An Example of How Past Government Policy Has Helped Whites Today

I'm sure if your father bought a house, he used the GI bill to help him do so.

It’s hard to comprehend just how large an impact the GI Bill had on the Greatest Generation ... In 1948, spending as part of the GI Bill consumed 15 percent of the federal budget.

In the years immediately after WWII, veterans’ mortgages accounted for more than 40 percent of home loans.

I don't think he owned a home, till his father died, and that was a long time afterwards...decades.

He married late in life.
Whites founded this country, built this country and saved the world a couple times. Nobody is saying that Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese and the most unfavored White groups of that time contributed in building this country. The Irish and Italians were also discriminated against at various times. But this country was made great by mostly Europeans, and that's a fact. And we still live in the greatest country in the world. That's a fact. And minorities contribute quite a bit to our modern day greatness. That's a fact. But the Democrat party with their militant assholes of antifa and BLM are making minorities look bad. That's because Democrats want to keep all minorities poor, pissed off and dependent on government.
Bullshit. Whites did not found or build anything by themselves. Slaves built this country. The Irish and Italians were white. They helped discriminate against non whites. Whites didn't save the world when it was whites that started the world wars. Whites have what they do because the government excluded everyone else.
Off Topic: But it's got everything to do in the coronavirus threads.

Sorry to interrupt. Carry on.

Yeah, it does in a way.
If you're going to hold America to a higher standard, let's at least know what that "Standard" is.

If other countries treated blacks even worse, then pointing a finger solely at America is hypocritical.
Past government policy in America has helped BOTH Whites and Blacks.

IM2's recurring theme is that America is the only country that has ever treated one race differently.
The truth is that throughout human history races have been treated differently.


1st degree loser attitude
Bullshit. Whites did not found or build anything by themselves. Slaves built this country. The Irish and Italians were white. They helped discriminate against non whites. Whites didn't save the world when it was whites that started the world wars. Whites have what they do because the government excluded everyone else.

You moron.
Slaves DID NOT BUILD the Industrial Northeast.
Slavery was a southern DEMOCRAT thing.
What an ignorant ass you are

Only 2% of living Americans have ancestors who had slaves.

Go after that 2% if you like. But you ain't getting shit from the 98%
Bullshit. Whites did not found or build anything by themselves. Slaves built this country. The Irish and Italians were white. They helped discriminate against non whites. Whites didn't save the world when it was whites that started the world wars. Whites have what they do because the government excluded everyone else.

Slaves did not build this country. That is a moronic claim that only a retarded wace baiting asshole would make.
Then let's meet up. Would love to discuss racism with you one on one bubba
You've talked a lot of shit to my face over the Internet.
All I'm saying is would you do it in person?
Why wouldn't I say this to your face? I'm 59, I won't be fighting. I've said my piece to mayors, governors and representatives. Who are you to be concerned with? You've threatened Marc and now you want to talk shit to me. I'm old, I'm not going to fight you. And what I would do is not worth 5-10.
Yeah, it does in a way.
If you're going to hold America to a higher standard, let's at least know what that "Standard" is.

Absolutely not. We were the first experiment in a constitutional republic. We founded it on higher principles and constructed it to make a more perfect union.

Lamborghini and Ferrari wouldn't be where they are if they even thought about what a "standard" car would look like.
You moron.
Slaves DID NOT BUILD the Industrial Northeast.

What an ignorant ass you are

Only 2% of living Americans have ancestors who had slaves.
Actually they did. But since we are talking about things that happened after slavery, try to stay on topic.
Why wouldn't I say this to your face? I'm 59, I won't be fighting. I've said my piece to mayors, governors and representatives. Who are you to be concerned with? You've threatened Marc and now you want to talk shit to me. I'm old, I'm not going to fight you. And what I would do is not worth 5-10.

You talk a ton of shit over the Internet. Coward.
That's the difference, everybody guesses all the time. I let people know when i'm doing it, while others pretend it's a proven fact.

You speak for everyone?

You were doing a lot of guessing in that post when, speaking of facts, you have no clue.
I said YOU should stop guessing, it makes you look stupid(er)

In your case, it's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.
Bullshit. Whites did not found or build anything by themselves. Slaves built this country. The Irish and Italians were white. They helped discriminate against non whites. Whites didn't save the world when it was whites that started the world wars. Whites have what they do because the government excluded everyone else.
I hope you lose that hatred before it consumes you.
An Example of How Past Government Policy Has Helped Whites Today

Losers always focus on the fact that they lost.....

An Example of How Past Government Policy Has Helped Blacks Today

Winners focus on ways to win
You speak for everyone?

You were doing a lot of guessing in that post when, speaking of facts, you have no clue.
I said YOU should stop guessing, it makes you look stupid(er)

In your case, it's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

I specifically said I was guessing. No "facts" were even hinted at.
IM2: bitches and cries endlessly about White America

Couldn't be dragged away from America with wild horses.

There's a bit of hypocrisy wouldn't you say?
I was born here. So I have the right granted by the constitution to air my grievances. Seems like you have a problem with American rights. Perhaps you could move to an all white country where you won't have to respect the fact that a black person has the same right to complain about the government as your white ass does.

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