Americans, Isnt it Time to Bury the Hatchet and Come Together Again?

Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Don't you think it would have been better to turn the issue over to the FBI back in July so it could have been investigated before the hearings?
After Dr. Ford insisted on anonymity? Not so sure I would violate her wishes, but that is a tough dilemma. It would definitely have been better if Dr. Ford had made up her mind to come forward BEFORE she told her story to a politician's office, that is for damned sure.

You really are silly....she planned on coming forward the whole time..... you don't become the first #metoo millionaire by staying anonymous...
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Wrong...her allegations should have been looked into in private, since they were lies....that the democrats aired them in public, knowing they were lies, shows they are evil....
They couldn't have been "looked into" without making her name known. Even you must agree with that.

Wrong....the Congressional investigators would have done the investigation without it becoming public...and a note to you...the FBI can't subpoena witnesses, the Senate committee can...
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Don't you think it would have been better to turn the issue over to the FBI back in July so it could have been investigated before the hearings?
After Dr. Ford insisted on anonymity? Not so sure I would violate her wishes, but that is a tough dilemma. It would definitely have been better if Dr. Ford had made up her mind to come forward BEFORE she told her story to a politician's office, that is for damned sure.

You really are silly....she planned on coming forward the whole time..... you don't become the first #metoo millionaire by staying anonymous...
You are making unfounded accusations. So I will ignore them. Fair?
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Don't you think it would have been better to turn the issue over to the FBI back in July so it could have been investigated before the hearings?
After Dr. Ford insisted on anonymity? Not so sure I would violate her wishes, but that is a tough dilemma. It would definitely have been better if Dr. Ford had made up her mind to come forward BEFORE she told her story to a politician's office, that is for damned sure.

If she insisted on anonymity, then her allegation should have been ignored until she was ready to come forward.. However, it seems MUCH more likely to me that she intended to tell her story and the anonymity request was just a reason to hold it until the "right" time. Of course, I could be wrong, but the impression created by the events support that version.
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Wrong...her allegations should have been looked into in private, since they were lies....that the democrats aired them in public, knowing they were lies, shows they are evil....
They couldn't have been "looked into" without making her name known. Even you must agree with that.

Wrong....the Congressional investigators would have done the investigation without it becoming public...and a note to you...the FBI can't subpoena witnesses, the Senate committee can...
Right. And I said nothing about subpoenas. I said the Congressional investigators or FBI or law enforcement or whomever could NOT have done it without her name. Are you saying they could? I am not talking about the highly suspect "promise" from these organizations to keep a secret. With all the leaking that goes on in D.C. these days? Are you JOKING?
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Wrong...her allegations should have been looked into in private, since they were lies....that the democrats aired them in public, knowing they were lies, shows they are evil....
They couldn't have been "looked into" without making her name known. Even you must agree with that.

Wrong....the Congressional investigators would have done the investigation without it becoming public...and a note to you...the FBI can't subpoena witnesses, the Senate committee can...
Right. And I said nothing about subpoenas. I said the Congressional investigators or FBI or law enforcement or whomever could NOT have done it without her name. Are you saying they could? I am not talking about the highly suspect "promise" from these organizations to keep a secret. With all the leaking that goes on in D.C. these days? Are you JOKING?

Yes....they could have.... and considering nothing she said was true, there would have been nothing to leak...
Today's Democrat is not your daddy's.
Today's Democrat wants to put the boot of big Gov't tyranny on your neck and keep it there!
Not the worst idea I've heard. can start by admitting collusion was all a show of good faith.
Or you can start by allowing the investigation to be completed...then we will know for sure it was bs....

Or not.

What is wrong with that?

That's what's going to happen.

But it's know it and I know it.

The act of good faith is admitting you know it.

Candycorn has failed. How about you?

How about that Youtube video bullshit from Benghazi?

You can admit that was CYA from Obama, Hillary and Susan Rice...they didn't believe that shit.

And we should have done more to save can admit that too?

And you can certainly ask me to come clean about something.
Last edited:
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

These aren't Kennedy Democrats. Heck, they're not even Jimmy Carter Democrats.

They're not even Bill Clinton Democrats. You can't make peace with these people; they must be defeated. Utterly.

"Woe to those who call evil good
And good evil,
Who put darkness for light
And light for darkness,
Who put bitter for sweet
And sweet for bitter!"

--Isaiah 5:20
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist.

Killing your own baby is about as evil as it comes.

Standing for that evil as a moral good--as a "woman's right to choose"--as if it's a RIGHT and not what it is, the death of your own child, is evil squared.
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Interestingly the verse from Isaiah does not say watch out for evil people.

It says expressly watch out for those who call evil GOOD....who put darkness for light, bitter for sweet. That is the ultimate deception.
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Don't you think it would have been better to turn the issue over to the FBI back in July so it could have been investigated before the hearings?
After Dr. Ford insisted on anonymity? Not so sure I would violate her wishes, but that is a tough dilemma. It would definitely have been better if Dr. Ford had made up her mind to come forward BEFORE she told her story to a politician's office, that is for damned sure.

I see the reason for your allegiance to Dr. Ford....she's a psycho.

...her mental instability on display

And now for the carefully considered conclusion, and the reason for my conclusion….

The conclusion is that a fifteen year old Christine Blasey, who didn’t travel in the same social circles with Brett Kavanaugh, saw from afar, a handsome, older boy who was an accomplished athletic hero as well as an academic star, at exactly the time her hormones were kicking in.

Kavanaugh was well out of her league.

Perhaps the term to be used would be Morganatic… in Morganatic marriage, as in a marriage between people of unequal social rank.

For most normal folks, while the above certainly could have occurred,….we call it ‘a crush.’

Most get over them…..not so with one predisposed to a mental imbalance, a “Fatal Attraction” syndrome.

“Ford, who also has received threats, is by all accounts a respected scientific researcher in the field of psychology with an impressive pedigree.”

“ …..psychologists suffering from psychological problems, including neurosis, superstitions, and thoughts of suicide is quite a common thing. It also goes on to describe how psychologists are just as troubled as the general population.”

The little-girl-voice that Dr Ford assumed is a give-away.

The hurt of her imaginary rejection by Kavanaugh at her most formative age, and the obsession that developed as a result, has been put to use by the Democrats……

…and now, her usefulness at an end, today’s Cindy Sheehan, they will throw Ford into the waste bin.

Ford is a sick woman....

Not as sick as you are, but, sick nonetheless.

... I posited that Dr Ford purposely testified in a childish voice.....

"The first hint of illness came when she began to testify in that husky little girl voice…”I’m just a defenseless little waif with no sophistication, unable to defend myself from this wicked, wicked world and this evil, evil man.”

The face and the accomplishments just didn’t go with that voice and the attempt to evince a less-than worldliness."

Here, from HuffPo is an actress imitating same.....and sounding exactly like the fake victim, Ford.
'Star Wars Resistance' Star Rachel Butera Mocks Christine Blasey Ford | HuffPost

I've read this theory of yours before. I see absolutely no reason to call me "sick" or suffering from dementia or anything else. That, imo, is the white flag of a loser.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

These aren't Kennedy Democrats. Heck, they're not even Jimmy Carter Democrats.

They're not even Bill Clinton Democrats. You can't make peace with these people; they must be defeated. Utterly.

"Woe to those who call evil good
And good evil,
Who put darkness for light
And light for darkness,
Who put bitter for sweet
And sweet for bitter!"

--Isaiah 5:20
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist.

Killing your own baby is about as evil as it comes.

Standing for that evil as a moral good--as a "woman's right to choose"--as if it's a RIGHT and not what it is, the death of your own child, is evil squared.
Okay. Now I understand where you're coming from. I will remember that, but excuse me if I don't engage with you anymore then. If every idea or opinion a person has is trash and that person is automatically dismissed as "evil" for being Pro-Choice, there is no sense, is there?
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Don't you think it would have been better to turn the issue over to the FBI back in July so it could have been investigated before the hearings?
After Dr. Ford insisted on anonymity? Not so sure I would violate her wishes, but that is a tough dilemma. It would definitely have been better if Dr. Ford had made up her mind to come forward BEFORE she told her story to a politician's office, that is for damned sure.

I see the reason for your allegiance to Dr. Ford....she's a psycho.

...her mental instability on display

And now for the carefully considered conclusion, and the reason for my conclusion….

The conclusion is that a fifteen year old Christine Blasey, who didn’t travel in the same social circles with Brett Kavanaugh, saw from afar, a handsome, older boy who was an accomplished athletic hero as well as an academic star, at exactly the time her hormones were kicking in.

Kavanaugh was well out of her league.

Perhaps the term to be used would be Morganatic… in Morganatic marriage, as in a marriage between people of unequal social rank.

For most normal folks, while the above certainly could have occurred,….we call it ‘a crush.’

Most get over them…..not so with one predisposed to a mental imbalance, a “Fatal Attraction” syndrome.

“Ford, who also has received threats, is by all accounts a respected scientific researcher in the field of psychology with an impressive pedigree.”

“ …..psychologists suffering from psychological problems, including neurosis, superstitions, and thoughts of suicide is quite a common thing. It also goes on to describe how psychologists are just as troubled as the general population.”

The little-girl-voice that Dr Ford assumed is a give-away.

The hurt of her imaginary rejection by Kavanaugh at her most formative age, and the obsession that developed as a result, has been put to use by the Democrats……

…and now, her usefulness at an end, today’s Cindy Sheehan, they will throw Ford into the waste bin.

Ford is a sick woman....

Not as sick as you are, but, sick nonetheless.

... I posited that Dr Ford purposely testified in a childish voice.....

"The first hint of illness came when she began to testify in that husky little girl voice…”I’m just a defenseless little waif with no sophistication, unable to defend myself from this wicked, wicked world and this evil, evil man.”

The face and the accomplishments just didn’t go with that voice and the attempt to evince a less-than worldliness."

Here, from HuffPo is an actress imitating same.....and sounding exactly like the fake victim, Ford.
'Star Wars Resistance' Star Rachel Butera Mocks Christine Blasey Ford | HuffPost

I've read this theory of yours before. I see absolutely no reason to call me "sick" or suffering from dementia or anything else. That, imo, is the white flag of a loser.

Ford was paid to lie, The Loopy kunt has no credibility...
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

These aren't Kennedy Democrats. Heck, they're not even Jimmy Carter Democrats.

They're not even Bill Clinton Democrats. You can't make peace with these people; they must be defeated. Utterly.

"Woe to those who call evil good
And good evil,
Who put darkness for light
And light for darkness,
Who put bitter for sweet
And sweet for bitter!"

--Isaiah 5:20
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist.

Killing your own baby is about as evil as it comes.

Standing for that evil as a moral good--as a "woman's right to choose"--as if it's a RIGHT and not what it is, the death of your own child, is evil squared.
Okay. Now I understand where you're coming from. I will remember that, but excuse me if I don't engage with you anymore then. If every idea or opinion a person has is trash and that person is automatically dismissed as "evil" for being Pro-Choice, there is no sense, is there?

Oh do not mistake me. I think individual people can be misled to think all kinds of things. People cannot think about it overmuch for whatever reason. So no, I don't think "every pro-choice person is evil".

However, the PARTY--whose job it is to craft these talking points and strategies, to pour over them for hours and days and years, even--they are absolutely evil. They do this on purpose, the subterfuge, the carefully tuned language, to hide what abortion really is.

And absolutely, that is evil.
An organization hell-bent on destroying a man with ZERO proof over some supposed "right" they fear will be taken away to rip the arms and legs from their own children IS the epitome of evil. Yes, there is a great evil in this country.
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Don't you think it would have been better to turn the issue over to the FBI back in July so it could have been investigated before the hearings?
After Dr. Ford insisted on anonymity? Not so sure I would violate her wishes, but that is a tough dilemma. It would definitely have been better if Dr. Ford had made up her mind to come forward BEFORE she told her story to a politician's office, that is for damned sure.

I see the reason for your allegiance to Dr. Ford....she's a psycho.

...her mental instability on display

And now for the carefully considered conclusion, and the reason for my conclusion….

The conclusion is that a fifteen year old Christine Blasey, who didn’t travel in the same social circles with Brett Kavanaugh, saw from afar, a handsome, older boy who was an accomplished athletic hero as well as an academic star, at exactly the time her hormones were kicking in.

Kavanaugh was well out of her league.

Perhaps the term to be used would be Morganatic… in Morganatic marriage, as in a marriage between people of unequal social rank.

For most normal folks, while the above certainly could have occurred,….we call it ‘a crush.’

Most get over them…..not so with one predisposed to a mental imbalance, a “Fatal Attraction” syndrome.

“Ford, who also has received threats, is by all accounts a respected scientific researcher in the field of psychology with an impressive pedigree.”

“ …..psychologists suffering from psychological problems, including neurosis, superstitions, and thoughts of suicide is quite a common thing. It also goes on to describe how psychologists are just as troubled as the general population.”

The little-girl-voice that Dr Ford assumed is a give-away.

The hurt of her imaginary rejection by Kavanaugh at her most formative age, and the obsession that developed as a result, has been put to use by the Democrats……

…and now, her usefulness at an end, today’s Cindy Sheehan, they will throw Ford into the waste bin.

Ford is a sick woman....

Not as sick as you are, but, sick nonetheless.

... I posited that Dr Ford purposely testified in a childish voice.....

"The first hint of illness came when she began to testify in that husky little girl voice…”I’m just a defenseless little waif with no sophistication, unable to defend myself from this wicked, wicked world and this evil, evil man.”

The face and the accomplishments just didn’t go with that voice and the attempt to evince a less-than worldliness."

Here, from HuffPo is an actress imitating same.....and sounding exactly like the fake victim, Ford.
'Star Wars Resistance' Star Rachel Butera Mocks Christine Blasey Ford | HuffPost

I've read this theory of yours before. I see absolutely no reason to call me "sick" or suffering from dementia or anything else. That, imo, is the white flag of a loser.

You refuse to admit that the Democrats are evil....????

You're sick.

"Democrat intern arrested for 'doxxing' GOP senators during Kavanaugh hearing changed Lindsey Graham's Wikipedia to include gay slur – and threatened to expose private health information of senators' CHILDREN

  • Jackson Cosko, 27, arrested for allegedly sharing personal details of Republican senators online without their consent – known as 'doxxing'
  • He is accused of posting contact information online during Kavanaugh hearing
  • After being discovered by a Senate staffer and thrown out of the office where he used to work, he send a threatening email to the aide, police say
  • In the email, Cosko said if he was exposed he would publish medical records and Social Security Numbers of the children of some senators
  • He also said he would expose emails and encrypted messages
  • He allegedly updated Lindsey Graham's Wikipedia page with a 'home' phone number which went to the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League
  • Cosko has interned for several prominent Democrat politicians including Dianne Feinstein, the minority chair of the committee that Kavanaugh testified in font of
  • He last worked for Sheila Jackson Lee, of Texas, who said he has been fired "
  • 'Doxxing' Democrat intern threatened to expose health information of senators' CHILDREN | Daily Mail Online
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans,..”.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

NO. As a Conservative, I cannot, under any circumstances, compromise on my Morals and Values. Especially not when these wastes of flesh and oxygen who refer to themselves as Progressives refuse to accept even the most basic tenants of Morality, values and Constitutional Government.

Until then I will bury my hatchet in the head of any and every Progressives who gets in my way.
The Progressive mindset, and America are incongruous. So, there can be no reconciliation until Progressives stop trying to make America what it was never meant to be, and what most CITIZENS don't want.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

These aren't Kennedy Democrats. Heck, they're not even Jimmy Carter Democrats.

They're not even Bill Clinton Democrats. You can't make peace with these people; they must be defeated. Utterly.

"Woe to those who call evil good
And good evil,
Who put darkness for light
And light for darkness,
Who put bitter for sweet
And sweet for bitter!"

--Isaiah 5:20
Sue, there is no evil here, on either side. The evil is in finding evil where it does not exist.

Killing your own baby is about as evil as it comes.

Standing for that evil as a moral good--as a "woman's right to choose"--as if it's a RIGHT and not what it is, the death of your own child, is evil squared.
Okay. Now I understand where you're coming from. I will remember that, but excuse me if I don't engage with you anymore then. If every idea or opinion a person has is trash and that person is automatically dismissed as "evil" for being Pro-Choice, there is no sense, is there?

Oh do not mistake me. I think individual people can be misled to think all kinds of things. People cannot think about it overmuch for whatever reason. So no, I don't think "every pro-choice person is evil".

However, the PARTY--whose job it is to craft these talking points and strategies, to pour over them for hours and days and years, even--they are absolutely evil. They do this on purpose, the subterfuge, the carefully tuned language, to hide what abortion really is.

And absolutely, that is evil.
And although I don't usually view the world through the prism of good or evil (or at least not using those terms), I think the Trump administration policy of keeping out Syrian refugees and others during this time of crisis around the world is pretty damned "evil," too.

You said,
They're not even Bill Clinton Democrats. You can't make peace with these people; they must be defeated. Utterly.

I guess I don't feel the conservatives need to be utterly defeated so much as educated. Or outvoted.
And although I don't usually view the world through the prism of good or evil (or at least not using those terms), I think the Trump administration policy of keeping out Syrian refugees and others during this time of crisis around the world is pretty damned "evil," too
Was it evil when Obama refused sanctuary to CHRISTIAN Syrians?
She deserved to be heard and with some kicking and screaming and help from Republicans like Susan Collins, Dr. Ford was heard. Her allegations were looked into. That was fair, not evil.

Don't you think it would have been better to turn the issue over to the FBI back in July so it could have been investigated before the hearings?
After Dr. Ford insisted on anonymity? Not so sure I would violate her wishes, but that is a tough dilemma. It would definitely have been better if Dr. Ford had made up her mind to come forward BEFORE she told her story to a politician's office, that is for damned sure.

I see the reason for your allegiance to Dr. Ford....she's a psycho.

...her mental instability on display

And now for the carefully considered conclusion, and the reason for my conclusion….

The conclusion is that a fifteen year old Christine Blasey, who didn’t travel in the same social circles with Brett Kavanaugh, saw from afar, a handsome, older boy who was an accomplished athletic hero as well as an academic star, at exactly the time her hormones were kicking in.

Kavanaugh was well out of her league.

Perhaps the term to be used would be Morganatic… in Morganatic marriage, as in a marriage between people of unequal social rank.

For most normal folks, while the above certainly could have occurred,….we call it ‘a crush.’

Most get over them…..not so with one predisposed to a mental imbalance, a “Fatal Attraction” syndrome.

“Ford, who also has received threats, is by all accounts a respected scientific researcher in the field of psychology with an impressive pedigree.”

“ …..psychologists suffering from psychological problems, including neurosis, superstitions, and thoughts of suicide is quite a common thing. It also goes on to describe how psychologists are just as troubled as the general population.”

The little-girl-voice that Dr Ford assumed is a give-away.

The hurt of her imaginary rejection by Kavanaugh at her most formative age, and the obsession that developed as a result, has been put to use by the Democrats……

…and now, her usefulness at an end, today’s Cindy Sheehan, they will throw Ford into the waste bin.

Ford is a sick woman....

Not as sick as you are, but, sick nonetheless.

... I posited that Dr Ford purposely testified in a childish voice.....

"The first hint of illness came when she began to testify in that husky little girl voice…”I’m just a defenseless little waif with no sophistication, unable to defend myself from this wicked, wicked world and this evil, evil man.”

The face and the accomplishments just didn’t go with that voice and the attempt to evince a less-than worldliness."

Here, from HuffPo is an actress imitating same.....and sounding exactly like the fake victim, Ford.
'Star Wars Resistance' Star Rachel Butera Mocks Christine Blasey Ford | HuffPost

I've read this theory of yours before. I see absolutely no reason to call me "sick" or suffering from dementia or anything else. That, imo, is the white flag of a loser.

You refuse to admit that the Democrats are evil....????

You're sick.

"Democrat intern arrested for 'doxxing' GOP senators during Kavanaugh hearing changed Lindsey Graham's Wikipedia to include gay slur – and threatened to expose private health information of senators' CHILDREN

  • Jackson Cosko, 27, arrested for allegedly sharing personal details of Republican senators online without their consent – known as 'doxxing'
  • He is accused of posting contact information online during Kavanaugh hearing
  • After being discovered by a Senate staffer and thrown out of the office where he used to work, he send a threatening email to the aide, police say
  • In the email, Cosko said if he was exposed he would publish medical records and Social Security Numbers of the children of some senators
  • He also said he would expose emails and encrypted messages
  • He allegedly updated Lindsey Graham's Wikipedia page with a 'home' phone number which went to the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League
  • Cosko has interned for several prominent Democrat politicians including Dianne Feinstein, the minority chair of the committee that Kavanaugh testified in font of
  • He last worked for Sheila Jackson Lee, of Texas, who said he has been fired "
  • 'Doxxing' Democrat intern threatened to expose health information of senators' CHILDREN | Daily Mail Online

So one bad apple , huh? Honestly, Political Chic, when are you going to come up with something sensible to say?

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