America: “You have the RIGHT to an attorney”.....but not a doctor right guys?

they don't. What that article fails to accurately describe is that, yes, most bankruptcies include some medical bills, but no bankruptcies occur only because of medical bills. It also does not address the FACT that unpaid medical bills are almost always written off by the hospital or medical provider. Medical providers do not take people to court for unpaid medical bills.

your article is bullshit

Of course bankruptcies are because of medical bills. Yes, if you are going to file you are going to include everything but those other things are getting paid without the medical bills.

No one should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick.

no one files bankruptcy simply because they get sick. Thats a bullshit lie.
Happens all the time
What do you think happens with overwhelming medical bills?

they get written off by the medical provider, no one files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills. YOU are lying as you do every day on this board.
You think they just ignore massive medical bills?

That’s what collection agencies are for

yes, the hospital will make a half hearted effort to collect from you, but after a few months they will write it off.

The reason the medical bills are massive is because many people like you don't pay so those of us who do pay have to cover the slackers like you.
who are they? give us some valid stats, not propaganda.

We who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who cannot or will not. nothing new there. Why do you think your hospital charges you $5 for an aspirin? because they gave it free to the 50 in front of you in line.

I've provided the link.

you provided a link to a propaganda site, not a valid link to factual data.

It is true that most bankruptcy filings have some medical bills listed in them, But it is not true that americans are filing bankruptcy solely due to medical bills..

Nearly every single site you can find will state the same thing.
There's no dispute that most bankruptcies are caused by illness or loss of job causing loss of insurance

wrong again, most bankruptcies are the result of the person taking on more credit than he/she can ever pay back. Most bankruptcies are the result of insufficient cash flow, not being sick.

Of course, being sick doesn't help the cash flow.
Tell that to those who have to file bankruptcy over their medical bills.

Besides, why do you want them wrote off so that you end up paying for them?

who are they? give us some valid stats, not propaganda.

We who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who cannot or will not. nothing new there. Why do you think your hospital charges you $5 for an aspirin? because they gave it free to the 50 in front of you in line.

I've provided the link.

you provided a link to a propaganda site, not a valid link to factual data.

It is true that most bankruptcy filings have some medical bills listed in them, But it is not true that americans are filing bankruptcy solely due to medical bills..

Nearly every single site you can find will state the same thing.

yes, they will say that many bankruptcy filings have some medical bills in them, they will NOT say that many bankruptcies are filed for medical bills ONLY. that is the lie that you keep repeating.
Fat and stupid is no way to go through life, if you have an alternative.

1) Medical Expenses

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2019 found that 66.5% of bankruptcies in the U.S. were due to medical issues like being unable to pay high bills or due to time lost from work. Even with health insurance, high deductibles and copays, plus job loss, impact Americans.
Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt

But that does not mean that somehow forcing private insurance to pay for anything makes sense either. Even if a person has a chronic illness, they can qualify for Medicaid without impoverishing their family. But they won't be working if they're that sick.
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Look at history. After WW1, What did Germany do? Rebuild and launch WW2. We stayed in Europe to make sure it didn't happen again. If we had not, the European countries today would have much larger militaries, hoping to prevent yet another catastrophic conflict. Our presence helps to maintain order. History did not begin when you were born.

Germany did that because the rest of the world decided that Germany needed "punished" even further. That never works. I know history.
Good, then you would know that Germany hasn't been "punished" further. And you haven't addressed the obvious, that the countries around Germany would have much larger militaries today if we were not there.

Let them.
The point, which you labor to duck, is that if they spent far more on their militaries, they would not be able to afford socialized medicine to the extent they do, and you would not be able to point at them and say, "See, they can do it, so can we".

It's your theory not mine. We sure begged all these countries to use their militaries to help us out in Iraq.

Not that any of it did any good.
But you cannot refute my point, which is the size of our military presence in Europe makes it easier for European countries to spend more on socialized medicine.
Tell that to those who have to file bankruptcy over their medical bills.

Besides, why do you want them wrote off so that you end up paying for them?

who are they? give us some valid stats, not propaganda.

We who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who cannot or will not. nothing new there. Why do you think your hospital charges you $5 for an aspirin? because they gave it free to the 50 in front of you in line.

I've provided the link.

you provided a link to a propaganda site, not a valid link to factual data.

It is true that most bankruptcy filings have some medical bills listed in them, But it is not true that americans are filing bankruptcy solely due to medical bills..

Nearly every single site you can find will state the same thing.

yes, they will say that many bankruptcy filings have some medical bills in them, they will NOT say that many bankruptcies are filed for medical bills ONLY. that is the lie that you keep repeating.

I've covered this already.
who are they? give us some valid stats, not propaganda.

We who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who cannot or will not. nothing new there. Why do you think your hospital charges you $5 for an aspirin? because they gave it free to the 50 in front of you in line.

I've provided the link.

you provided a link to a propaganda site, not a valid link to factual data.

It is true that most bankruptcy filings have some medical bills listed in them, But it is not true that americans are filing bankruptcy solely due to medical bills..

Nearly every single site you can find will state the same thing.
There's no dispute that most bankruptcies are caused by illness or loss of job causing loss of insurance

wrong again, most bankruptcies are the result of the person taking on more credit than he/she can ever pay back. Most bankruptcies are the result of insufficient cash flow, not being sick.

Your opinion is noted and dismissed.
A bit hypocritical it would seem.
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

And yet it isn't.
Oh, yes it is. You really should use your time and energy on naive college kids like Bernie does. Educated people aren't gonna fall for that shit.

We will have UHC, the only question is when.

I hope we never have it because it won't be FREE and it won't be even close to the quality we have today. You, in your inane ignorance, think you won't have to pay for it, but you will, your taxes will go up in every tax bracket and not by just a little, by a lot.

Despite me saying over and over that it's not free, that is just desperate spin out of you and I am willing to pay.
Of course bankruptcies are because of medical bills. Yes, if you are going to file you are going to include everything but those other things are getting paid without the medical bills.

No one should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick.

no one files bankruptcy simply because they get sick. Thats a bullshit lie.
Happens all the time
What do you think happens with overwhelming medical bills?

they get written off by the medical provider, no one files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills. YOU are lying as you do every day on this board.
You think they just ignore massive medical bills?

That’s what collection agencies are for

yes, the hospital will make a half hearted effort to collect from you, but after a few months they will write it off.

The reason the medical bills are massive is because many people like you don't pay so those of us who do pay have to cover the slackers like you.

So why are you so against reform? As you note, you are paying now anyway.
But you cannot refute my point, which is the size of our military presence in Europe makes it easier for European countries to spend more on socialized medicine.

So essentially, we’re funding Europes’ healthcare system by default.

How good of us!

And whatever happened to America first?
Germany did that because the rest of the world decided that Germany needed "punished" even further. That never works. I know history.
Good, then you would know that Germany hasn't been "punished" further. And you haven't addressed the obvious, that the countries around Germany would have much larger militaries today if we were not there.

Let them.
The point, which you labor to duck, is that if they spent far more on their militaries, they would not be able to afford socialized medicine to the extent they do, and you would not be able to point at them and say, "See, they can do it, so can we".

It's your theory not mine. We sure begged all these countries to use their militaries to help us out in Iraq.

Not that any of it did any good.
But you cannot refute my point, which is the size of our military presence in Europe makes it easier for European countries to spend more on socialized medicine.

I disagree. First because they are not spending more on health care. They are spending less than us but covering everyone.
Of course bankruptcies are because of medical bills. Yes, if you are going to file you are going to include everything but those other things are getting paid without the medical bills.

No one should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick.

no one files bankruptcy simply because they get sick. Thats a bullshit lie.
Happens all the time
What do you think happens with overwhelming medical bills?

they get written off by the medical provider, no one files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills. YOU are lying as you do every day on this board.
You think they just ignore massive medical bills?

That’s what collection agencies are for

yes, the hospital will make a half hearted effort to collect from you, but after a few months they will write it off.

The reason the medical bills are massive is because many people like you don't pay so those of us who do pay have to cover the slackers like you.
But if it was all free nobody would have to pay.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime.

You can be entitled to a doctor just as soon as the state accuses you of being a disease.

Most US laws, and Constitutional protections, particularly the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendment, are there to protect you FROM the government and abuses by the state.

The Constitution makes no promises to protect you from Mother Nature.

Yup. You won't find charity in the Constitution either.

You also won't find one word about health care being a right.

The Op is a liberal idiot without one ounce of common sense.
What we have here is a back-door argument to make healthcare a right. There is no reference in the Constitution for that, but there is for our rights to justice under the law. The 5th and 6th Amendments require a fair trial and the right to legal counsel in criminal matters, and so we the people provide that via our tax dollars at all levels of gov't. In truth, public defenders and the like ain't really that good, so you kinda get what you pay for. It's a little bit like letting a person operate on you when he/she is in their 2nd year of medical school. So, free legal services isn't all that wonderful. And it ain't all that expensive either, relative to healthcare.

Which is why we don't have a right to health-care; the plain and ugly truth is that we can't afford it in this country. We do require health service providers to treat people in ERs and clinics in some places, and if a state or city wants to provide universal healthcare for all, they can have at it. But not even the bluest states can do it. Why? Because it's too Goddamned expensive. Not even Bernie Sanders himself really knows, or if he does then he ain't sayin':

“Your agenda has promised free health care for everybody, free college tuition, and to pay off peoples’ college loans. The price tag for that is estimated to be $60 trillion dollars over ten years. Is that correct?” asked Norah O’Donnell of CBS Evening News.

“Well look, we have political opponents…” Sanders began before being cut off and pressed on the question.

“You don’t know how much your plan costs?” O’Donnell responded.

“You don’t know. Nobody knows. This is impossible to predict,” Sanders conceded, leaving O’Donnell stunned.

“You’re going to propose a plan to the American people and you’re not going to tell them how much it costs?” O’Donnell exclaimed.

“You don't know how much your plan costs?"@BernieSanders: "You don't know. Nobody knows. This is impossible to predict."

Sanders’ comments follow previous statements he made last October, in which he argued that he doesn’t have to explain how to pay for socialized medicine.

When asked by then-CNBC’s John Harwood – who unsurprisingly now works at CNN – how a Sanders administration would generate the required revenue for the program, Sanders dismissed the question.

“You’re asking me to come up with an exact detailed plan of how every American – how much you’re going to pay more in taxes, how much I’m going to pay. I don’t think I have to do that right now,” Sanders responded.

Bernie Sanders: 'I Don't Know How Much My Plans Are Going To Cost'

Current estimates run between $30 - $40 trillion over the next 10 years for UHC, and guess what? Everybody is going to have to pay a heckuva lot more in taxes, not just the rich guys. All these countries that have it now, they pay 50-60% in taxes, and that's every freakin' body. Personally, I think Sanders has a pretty good idea of what it'll cost in higher taxes, but he's not honest enough to tell us about it.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime.

You can be entitled to a doctor just as soon as the state accuses you of being a disease.

Most US laws, and Constitutional protections, particularly the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendment, are there to protect you FROM the government and abuses by the state.

The Constitution makes no promises to protect you from Mother Nature.

Yup. You won't find charity in the Constitution either.

You also won't find one word about health care being a right.

The Op is a liberal idiot without one ounce of common sense.

You won't find bail outs either.
Good, then you would know that Germany hasn't been "punished" further. And you haven't addressed the obvious, that the countries around Germany would have much larger militaries today if we were not there.

Let them.
The point, which you labor to duck, is that if they spent far more on their militaries, they would not be able to afford socialized medicine to the extent they do, and you would not be able to point at them and say, "See, they can do it, so can we".

It's your theory not mine. We sure begged all these countries to use their militaries to help us out in Iraq.

Not that any of it did any good.
But you cannot refute my point, which is the size of our military presence in Europe makes it easier for European countries to spend more on socialized medicine.

I disagree. First because they are not spending more on health care. They are spending less than us but covering everyone.

At what quality of care? How long do you have to wait for routine treatment that in this country you get right away? How often do you hear that you're too old to get treatment for something? These are all things we don't often worry about here.
Let them.
The point, which you labor to duck, is that if they spent far more on their militaries, they would not be able to afford socialized medicine to the extent they do, and you would not be able to point at them and say, "See, they can do it, so can we".

It's your theory not mine. We sure begged all these countries to use their militaries to help us out in Iraq.

Not that any of it did any good.
But you cannot refute my point, which is the size of our military presence in Europe makes it easier for European countries to spend more on socialized medicine.

I disagree. First because they are not spending more on health care. They are spending less than us but covering everyone.

At what quality of care? How long do you have to wait for routine treatment that in this country you get right away? How often do you hear that you're too old to get treatment for something? These are all things we don't often worry about here.

Some get it right away. Some can't get it. As far as "too old" the new system will be the same one that "old" people are under now and yes, for profit insurance also denies coverages.
We do require health service providers to treat people in ERs and clinics in some places,

Which has led to ERs all over the country being swamped with tummy aches and skinned knees.

Health care that the user perceives as 'free' will be abused.
That's true. He also said socialist healthcare is slavery.

A bit hypocritical it would seem.
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

And yet it isn't.
Oh, yes it is. You really should use your time and energy on naive college kids like Bernie does. Educated people aren't gonna fall for that shit.

We will have UHC, the only question is when.
I don't think so. The Democrat party isn't going for it.
A bit hypocritical it would seem.
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

And yet it isn't.
Oh, yes it is. You really should use your time and energy on naive college kids like Bernie does. Educated people aren't gonna fall for that shit.

We will have UHC, the only question is when.
I don't think so. The Democrat party isn't going for it.

Doesn't matter.

70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all—here's how single-payer could affect you
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

And yet it isn't.
Oh, yes it is. You really should use your time and energy on naive college kids like Bernie does. Educated people aren't gonna fall for that shit.

We will have UHC, the only question is when.
I don't think so. The Democrat party isn't going for it.

Doesn't matter.

70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all—here's how single-payer could affect you
Not gonna happen. Bernie is going down.

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