American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be “A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that…”

The chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky Suhayda, declared on his radio program last month that a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions. .

“I’m gonna project, that I believe that Trump is going to win the election this November, for various reasons which I don’t want to go into again,” Suhayda said on his radio program’s July broadcast. “I think it’s gonna surprise the enemy, because, I think that they feel that the white working class, especially the male portion of the working class, and with him his female counterparts have basically thrown in the towel. Given up hope of any politician again standing up for their interests.”

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that, and to go and start – you know how you have the black political caucus and what not in Congress, and, everything, to start building on something like that, okay,” continued the American Nazi. “It doesn’t have to be anti, like the movement’s been for decades, so much as it has to be pro-white. It’s kinda hard to go and call us bigots, if we don’t go around and act like a bigot. That’s what the movement should contemplate. Alright.”

Suhayda wrote in past American Nazi Party reports he’d avoid giving statements on Trump, saying it would hurt Trump to be associated with him. In one September report, the all caps-loving Nazi chairman wrote that Trump’s statements showed the Nazi viewpoint wasn’t as unpopular as portrayed by the media.

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time,” he stated. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

AUDIO: American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be "A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists

It's harder for America to move forward socially with racists trying to drag it backwards.
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“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that…”

The chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky Suhayda, declared on his radio program last month that a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions. .

“I’m gonna project, that I believe that Trump is going to win the election this November, for various reasons which I don’t want to go into again,” Suhayda said on his radio program’s July broadcast. “I think it’s gonna surprise the enemy, because, I think that they feel that the white working class, especially the male portion of the working class, and with him his female counterparts have basically thrown in the towel. Given up hope of any politician again standing up for their interests.”

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that, and to go and start – you know how you have the black political caucus and what not in Congress, and, everything, to start building on something like that, okay,” continued the American Nazi. “It doesn’t have to be anti, like the movement’s been for decades, so much as it has to be pro-white. It’s kinda hard to go and call us bigots, if we don’t go around and act like a bigot. That’s what the movement should contemplate. Alright.”

Suhayda wrote in past American Nazi Party reports he’d avoid giving statements on Trump, saying it would hurt Trump to be associated with him. In one September report, the all caps-loving Nazi chairman wrote that Trump’s statements showed the Nazi viewpoint wasn’t as unpopular as portrayed by the media.

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time,” he stated. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be "A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists

It's harder for America to move forward socially with racists trying to drag it backwards.


Now here is a racist audience:

Trump's audience, on the other hand is anti-racist:


“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that…”

The chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky Suhayda, declared on his radio program last month that a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions. .

“I’m gonna project, that I believe that Trump is going to win the election this November, for various reasons which I don’t want to go into again,” Suhayda said on his radio program’s July broadcast. “I think it’s gonna surprise the enemy, because, I think that they feel that the white working class, especially the male portion of the working class, and with him his female counterparts have basically thrown in the towel. Given up hope of any politician again standing up for their interests.”

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that, and to go and start – you know how you have the black political caucus and what not in Congress, and, everything, to start building on something like that, okay,” continued the American Nazi. “It doesn’t have to be anti, like the movement’s been for decades, so much as it has to be pro-white. It’s kinda hard to go and call us bigots, if we don’t go around and act like a bigot. That’s what the movement should contemplate. Alright.”

Suhayda wrote in past American Nazi Party reports he’d avoid giving statements on Trump, saying it would hurt Trump to be associated with him. In one September report, the all caps-loving Nazi chairman wrote that Trump’s statements showed the Nazi viewpoint wasn’t as unpopular as portrayed by the media.

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time,” he stated. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be "A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists

It's harder for America to move forward socially with racists trying to drag it backwards.

Kill the pigs, fry'em like bacon.........oops that's your side of the fence.

So you don't think this pic was another short circuit moment:

First Byrd:
Former U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) was a card-carrying member and recruiter for the KKK. In the 1940s, he obtained the KKK rank of “Exalted cyclops” and spent decades promoting their vile, racist message. And he took part in what was – at the time- the longest filibuster ever against the Civil Rights Act.

As Byrd once announced:

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

Hillary's opinion of Byrd:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility.” And, “It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”

Sweep your own porch......
A Nazi Liberal protestor showed up to protest Trump and handed out Nazi literature...

Liberal KKK members showed up to protest Trump numerous times...

The KKK has donated to Hillary....btw, she jept the money

So why do libs feel the need to try to re-write history....and why does Hillary feel the need to channel Hitler when talking about gun confiscation / limiting/eliminating the 2nd Amendment?
“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that…”

The chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky Suhayda, declared on his radio program last month that a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions. .

“I’m gonna project, that I believe that Trump is going to win the election this November, for various reasons which I don’t want to go into again,” Suhayda said on his radio program’s July broadcast. “I think it’s gonna surprise the enemy, because, I think that they feel that the white working class, especially the male portion of the working class, and with him his female counterparts have basically thrown in the towel. Given up hope of any politician again standing up for their interests.”

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that, and to go and start – you know how you have the black political caucus and what not in Congress, and, everything, to start building on something like that, okay,” continued the American Nazi. “It doesn’t have to be anti, like the movement’s been for decades, so much as it has to be pro-white. It’s kinda hard to go and call us bigots, if we don’t go around and act like a bigot. That’s what the movement should contemplate. Alright.”

Suhayda wrote in past American Nazi Party reports he’d avoid giving statements on Trump, saying it would hurt Trump to be associated with him. In one September report, the all caps-loving Nazi chairman wrote that Trump’s statements showed the Nazi viewpoint wasn’t as unpopular as portrayed by the media.

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time,” he stated. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be "A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists

It's harder for America to move forward socially with racists trying to drag it backwards.


Now here is a racist audience:

*snip dum dum's waste of bandwidth*

Trump's audience, on the other hand is anti-racist:

*snip dum dum's waste of bandwidth

and if anyone believes that, you've got a bridge in brooklyn to sell, huh?

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that…”

The chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky Suhayda, declared on his radio program last month that a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions. .

“I’m gonna project, that I believe that Trump is going to win the election this November, for various reasons which I don’t want to go into again,” Suhayda said on his radio program’s July broadcast. “I think it’s gonna surprise the enemy, because, I think that they feel that the white working class, especially the male portion of the working class, and with him his female counterparts have basically thrown in the towel. Given up hope of any politician again standing up for their interests.”

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that, and to go and start – you know how you have the black political caucus and what not in Congress, and, everything, to start building on something like that, okay,” continued the American Nazi. “It doesn’t have to be anti, like the movement’s been for decades, so much as it has to be pro-white. It’s kinda hard to go and call us bigots, if we don’t go around and act like a bigot. That’s what the movement should contemplate. Alright.”

Suhayda wrote in past American Nazi Party reports he’d avoid giving statements on Trump, saying it would hurt Trump to be associated with him. In one September report, the all caps-loving Nazi chairman wrote that Trump’s statements showed the Nazi viewpoint wasn’t as unpopular as portrayed by the media.

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time,” he stated. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be "A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists

It's harder for America to move forward socially with racists trying to drag it backwards.


Now here is a racist audience:

*snip dum dum's waste of bandwidth*

Trump's audience, on the other hand is anti-racist:

*snip dum dum's waste of bandwidth

and if anyone believes that, you've got a bridge in brooklyn to sell, huh?

So you are taking my public display, and trying to disprove it with one individual case of retard being a retard (if that even happened - the video is too stupid to even get to the meat)?
“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that…”

The chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky Suhayda, declared on his radio program last month that a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions. .

“I’m gonna project, that I believe that Trump is going to win the election this November, for various reasons which I don’t want to go into again,” Suhayda said on his radio program’s July broadcast. “I think it’s gonna surprise the enemy, because, I think that they feel that the white working class, especially the male portion of the working class, and with him his female counterparts have basically thrown in the towel. Given up hope of any politician again standing up for their interests.”

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that, and to go and start – you know how you have the black political caucus and what not in Congress, and, everything, to start building on something like that, okay,” continued the American Nazi. “It doesn’t have to be anti, like the movement’s been for decades, so much as it has to be pro-white. It’s kinda hard to go and call us bigots, if we don’t go around and act like a bigot. That’s what the movement should contemplate. Alright.”

Suhayda wrote in past American Nazi Party reports he’d avoid giving statements on Trump, saying it would hurt Trump to be associated with him. In one September report, the all caps-loving Nazi chairman wrote that Trump’s statements showed the Nazi viewpoint wasn’t as unpopular as portrayed by the media.

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time,” he stated. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be "A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists

It's harder for America to move forward socially with racists trying to drag it backwards.


Now here is a racist audience:

*snip dum dum's waste of bandwidth*

Trump's audience, on the other hand is anti-racist:

*snip dum dum's waste of bandwidth

and if anyone believes that, you've got a bridge in brooklyn to sell, huh?

Which party hosted a black racist terrorist group that called for the murder of all whites and cops at the WH to praise them...twice?

That would be the DNC....who also got exposed recently with their own e-mails being:
- Anti-Semitic
- Racist
- Sexist
- Homophobic
- Anti-Christian well as exposed for organizing, manning, and inciting violent anti-Trump/GOP protests

So you don't think this pic was another short circuit moment:

First Byrd:
Former U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) was a card-carrying member and recruiter for the KKK. In the 1940s, he obtained the KKK rank of “Exalted cyclops” and spent decades promoting their vile, racist message. And he took part in what was – at the time- the longest filibuster ever against the Civil Rights Act.

As Byrd once announced:

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

Hillary's opinion of Byrd:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility.” And, “It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”

Sweep your own porch......

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that…”

The chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky Suhayda, declared on his radio program last month that a Donald Trump victory would present a great opportunity for white nationalists to build pro-white coalitions. .

“I’m gonna project, that I believe that Trump is going to win the election this November, for various reasons which I don’t want to go into again,” Suhayda said on his radio program’s July broadcast. “I think it’s gonna surprise the enemy, because, I think that they feel that the white working class, especially the male portion of the working class, and with him his female counterparts have basically thrown in the towel. Given up hope of any politician again standing up for their interests.”

“Now, if Trump does win, okay, it’s going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, acting intelligently to build upon that, and to go and start – you know how you have the black political caucus and what not in Congress, and, everything, to start building on something like that, okay,” continued the American Nazi. “It doesn’t have to be anti, like the movement’s been for decades, so much as it has to be pro-white. It’s kinda hard to go and call us bigots, if we don’t go around and act like a bigot. That’s what the movement should contemplate. Alright.”

Suhayda wrote in past American Nazi Party reports he’d avoid giving statements on Trump, saying it would hurt Trump to be associated with him. In one September report, the all caps-loving Nazi chairman wrote that Trump’s statements showed the Nazi viewpoint wasn’t as unpopular as portrayed by the media.

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time,” he stated. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

AUDIO: American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be "A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists

It's harder for America to move forward socially with racists trying to drag it backwards.
well, that was a non-article.
You mean these guys?



Wrong party... Not surprisingly, Hillary did kiss one of them.
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Hopefully sanity will prevail and Trump will be defeated in a landslide.
It's sadly funny to watch racist NaziCons try to deflect, derail, and troll a thread about American nazis supporting a current presidential candidate. This thread is about the present - not the past.
It's sadly funny to watch racist NaziCons try to deflect, derail, and troll a thread about American nazis supporting a current presidential candidate. This thread is about the present - not the past.
It's sad to watch liberals try to claim the kkk / nazis in their ranks are really Conservatives. :p
One shouldn't hang on Trump what the American Nazi say any more than it would be right to hang on Obama the venom poured out by radical Muslims.
It's sadly funny to watch racist NaziCons try to deflect, derail, and troll a thread about American nazis supporting a current presidential candidate. This thread is about the present - not the past.
It's sad to watch liberals try to claim the kkk / nazis in their ranks are really Conservatives. :p

Please name one individual KKK or white supremacist member or group that is Democrat.
One shouldn't hang on Trump what the American Nazi say any more than it would be right to hang on Obama the venom poured out by radical Muslims.

Not true - because Trump encourages their support with a wink and a nod.

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