An Informal Debate on Race Relations in the United States Including Its History

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This thread is already mostly dead anyway.
There will be no discussion of any value when you allow extremist to be a part of it. They will take over and totem post, derail any beginnings of a discussion.
The thread was doomed anyway... FFS it started with the premise that whites, by nature, are racist.
So, yeah.... it's a joke thread.
It's not even 7 a.m. in California, so I'm not expecting Mariyam soon. But that would be for her to answer. In the meantime, there has been some good discussion points brought up, I think. I sure don't see Mariyam as an extremist, though.

P.S. I don't think it's anyone's "nature" to be racist. It is learned from those around us and what we see on tv and in the movies.
This thread is already mostly dead anyway.
There will be no discussion of any value when you allow extremist to be a part of it. They will take over and totem post, derail any beginnings of a discussion.
The thread was doomed anyway... FFS it started with the premise that whites, by nature, are racist.
So, yeah.... it's a joke thread.
Yeah, and we all knew it from the beginning.

You can't have a debate with folks who aren't willing to debate honestly, or even acknowledge reality.
I actually thought it provided quite a lot of information to back up the claims that racism is still an inherent problem in the system.
Ever notice that people who have completely opposite opinions can effortlessly fire off all kind of statistics to back up said opinion?
An example... feminist love to use a broad/flawed statistic that single men earn more than single women. And use that to "prove" there is inherent sexism in the workplace.
But another statistic is also true... never married women out earn never married men. By a lot.
Never married is a better statistic. Why? Because single men and single women are very different sets of people. Many single women have kids. And having kids, particularly a single parent, makes it much-much harder to "give it your all" in the workplace. So the fact single men outearn them should be no surprise. They can work late, come in early with ease. While the woman cannot. So guess who gets promoted?

Not to derail the thread into sexism, just making a point that broad/general statistics are almost always a bad indicator of reality.
It's not even 7 a.m. in California, so I'm not expecting Mariyam soon. But that would be for her to answer. In the meantime, there has been some good discussion points brought up, I think. I sure don't see Mariyam as an extremist, though.

P.S. I don't think it's anyone's "nature" to be racist. It is learned from those around us and what we see on tv and in the movies.

Correct. And racism/ignorance is also taught in the homes that people are raised in.
I actually thought it provided quite a lot of information to back up the claims that racism is still an inherent problem in the system.
People like you are how cults manage to exist.

Gullible..... (smh)
Why would you assume that he does not work or hasn't worked?

It may even be possible that he works or worked at in a position of more responsibility and for more compensation than you ever have.
Did you really think I referring to employment, or are you just trying to derail things?
Well, it's no MENSA meeting, that for sure.

QUOTE="IM2, post: 24920224, member: 53913"]
Can we get rid of uninvited people who are only going to troll?

They should just be ignored. Trolls are going to troll. As you can see.
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I been married to a black woman for over 30 years, and half my family is black, lol.

Side note about that, I have noticed that black women treat the white and hispanic men they date or marry, much better than they do black men..... do you know why that is?
I been wondering about that.

The same could likely be said for a female of any race who marry men outside of their own race.

My brother in law married a white female 5 years ago who was previously married to an abusive unsupportive clod, who was white.

She treats him better because HE treats her better than her last spouse.

No one race has a monopoly on being treated better or worse by another person in a marriage. And the fact is that the vast majority of people date and marry within their own race.
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I did receive re read what you stated. "Blah, blah, blah, get to work" can be interpreted a couple of different ways.
And how did you think I meant it from the context?

Did you really believe I was telling that individual to find a paying job?

Or was it more likely I was telling his lying, race-pimping ass to go fix the problems plaguing the community he claims to speak for his ownself instead of crying like a little bitch and pointing fingers at other people?
The same could likely be said for a female of any race who marry men outside of their own race.

My brother in law married a white female 5 years ago who was previously married to an abusive unsupportive clod, who was white.

She treats him better because HE treats her better than her last spouse.

No one race has a monopoly on being treated better or worse by another person in a marriage. And the fact is that the vast majority of people date and marry within their own race.
I was just wondering about it because it's what I have seen.
I actually thought it provided quite a lot of information to back up the claims that racism is still an inherent problem in the system.
Some of us don't want to discuss this matter in a serious way.
I was just wondering about it because it's what I have seen.

Frankly, I have not seen that frequently. Are you saying you have? Just out of curiosity what is your wife's belief regarding black men?
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And how did you think I meant it from the context?

Did you really believe I was telling that individual to find a paying job?

Or was it more likely I was telling his lying, race-pimping ass to go fix the problems plaguing the community he claims to speak for his ownself instead of crying like a little bitch and pointing fingers at other people?
I've worked to do that. Personal attacks were not supposed to be part of this discussion. Now would you like to show me where I am lying? Because you have been race pimped into what you believe.
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