America without guns, what would really happen to us....

You do realize that invading and occupying a country is more expensive than invading it, right? The only reason Germany invaded Norway was they were afraid the British would seize it and then cut off their trade with Sweden.

Let's review why Germany invaded the countries it did invade.

It invaded Poland because there were Germans living there who wanted to be part of Germany.
It invaded Norway to protect trade with Sweden. Denmark just happened to be in the way.
It invaded the Low Countries because it was easier than going through the Maginot Line.
It invaded France because France declared war on them for invading Poland.
It invaded Greece because Mussolini was getting his ass kicked. Conversely, Yugoslavia joined the Axis, tried to do backsies, and Germany invaded to secure supply lines through Greece.
And then the invaded Russia, wich was the goal all along.

If Germany didn't need to invade a country, it didn't.
Ridiculous. You have absolutely no insight into Sweden's role during WW II. You are willing to believe any BS produced by spin monkeys and you don't even have the presence of mind to apply any logic at all. You have just now cut and pasted something you think applies to several countries but nothing at all about Sweden and yet by your ignorance and fantasy think you can draw conclusions on something you know nothing about.
Ridiculous. You have absolutely no insight into Sweden's role during WW II. You are willing to believe any BS produced by spin monkeys and you don't even have the presence of mind to apply any logic at all. You have just now cut and pasted something you think applies to several countries but nothing at all about Sweden and yet by your ignorance and fantasy think you can draw conclusions on something you know nothing about.

Actually, I have a degree in European history...

Sweden was practically a member of the Axis in terms of trade. Swedish volunteers joined the Nazis to fight the Soviets.
Actually, I have a degree in European history...
And yet you make things up as you go along without shame.
Sweden was practically a member of the Axis ...
Bull crappy. There were strict rules outlining the transportation of German troops and armaments ....... and as relatively recent declassified records show, the Swedish government spied on them and sent all the particulars to London against our own rules of neutrality. No German soldier was allowed to set foot on Swedish soil. German deserters as well as Jews from Norway, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Hungary, etc. were welcomed to reside in Sweden and were offered immediate Swedish citizenship to protect them. Do you want me to tell you what happened to a German military contingent on the run from the Sovjets and who came to Sweden to regroup and get back into the fight as soon as they could? I'm sure they didn't teach you that in "European History" classes and I am equally certain that you don't want to know.
Swedish volunteers joined the Nazis to fight the Soviets.
Have you never heard the term "Neutrality"? In a truly neutral country, we are allowed to travel, to reside, and to work in any country we wish. We can take employment in any government and serve in any Army we choose. In the American, psuedo-Democratic fallacy, you are not allowed to do any of that. So much for your "freedoms".

You just now wrote, "Swedish volunteers joined the Nazis to fight the Sovjets" Yes, that's right. Those were anti-Communists whose inspiration was not in fighting for the Nazis but in fighting for the Finns against the Communists. The Finns are considered our cousins partly because of the minority of the Swedish-speaking Finish citizenry. Again, let me remind you that those Swedes wanted to fight against the USSR in Finland.

So tell me again about your silly biased degree in European History. They didn't teach you much more than what can be tweaked into pro-American/Western propaganda.
And yet you make things up as you go along without shame.

Bull crappy. There were strict rules outlining the transportation of German troops and armaments ....... and as relatively recent declassified records show, the Swedish government spied on them and sent all the particulars to London against our own rules of neutrality. No German soldier was allowed to set foot on Swedish soil. German deserters as well as Jews from Norway, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Hungary, etc. were welcomed to reside in Sweden and were offered immediate Swedish citizenship to protect them. Do you want me to tell you what happened to a German military contingent on the run from the Sovjets and who came to Sweden to regroup and get back into the fight as soon as they could? I'm sure they didn't teach you that in "European History" classes and I am equally certain that you don't want to know.

Have you never heard the term "Neutrality"? In a truly neutral country, we are allowed to travel, to reside, and to work in any country we wish. We can take employment in any government and serve in any Army we choose. In the American, psuedo-Democratic fallacy, you are not allowed to do any of that. So much for your "freedoms".

You just now wrote, "Swedish volunteers joined the Nazis to fight the Sovjets" Yes, that's right. Those were anti-Communists whose inspiration was not in fighting for the Nazis but in fighting for the Finns against the Communists. The Finns are considered our cousins partly because of the minority of the Swedish-speaking Finish citizenry. Again, let me remind you that those Swedes wanted to fight against the USSR in Finland.

So tell me again about your silly biased degree in European History. They didn't teach you much more than what can be tweaked into pro-American/Western propaganda.
Oh, I get it now, Sven, you are a Swede who doesn't like when someone brings up your country's craven lack of resistance to evil.

I'm sorry you came from a country of cowards.

My Dad was born in Germany, and despite encountering anti-German discrimination much of his young life, still fought for the US Army against the Nazis.
And yet you make things up as you go along without shame.
So tell me again about your silly biased degree in European History. They didn't teach you much more than what can be tweaked into pro-American/Western propaganda

As Swede, listening to JoeB131 telling you about Sweden, is much like me, as a Mormon, listening to him telling me about Mormonism.

He clearly doesn't know shit about either, and purports to know more than we do, as an actual Swede and an actual Mormon.
As Swede, listening to @JoeB131 telling you about Sweden, is much like me, as a Mormon, listening to him telling me about Mormonism.

He clearly doesn't know shit about either, and purports to know more than we do, as an actual Swede and an actual Mormon.

You didn't even know Joseph Smith was fucking teenage girls until I told you about it.

Maybe you need to not listen to your community's propaganda.

Just like the Swedes like to pretend they were decent during WWII.
Oh, I get it now, Sven, you are a Swede who doesn't like when someone brings up your country's craven lack of resistance to evil.

I'm sorry you came from a country of cowards.

My Dad was born in Germany, and despite encountering anti-German discrimination much of his young life, still fought for the US Army against the Nazis.

Hey, dipshit......your party, the democrat party is embracing idiot....and giving billions and billions of dollars to Iran, who funds, trains, and supports dumb ass...
Hey, dipshit......your party, the democrat party is embracing idiot....and giving billions and billions of dollars to Iran, who funds, trains, and supports dumb ass...

Funny, it's the Democrats who are giving 14 Billion to the Zionist Entity, and the Republicans trying to tank the deal linking it to IRS staffing levels.
Not sure how a dumpster fire would "Blow up a gas station", if the pumps were locked down, but never mind.

Oh, no, our precious garbage. Let's start shooting random people!
He was chased and the idiot tried to assault him and take his weapon.
Oh, I get it now, Sven, you are a Swede
who doesn't like when someone brings up your country's craven lack of resistance to evil.
Wrong. I have just in my previous post told you that Sweden's neutrality was not followed to the letter. And as far as our "craven lack of resistance to evil" there wasn't any pre-WW II neutral country that fought against the Nazis until after they were attacked, that includes your United Snakes, by the way. If your education taught you anything of substance you'd know that Sweden was never attacked and that the thousands upon thousands of refugees residing in Sweden (particularly the Jews) were saved from death.
I'm sorry you came from a country of cowards.
We volunteered to fight on all sides. You had to be drafted. To add salt to your wound I am myself a Vietnam War veteran, a volunteer. All of us Swedes who are war Veterans (since the end of the war against Napolean) are volunteers. We are allowed to do that because Sweden is (or at least was until recently) a true Democracy.
My Dad was born in Germany
That's not my fault.
and despite encountering anti-German discrimination much of his young life, still fought for the US Army against the Nazis.
Before or after the United Snakes was attacked? Yeah, that's what I thought ..... after. No bravery or "resistance to evil" by Dad then, eh?

NOTE: Is there any chance that you noticed this response of yours ignored every relevant issue to the dialogue leading up to this point? You're a loser, Chicken Boy. You'll always be a loser. :45:
As Swede, listening to JoeB131 telling you about Sweden, is much like me, as a Mormon, listening to him telling me about Mormonism.
Thank you, Bob. He was beginning to get under my skin but you have just now made me see a lighter, more humourous side to his buffoonery. Thank you. :bow2:
He clearly doesn't know shit about either, and purports to know more than we do, as an actual Swede and an actual Mormon.
He only knows the propaganda headlines which are often over-simplified and lead to disinformation. I've seen his line of trash talk (and even worse) a million times. My brother and his family are Mormons, by the way. :hhello:
You didn't even know Joseph Smith was fucking teenage girls until I told you about it.

Maybe you need to not listen to your community's propaganda.

Just like the Swedes like to pretend they were decent during WWII.
You've got the uncivilized manners of a mangy dog scrounging between dumpsters.
He was chased and the idiot tried to assault him and take his weapon.
Ah, so that's why he was shot in the back, then?
Wrong. I have just in my previous post told you that Sweden's neutrality was not followed to the letter. And as far as our "craven lack of resistance to evil" there wasn't any pre-WW II neutral country that fought against the Nazis until after they were attacked, that includes your United Snakes, by the way. If your education taught you anything of substance you'd know that Sweden was never attacked and that the thousands upon thousands of refugees residing in Sweden (particularly the Jews) were saved from death.
Well, that's not true, the British and French declared war on Germany because Poland was invaded. The US supported the UK well before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

The Swedes and Swiss were cowards who collaborated with the Nazis, there's nothing admirable about that.

Before or after the United Snakes was attacked? Yeah, that's what I thought ..... after. No bravery or "resistance to evil" by Dad then, eh?
Dad was 15 when Pearl Harbor was attacked, so I don't think he was singing up. Meanwhile the Swedes watched while the Nazis invaded countries all around them, murdered millions of people, and said, "How much can we make selling ball bearings the Nazi War Machine?

You've got the uncivilized manners of a mangy dog scrounging between dumpsters.

That's nice, you've moved beyond debate to name-calling. You do you, buddy.
I have just in my previous post told you that Sweden's neutrality was not followed to the letter. And as far as our "craven lack of resistance to evil" there wasn't any pre-WW II neutral country that fought against the Nazis until after they were attacked, that includes your United Snakes, by the way. If your education taught you anything of substance you'd know that Sweden was never attacked and that the thousands upon thousands of refugees residing in Sweden (particularly the Jews) were saved from death.

We volunteered to fight on all sides. You had to be drafted. To add salt to your wound I am myself a Vietnam War veteran, a volunteer. All of us Swedes who are war Veterans (since the end of the war against Napolean) are volunteers. We are allowed to do that because Sweden is (or at least was until recently) a true Democracy.

Well, that's not true ...
Oh yes, it is true.
... the British and French declared war on Germany because Poland was invaded.
And your point? It must be your total lack of English comprehension that is holding you back. Or is it your mentor (in lieu of your illiteracy) who hasn't read my post (above) in its entirety? Or is it a simple matter of not understanding the difference between "fighting" and "declaration"? Let me make it simple for you. Once they "declared war on Germany because Poland was invaded", how far into Poland did the British and French advance? Not an inch? That's right, not an inch.

The US supported the UK well before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Ooooo! "Supported"! What bullies they were! What about "the fight"? You know, the thing I said that you claim is "not true".
The Swedes and Swiss were cowards who collaborated with the Nazis, there's nothing admirable about that.
What a silly boy you are.
Dad was 15 when Pearl Harbor was attacked, so I don't think he was singing up.
Who cares? You're the one who is trying to find a way to see Daddy as a champion "fighter of evil" but now you finally admit that he didn't enlist. Leave the poor guy out of it. You are embarrassing him. If he were alive he'd apologize to me (on your behalf) and tan your hide for dragging him into your little kiddie tantrum. :auiqs.jpg:
Meanwhile the Swedes watched while the Nazis invaded countries all around them, murdered millions of people,
You have a bad memory. I told you that there wasn't any neutral nation that fought the Nazis until after they were invaded themselves. But in your adolescent mind, you think Sweden and Switzerland should have done what no other nation had done. Go back to the sandbox and play with your tinker toys.
... and said, "How much can we make selling ball bearings the Nazi War Machine?
Considering there was a war on I expect that more ball bearings were sold to Germany than before the war started. It's funny how children's minds work when twisted by misconceptions. Germany and Sweden (plus all of the Hansa group nations) have been business partners since before the New World was even discovered. If Germany is governed by Socialists, or Capitalists, or Christian Democrats, or the Greens, or Communists, or Nazi party, or any other political philosophy it is irrelevant to agreements and business contracts. Your own United Snakes was complacent in that manner by Ford Motor Company and Coca-Cola continuing doing business with "the Nazis". So suck on the pipe, Bonzo. :icon_sjung:
And your point? It must be your total lack of English comprehension that is holding you back. Or is it your mentor (in lieu of your illiteracy) who hasn't read my post (above) in its entirety? Or is it a simple matter of not understanding the difference between "fighting" and "declaration"? Let me make it simple for you. Once they "declared war on Germany because Poland was invaded", how far into Poland did the British and French advance? Not an inch? That's right, not an inch.

Point was that France and England weren't invaded, Poland was, after the UK wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check instead of telling them to negotiate with Germany on the Danzig corridor (which was rightfully German, anyway.)

Ooooo! "Supported"! What bullies they were! What about "the fight"? You know, the thing I said that you claim is "not true".
Actually, two American Destroyers were torpedoed by U-boats before the US formally entered the war. USS Reuben James and the USS Kearny.

Considering there was a war on I expect that more ball bearings were sold to Germany than before the war started. It's funny how children's minds work when twisted by misconceptions. Germany and Sweden (plus all of the Hansa group nations) have been business partners since before the New World was even discovered. If Germany is governed by Socialists, or Capitalists, or Christian Democrats, or the Greens, or Communists, or Nazi party, or any other political philosophy it is irrelevant to agreements and business contracts. Your own United Snakes was complacent in that manner by Ford Motor Company and Coca-Cola continuing doing business with "the Nazis". So suck on the pipe, Bonzo.

Point was, when the war started, they stopped. When the war started, the Swedes were "how much money can we make on this deal, and oh, yeah, let's send some volunteers to join the SS>

You have a bad memory. I told you that there wasn't any neutral nation that fought the Nazis until after they were invaded themselves. But in your adolescent mind, you think Sweden and Switzerland should have done what no other nation had done. Go back to the sandbox and play with your tinker toys.
That's simply not true, either. Not only did the UK and France declare war despite not being attacked, a number of nations that were not attacked still declared war on the Axis, including Mexico and Brazil.
Point was that France and England weren't invaded, Poland was, after the UK wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check instead of telling them to negotiate with Germany on the Danzig corridor (which was rightfully German, anyway.)

Actually, two American Destroyers were torpedoed by U-boats before the US formally entered the war. USS Reuben James and the USS Kearny.

Point was, when the war started, they stopped. When the war started, the Swedes were "how much money can we make on this deal, and oh, yeah, let's send some volunteers to join the SS>

That's simply not true, either. Not only did the UK and France declare war despite not being attacked, a number of nations that were not attacked still declared war on the Axis, including Mexico and Brazil.
:uhoh3: You are so irrelevant to any point of discussion that my socks fall off just seeing your intro. :icon_rolleyes:

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