American Extremism

I told you why they're there, they make money through criminal enterprise. The white power window dressing is there to attract recruits but they are not a political force in this country and they're not even trying to be.
The kid responsible for the Charleston atrocity didnt seem to have any agenda other than killing black people. Where was he making money from it ?

The kid in Charleston wasn't a skin head.
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
There are some who see White American extremism as a bigger threat to America than any external form of terrorism.

My understanding is that since 9/11 there have been more incidents, and deaths, in America caused by domestic terrorists than Jihadis.

Most recently there has been an incident in Oregon where armed men occupied public buildings and threatened all manner of nonsense if their demands were not met.

These people call themselves “patriots” seemingly to give themselves a coating of respectability. In reality they appear to be a lumpen crew of weekend warriors with a changeable agenda of grievances.

Still they seem to have a measure of support and some have defended their actions.

My question is this.

What is the state of play amongst American extremists ?

What do they all want ?

Is there a link ,in ideology, between atrocities like Oklahoma,Charleston and Oregon ? Are the KKK and other nazis a part of this ?

Are Patriots at the “acceptable” end of the extremist spectrum ? From this distance they look a bit absurd but they do own guns and must be considered dangerous.

Do they have widespread support ?

Whats going on ?
Fuck off asshole! You're a fucking liar and a terrorist yourself.
Islamic Attacks on America
The kid responsible for the Charleston atrocity didnt seem to have any agenda other than killing black people. Where was he making money from it ?

The kid in Charleston wasn't a skin head.
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
His singling out of one particular group qualifies him as a nazi.
I have been giving this some thought.
I believe that white extremist terrorism doesnt fit with a prevailing narrative that states that terrorism can only be committed by muslims. Accepting that it exists undermines the fallacy that muslims = bad, christians = good.
The world is more complicated than that but as we can see on this thread, some people lack the tools to think or debate.
The kid in Charleston wasn't a skin head.
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
His singling out of one particular group qualifies him as a nazi.
I have been giving this some thought.
I believe that white extremist terrorism doesnt fit with a prevailing narrative that states that terrorism can only be committed by muslims. Accepting that it exists undermines the fallacy that muslims = bad, christians = good.
The world is more complicated than that but as we can see on this thread, some people lack the tools to think or debate.

Roof didn't single out one group, he mentioned two groups one of which was not even close to nazi. What is it you were saying about thinking?

Terrorism is using violence in order to achieve a political goal. You mentioned white extremism. Where is this happening?
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
His singling out of one particular group qualifies him as a nazi.
I have been giving this some thought.
I believe that white extremist terrorism doesnt fit with a prevailing narrative that states that terrorism can only be committed by muslims. Accepting that it exists undermines the fallacy that muslims = bad, christians = good.
The world is more complicated than that but as we can see on this thread, some people lack the tools to think or debate.

Roof didn't single out one group, he mentioned two groups one of which was not even close to nazi. What is it you were saying about thinking?

Terrorism is using violence in order to achieve a political goal. You mentioned white extremism. Where is this happening?
Sorry, I must have misunderstood.I thought he killed African American Christians in the hope of inciting a race war.
No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
His singling out of one particular group qualifies him as a nazi.
I have been giving this some thought.
I believe that white extremist terrorism doesnt fit with a prevailing narrative that states that terrorism can only be committed by muslims. Accepting that it exists undermines the fallacy that muslims = bad, christians = good.
The world is more complicated than that but as we can see on this thread, some people lack the tools to think or debate.

Roof didn't single out one group, he mentioned two groups one of which was not even close to nazi. What is it you were saying about thinking?

Terrorism is using violence in order to achieve a political goal. You mentioned white extremism. Where is this happening?
Sorry, I must have misunderstood.I thought he killed African American Christians in the hope of inciting a race war.

You got that part right. You've failed to do two things though. You failed to prove he was a Neo-Nazi and I'm guessing this is due to you not knowing what they are. You've failed to show that the extremism you're so interested in is widespread enough to be the threat you claimed it was.

You've fallen to the point where you're claiming one disturbed kid is indicative of a movement.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
His singling out of one particular group qualifies him as a nazi.
I have been giving this some thought.
I believe that white extremist terrorism doesnt fit with a prevailing narrative that states that terrorism can only be committed by muslims. Accepting that it exists undermines the fallacy that muslims = bad, christians = good.
The world is more complicated than that but as we can see on this thread, some people lack the tools to think or debate.

Roof didn't single out one group, he mentioned two groups one of which was not even close to nazi. What is it you were saying about thinking?

Terrorism is using violence in order to achieve a political goal. You mentioned white extremism. Where is this happening?
Sorry, I must have misunderstood.I thought he killed African American Christians in the hope of inciting a race war.

You got that part right. You've failed to do two things though. You failed to prove he was a Neo-Nazi and I'm guessing this is due to you not knowing what they are. You've failed to show that the extremism you're so interested in is widespread enough to be the threat you claimed it was.

You've fallen to the point where you're claiming one disturbed kid is indicative of a movement.
How do you get into the neo nazi club then ? How does he not qualify ?
Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
His singling out of one particular group qualifies him as a nazi.
I have been giving this some thought.
I believe that white extremist terrorism doesnt fit with a prevailing narrative that states that terrorism can only be committed by muslims. Accepting that it exists undermines the fallacy that muslims = bad, christians = good.
The world is more complicated than that but as we can see on this thread, some people lack the tools to think or debate.

Roof didn't single out one group, he mentioned two groups one of which was not even close to nazi. What is it you were saying about thinking?

Terrorism is using violence in order to achieve a political goal. You mentioned white extremism. Where is this happening?
Sorry, I must have misunderstood.I thought he killed African American Christians in the hope of inciting a race war.

You got that part right. You've failed to do two things though. You failed to prove he was a Neo-Nazi and I'm guessing this is due to you not knowing what they are. You've failed to show that the extremism you're so interested in is widespread enough to be the threat you claimed it was.

You've fallen to the point where you're claiming one disturbed kid is indicative of a movement.
How do you get into the neo nazi club then ? How does he not qualify ?

I already told you. The fact that you're far too interested in spreading your propaganda than actually learning is not my problem.
The kid in Charleston wasn't a skin head.
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
His singling out of one particular group qualifies him as a nazi.
I have been giving this some thought.
I believe that white extremist terrorism doesnt fit with a prevailing narrative that states that terrorism can only be committed by muslims. Accepting that it exists undermines the fallacy that muslims = bad, christians = good.
The world is more complicated than that but as we can see on this thread, some people lack the tools to think or debate.
No, Nazi is a word that has meaning, not whatever you want it to mean.
Where are the Christian terrorists? If you are thinking about McVeigh you'd be wrong.
I think someone stole your tools.
Most of them are no more than drinking clubs of limited membership that sit around fantasizing "Red Dawn" and get uppity when they start believing their own hype. They are important only because of the coverage mainstream media affords them in an attempt to connect all together into a monolithic right-wing political threat in the public's eyes.

If something ever pops here, it will be nationwide, and not to be ignored.
Cheers, that is what I am trying to get my head around. So there isnt an umbrella group that bonds them all together ?

You really have no clue as to what you are blathering about, do you?
Well at my age I have a right to be a bit confused !
I am trying to understand what would motivate an American to kill other Americans. The Charleston killings,for example, look to be politically motivated by a right wing extremist. The Bundy club seem to garner support from right wingers.
It just seems that American culture is under threat from neo nazi nut jobs.
No, we are actually under threat by a feral savage entity called the Negro. I suggest you check out the statistics on black on white crime. It's rampant and Whites are under brutal attacks. A negro is a true impulsive domestic bred terrorist with zero compassion for life.
So the Charleston attack was a legitimate act of resistance ?

He was a doped out mental case.

You're wrong, Nazi has a specific meaning.

You're still wrong about Dylann Roof, you haven't proved anything about him other than his crime was racially motivated. You also still haven't gotten around to showing the widespread white extremism you claimed to be so interested in.
Imagine that... A cockney Brit, with a grudge against armed and willing Americans...
It's been over 200 hundred years. You lost. Gotta let it go. Have some tea, and crumpets. Then clean your house. We'll handle ours. You are dismissed.
We keep telling the loser confederates the same thing but they wont listen.

You're wrong, Nazi has a specific meaning.

You're still wrong about Dylann Roof, you haven't proved anything about him other than his crime was racially motivated. You also still haven't gotten around to showing the widespread white extremism you claimed to be so interested in.

I am not sure what else there is to say about Roof. Nazi terrorist.

Heres a list of hate groups. I cant quantify how widespread they are but it is concerning how the ideology of some of them, particularly with regards to gay rights, seem to be gaining traction on the legit right wing of US politics.Cruz, for example, has some nasty types backing him.

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're wrong, Nazi has a specific meaning.

You're still wrong about Dylann Roof, you haven't proved anything about him other than his crime was racially motivated. You also still haven't gotten around to showing the widespread white extremism you claimed to be so interested in.

I am not sure what else there is to say about Roof. Nazi terrorist.

Heres a list of hate groups. I cant quantify how widespread they are but it is concerning how the ideology of some of them, particularly with regards to gay rights, seem to be gaining traction on the legit right wing of US politics.Cruz, for example, has some nasty types backing him.

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's your first mistake. Southern Poverty Law Center. You linked extremism to politics. Even the SPLC isn't claiming there will be a sea shift in American society due to the little fucknut groups they track.

I'll give you a break here, I'll tell you what really could turn out to be dangerous but you have to ask nicely and you have to say please.

You're wrong, Nazi has a specific meaning.

You're still wrong about Dylann Roof, you haven't proved anything about him other than his crime was racially motivated. You also still haven't gotten around to showing the widespread white extremism you claimed to be so interested in.

I am not sure what else there is to say about Roof. Nazi terrorist.

Heres a list of hate groups. I cant quantify how widespread they are but it is concerning how the ideology of some of them, particularly with regards to gay rights, seem to be gaining traction on the legit right wing of US politics.Cruz, for example, has some nasty types backing him.

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The SPLC is an Anti-White hate group. They are against anything pro-White.

You're wrong, Nazi has a specific meaning.

You're still wrong about Dylann Roof, you haven't proved anything about him other than his crime was racially motivated. You also still haven't gotten around to showing the widespread white extremism you claimed to be so interested in.

I am not sure what else there is to say about Roof. Nazi terrorist.

Heres a list of hate groups. I cant quantify how widespread they are but it is concerning how the ideology of some of them, particularly with regards to gay rights, seem to be gaining traction on the legit right wing of US politics.Cruz, for example, has some nasty types backing him.

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The SPLC is an Anti-White hate group. They are against anything pro-White.
You poor persecuted white boy. :laugh:

You're wrong, Nazi has a specific meaning.

You're still wrong about Dylann Roof, you haven't proved anything about him other than his crime was racially motivated. You also still haven't gotten around to showing the widespread white extremism you claimed to be so interested in.

I am not sure what else there is to say about Roof. Nazi terrorist.

Heres a list of hate groups. I cant quantify how widespread they are but it is concerning how the ideology of some of them, particularly with regards to gay rights, seem to be gaining traction on the legit right wing of US politics.Cruz, for example, has some nasty types backing him.

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The SPLC is an Anti-White hate group. They are against anything pro-White.
They seem to have concerns about a certain type of white person. Rightly so in my opinion as a white man.
He was a nazi though.
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

No he wasn't. He was a racialist if anything and if his friends can be believed he was also a bit touched in the head.

Are you here to learn more about America before the election, as you claimed, or are you here to try to tell Americans what we should think about our own country? You're going to need to learn a lot more if it's option 2.
I am trying to understand why one form of terrorism is evil and another form isnt. Two groups of loonies killing people for their "cause" are both terrorists.

Then you should probably learn about the groups you're pointing out before you open your mouth. As proof of Roof being a Nazi you pulled a quote from him complaining about there being no skinheads or klan. Think about that.
His singling out of one particular group qualifies him as a nazi.
I have been giving this some thought.
I believe that white extremist terrorism doesnt fit with a prevailing narrative that states that terrorism can only be committed by muslims. Accepting that it exists undermines the fallacy that muslims = bad, christians = good.
The world is more complicated than that but as we can see on this thread, some people lack the tools to think or debate.

Roof didn't single out one group, he mentioned two groups one of which was not even close to nazi. What is it you were saying about thinking?

Terrorism is using violence in order to achieve a political goal. You mentioned white extremism. Where is this happening?
Roof attacked a hate group.

The AME "church" is a notorious anti-white racist organization. AME probably has the largest membership than any racist organization that has ever existed in the USA.

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