An apology and a challenge


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.
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That's what you get for posting from home. Let her read your OP, don't post from home any more, and get back into it! :D

And she sounds like a very wonderful person.
Ask yourself: Why do people watch boxing matches? Why have people always enjoyed fighting as entertainment in one form or another?
Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.

Good morning Predfan.

I think what you're attempting is commendable, and I believe our world would be better if people followed the spirit of your endeavor. To modify, and grant you more traction on your path, I propose that you ask concerned members PM you when you stray from your promise, too. Treating people with respect is not easy when politics can bring forth toxic feelings and anger.

This may help you. Instead of responding to toxic political posts, you're better off ignoring them completely, and actively seeking out respectful political opponents. However, if the itch is far too great to not respond, respond to them, but devoid of anything negative. Parry their points as you wish, but don't trade ire for ire. And, if their behavior doesn't correct itself and you feel tempted to strike back, it's better to ignore it. And if you have negative energy troubling your soul, take a break and find something else to do where you can channel that energy towards something positive. Go on a date with your wife. Do something good for both of you instead.

Your worth is only as good as your word, Predfan. Politics can bring out the worst in people, but always know that you do have a choice. You can't control the behaviors of other people, but you can control your reactions to them. I'll hold you to your word, and I support your choice. If you feel like talking, or just want to vent, you're welcome to shoot me a PM.
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Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.

Good morning Predfan.

I think what you're attempting is commendable, and I believe our world would be better if people followed the spirit of your endeavor. To modify, and grant you more traction on your path, I propose that you ask concerned members PM you when you stray from your promise, too. Treating people with respect is not easy when politics can bring forth toxic feelings and anger.

This may help you. Instead of responding to toxic political posts, you're better off ignoring them completely, and actively seeking out respectful political opponents. However, if the itch is far too great to not respond, respond to them, but devoid of anything negative. Parry their points as you wish, but don't trade ire for ire. And, if their behavior doesn't correct itself and you feel tempted to strike back, it's better to ignore it. And if you have negative energy troubling your soul, take a break and find something else to do where you can channel that energy towards something positive. Go on a date with your wife. Do something good for both of you instead.

Your worth is only as good as your word, Predfan. Politics can bring out the worst in people, but always know that you do have a choice. You can't control the behaviors of other people, but you can control your reactions to them. I'll hold you to your word, and I support your choice. If you feel like talking, or just want to vent, you're welcome to shoot me a PM.

Well, I didn't originally come here to debate. I came from a message board that was heavily moderated and I found out then that debating politics was a useless endeavor. No partisan minds are ever changed. I came here with only the intention of networking with other conservatives. IOW I've never really looked for a debate. I did get into the habit of bashing lefties whenever I could. It felt cathartic actually. As a conservative Libertarian, I have not only lost presidential elections to the likes of Obama and the progressives, but I've list primaries to the likes of John McCain, Mitt Romney, etc. admittedly it has made me bitter. Lashing out at the left felt better.

I don't believe that civil discussion with solve anything at all. IMO, it's a useless exercise. That said, no matter how many times I call lefties "idiots", "Retards", and various other things, they still win elections and I accomplish nothing but to disappoint the woman I love.

Thanks for the response.

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