaded to secure supply lines through Greece.
And then the invaded Russia, wich was the goal all along.

If Germany didn't need to invade a country, it didn't.

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