American Patriot Forced to Plead Guilty

Damn, I love all the tap dancing around the elephant in the damn room. Carry on commie, you have no interest in discussing the issues.


I am happy to discuss the topic. And the topic is a homegrown terrorist pleading out his case.
He was certainly planning one. Driving from Alabama to DC, on this specific date, with 5 firearms and 11 mason jars made into molotov cocktails? He wasn't there to tour the Smothsonian.
So you can prove without a doubt that he wasn't planning to visit the museum on Monday? You'd make a lousy lawyer.
He was certainly planning one. Driving from Alabama to DC, on this specific date, with 5 firearms and 11 mason jars made into molotov cocktails? He wasn't there to tour the Smothsonian.

Wow, are you planning to audition for Dancing with the Stars? The question wasn't what he may or may not have been planning. You declared him to be a homegrown terrorist, yet you can't name even one terrorist ACT he committed.

By your standards Madonna should have been jailed as a homegrown terrorist, because she thought a lot about blowing up the WH. I'm sensing major hypocrisy here.

So you can prove without a doubt that he wasn't planning to visit the museum on Monday? You'd make a lousy lawyer.

It is called sarcasm. Look it up.

If he was planning on visiting a museum, he should have left the guns and molotov cocktails at home.
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Wow, are you planning to audition for Dancing with the Stars? The question wasn't what he may or may not have been planning. You declared him to be a homegrown terrorist, yet you can't name even one terrorist ACT he committed.

By your standards Madonna should have been jailed as a homegrown terrorist, because she thought a lot about blowing up the WH. I'm sensing major hypocrisy here.


Yes, I did. If someone is found in our nation's capital with 11 molotov cocktails, he is a terrorist. If someone is caught boarding a plane with explosives in his shoe he is a terrorist. Would you have both of those men released?
Yes, I did. If someone is found in our nation's capital with 11 molotov cocktails, he is a terrorist. If someone is caught boarding a plane with explosives in his shoe he is a terrorist. Would you have both of those men released?

First, the guy with the shoe bomb actually tried to detonate it. The guy with the Molotov cocktails didn't even have them ready to use, I guess those little details escapes you.

First, the guy with the shoe bomb actually tried to detonate it. The guy with the Molotov cocktails didn't even have them ready to use, I guess those little details escapes you.


LMAO!! I guess he shouldn't have pled guilty then, huh?

But he admitted that he made the molotov cocktails, but then said “I did not plan on blowing nothing up or nothing like that. I agree that they could have been used for that purpose, but I was not going to use them for that purpose.”
An American patriot protesting the stolen election was forced to plead guilty by Biden's DOJ.

---Coffman, an Army veteran from the town of Falkville in northern Alabama, was among the first people indicted in the Capitol riot probe. Two Capitol Police officers were sweeping the area with police canines when they spotted what appeared to be the handle of a gun on the front passenger seat of his red GMC Sierra pickup truck, federal prosecutors said.---

The election wasn't stolen. The guy is not a patriot.
LMAO!! I guess he shouldn't have pled guilty then, huh?

But he admitted that he made the molotov cocktails, but then said “I did not plan on blowing nothing up or nothing like that. I agree that they could have been used for that purpose, but I was not going to use them for that purpose.”

There ya go, no intent. And yeah, he made a major mistake in pleading guilty. A police agency that has no authority to exist violated his 4th and 14th amendment rights. He must have had a really bad lawyer.

There ya go, no intent. And yeah, he made a major mistake in pleading guilty. A police agency that has no authority to exist violated his 4th and 14th amendment rights. He must have had a really bad lawyer.


No intent? Only if you believe him.
You believed his plea, why would you doubt him on anything else? Oh right, it doesn't fit the propaganda the MSM has been feeding you. Kind of like Rittenhouse was guilty of a gun charge. LMAO


I don't believe him because he drove from Alabama to DC on the day of the invasion of the capital, and he carried 5 firearms and 11 homemade molotov cocktails with him.

Yeah, if you believe he was there as a tourist, I've got a bridge I can let you have cheap. And none of that is because of MSM or CNN or any other media bullshit. Mainly it is because I am not a gullible fool and because I have been hearing rightwing extremists go on and on and on about the coming civil war and that they will do this and do that.
I don't believe him because he drove from Alabama to DC on the day of the invasion of the capital, and he carried 5 firearms and 11 homemade molotov cocktails with him.

Yeah, if you believe he was there as a tourist, I've got a bridge I can let you have cheap. And none of that is because of MSM or CNN or any other media bullshit. Mainly it is because I am not a gullible fool and because I have been hearing rightwing extremists go on and on and on about the coming civil war and that they will do this and do that.

Blah, blah, blah. You can't point to one law he violated outside of what he had in his truck. And I'm still waiting for you to quote the constitutional authority for the Capitol Police to exist. So far none of you commies have been up to the task.

Code of the District of Columbia

§ 22–4515a. Manufacture, transfer, use, possession, or transportation of Molotov cocktails, or other explosives for unlawful purposes, prohibited; definitions; penalties.

(a) No person shall within the District of Columbia manufacture, transfer, use, possess, or transport a molotov cocktail. As used in this subsection, the term “molotov cocktail” means: (1) a breakable container containing flammable liquid and having a wick or a similar device capable of being ignited; or (2) any other device designed to explode or produce uncontained combustion upon impact; but such term does not include a device lawfully and commercially manufactured primarily for the purpose of illumination, construction work, or other lawful purpose.

(b) No person shall manufacture, transfer, use, possess, or transport any device, instrument, or object designed to explode or produce uncontained combustion, with the intent that the same may be used unlawfully against any person or property.

(c) No person shall, during a state of emergency in the District of Columbia declared by the Mayor pursuant to law, or during a situation in the District of Columbia concerning which the President has invoked any provision of Chapter 15 of Title 10, United States Code, manufacture, transfer, use, possess, or transport any device, instrument, or object designed to explode or produce uncontained combustion, except at his or her residence or place of business.

(d) Whoever violates this section shall: (1) for the first offense, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less than 1 and not more than 5 years; (2) for the second offense, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less than 3 and not more than 15 years; and (3) for the third or subsequent offense, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less than 5 years and not more than 30 years. In the case of a person convicted of a third or subsequent violation of this section, Chapter 402 of Title 18, United States Code (Federal Youth Corrections Act) shall not apply. For purposes of imprisonment following revocation of release authorized by § 24-403.01(b)(7), the third or subsequent conviction for an offense defined by this section is a Class A felony.


Seems pretty straight-forward to me. Maybe he shouldn't have broken the law. What a crazy concept.
Not if it's done by a stolen election.
Or even
Despite the president's persistence, the secretary plainly stated, "We believe that we do have an accurate election."

"No, no, you don't. You don't have -- you don't have -- not even close. You've got -- you're off by hundreds of thousands of votes," Trump claimed in response.
trying to steal one.

“The people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated,” Trump said on the call. "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."

"You have a big election coming up... and because of what you've done to the president, a lot of people aren't going out to vote. And a lot of Republicans are gonna vote negative because they hate what you did to the president," Trump said. "You would be respected if -- really respected if this thing could be straightened out before the election."
If a dog alerts, that creates probable cause to detain a person. Locked compartments in a vehicle still can't be searched without permission from the driver or a search warrant, signed by a judge.
Ever watched the show cops.
NO, locked compartments can and are searched........................... wow.
And in the States and the federal government, law enforcement powers are vested in the Executive Branch. So how about you show me, in the text of the Constitution, where congress is granted the power to create and operate their own law enforcement agency.
Another WTF?
'And in the States and the federal government, law enforcement powers are vested in the Executive Branch'.

Then you bring up congress?
Hint: They're to separate branches of the government.

The office of the Attorney General was established by the Judiciary Act of 1789 as a part-time job for one person, but grew with the bureaucracy. At one time, the Attorney General gave legal advice to the U.S. Congress, as well as the President.

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the United States government tasked with the enforcement of federal law and administration of justice in the United States. It is equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries.

The modern incarnation of the department was formed in 1870 during the Ulysses S. Grant presidency. The department is composed of federal law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Marshals Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
An American patriot protesting the stolen election was forced to plead guilty by Biden's DOJ.

---Coffman, an Army veteran from the town of Falkville in northern Alabama, was among the first people indicted in the Capitol riot probe. Two Capitol Police officers were sweeping the area with police canines when they spotted what appeared to be the handle of a gun on the front passenger seat of his red GMC Sierra pickup truck, federal prosecutors said.---

You tell yourself "the election was stolen" and then you tell yourself "therefore I'm justified in being a dick".
Blah, blah, blah. You can't point to one law he violated outside of what he had in his truck. And I'm still waiting for you to quote the constitutional authority for the Capitol Police to exist. So far none of you commies have been up to the task.

Sure, just like a guy with a dead body in his back seat with stab wounds.
Outside of that, no law was broken, he even used his turn signals.

District of Columbia home rule is District of Columbia residents' ability to govern their local affairs. As the federal capital, the Constitution grants the United States Congress exclusive jurisdiction over the District in "all cases whatsoever".

On August 6, 1861, the Thirty-Seventh Congress of the United States created a Metropolitan Police District of the District of Columbia or what became known as the Metropolitan Police Department.

As the American Civil War raged on, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln took a personal interest in the formation of a regular police force for the U.S. capital. Washington had quickly filled with soldiers, government employees, and citizens hoping to cash in on the war.
The crowds, crime, and the constant threat of enemy spies, had made the capital into a rowdy city barely under control.

On September 11, 1861 a new law enforcement agency, the Washington Metropolitan police, began patrolling the gritty streets of the capital. In the years immediately before the Civil War, Washington had a dual police force.

The inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and apparent corruption led Congress to finally act on the matter in August 6, 1861 by creating a centralized Metropolitan Police District.
Congress authorized the President to appoint five police commissioners; three from Washington, one from Georgetown and one from the part of the District of Columbia lying outside the city. The newly constituted Board of Police which also included the mayors of Washington and Georgetown, were directed to divide D.C. into ten precincts, establish police stations, and assign sergeants and patrolmen.
The force's primary responsibilities were to render military assistance to the civil authorities, to quell riots, suppress insurrection, protect property, preserve the public tranquility, prevent crime and arrest offenders.

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