America: “You have the RIGHT to an attorney”.....but not a doctor right guys?

Why should we ruin our nation just because others did? Take care of yourself. It's not the job of government to take care of you.

Why would it ruin the "greatest nation in the world" when it hasn't ruined every other first world country?
The people are subjects of the big brother government. The government totally runs their lives. Move to one of those countries. Please.

Ask the Canadians here if the government runs their life.
Many Canadians come to the USA or other places when they need surgery.

Rand Paul went to Canada to get surgery but that isn't the point that was made.
That's true. He also said socialist healthcare is slavery.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.

No chance
And many of those countries depend on our military spending to afford it. Think about how much more France, Italy, and Greece for example, would be paying for defense if the US didn't have a strong presence in Europe. Add to that the billions that we pump into their economies and they can afford socialized medicine. Take us out of the equation and they wouldn't be able to spend as much. That's obvious.

Our presence isn't there to protect these other countries.

Who is going to attack Germany?

Look at history. After WW1, What did Germany do? Rebuild and launch WW2. We stayed in Europe to make sure it didn't happen again. If we had not, the European countries today would have much larger militaries, hoping to prevent yet another catastrophic conflict. Our presence helps to maintain order. History did not begin when you were born.

Germany did that because the rest of the world decided that Germany needed "punished" even further. That never works. I know history.
Good, then you would know that Germany hasn't been "punished" further. And you haven't addressed the obvious, that the countries around Germany would have much larger militaries today if we were not there.
Link to your source.

Because you provided a link to your claims?
Common knowledge. Your claim that government run healthcare for everyone will cost less than now is a lie.

Factually it can't be a lie. But if you want to claim that we can't do what every other first world country and some third countries have done already you are free to feel that.
Why should we ruin our nation just because others did? Take care of yourself. It's not the job of government to take care of you.

Why would it ruin the "greatest nation in the world" when it hasn't ruined every other first world country?
Because there isn't another US to help us the way we have helped them.
Yeah about that...Um I'm 63 and haven't needed either. If you don't do drugs or taunt cops, its amazing how far you can go.

Good for you. But if you're not going to the doctor and monitoring your health, the great likelihood is that you're not in great shape. You may have undiagnosed high blood pressure, or heart disease. You must not have had children either, which leaves you at higher risk for some forms of cancer. Those who don't go to the doctor tend to have much shorter lives than those who do. Not going to the doctor is one of the main reasons why women outlive men by a reasonable number of years.

Yesterday, I made an appointment for my mammogram. Not my favourite thing, but it's been too long since my last one. I'm also staying close to home until this Colvid19 is gone.
Yeah about that...Um I'm 63 and haven't needed either. If you don't do drugs or taunt cops, its amazing how far you can go.

Good for you. But if you're not going to the doctor and monitoring your health, the great likelihood is that you're not in great shape. You may have undiagnosed high blood pressure, or heart disease. You must not have had children either, which leaves you at higher risk for some forms of cancer. Those who don't go to the doctor tend to have much shorter lives than those who do. Not going to the doctor is one of the main reasons why women outlive men by a reasonable number of years.

Yesterday, I made an appointment for my mammogram. Not my favourite thing, but it's been too long since my last one. I'm also staying close to home until this Colvid19 is gone.
Innerweb Doctors are cute.
And they send you a bill. Which isnt free. Attorneys are free

You continue to try and equate the two issues.

I'll ask you again:

1) Where in the Constitution are you guaranteed free health care?

2) Where in the Constitution are you guaranteed to have legal council?

What is a "legal council"? Are you expecting an entire TEAM of lawyers be available to the accused? Or did you mean "legal counsel"?

If you're entitled to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", all of these things are pretty difficult to do when you're sick.

And because of your backward laws and employment practices, your economy is an epidemic waiting to happen. Consider this:

1. More than half the families in America are only one paycheck away from fiscal disaster. Few have either the cash or credit to withstand a $500 emergency.

2. When people that close to the financial edge, get sick, they drag their sorry butts to work because they don't have paid sick leave and they can't afford to get sick. They will work as long as they possibly can, spreading whatever it is they have, to their co-workers, customers, or random people on the bus or subway.

3. They also can't afford to go to the doctor, so they won't go to the doctor or emergency. They'll try to get by on cough syrup and asprin, until they get too sick to get out of bed, and then they'll go to emergency.

4. Front line health care workers - those working in hospitals and emergency rooms, walk-in clinics, are most at risk from this virus. If they start getting sick, you're screwed.

5. Donald Trump has no idea what he's doing, and he fired all the people who were hired to deal with this. The CDC is only STARTING to distribute tests for the virus on MONDAY - NEXT WEEK. Less than 400 people in the USA have been tested because Americans have no tests for the virus. This should have been done a month ago.

Trump has no plan - that was clear from his farce of a press conference. Americans need a President who puts people ahead of his poll numbers and the stock market.
Why would it ruin the "greatest nation in the world" when it hasn't ruined every other first world country?
The people are subjects of the big brother government. The government totally runs their lives. Move to one of those countries. Please.

Ask the Canadians here if the government runs their life.
Many Canadians come to the USA or other places when they need surgery.

Rand Paul went to Canada to get surgery but that isn't the point that was made.
That's true. He also said socialist healthcare is slavery.

A bit hypocritical it would seem.
Our presence isn't there to protect these other countries.

Who is going to attack Germany?

Look at history. After WW1, What did Germany do? Rebuild and launch WW2. We stayed in Europe to make sure it didn't happen again. If we had not, the European countries today would have much larger militaries, hoping to prevent yet another catastrophic conflict. Our presence helps to maintain order. History did not begin when you were born.

Germany did that because the rest of the world decided that Germany needed "punished" even further. That never works. I know history.
Good, then you would know that Germany hasn't been "punished" further. And you haven't addressed the obvious, that the countries around Germany would have much larger militaries today if we were not there.

Let them.
Because you provided a link to your claims?
Common knowledge. Your claim that government run healthcare for everyone will cost less than now is a lie.

Factually it can't be a lie. But if you want to claim that we can't do what every other first world country and some third countries have done already you are free to feel that.
Why should we ruin our nation just because others did? Take care of yourself. It's not the job of government to take care of you.

Why would it ruin the "greatest nation in the world" when it hasn't ruined every other first world country?
Because there isn't another US to help us the way we have helped them.

We destroy far more than we help.
The people are subjects of the big brother government. The government totally runs their lives. Move to one of those countries. Please.

Ask the Canadians here if the government runs their life.
Many Canadians come to the USA or other places when they need surgery.

Rand Paul went to Canada to get surgery but that isn't the point that was made.
That's true. He also said socialist healthcare is slavery.

A bit hypocritical it would seem.
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

Who is going to attack Germany?

Look at history. After WW1, What did Germany do? Rebuild and launch WW2. We stayed in Europe to make sure it didn't happen again. If we had not, the European countries today would have much larger militaries, hoping to prevent yet another catastrophic conflict. Our presence helps to maintain order. History did not begin when you were born.

Germany did that because the rest of the world decided that Germany needed "punished" even further. That never works. I know history.
Good, then you would know that Germany hasn't been "punished" further. And you haven't addressed the obvious, that the countries around Germany would have much larger militaries today if we were not there.

Let them.
The point, which you labor to duck, is that if they spent far more on their militaries, they would not be able to afford socialized medicine to the extent they do, and you would not be able to point at them and say, "See, they can do it, so can we".
Ask the Canadians here if the government runs their life.
Many Canadians come to the USA or other places when they need surgery.

Rand Paul went to Canada to get surgery but that isn't the point that was made.
That's true. He also said socialist healthcare is slavery.

A bit hypocritical it would seem.
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

And yet it isn't.
Many Canadians come to the USA or other places when they need surgery.

Rand Paul went to Canada to get surgery but that isn't the point that was made.
That's true. He also said socialist healthcare is slavery.

A bit hypocritical it would seem.
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

And yet it isn't.
Oh, yes it is. You really should use your time and energy on naive college kids like Bernie does. Educated people aren't gonna fall for that shit.
Who is going to attack Germany?

Look at history. After WW1, What did Germany do? Rebuild and launch WW2. We stayed in Europe to make sure it didn't happen again. If we had not, the European countries today would have much larger militaries, hoping to prevent yet another catastrophic conflict. Our presence helps to maintain order. History did not begin when you were born.

Germany did that because the rest of the world decided that Germany needed "punished" even further. That never works. I know history.
Good, then you would know that Germany hasn't been "punished" further. And you haven't addressed the obvious, that the countries around Germany would have much larger militaries today if we were not there.

Let them.
The point, which you labor to duck, is that if they spent far more on their militaries, they would not be able to afford socialized medicine to the extent they do, and you would not be able to point at them and say, "See, they can do it, so can we".

It's your theory not mine. We sure begged all these countries to use their militaries to help us out in Iraq.

Not that any of it did any good.
Rand Paul went to Canada to get surgery but that isn't the point that was made.
That's true. He also said socialist healthcare is slavery.

A bit hypocritical it would seem.
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

And yet it isn't.
Oh, yes it is. You really should use your time and energy on naive college kids like Bernie does. Educated people aren't gonna fall for that shit.

We will have UHC, the only question is when.
they get written off by the medical provider, no one files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills. YOU are lying as you do every day on this board.

Tell that to those who have to file bankruptcy over their medical bills.

Besides, why do you want them wrote off so that you end up paying for them?

who are they? give us some valid stats, not propaganda.

We who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who cannot or will not. nothing new there. Why do you think your hospital charges you $5 for an aspirin? because they gave it free to the 50 in front of you in line.

I've provided the link.

you provided a link to a propaganda site, not a valid link to factual data.

It is true that most bankruptcy filings have some medical bills listed in them, But it is not true that americans are filing bankruptcy solely due to medical bills..

Nearly every single site you can find will state the same thing.

yes, they will say that many bankruptcy filings have some medical bills in them, they will NOT say that many bankruptcies are filed for medical bills ONLY. that is the lie that you keep repeating.
Tell that to those who have to file bankruptcy over their medical bills.

Besides, why do you want them wrote off so that you end up paying for them?

who are they? give us some valid stats, not propaganda.

We who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who cannot or will not. nothing new there. Why do you think your hospital charges you $5 for an aspirin? because they gave it free to the 50 in front of you in line.

I've provided the link.

you provided a link to a propaganda site, not a valid link to factual data.

It is true that most bankruptcy filings have some medical bills listed in them, But it is not true that americans are filing bankruptcy solely due to medical bills..

Nearly every single site you can find will state the same thing.
There's no dispute that most bankruptcies are caused by illness or loss of job causing loss of insurance

wrong again, most bankruptcies are the result of the person taking on more credit than he/she can ever pay back. Most bankruptcies are the result of insufficient cash flow, not being sick.
That's true. He also said socialist healthcare is slavery.

A bit hypocritical it would seem.
No kidding. I'm surprised you used him as an example. The truth is for the average Canadian and other countries with socialist healthcare the waiting time for surgery is months.

And yet it isn't.
Oh, yes it is. You really should use your time and energy on naive college kids like Bernie does. Educated people aren't gonna fall for that shit.

We will have UHC, the only question is when.

I hope we never have it because it won't be FREE and it won't be even close to the quality we have today. You, in your inane ignorance, think you won't have to pay for it, but you will, your taxes will go up in every tax bracket and not by just a little, by a lot.
And they send you a bill. Which isnt free. Attorneys are free

You continue to try and equate the two issues.

I'll ask you again:

1) Where in the Constitution are you guaranteed free health care?

2) Where in the Constitution are you guaranteed to have legal council?

What is a "legal council"? Are you expecting an entire TEAM of lawyers be available to the accused? Or did you mean "legal counsel"?

If you're entitled to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", all of these things are pretty difficult to do when you're sick.

And because of your backward laws and employment practices, your economy is an epidemic waiting to happen. Consider this:

1. More than half the families in America are only one paycheck away from fiscal disaster. Few have either the cash or credit to withstand a $500 emergency.

2. When people that close to the financial edge, get sick, they drag their sorry butts to work because they don't have paid sick leave and they can't afford to get sick. They will work as long as they possibly can, spreading whatever it is they have, to their co-workers, customers, or random people on the bus or subway.

3. They also can't afford to go to the doctor, so they won't go to the doctor or emergency. They'll try to get by on cough syrup and asprin, until they get too sick to get out of bed, and then they'll go to emergency.

4. Front line health care workers - those working in hospitals and emergency rooms, walk-in clinics, are most at risk from this virus. If they start getting sick, you're screwed.

5. Donald Trump has no idea what he's doing, and he fired all the people who were hired to deal with this. The CDC is only STARTING to distribute tests for the virus on MONDAY - NEXT WEEK. Less than 400 people in the USA have been tested because Americans have no tests for the virus. This should have been done a month ago.

Trump has no plan - that was clear from his farce of a press conference. Americans need a President who puts people ahead of his poll numbers and the stock market.

not a word of your post is true. go away you are boring

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