An Example of How Past Government Policy Has Helped Whites Today

An Example of How Past Government Policy Has Helped Whites Today

Losers always focus on the fact that they lost.....

An Example of How Past Government Policy Has Helped Blacks Today

Winners focus on ways to win
Losers got help from the government for 188 years and act like they won something.
I was born here. So I have the right granted by the constitution to air my grievances. Seems like you have a problem with American rights. Perhaps you could move to an all white country where you won't have to respect the fact that a black person has the same right to complain about the government as your white ass does.

Oh you complain alright.

Every post you've ever posted is whining.

While you cry in your milk, MANY black men are taking charge and winning big
And every black man who wins big you call Uncle Tom

You will die a loser. Oreo boy.
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I started the thread son. The OP is about the GI Bill. Not slavery. But since you ran your mouth.

Whites in America have benefitted from a series of consistent affirmative action programs starting on July 4th, 1776. Yet many whites have not seen it that way. It is difficult to review the history of this country and not come to that conclusion, but that is all part of the madness. When all the laws provide for your advancement based on race from the beginning of this country, there is no sane argument to be made by whites about the unfairness of considering race as a qualification for anything. It is just that simple.

The National Housing Act was a law passed by Congress and signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934. This law created the Federal Housing Administration or the FHA. The National Housing Act is the probably the policy that has the greatest impact on individual wealth accumulation in modern America. Unfortunately, the formation of the FHA and its guaranteed loan program only worked to increase white advantage. This law expanded the power of the federal government which helped it monitor the American economy. Many of today’s republicans complaining about how government expansion is wrong, benefitted by this government expansion.

I say this because the FHA able to create a guaranteed home loan program whereby potential home buyers could get bank loans guaranteed against default by the government. But the government had standards and most of those standards were based on racist beliefs.

Between 1934 to 1968, the FHA implemented and put into practice a policy called redlining. It began by publishing The Underwriting Manual which set the guidelines real estate agents used to assess the value and creditworthiness of different homes and neighborhoods. This manual promoted racist real estate practices by defending racially restrictive covenants and segregated communities. Due to this manual, the FHA was able to establish a neighborhood grading system based purely of false racist perceptions.

Redlining was the name of that grading system. Redlining has been well documented so there is no need for me to go into a long analysis of the policy. What I will say is that redlining was based on a premise of neighborhood decline caused by blacks that has never been proven. To this day blacks are accused of depreciating neighborhood values still without proof.

The Social Security Act of 1935 created the Social Security program, unemployment insurance administered by the states and assistance to single mothers with children. Today most Americans love the program. However, when the act was signed, the law was structured to exclude occupations that were mainly occupied by blacks. When President Roosevelt signed the law, 65 percent of blacks in America were ineligible. So for years a majority of blacks were excluded from social security savings and could not get unemployment.

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 created the minimum wage and time and a half overtime pay for working over forty hours a week. Child labor was eliminated by this act. All these were good things but… This is the trouble with so many things in the history of America. There is always a but. Being imperfect, we all have buts and not just the ones we sit on. Yet in some cases the word but comes before critical facts that change how we see things. In this case, Roosevelt had to make a compromise with southern representatives in order to get the votes he needed. So he decided that industries where the majority of workers were black would be excluded from the regulations. Because of this, blacks were paid less than the minimum wage.

The issue goes far past slavery you dumb SOB. And we all have felt the effects of these policies.
The gates have become locked open for over 50 years with every program that can be had. And it smells of corruption and stealing and playing games with the system in a notable percentage. Getting "paid" is the game for many.
My father served in that war too. He did not take advantage of the GI Bill for college. I do not know if he used it to buy a house.

It was not his fault that the dems of the South, used their political pull to prevent blacks from benefiting. Nor is it mine.

THe fact that they were prevented from benefiting, has nothing to do with my father's level of success. His accomplishments were not based on pushing someone else down.

YOu are insane.
Just the South huh? Ever heard of Levittown?

If not, get educated...

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DEMOCRATS at work again!

THIS IS NOT SLAVERY. Stay on topic!
What slavery?

I already told you...

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You must try to remember that in your particular case, if your ancestors had not been brought to America,
You would be in a dirt hut wearing a straw diaper wiping your ass with your hand
I doubt that. But if yours had not come here you'd be living in a hut next to the feudal lords mansion.
And most of you benefitted from it.

On June 22, 1944 President Roosevelt signed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, better known as the G.I. Bill. This law provided benefits for veterans returning from the second World War. Funds were paid for college tuition, low-cost home loans, and unemployment insurance. As in every other program during this time southern congressmen fought passage of these laws unless there were provisions that limited access to blacks. The G.I Bill was no different.

Democratic congressmen in the south fought against provisions of the GI Bill out of fear that returning black veterans might be able to use public support for their war effort to advocate against Jim Crow laws. Southern Democrats using the same tactics they used to make certain other policies in the New Deal helped as few Black people as possible, wanted benefits to be administered by the states. Mississippi Congressman John Rankin was the ringleader in that regard]. He and other Southern Democrats knew doing that would allow southern states to do what each state had been doing since the Civil Rights Cases. That would be states implementing policies full of loopholes and restrictions that would be enforced on blacks but not whites thereby ensuring the GI Bill would primarily benefit whites. Congress gave southern Democrats what they wanted.

Now before I have to hear you republicans sing that sad sorry lie about democrats, remember that republicans voted to give the southern democrats what they wanted. My father served in that war, he was from Louisiana and he did not get the benefits white soldiers got. This impacted my life and so when we speak about reparations, we're talking about policies like this and many others which came after slavery and do more so directly affect blacks living today.

How about we talk about the Racism of the Left that is happening Today?

Do you remember this little bit of racism promoted by the Smithsonian a few days ago?


I'll bet you think I mean it is racist against Whites. The fact is, it is racist against Blacks and Minorities.

Have a listen.

Just the South huh? Ever heard of Levittown?
IM2 brought up the South, so I was talking to him about what he brought up. My point stands, has nothing to do with or mine.

I done being blamed for shit that I had nothing to do with.
How about we talk about the Racism of the Left that is happening Today?

Do you remember this little bit of racism promoted by the Smithsonian a few days ago?


I'll bet you think I mean it is racist against Whites. The fact is, it is racist against Blacks and Minorities.

Have a listen.

I know what racism is against blacks and other non whites. What this thread is about is how whites today have benefitted from government policy. Not butthurt whining about whiteness studies.
Oh you complain alright.

Every post you've ever posted is whining.

While you cry in your milk, MANY black men are taking charge and winning big
And every black man who wins big you call Uncle Tom

You will die a loser. Oreo boy.
Well your first mistake is not knowing your target. Your second mistake is thinking you're in a position to lecture your betters.
I know what racism is against blacks and other non whites. What this thread is about is how whites today have benefitted from government policy. Not butthurt whining about whiteness studies.
No, this isn't about that. But you go ahead and live in the past that cannot harm you anymore. I'll focus on ending racism in the here and now.
I know what racism is against blacks and other non whites. What this thread is about is how whites today have benefitted from government policy. Not butthurt whining about whiteness studies.

Yeah, we have not. We have been discriminated against in favor of assholes like you, all our lives.

You can take your "butthurt" shit and shove it up your ass.
And most of you benefitted from it.

On June 22, 1944 President Roosevelt signed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, better known as the G.I. Bill. This law provided benefits for veterans returning from the second World War. Funds were paid for college tuition, low-cost home loans, and unemployment insurance. As in every other program during this time southern congressmen fought passage of these laws unless there were provisions that limited access to blacks. The G.I Bill was no different.

Democratic congressmen in the south fought against provisions of the GI Bill out of fear that returning black veterans might be able to use public support for their war effort to advocate against Jim Crow laws. Southern Democrats using the same tactics they used to make certain other policies in the New Deal helped as few Black people as possible, wanted benefits to be administered by the states. Mississippi Congressman John Rankin was the ringleader in that regard]. He and other Southern Democrats knew doing that would allow southern states to do what each state had been doing since the Civil Rights Cases. That would be states implementing policies full of loopholes and restrictions that would be enforced on blacks but not whites thereby ensuring the GI Bill would primarily benefit whites. Congress gave southern Democrats what they wanted.

Now before I have to hear you republicans sing that sad sorry lie about democrats, remember that republicans voted to give the southern democrats what they wanted. My father served in that war, he was from Louisiana and he did not get the benefits white soldiers got. This impacted my life and so when we speak about reparations, we're talking about policies like this and many others which came after slavery and do more so directly affect blacks living today.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?
Truth is.....

NOWHERE on Earth do blacks have greater opportunities than America

So naturally, those who fail in life need to blame someone.

I present IM2

I M 2 angry that I failed in life and so I will go on forums and blame whitey
Lol! I am soon going to make examples out of people like you. So let me show you truth. Because your psychosis has you believing foolishness.

History is documented. There really can be no denial of what has gone on. Despite these facts, there are whites who choose to believe that none of these things have any relationship to how and why things are as they are now. Like Norton, they have lived in a system that has afforded them great wealth and do not want it changed. There are whites, be they liberal or conservative, who have refused to take a realistic look at the issue of race. It seems people want to solve race-based problems without looking at race to solve them. I do not attest to being the smartest or most intellectual man, but common sense says that if a system is built on denying specific races access to opportunity, racism is going to be at least part of the reason for the problems that exist due to the exclusion.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is due to white racism.

Yes, that’s what I said. I am not waiting for whites to give me anything free. I don’t have some so-called victim mentality whereby I blame whites for my failings. If I have failed at things, I failed on my own. It is time whites stopped the juvenile name calling and tightened up. The reality of racism is not about failing, it is about denial. The denial of opportunity. If anyone has failed it is the whites who have chosen to fall for what the white race pimps have told them. White racism IS the root cause, it is the fundamental reason for the occurrences of problems in the black community.

I say the root cause of the problems blacks face today, right now, are due to white racism.
Again you will ask, “Why?” Because there is proven or observable evidence that shows this to be true. Some whites refuse to accept this and argue citing various issues that are the result of racism trying to dispute any black or non white person who dares to say that racism has had a continuing negative effect on our communities. The arguments they make are made against indisputable evidence to the contrary.

On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The more common name for this commission is The Kerner Commission. This commission was tasked to answer three basic questions pertaining to the racial unrest in American cities: What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again? It is common knowledge how the commission deemed that two separate Americas existed, one for whites, the other for blacks.

“What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it. It is time now to turn with all the purpose at our command to the major unfinished business of this nation. It is time to adopt strategies for action that will produce quick and visible progress. It is time to make good the promises of American democracy to all citizens-urban and rural, white and black, Spanish-surname, American Indian, and every minority group.”

Kerner Commission Report

On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” the study’s central premise was that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but there were still disadvantages blacks faced that were based on race.

Here are some of the findings.

African Americans today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the white incarceration rate.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute, wrote an op ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made those recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.” There is a reason little has changed.

The commission recommended solutions based on the following 3 principles: “To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimension of the problems. To aim these programs for high impact in the immediate future in order to close the gap between promise and performance. To undertake new initiatives and experiments that can change the system of failure and frustration that now dominates the ghetto and weakens our society.” With all due respect, I do not believe the members of the commission truly understood the real size of the problem. As of today, principle number 1 has yet to be met.

In order for a societal problem to be solved there must be a will consensual among all to solve the problem by any means necessary. Not by a half measure here and a half measure there. Principle number 1 was to create programs equal to the dimension of the problem. That’s a laudable goal, but the dimension of the problem in 1967 was 191 years of denied income, education, housing and wages. What series of programs could be proposed to a nation where half the people believed that “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice?”

“These programs will require unprecedented levels of funding and performance, but they neither probe deeper nor demand more than the problems which called them forth. There can be no higher priority for national action and no higher claim on the nation's conscience.”

Kerner Commission Report

And so here you have it. Suddenly a nation that had felt it unnecessary to provide equal funding, facilities, housing or income even as the supreme court in 1897 determined it was fine to be separate if everything else was equal, a nation still fighting against the Brown decision by using state laws, a nation that had just decided to allow blacks the free access to the ballot and public accommodations, was going to appropriate billions of dollars to fix an almost 200 year old problem. It has yet to be done.

As a result of this study the commission identified 12 `grievances common in the communities they visited: “1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs.

You would be hard pressed to say these grievances do not still exist. The Kerner Commission was tasked to find out why the racial unrest happened. Instead of blaming blacks for being angry about the way they were treated, instead of inventing terms like victim mentality, the commission took a long hard look at American societal issues. The bottom line is that the Kerner Commission determined in 1968 what blacks already knew and what whites refused to hear. This quote from Nathaniel Jones, Assistant General Counsel for the Commission says it all, “One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.” In other words, “The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.” It was that conclusion that made it possible for white America to ignore the findings. Once whites felt as if they were to blame for the conditions of black people in America, they resisted the findings in this study. President Johnson called for the study and never implemented the suggested actions. He wasted government money by increasing spending on the Vietnam war and claimed he did not have the money to implement the types of programs suggested in the report.

Martin Luther King called it over 50 years ago. “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.” Had Johnson spent the billions he wasted in Vietnam on programs suggested by the Kerner Commission, many of the issues blacks face today would be reduced or eliminated. The Kerner Commission report is perhaps the finest study done on race in the history of this nation. We are now 52 years past the Kerner Commission findings. There has been little progress because at no level of government or society has America met even the first principle of the Kerner Commission.

“To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimension of the problems.”

For whites like you, the truth is too much to bear.

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