American Extremism

Depends on what you call domestic terrorists. If you mean those with an ideological agenda, such as the Bundy's and McVeigh, then, since 9-11, there really haven't been that many. If you mean loonies with a gun, there have been all too many.

As for the ones like the Bundy's, I think that the rants at the end of that occupation were so way out there, that may discourage more of that nonsense. They all looked like total loons by the time the occupation of the Refuge ended.
In the UK we have extremists who like to march with flags and spout hate on a saturday afternoon. But it is extremely rare for it to spill over into actually killing people.Do you think that there is any way that the Bundy types would escalate their protest into actual violence ? If not they are a long way from being on the same page as McVeigh.

Well, yes. The left-wing in our country celebrated one of these protesters being killed, in the name of oppressive government.

You have to remember what inspired this. The government refused to give Cliven Bundy permits to graze his cattle, on Federal Land. Now given the Federal Government owns 85% of the land in Nevada, basically the government sentenced Bundy to impoverishment.

How would you respond to that? If your livelihood depended on land, and government owned nearly all the land, and at the same time refused to allow you to use it.... What do you do? Just accept it, and roll over and die?

So these people are pissed off, and rightly so. Now they got control of a tiny lodge, and protested the Federal Government dictating their lives. Big whoopty doo.

But the way the government responded was to shoot one of them. Eventually we will find out if that was in self defense, or if it was an execution. I doubt it was an execution. That's my personal opinion.

But.... the way the left has responded to this.... not good. Not very smart. Kind of like Palestine on 9/11.

Now again, if your the one who is being ruined by the Federal Govenrment, which owns all the land, and is telling you to roll over and die, and then you protest that, and you get shot, and people celebrate it................

Well CRAP! What do you think is going to happen?? I would not be all that surprised if things didn't get violent. And I wouldn't blame them much.
The Boston bombers were Muslim. The guy who killed the military recruiters was Muslim. The Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim. Need I go on? Cliven Bundy killed nobody. The Oregon refuge militia guys killed no one!
So are you saying that patriot militias have no links with any form of extremism, other than their own ?

Most of them are no more than drinking clubs of limited membership that sit around fantasizing "Red Dawn" and get uppity when they start believing their own hype. They are important only because of the coverage mainstream media affords them in an attempt to connect all together into a monolithic right-wing political threat in the public's eyes.

If something ever pops here, it will be nationwide, and not to be ignored.
Cheers, that is what I am trying to get my head around. So there isnt an umbrella group that bonds them all together ?

You really have no clue as to what you are blathering about, do you?
Well at my age I have a right to be a bit confused !
I am trying to understand what would motivate an American to kill other Americans. The Charleston killings,for example, look to be politically motivated by a right wing extremist. The Bundy club seem to garner support from right wingers.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.

Well, you would be wrong.

Those people are mentally ill and need psychiatric help.
The Boston bombers were Muslim. The guy who killed the military recruiters was Muslim. The Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim. Need I go on? Cliven Bundy killed nobody. The Oregon refuge militia guys killed no one!
So are you saying that patriot militias have no links with any form of extremism, other than their own ?

Most of them are no more than drinking clubs of limited membership that sit around fantasizing "Red Dawn" and get uppity when they start believing their own hype. They are important only because of the coverage mainstream media affords them in an attempt to connect all together into a monolithic right-wing political threat in the public's eyes.

If something ever pops here, it will be nationwide, and not to be ignored.
Cheers, that is what I am trying to get my head around. So there isnt an umbrella group that bonds them all together ?

You really have no clue as to what you are blathering about, do you?
Well at my age I have a right to be a bit confused !
I am trying to understand what would motivate an American to kill other Americans. The Charleston killings,for example, look to be politically motivated by a right wing extremist. The Bundy club seem to garner support from right wingers.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.
No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.
The Boston bombers were Muslim. The guy who killed the military recruiters was Muslim. The Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim. Need I go on? Cliven Bundy killed nobody. The Oregon refuge militia guys killed no one!
So are you saying that patriot militias have no links with any form of extremism, other than their own ?

Most of them are no more than drinking clubs of limited membership that sit around fantasizing "Red Dawn" and get uppity when they start believing their own hype. They are important only because of the coverage mainstream media affords them in an attempt to connect all together into a monolithic right-wing political threat in the public's eyes.

If something ever pops here, it will be nationwide, and not to be ignored.
Cheers, that is what I am trying to get my head around. So there isnt an umbrella group that bonds them all together ?

You really have no clue as to what you are blathering about, do you?
Well at my age I have a right to be a bit confused !
I am trying to understand what would motivate an American to kill other Americans. The Charleston killings,for example, look to be politically motivated by a right wing extremist. The Bundy club seem to garner support from right wingers.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.

That's what the Democrats want the world, and especially their voting sheep here, to believe. "The mainstream media", which leans heavily towards the Democrats, is more than happy to accommodate their propaganda needs. After all, chaos sells.

The Democratic Party has in the last 15 years or so drifted into hardcore socialism bordering on totalitarianism, which is diametrically opposed to our Constitution. They have for all practical purposes become a domestically-produced interloper.

A virus, if you will.
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Depends on what you call domestic terrorists. If you mean those with an ideological agenda, such as the Bundy's and McVeigh, then, since 9-11, there really haven't been that many. If you mean loonies with a gun, there have been all too many.

As for the ones like the Bundy's, I think that the rants at the end of that occupation were so way out there, that may discourage more of that nonsense. They all looked like total loons by the time the occupation of the Refuge ended.
In the UK we have extremists who like to march with flags and spout hate on a saturday afternoon. But it is extremely rare for it to spill over into actually killing people.Do you think that there is any way that the Bundy types would escalate their protest into actual violence ? If not they are a long way from being on the same page as McVeigh.

Well, yes. The left-wing in our country celebrated one of these protesters being killed, in the name of oppressive government.

You have to remember what inspired this. The government refused to give Cliven Bundy permits to graze his cattle, on Federal Land. Now given the Federal Government owns 85% of the land in Nevada, basically the government sentenced Bundy to impoverishment.

How would you respond to that? If your livelihood depended on land, and government owned nearly all the land, and at the same time refused to allow you to use it.... What do you do? Just accept it, and roll over and die?

So these people are pissed off, and rightly so. Now they got control of a tiny lodge, and protested the Federal Government dictating their lives. Big whoopty doo.

But the way the government responded was to shoot one of them. Eventually we will find out if that was in self defense, or if it was an execution. I doubt it was an execution. That's my personal opinion.

But.... the way the left has responded to this.... not good. Not very smart. Kind of like Palestine on 9/11.

Now again, if your the one who is being ruined by the Federal Govenrment, which owns all the land, and is telling you to roll over and die, and then you protest that, and you get shot, and people celebrate it................

Well CRAP! What do you think is going to happen?? I would not be all that surprised if things didn't get violent. And I wouldn't blame them much.
Thanks for the clarification. My understanding was that Mr Bundy was allowed to graze his cattle but refused to pay the fees for doing so. Perhaps the truth gets lost sometimes ?
So are you saying that patriot militias have no links with any form of extremism, other than their own ?

Most of them are no more than drinking clubs of limited membership that sit around fantasizing "Red Dawn" and get uppity when they start believing their own hype. They are important only because of the coverage mainstream media affords them in an attempt to connect all together into a monolithic right-wing political threat in the public's eyes.

If something ever pops here, it will be nationwide, and not to be ignored.
Cheers, that is what I am trying to get my head around. So there isnt an umbrella group that bonds them all together ?

You really have no clue as to what you are blathering about, do you?
Well at my age I have a right to be a bit confused !
I am trying to understand what would motivate an American to kill other Americans. The Charleston killings,for example, look to be politically motivated by a right wing extremist. The Bundy club seem to garner support from right wingers.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.
No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.
So the Charleston attack was a legitimate act of resistance ?
Most of them are no more than drinking clubs of limited membership that sit around fantasizing "Red Dawn" and get uppity when they start believing their own hype. They are important only because of the coverage mainstream media affords them in an attempt to connect all together into a monolithic right-wing political threat in the public's eyes.

If something ever pops here, it will be nationwide, and not to be ignored.
Cheers, that is what I am trying to get my head around. So there isnt an umbrella group that bonds them all together ?

You really have no clue as to what you are blathering about, do you?
Well at my age I have a right to be a bit confused !
I am trying to understand what would motivate an American to kill other Americans. The Charleston killings,for example, look to be politically motivated by a right wing extremist. The Bundy club seem to garner support from right wingers.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.
No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.
So the Charleston attack was a legitimate act of resistance ?
Resistance from what?
Cheers, that is what I am trying to get my head around. So there isnt an umbrella group that bonds them all together ?

You really have no clue as to what you are blathering about, do you?
Well at my age I have a right to be a bit confused !
I am trying to understand what would motivate an American to kill other Americans. The Charleston killings,for example, look to be politically motivated by a right wing extremist. The Bundy club seem to garner support from right wingers.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.
No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.
So the Charleston attack was a legitimate act of resistance ?
Resistance from what?
a feral savage entity called the Negro
Depends on what you call domestic terrorists. If you mean those with an ideological agenda, such as the Bundy's and McVeigh, then, since 9-11, there really haven't been that many. If you mean loonies with a gun, there have been all too many.

As for the ones like the Bundy's, I think that the rants at the end of that occupation were so way out there, that may discourage more of that nonsense. They all looked like total loons by the time the occupation of the Refuge ended.
In the UK we have extremists who like to march with flags and spout hate on a saturday afternoon. But it is extremely rare for it to spill over into actually killing people.Do you think that there is any way that the Bundy types would escalate their protest into actual violence ? If not they are a long way from being on the same page as McVeigh.

Well, yes. The left-wing in our country celebrated one of these protesters being killed, in the name of oppressive government.

You have to remember what inspired this. The government refused to give Cliven Bundy permits to graze his cattle, on Federal Land. Now given the Federal Government owns 85% of the land in Nevada, basically the government sentenced Bundy to impoverishment.

How would you respond to that? If your livelihood depended on land, and government owned nearly all the land, and at the same time refused to allow you to use it.... What do you do? Just accept it, and roll over and die?

So these people are pissed off, and rightly so. Now they got control of a tiny lodge, and protested the Federal Government dictating their lives. Big whoopty doo.

But the way the government responded was to shoot one of them. Eventually we will find out if that was in self defense, or if it was an execution. I doubt it was an execution. That's my personal opinion.

But.... the way the left has responded to this.... not good. Not very smart. Kind of like Palestine on 9/11.

Now again, if your the one who is being ruined by the Federal Govenrment, which owns all the land, and is telling you to roll over and die, and then you protest that, and you get shot, and people celebrate it................

Well CRAP! What do you think is going to happen?? I would not be all that surprised if things didn't get violent. And I wouldn't blame them much.
Thanks for the clarification. My understanding was that Mr Bundy was allowed to graze his cattle but refused to pay the fees for doing so. Perhaps the truth gets lost sometimes ?

The Bundy situation is very simple. When Bundy's family took control of their land an old surveying method was used which relied upon using natural landmarks. A stream which had been used as the property line shifted course leaving Bundy with less land. By that time there were more modern methods for surveying but the government wanted the old one to stay in effect, big surprise it benefits them. Bundy didn't accept that and believed that the land in question is still his land. That's what the fight is over and Bundy has a point.
The Boston bombers were Muslim. The guy who killed the military recruiters was Muslim. The Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim. Need I go on? Cliven Bundy killed nobody. The Oregon refuge militia guys killed no one!
So are you saying that patriot militias have no links with any form of extremism, other than their own ?

Most of them are no more than drinking clubs of limited membership that sit around fantasizing "Red Dawn" and get uppity when they start believing their own hype. They are important only because of the coverage mainstream media affords them in an attempt to connect all together into a monolithic right-wing political threat in the public's eyes.

If something ever pops here, it will be nationwide, and not to be ignored.
Cheers, that is what I am trying to get my head around. So there isnt an umbrella group that bonds them all together ?

You really have no clue as to what you are blathering about, do you?
Well at my age I have a right to be a bit confused !
I am trying to understand what would motivate an American to kill other Americans. The Charleston killings,for example, look to be politically motivated by a right wing extremist. The Bundy club seem to garner support from right wingers.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.
That's because that's what makes it past your political filters. The fact is that liberalism is the threat, not a hand full of loons. The Charleston shooter was a racist. You want to broad brush him as the right wing. That's intellectually dishonest. That's not what the right stands for.

Look at the violence in any large city and it doesn't compare. Hundreds are murdered each year but it isn't as sensational. Most of the shooters have been libs, not right wingers. many just spoiled babies throwing the ultimate temper tantrum to get back at the world.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.

Neo Nazis are criminal, not political. They talk a little bit about politics but they really just commit robberies and sell drugs. There are other gangs who are way more dangerous than the so-called Nazis.
There are some who see White American extremism as a bigger threat to America than any external form of terrorism.

My understanding is that since 9/11 there have been more incidents, and deaths, in America caused by domestic terrorists than Jihadis.

Most recently there has been an incident in Oregon where armed men occupied public buildings and threatened all manner of nonsense if their demands were not met.

These people call themselves “patriots” seemingly to give themselves a coating of respectability. In reality they appear to be a lumpen crew of weekend warriors with a changeable agenda of grievances.

Still they seem to have a measure of support and some have defended their actions.

My question is this.

What is the state of play amongst American extremists ?

What do they all want ?

Is there a link ,in ideology, between atrocities like Oklahoma,Charleston and Oregon ? Are the KKK and other nazis a part of this ?

Are Patriots at the “acceptable” end of the extremist spectrum ? From this distance they look a bit absurd but they do own guns and must be considered dangerous.

Do they have widespread support ?

Whats going on ?

Why would you not include the 9/11 attacks? Seems to be a standard for liberal shitheads to bypass that in order to more "fair" to Muslims.

Second, the vast majority of murders done in America are by blacks and Latinos. Without them, we have lower murder rates than Euro countries.

The Oregon bunch didn't attack anyone, and they aren't threatening anyone. I don't agree with how they are protesting, but it is just a protest.

Actual terrorism, attacks with political or religious motivation, is still perpetrated by Muslims more than anyone else.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.

Neo Nazis are criminal, not political. They talk a little bit about politics but they really just commit robberies and sell drugs. There are other gangs who are way more dangerous than the so-called Nazis.
If they have an ideology then it is political. Why else are they there ?
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.

Neo Nazis are criminal, not political. They talk a little bit about politics but they really just commit robberies and sell drugs. There are other gangs who are way more dangerous than the so-called Nazis.
If they have an ideology then it is political. Why else are they there ?

I told you why they're there, they make money through criminal enterprise. The white power window dressing is there to attract recruits but they are not a political force in this country and they're not even trying to be.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.

Neo Nazis are criminal, not political. They talk a little bit about politics but they really just commit robberies and sell drugs. There are other gangs who are way more dangerous than the so-called Nazis.
If they have an ideology then it is political. Why else are they there ?

I told you why they're there, they make money through criminal enterprise. The white power window dressing is there to attract recruits but they are not a political force in this country and they're not even trying to be.
The kid responsible for the Charleston atrocity didnt seem to have any agenda other than killing black people. Where was he making money from it ?
There are some who see White American extremism as a bigger threat to America than any external form of terrorism.

My understanding is that since 9/11 there have been more incidents, and deaths, in America caused by domestic terrorists than Jihadis.

Most recently there has been an incident in Oregon where armed men occupied public buildings and threatened all manner of nonsense if their demands were not met.

These people call themselves “patriots” seemingly to give themselves a coating of respectability. In reality they appear to be a lumpen crew of weekend warriors with a changeable agenda of grievances.

Still they seem to have a measure of support and some have defended their actions.

My question is this.

What is the state of play amongst American extremists ?

What do they all want ?

Is there a link ,in ideology, between atrocities like Oklahoma,Charleston and Oregon ? Are the KKK and other nazis a part of this ?

Are Patriots at the “acceptable” end of the extremist spectrum ? From this distance they look a bit absurd but they do own guns and must be considered dangerous.

Do they have widespread support ?

Whats going on ?

Your understanding is incorrect.

THat number being pushed counts all non-Muslim attacks as white supremacist.

You have been lied to.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.

Neo Nazis are criminal, not political. They talk a little bit about politics but they really just commit robberies and sell drugs. There are other gangs who are way more dangerous than the so-called Nazis.
If they have an ideology then it is political. Why else are they there ?

I told you why they're there, they make money through criminal enterprise. The white power window dressing is there to attract recruits but they are not a political force in this country and they're not even trying to be.
The kid responsible for the Charleston atrocity didnt seem to have any agenda other than killing black people. Where was he making money from it ?

The kid in Charleston wasn't a skin head.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.

Neo Nazis are criminal, not political. They talk a little bit about politics but they really just commit robberies and sell drugs. There are other gangs who are way more dangerous than the so-called Nazis.
If they have an ideology then it is political. Why else are they there ?

I told you why they're there, they make money through criminal enterprise. The white power window dressing is there to attract recruits but they are not a political force in this country and they're not even trying to be.
The kid responsible for the Charleston atrocity didnt seem to have any agenda other than killing black people. Where was he making money from it ?

The kid in Charleston wasn't a skin head.
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.
Neo Nazis are criminal, not political. They talk a little bit about politics but they really just commit robberies and sell drugs. There are other gangs who are way more dangerous than the so-called Nazis.
If they have an ideology then it is political. Why else are they there ?

I told you why they're there, they make money through criminal enterprise. The white power window dressing is there to attract recruits but they are not a political force in this country and they're not even trying to be.
The kid responsible for the Charleston atrocity didnt seem to have any agenda other than killing black people. Where was he making money from it ?

The kid in Charleston wasn't a skin head.
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
If they have an ideology then it is political. Why else are they there ?

I told you why they're there, they make money through criminal enterprise. The white power window dressing is there to attract recruits but they are not a political force in this country and they're not even trying to be.
The kid responsible for the Charleston atrocity didnt seem to have any agenda other than killing black people. Where was he making money from it ?

The kid in Charleston wasn't a skin head.
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

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