Americans continue their march to low-tax states

Really? You don't say.....

Why is it some states continue to attract new residents, while others, year after year, lose residents? While people move for many reasons, there is a strong, positive relationship between a state’s economic competitiveness and its projected likelihood to gain residents.

This relationship indicates how states experiencing higher population growth are generally the same states with lower tax and regulatory burdens, lower government debt and greater transparency and accountability for government spending.

Americans continue their march to low-tax states

Low tax states continue to be the winner in the population boom, while high taxed, over regulated states continue to stagnate and be on the losing end.
They are also low wage states. So you get what you work for and I could not live in a low wage/tax state.

With a cost-of-living considerably lower as well. Hundred thousand dollars a year goes a hell of a lot farther in a state like Arizona than a place like San Francisco where it’s considered lower income
And how are the hobobs? The dust storms. I will not go to Aridzona as the electric power is generated by a rickety nuclear plant that needs to be shut down. And who can make more than 30 thou in Aridzona? Not many.
Really? You don't say.....

Why is it some states continue to attract new residents, while others, year after year, lose residents? While people move for many reasons, there is a strong, positive relationship between a state’s economic competitiveness and its projected likelihood to gain residents.

This relationship indicates how states experiencing higher population growth are generally the same states with lower tax and regulatory burdens, lower government debt and greater transparency and accountability for government spending.

Americans continue their march to low-tax states

Low tax states continue to be the winner in the population boom, while high taxed, over regulated states continue to stagnate and be on the losing end.
They are also low wage states. So you get what you work for and I could not live in a low wage/tax state.

With a cost-of-living considerably lower as well. Hundred thousand dollars a year goes a hell of a lot farther in a state like Arizona than a place like San Francisco where it’s considered lower income

And probably smaller piles of human excrement and dirty needles.
A real citizen will pick up those things. I know I do.
People are slowly learning about democrats wanting to reach deeper into their pockets than work to control spending.
I am retired and love it here in the SF Bay area. Food is good and the air is clear and no republicans to make life a bitch. Own our house and and everything we need.
good for you .....many aint as wealthy as you are....aint that what you lefties said the republicans say?....i have mine to bad about you....sure you aint a righty?.....
Many like you simply drink away your wages and then complain when you realize you are broke.
Really? You don't say.....

Why is it some states continue to attract new residents, while others, year after year, lose residents? While people move for many reasons, there is a strong, positive relationship between a state’s economic competitiveness and its projected likelihood to gain residents.

This relationship indicates how states experiencing higher population growth are generally the same states with lower tax and regulatory burdens, lower government debt and greater transparency and accountability for government spending.

Americans continue their march to low-tax states

Low tax states continue to be the winner in the population boom, while high taxed, over regulated states continue to stagnate and be on the losing end.
And they're bringing with them the moonbat kook politics that screwed up the places that they're leaving.
Maybe red states will start becoming earners instead of having the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation.

They need to do that .. But that will not rescue the municipalities.from the pension demons or the over regulated states from
Their fiscal imbalances.
from Bloomberg
February 04, 2019 01:20 PM
His wealthy clients are fleeing New York like never before
Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld

To the editor:

Greg David’s most salient point in “Millionaires tax: Kill it, extend it or raise it?” was that 0.6% of taxpayers pay 40% of the state’s personal income tax. I have a good vantage point: I spent 20 years in high-level government service at the city, state and federal level here, followed by the last 20 as a private wealth manager.

I have never seen as many very wealthy clients change residence to places like Florida and Texas as I have this past year, after the loss of state and local tax deductions. The now masters of the one-party control of this state are salivating at their planned “squeezing” of the rich. The rich have been very generous, but they are not stupid. They have mobility. Tax receipts from them in 2019 will shock the state and city finance departments, the governor and the comptroller—especially if they allow the Legislature to raise the millionaires tax.

These people want to give their wealth at their discretion to worthy charities, not to the whims of the misnamed “progressives” and socialists and their redistributive philosophies.
Tax cuts for the rich waaaaaahhhhhh

What Trump’s tax reform did was to restore fairness to the tax code, was to put an end to the injustice of all Americans — including those in the middle class — paying for the sky high tax rates in states like New York.

You see, before Trump reformed the tax code, all Americans were subsidizing the rich.

It used to be that you could write off every penny of your state income tax on your federal income tax. Trump put an end to this outrage. Here’s how it works…

In the state of New York, if you earn over $1.078 million per year, you pay an income tax to the state of almost nine percent.

In other words, using round numbers, a New York resident who earns $10 million owes the state of New York close to $900,000 in income taxes. But…

Democrat-run states like New York knew that their rich residents would not feel the sting of that $900,000 tax bill because that $900,000 could be written off of their federal tax bill.

Basically, this was a sleazy way for Blue States to steal money from federal taxpayers, to make all of us pay for their grotesque tax rates. These Democrat-run states not only got all of this tax money, they also avoided getting voted out of office for over-taxing because the federal write-off removed most of the sting for the wealthy taxpayer.

Thankfully, Trump’s tax bill put an end to this shell game. Whereas before there was no limit on the amount of state income tax you could write off on your federal taxes, now there is a $10,000 limit. This means that the poor sap gutted for $900,000 in income taxes by New York, now eats $890,000 of it, which is as it should be.

Hey, if you’re a rich guy who thinks your taxes are too high, instead of making middle class taxpayers subsidize your ass, maybe stop voting for Democrats? Just an idea.

But now Cuomo is whining about the Orange Bad Man’s tax reform messing up his budget.

“It literally restructured the economy to help red states at the cost of blue states,” he boo hoo’d. “Everything we did economically is right. We tightened our belt, we cut taxes, we’re creating jobs, and here’s a penalty just because we are Democrats.”

Cuomo is not even telling the truth about what caused his shortfall, but even if he was, what this far-left Democrat is actually complaining about is Trump closing a loophole for the super-rich, is people fleeing his state because they are now forced to pay all of that 9 percent income tax now that it can no longer be written off.

The truth, though, is spelled out very well by economist Marty Cantor, who laid it out for a local news outlet.

“The problems here are caused by the governor and his administration,” he told News12, “It’s too expensive to live on Long Island and in New York state. Taxes are too high, people are leaving. It has nothing to do with Trump.”

Here’s the kicker: The $10,000 write-off limit did not go into effect until 2018. So how does Cuomo explain 2017’s $4.4 billion deficit? How did the Orange Bad Man create that one?\
Tax cuts for the rich waaaaaahhhhhh

What Trump’s tax reform did was to restore fairness to the tax code, was to put an end to the injustice of all Americans — including those in the middle class — paying for the sky high tax rates in states like New York.

You see, before Trump reformed the tax code, all Americans were subsidizing the rich.

It used to be that you could write off every penny of your state income tax on your federal income tax. Trump put an end to this outrage. Here’s how it works…

In the state of New York, if you earn over $1.078 million per year, you pay an income tax to the state of almost nine percent.

In other words, using round numbers, a New York resident who earns $10 million owes the state of New York close to $900,000 in income taxes. But…

Democrat-run states like New York knew that their rich residents would not feel the sting of that $900,000 tax bill because that $900,000 could be written off of their federal tax bill.

Basically, this was a sleazy way for Blue States to steal money from federal taxpayers, to make all of us pay for their grotesque tax rates. These Democrat-run states not only got all of this tax money, they also avoided getting voted out of office for over-taxing because the federal write-off removed most of the sting for the wealthy taxpayer.

Thankfully, Trump’s tax bill put an end to this shell game. Whereas before there was no limit on the amount of state income tax you could write off on your federal taxes, now there is a $10,000 limit. This means that the poor sap gutted for $900,000 in income taxes by New York, now eats $890,000 of it, which is as it should be.

Hey, if you’re a rich guy who thinks your taxes are too high, instead of making middle class taxpayers subsidize your ass, maybe stop voting for Democrats? Just an idea.

But now Cuomo is whining about the Orange Bad Man’s tax reform messing up his budget.

“It literally restructured the economy to help red states at the cost of blue states,” he boo hoo’d. “Everything we did economically is right. We tightened our belt, we cut taxes, we’re creating jobs, and here’s a penalty just because we are Democrats.”

Cuomo is not even telling the truth about what caused his shortfall, but even if he was, what this far-left Democrat is actually complaining about is Trump closing a loophole for the super-rich, is people fleeing his state because they are now forced to pay all of that 9 percent income tax now that it can no longer be written off.

The truth, though, is spelled out very well by economist Marty Cantor, who laid it out for a local news outlet.

“The problems here are caused by the governor and his administration,” he told News12, “It’s too expensive to live on Long Island and in New York state. Taxes are too high, people are leaving. It has nothing to do with Trump.”

Here’s the kicker: The $10,000 write-off limit did not go into effect until 2018. So how does Cuomo explain 2017’s $4.4 billion deficit? How did the Orange Bad Man create that one?\
Well it is clear that your understanding of the tax code is lacking. Maybe if you understood why SALT were not taxed and interest on mortgages weren't it might be a bit more clear what is going on.

Shorter lines and better seats for the rest of us.

Now pack up your shit and get out!


You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I find it amusing you think the losers are the people who choose NOT to pay exorbitant taxes and fees to live in an overcrowded metropolis with small living spaces, pollution, and gridlocked traffic everywhere.
Not to mention people like him!
Basically, this was a sleazy way for Blue States to steal money from federal taxpayers, to make all of us pay for their grotesque tax rates. These Democrat-run states not only got all of this tax money, they also avoided getting voted out of office for over-taxing because the federal write-off removed most of the sting for the wealthy taxpayer.\
Red states are the ones that receive more than they pay in. Oh, and your tax cuts will expire while the wealthy laugh at your peasant ass.
I wonder when California will become a ghost town?
There are two lines in a budget. What’s coming in and what’s going out. In Calif those two lines are rapidly merging and the State will implode.

That’s why I escaped and all my family has. After 150 years there is no one of my heritage in California. About 50% of close friends have left or are planning to leave.

Why is housing costs still high?
4 families moving into a single occupancy home. Likely illegals. And the Chinese are buying everything along the coast.
I am retired and love it here in the SF Bay area. Food is good and the air is clear and no republicans to make life a bitch. Own our house and and everything we need.
good for you .....many aint as wealthy as you are....aint that what you lefties said the republicans say?....i have mine to bad about you....sure you aint a righty?.....
Many like you simply drink away your wages and then complain when you realize you are broke.
can you prove that about me or is this just more arrogant taxman talk?...
Really? You don't say.....

Low tax states continue to be the winner in the population boom, while high taxed, over regulated states continue to stagnate and be on the losing end.
And they're bringing with them the moonbat kook politics that screwed up the places that they're leaving.
its payback.....California became like it is because of all the people from other states who moved there over the last 30 years to get their piece of California gold and brought their wonderful politics with them.....enjoy....
Actually it is not the new commers but the old timers who are leaving. Most have homes that they bought for 20 K and are now 2 million.
Prove that too. You can't but I know you'll blow plenty of smoke.
My home is a fine specimen of appreciation. But then that was 45 years ago when I and my wife bought it.
Like I said, all smoke and boast.
Really? You don't say.....

Why is it some states continue to attract new residents, while others, year after year, lose residents? While people move for many reasons, there is a strong, positive relationship between a state’s economic competitiveness and its projected likelihood to gain residents.

This relationship indicates how states experiencing higher population growth are generally the same states with lower tax and regulatory burdens, lower government debt and greater transparency and accountability for government spending.

Americans continue their march to low-tax states

Low tax states continue to be the winner in the population boom, while high taxed, over regulated states continue to stagnate and be on the losing end.
They are also low wage states. So you get what you work for and I could not live in a low wage/tax state.
Prove it, liar. Show us you proof of these so called low wage states.
You are the proof! Tezass is one of the worst for the working man.
You clowns continue to lie and blow smoke out your asses. When California goes under, you'll still spin and lie.
Really? You don't say.....

Why is it some states continue to attract new residents, while others, year after year, lose residents? While people move for many reasons, there is a strong, positive relationship between a state’s economic competitiveness and its projected likelihood to gain residents.

This relationship indicates how states experiencing higher population growth are generally the same states with lower tax and regulatory burdens, lower government debt and greater transparency and accountability for government spending.

Americans continue their march to low-tax states

Low tax states continue to be the winner in the population boom, while high taxed, over regulated states continue to stagnate and be on the losing end.
And they're bringing with them the moonbat kook politics that screwed up the places that they're leaving.
Maybe red states will start becoming earners instead of having the highest rates of welfare and food stamp participation.
When Cali finally goes down you'll still be posting, But but but but....
Gov. Cuomo laid it all out quite clearly for the dimocrat clowns this week. Keep raising folks’ taxes and they’ll move, taking was was gonna be state revenue with them. Bye-bye.

In addition, Cuomo is decommission the nuclear power plant that provides 20% of our baseline electricity in both Westchester County and NYC. ConEd has been begging our glorious leader to allow them to bring in new gas service in the county, but Cuomo has held firmly opposed. So, after March 15, ConEd will not honor any new requests for gas service in southern Westchester.
No end to their insane idiocy!
Really? You don't say.....

Why is it some states continue to attract new residents, while others, year after year, lose residents? While people move for many reasons, there is a strong, positive relationship between a state’s economic competitiveness and its projected likelihood to gain residents.

This relationship indicates how states experiencing higher population growth are generally the same states with lower tax and regulatory burdens, lower government debt and greater transparency and accountability for government spending.

Americans continue their march to low-tax states

Low tax states continue to be the winner in the population boom, while high taxed, over regulated states continue to stagnate and be on the losing end.
Yep, Tax money never finds its way to the average American.

Career politicians/deep state make sure of that
Retiring baby boomers moving to areas with weak economies where the money they made in blue states and cities lets them live like kings
It’s called capitalism… It’s always a winner
Retiring baby boomers moving to areas with weak economies where the money they made in blue states and cities lets them live like kings

I live in Indiana, our economy is booming and companies are moving in from all over. My neighbor Illinois is a trainwreck and companies are getting the hell out. People aren't moving to Indiana because of a bad economy, it is quite the opposite. Paying 2000 a month for a studio apartment doesn't mean you are making it, or living in paradise. It just means you are paying a ton of money for a studio apartment. If I trusted any stats, I'd be curious to see standard of living by state. I keep hearing North Dakota is killing it.

Shorter lines and better seats for the rest of us.

Now pack up your shit and get out!


You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I find it amusing you think the losers are the people who choose NOT to pay exorbitant taxes and fees to live in an overcrowded metropolis with small living spaces, pollution, and gridlocked traffic everywhere.
Rush-hour commute in western South Dakota...

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