An interesting read

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Leftists have to resort to false accusations when all else fails obviously. First, they tried to say I was a religious person, and now they are trying to say I'm a moderate. Don't label me, fuckers. :D

Okay, right-winger.

I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

Too bad I can't say the same about you, clown. :D
I'm sorry, the leftists seem much more concerned over social justice than the everyday issues that everyday Americans face.

Yeah, you basically just repeated a point I already made. You're a superstar.

You have YET to name even ONE reason why an average American would support a democrat candidate.

Ordinary Americans means what is commonplace and standard for Americans. A simple concept, or maybe not for a leftist. :D Lol.

You mean a subjective concept. I could give you all sorts of 'reasons', but you don't require any objectivity for your set-in-stone partisanship. Why would an 'Average American' support a republican candidate?

So then you agree with the article. Just trying to figure out what exactly it is you are arguing about here.

No, words have meanings. Look up the definition of ordinary.

I'm calling you out. You're just another dime-a-dozen partisan hack who makes threads on a message board filled with a majority of like minded hacks to gloat. You're labelled. Am I incorrect?

How so? Because you didn't like the article or because I don't like leftists? Sorry, a lot of people just don't like you. It's because you are a nasty windbag. :D I hardly ever make threads. Are you as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside?

Uglier. But not even in your league on my worst day, hack.

No kidding. I am highly doubtful that you are more beautiful than me. :D That's because I don't vote for leftist scums that hate ordinary Americans. Lol!
I'm sorry, the leftists seem much more concerned over social justice than the everyday issues that everyday Americans face.

Yeah, you basically just repeated a point I already made. You're a superstar.

You have YET to name even ONE reason why an average American would support a democrat candidate.

Ordinary Americans means what is commonplace and standard for Americans. A simple concept, or maybe not for a leftist. :D Lol.

You mean a subjective concept. I could give you all sorts of 'reasons', but you don't require any objectivity for your set-in-stone partisanship. Why would an 'Average American' support a republican candidate?

So then you agree with the article. Just trying to figure out what exactly it is you are arguing about here.

No, words have meanings. Look up the definition of ordinary.

I'm calling you out. You're just another dime-a-dozen partisan hack who makes threads on a message board filled with a majority of like minded hacks to gloat. You're labelled. Am I incorrect?

How so? Because you didn't like the article or because I don't like leftists? Sorry, a lot of people just don't like you. It's because you are a nasty windbag. :D I hardly ever make threads. Are you as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside?

Uglier. But not even in your league on my worst day, hack.

Are you as ugly as you are stupid, BTW? :D

You must be frightening and horrific to look at! Lol!
Leftists have to resort to false accusations when all else fails obviously. First, they tried to say I was a religious person, and now they are trying to say I'm a moderate. Don't label me, fuckers. :D

Okay, right-winger.

I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

What was a good one? I'm just stating the facts. One of the facts is that you are obviously a clown. :D Well, maybe you are just a really bad and stupid troll? Not sure.

You aren't stating facts. You're stating opinions. Holy fuck, you're a dummy.
Yeah, you basically just repeated a point I already made. You're a superstar.

You mean a subjective concept. I could give you all sorts of 'reasons', but you don't require any objectivity for your set-in-stone partisanship. Why would an 'Average American' support a republican candidate?

So then you agree with the article. Just trying to figure out what exactly it is you are arguing about here.

No, words have meanings. Look up the definition of ordinary.

I'm calling you out. You're just another dime-a-dozen partisan hack who makes threads on a message board filled with a majority of like minded hacks to gloat. You're labelled. Am I incorrect?

How so? Because you didn't like the article or because I don't like leftists? Sorry, a lot of people just don't like you. It's because you are a nasty windbag. :D I hardly ever make threads. Are you as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside?

Uglier. But not even in your league on my worst day, hack.

No kidding. I am highly doubtful that you are more beautiful than me. :D That's because I don't vote for leftist scums that hate ordinary Americans. Lol!

See that avatar? That's my gorgeous face. You'll never see a finer Mars Symbol. Don't hate because i'm gorgeous.
Leftists have to resort to false accusations when all else fails obviously. First, they tried to say I was a religious person, and now they are trying to say I'm a moderate. Don't label me, fuckers. :D

Okay, right-winger.

I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

What was a good one? I'm just stating the facts. One of the facts is that you are obviously a clown. :D Well, maybe you are just a really bad and stupid troll? Not sure.

You aren't stating facts. You're stating opinions. Holy fuck, you're a dummy.

Err. No, I'm not. I can state a lot of issues where I fall in the center or even on the left. That is a fact. Having said that, I feel the leftists are absolutely out of their collective minds.
Okay, right-winger.

I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

What was a good one? I'm just stating the facts. One of the facts is that you are obviously a clown. :D Well, maybe you are just a really bad and stupid troll? Not sure.

You aren't stating facts. You're stating opinions. Holy fuck, you're a dummy.

Err. No, I'm not. I can state a lot of issues where I fall in the center or even on the left. That is a fact. Having said that, I feel the leftists are absolutely out of their collective minds.

I guess that last statement could be subjective if you were talking to a leftist, but only a leftist. Everyone else thinks you are batshit crazy clowns. :D Lol. Or is that a fact? To me, that is just a fact.
Okay, right-winger.

I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

What was a good one? I'm just stating the facts. One of the facts is that you are obviously a clown. :D Well, maybe you are just a really bad and stupid troll? Not sure.

You aren't stating facts. You're stating opinions. Holy fuck, you're a dummy.

Err. No, I'm not. I can state a lot of issues where I fall in the center or even on the left. That is a fact. Having said that, I feel the leftists are absolutely out of their collective minds.

Let's hear them!
I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

What was a good one? I'm just stating the facts. One of the facts is that you are obviously a clown. :D Well, maybe you are just a really bad and stupid troll? Not sure.

You aren't stating facts. You're stating opinions. Holy fuck, you're a dummy.

Err. No, I'm not. I can state a lot of issues where I fall in the center or even on the left. That is a fact. Having said that, I feel the leftists are absolutely out of their collective minds.

I guess that last statement could be subjective if you were talking to a leftist, but only a leftist. Everyone else thinks you are batshit crazy clowns. :D Lol. Or is that a fact? To me, that is just a fact.

There's that partisan talk again. How is it, in your mentally-challenged brain, that I'm a leftist? Please, explain it to me.
Still wondering about that "telling you not to love America so much" part. Care to elaborate?

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I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

What was a good one? I'm just stating the facts. One of the facts is that you are obviously a clown. :D Well, maybe you are just a really bad and stupid troll? Not sure.

You aren't stating facts. You're stating opinions. Holy fuck, you're a dummy.

Err. No, I'm not. I can state a lot of issues where I fall in the center or even on the left. That is a fact. Having said that, I feel the leftists are absolutely out of their collective minds.

Let's hear them!

I am an agnostic.
Pro choice (although I hate how leftists almost cheer it on and celebrate it - disgusting - it should not ever be something to "celebrate").
Anti death penalty.
Pro social services safety nets for people who are really in need.

On the con side.
I am for lowering taxes until the government can make itself less wasteful, do away with redundancy, lessen some of the more silly and useless regulations on businesses and making the United States more business friendly, moving away from the demonization tactics of the leftist shills who will just end up harming EVERYONE in the long run with their hostility and hatefulness of success and successful people.

Anti illegal immigration and really think we should start thinking about who we allow into the country and make better decisions when it comes to things like that. America is not a country for squatters. There are MANY reasons to be against illegal immigration. I can get into that in much more detail if need be and I will kick your sorry ass too.

PRO 2nd amendment and all of my precious rights. Any politician who threatens my rights in any way whatsoever or who even hints at or insinuates such, then they have completely lost me forever. I will never trust that politician again.

There are probably a few other things that I can't think of right now, but I WORK for a living like an "ordinary American" and it's late and I'm getting tired, so fuck off loser.
All of those excuses fail to get to the crux of why the left keeps losing. Ordinary Americans simply don't like leftists very much.

Conservatives don't like leftists very much, that's the truth. But you don't speak for 'Ordinary America'. Your spin is anecdotal, nothing more.

And when Hollywood and Silicon Valley unite to tell them they are stupid, are ignorant, are racist, are homophobic, hate Muslims, and shouldn't love America so much, what do they expect the reaction from ordinary people will be?

What do you expect it to be? I can't read minds, and your little anecdotal buzzword bingo is of no help. We stereotype way too much in this country these days, but stereotypes do usually have a grain of truth to them. Both political parties are guilty of ignorance and racism, but homophobia is a trait mostly seen coming from the right. People trashing Hollywood/Silicon Valley? Mostly comes from the politically right wing. Muslim-haters are very likely going to be conservatives.

Republicans are not representatives of the people any more than Democrats are. But they speak the language of the ordinary voter and usually don't put them down.

Oh, bullshit. They have an agenda just like the Democrats.

The coastal elites who run the Democratic Party and liberal establishment cannot disguise their contempt for ordinary Americans. In Georgia's 6th District, that smug, self-righteous sense of superiority played about as well as one might expect.

Language like 'coastal elites' outs you as a partisan. I'm sick of partisan hacks. You offer nothing new to the conversation.

Until the Democrats can learn to mask their hatred of the hoi polloi, ordinary people will hate them more than they hate Trump and the Republicans.

That remains to be seen. I don't give a shit what people think of me, much less what either corrupt political party thinks of me, and vice versa. It's called self reliance. None of us has any certainty about how this shit show of an administration is going to pan out. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron.

So, perhaps don't start sucking each others dicks just yet.

I AM an average American voter who is concerned about the economy and jobs, illegal immigration, having to pay more and more taxes to a wasteful and corrupt government entity, etc. These are things that the AVERAGE American voter are concerned with, not whining about transgenders bathroom privileges, gay marriage and abortion! Your social justice issues are considered to be fringe issues for the average American voter who isn't really all that concerned about those types of things.

you're an average american partisan hack, of the rwnj variety

be proud :thup:

Compared to a fringe leftist weirdo who doesn't know the difference between men and women, that might be true! :113:

As opposed to righty kooks who think the earth is 6000 years old and dinosaur bones are a plant of the devils making ?

Uhm they are better then the lefty kooks who think the earth is only 120 years old when we started keeping official temperature records
Here is an interesting article. I absolutely agree with just about everything in it. Will the dems ever learn from their mistakes? If you were to go by the general attitude around this forum, then NOPE.

Some people hate Trump. More people hate liberals.

All of those excuses fail to get to the crux of why the left keeps losing. Ordinary Americans simply don't like leftists very much. And when Hollywood and Silicon Valley unite to tell them they are stupid, are ignorant, are racist, are homophobic, hate Muslims, and shouldn't love America so much, what do they expect the reaction from ordinary people will be?

Republicans are not representatives of the people any more than Democrats are. But they speak the language of the ordinary voter and usually don't put them down. The coastal elites who run the Democratic Party and liberal establishment cannot disguise their contempt for ordinary Americans. In Georgia's 6th District, that smug, self-righteous sense of superiority played about as well as one might expect.

Until the Democrats can learn to mask their hatred of the hoi polloi, ordinary people will hate them more than they hate Trump and the Republicans.
Republicans have been very successful at defining Democrats which help explains why so many Republicans vote against their self interest.

What self interest is that? Jobs, low taxes, low cost of living ..
Here is an interesting article. I absolutely agree with just about everything in it. Will the dems ever learn from their mistakes? If you were to go by the general attitude around this forum, then NOPE.

Some people hate Trump. More people hate liberals.

All of those excuses fail to get to the crux of why the left keeps losing. Ordinary Americans simply don't like leftists very much. And when Hollywood and Silicon Valley unite to tell them they are stupid, are ignorant, are racist, are homophobic, hate Muslims, and shouldn't love America so much, what do they expect the reaction from ordinary people will be?

Republicans are not representatives of the people any more than Democrats are. But they speak the language of the ordinary voter and usually don't put them down. The coastal elites who run the Democratic Party and liberal establishment cannot disguise their contempt for ordinary Americans. In Georgia's 6th District, that smug, self-righteous sense of superiority played about as well as one might expect.

Until the Democrats can learn to mask their hatred of the hoi polloi, ordinary people will hate them more than they hate Trump and the Republicans.
You’re swallowing the republican narrative rosanne. Like her you weren’t always a right winger.

You bought trump university.

Are you better off Chris than you were in 2016? Did you hear your retirement age was raised to 70 and you’ll be getting less social security because of the trump tax breaks?

Every one was born a liberal, some grew up, so what's your point??
Leftists have to resort to false accusations when all else fails obviously. First, they tried to say I was a religious person, and now they are trying to say I'm a moderate. Don't label me, fuckers. :D

Okay, right-winger.

I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

Chrissy is not a hack shit for brains..
I am an agnostic.

Atheist, but not militant (HATE militant atheists). Have family and friends who are very religious and I respect their belief systems. It's not a problem.

Pro choice (although I hate how leftists almost cheer it on and celebrate it - disgusting - it should not ever be something to "celebrate").

Pro-choice kind of explains the agnosticism. I don't disagree.

Anti death penalty.

Pro. Some people you just can't rehabilitate.

Pro social services safety nets for people who are really in need.

Elaborate. Please.

On the con side.
I am for lowering taxes until the government can make itself less wasteful, do away with redundancy, lessen some of the more silly and useless regulations on businesses and making the United States more business friendly, moving away from the demonization tactics of the leftist shills who will just end up harming EVERYONE in the long run with their hostility and hatefulness of success and successful people.

I'm pro making as much money as I can, because it's the only thing that equalizes in America. Justice works best when you have it. If you don't? Well, you're inferior to the ones that do. He who has the gold makes the rules. Your ideas seem like a pipe dream. Neither party wants to lower taxes. Neither party wants to curb the size of the government. BOTH parties talk a lot of shit.

Anti illegal immigration and really think we should start thinking about who we allow into the country and make better decisions when it comes to things like that. America is not a country for squatters. There are MANY reasons to be against illegal immigration. I can get into that in much more detail if need be and I will kick your sorry ass too.

These ideas should have been implemented 40 years ago. But, it's too much work for our government to truly make an effort. There's no money to be made. So, it's going to be band aid solutions until it comes to a head.

PRO 2nd amendment and all of my precious rights. Any politician who threatens my rights in any way whatsoever or who even hints at or insinuates such, then they have completely lost me forever. I will never trust that politician again.

Very pro 2nd amendment. Own several firearms. I also think a lot of assholes in this country should be barred from owning them, but I honestly couldn't tell you how that would be realistic in today's political climate..

There are probably a few other things that I can't think of right now, but I WORK for a living like an "ordinary American" and it's late and I'm getting tired, so fuck off loser.

Right back atcha, hack. Sleep well.
Leftists have to resort to false accusations when all else fails obviously. First, they tried to say I was a religious person, and now they are trying to say I'm a moderate. Don't label me, fuckers. :D

Okay, right-winger.

I can make a list right now of issues where I fall in the center. Besides that, who is a partisan hack trying to call a partisan hack? ROFL. You are a clown.

Lol. Good one, hack. You really told me. :21:

Chrissy is not a hack shit for brains..

Did I rattle your cage, dumb fuck? Keep on truckin.
Still wondering about that "telling you not to love America so much" part. Care to elaborate?

View attachment 196744
Retired Green Beret, Nate Boyer suggested taking a knee instead of just sitting on the bench because it was not an uncommon practice for military to "take a knee" in respect for fallen soldiers.

Opinion | Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee
After hours of careful consideration, and even a visit from Nate Boyer, a retired Green Beret and former N.F.L. player, we came to the conclusion that we should kneel, rather than sit, the next day during the anthem as a peaceful protest. We chose to kneel because it’s a respectful gesture. I remember thinking our posture was like a flag flown at half-mast to mark a tragedy.

It baffles me that our protest is still being misconstrued as disrespectful to the country, flag and military personnel. We chose it because it’s exactly the opposite. It has always been my understanding that the brave men and women who fought and died for our country did so to ensure that we could live in a fair and free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.
Here is an interesting article. I absolutely agree with just about everything in it. Will the dems ever learn from their mistakes? If you were to go by the general attitude around this forum, then NOPE.

Some people hate Trump. More people hate liberals.

All of those excuses fail to get to the crux of why the left keeps losing. Ordinary Americans simply don't like leftists very much. And when Hollywood and Silicon Valley unite to tell them they are stupid, are ignorant, are racist, are homophobic, hate Muslims, and shouldn't love America so much, what do they expect the reaction from ordinary people will be?

Republicans are not representatives of the people any more than Democrats are. But they speak the language of the ordinary voter and usually don't put them down. The coastal elites who run the Democratic Party and liberal establishment cannot disguise their contempt for ordinary Americans. In Georgia's 6th District, that smug, self-righteous sense of superiority played about as well as one might expect.

Until the Democrats can learn to mask their hatred of the hoi polloi, ordinary people will hate them more than they hate Trump and the Republicans.
They live in a bubble of their own narcissism, out of touch as can be with the vast majority of America. Any wonder why the entirety of the MSM and the self proclaimed "enlightened" blue state sophisticates didn't believe Trump was electable... even after it was so! Their smugness has turned into the ugliness that we now see every day in the media.

To cheer us all up... here's Ben Rhodes moments after the results confirmed the impossible... lol

The American Press is anchored in LA and NYC.
They consider heartland Americans to be inferior people and irrelevant.
There is a deep current of anti-Wasp sentiment at the core of the Democratic Party.
They regard middle class people to be their tax slaves.
Liberals are all of the things that they profess to be against.
Here is an interesting article. I absolutely agree with just about everything in it. Will the dems ever learn from their mistakes? If you were to go by the general attitude around this forum, then NOPE.

Some people hate Trump. More people hate liberals.

All of those excuses fail to get to the crux of why the left keeps losing. Ordinary Americans simply don't like leftists very much. And when Hollywood and Silicon Valley unite to tell them they are stupid, are ignorant, are racist, are homophobic, hate Muslims, and shouldn't love America so much, what do they expect the reaction from ordinary people will be?

Republicans are not representatives of the people any more than Democrats are. But they speak the language of the ordinary voter and usually don't put them down. The coastal elites who run the Democratic Party and liberal establishment cannot disguise their contempt for ordinary Americans. In Georgia's 6th District, that smug, self-righteous sense of superiority played about as well as one might expect.

Until the Democrats can learn to mask their hatred of the hoi polloi, ordinary people will hate them more than they hate Trump and the Republicans.

Yet- more Americans are Democrats than are Republicans.

Yes it is true- Democrats often cannot conceal their contempt for some Americans that are Republicans. I have not seen Republicans behave noticeably any differently.
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