An Informal Debate on Race Relations in the United States Including Its History

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I've worked to do that. Personal attacks were not supposed to be part of this discussion. Now would you like to show me where I am lying? Because you have been race pimped into what you believe.
Have you?
Because that isn't apparent from the posts I have seen you make. All I have seen from you is non-stop attacks on white people, not a single fucking one of whom ever owned a slave in their lives.
And how did you think I meant it from the context?

Did you really believe I was telling that individual to find a paying job?

Or was it more likely I was telling his lying, race-pimping ass to go fix the problems plaguing the community he claims to speak for his ownself instead of crying like a little bitch and pointing fingers at other people?

I'm not certain what you were trying to tell him. But It is a fairly frequent occurance to see some black posters being personally told by some white posters who know nothing about them to "get a job, get off welfare, pull your pants up, support your children"....etc, etc.

Which I personally find to be ignorant statements from extremely ignorant individuals, since I worked for nearly 45 years, 30 of which were in upper middle management, never was on welfare (nor was anyone in my family) and put my son and daughter through college. And there are many more just like me within my circle of friends and family.

As far as your assumptions about IM2, you should address those with him.
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I'm not certain what you were trying to tell him. But It is a fairly frequent occurance to see some black posters being personally told by white posters here to "get a job, get off welfare, support your children"....etc, etc.

Which I personally find to be ignorant statements from ignorant individuals, since I worked for nearly 45 years, 30 of which were in upper middle management, never was on welfare (nor was anyone in my family) and put my son and daughter through college.

As far as your assumptions about IM2, you should address those with him.
I was. You are the one who decided to insert yourself into our interaction.
I would guess that the ones that she doesn't like has nothing to do with race.
I wasn't really thinking of her when I asked about this; she ain't the only black woman I know who is married to someone who isn't.

I don't live under a rock, guy..... I know lots of different folks.
Translation: "These people won't take me and my bullshit seriously, wahh, wahhh!!!"
And here is an example. If I am so wrong produce evidence and not just opinion.
Have you?
Because that isn't apparent from the posts I have seen you make. All I have seen from you is non-stop attacks on white people, not a single fucking one of whom ever owned a slave in their lives.
Let's see, there is a 160 year record of events that have occurred since slavery. Would you care to discuss them? Because what you can't see is irrelevant. Now when you decide to be man enough to stand up to your white buddies and their non stop attacks on blacks, then I will consider what you have to say.

Because I don't give a flying fuck if your punk ass doesn't like what I say to whites. Because if you were really married to a true sister your ass would not be running your mouth like this. You are an example of internet blackface.
Not to derail the thread into sexism, just making a point that broad/general statistics are almost always a bad indicator of reality.
They tell a story. I don't hear you dismissing the statistics that blacks commit much more crime or per capita more of them are on welfare. Are you dismissing them because they make you uncomfortable? This is not "spin."

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

To me, that tells a story of less opportunity. YES things are a whole lot better. But stubbornly, there is underlying inequality of opportunity that is widespread throughout our country. Poverty breeds crime in every community and that feeds into the lower economic indicators as well. That is why one of the current demands is that some of the money being spent on police departments be spent on efforts to resolve some of those problems in the black community.
QUOTE="IM2, post: 24920224, member: 53913"]
Can we get rid of uninvited people who are only going to troll?

They should just be ignored. Trolls are going to troll. As you can see.
It takes a little while, but they're being removed. You're right. Don't respond to their posts.
They tell a story. I don't hear you dismissing the statistics that blacks commit much more crime or per capita more of them are on welfare. Are you dismissing them because they make you uncomfortable? This is not "spin."

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

To me, that tells a story of less opportunity. YES things are a whole lot better. But stubbornly, there is underlying inequality of opportunity that is widespread throughout our country. Poverty breeds crime in every community and that feeds into the lower economic indicators as well. That is why one of the current demands is that some of the money being spent on police departments be spent on efforts to resolve some of those problems in the black community.

Thank you oldlady.
I wasn't really thinking of her when I asked about this; she ain't the only black woman I know who is married to someone who isn't.

I don't live under a rock, guy..... I know lots of different folks.

Did I give you the impression that I think you live under a rock?9

I only asked about your wife's sentiments, because it seems logical that she could have some opinions that could influence your thoughts.

There is another poster here who has claimed to have a black wife that has very negative opinions about black men in general.
A black coworker and friend from the inner city told me this about white guys and black guys.
When you're in a bar, the white guys want to know, will you fuck them. The black guys want to know if you've got a job.

We laughed about it; she swears it's true. Historically, women are the breadwinners in the family. That's because the men can't get steady jobs. And the reason for that is.....
everything comes full circle, doesn't it?
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Racism isn't about the laws on the books. As @Mariyam said, the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 didn't magically change the hearts and minds of white people. Of course it didn't. Laws can't do that. Laws are nothing but words on paper until they are acted upon by individuals and the courts. That is where the problem lies.

As a white American, you, freyasman, have the right to be viewed as an individual, judged by your own actions. You have the right to walk into a job interview, a store, walk down a street in an elite community, without being automatically judged by the actions of every other white person. Think about it. White people commit mass shootings, sexually abuse young children, go on SS disability, rob drug stores for oxycontin, as well as all the other things people accuse blacks of as a group--leeching off welfare, commiting assault and robbery, etc. etc. But when someone sees you, they don't automatically jump to those negatives and suspect YOU of those things.

Why is it that blacks are?

Why is their unemployment rate still double that of whites? Why are more of them living in poverty? Why are so many in prison? All those things are interrelated. The equal opportunity of the LAW has not magically changed the hearts and minds of people who hire, who grant loans, rent apartments, promote, decide who to pull over for a traffic stop, a stop and frisk.

At some point, people get fed up. They're fed up right now. And even though millions of protesters have gathered and protested without violence, without rioting or looting, guess what? Even our President can't seem to comment on anything but the violence, the rioting and looting. It's a lot simpler, isn't it, than grappling with the harder problem, which is giving a hard think to our own biases and listening to the situation from the people on the ground who know what is happening.

The black community is telling us that racism still exists. That they are still not getting a fair shake. Rather than immediately start with the "they" thing again and ranting about the rioting and violence, it is time to shut our mouths and listen. It is the only way the laws will ever achieve their goal.

That is a really good good way of boiling down many things into one basic truth: Black people are judged as a group for things white people are judged for as individuals.
That is a really good good way of boiling down many things into one basic truth: Black people are judged as a group for things white people are judged for as individuals.
And the people doing it always want us to look at them as individuals as they do it.
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