An Investigation Into Rusian Interference...

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So...retards...if "Obama did nothing" then why would Flynn be talking about ripping up Obama's sanctions with the Russians?

The tards will keep repeating the lie "Obama did nothing" because that is what their propagandists have taught them to parrot and to bleev.
So...retards...if "Obama did nothing" then why would Flynn be talking about ripping up Obama's sanctions with the Russians?

...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!

Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Flynn got suckered into a PROCESS CRIME by MUELLER.

So all the crimes were LONG BEFORE Trump got elected.....except Flynn. Yeah, I don't think 'all' means what you think it means. Lying to the FBI in a criminal investigation is fairly serious.

Now, tell us about George Papadopolous. Remember, "all" crimes were long before Trump was elected.

Collecting opposition information on the opposing campaign is NOT ILLEGAL. EVERYONE does it.

From the Russians?

Then why did Trump lie his ass off about the meeting? Why did he instruct other to lie? Trump's campaign was told that the information was from 'high level government sources' among the Russians.

The very people who attacked us and tried to tip the election in favor of Trump. The same man whose campaign colluded with them to do the same thing.

Trump's arguments have degenerated from 'there were no contacts with any Russians' to 'there were many, many contacts with the Russians, but collusion isn't a crime.

Not good for Trump.


Then why did Trump say that the meeting was to get information on his political opponent?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Smiling......but this was about Russian Adoption, huh? You need to update the lie you're citing.
I didn't say it was illegal, dumb shit. I said the "Obama did nothing" lie is destroyed by the fact Flynn spoke to the Russians about Obama's sanctions.

Do try to catch up, idiot.
OH? What DID they kenyan do?

OOOoooooh.... I remember... he said he'd be MORE FLEXIBLE once he was reelected, and then said "knock it off," ya, he did DO MUCH.

Pfft... grow a brain.
DHS exposed the Russian attacks. DHS offered to help the states repel the Russian attacks, but were rebuffed by the states. Obama imposed sanctions on Russia because of the attacks.

So much for "Obama did nothing".

I guess it's time for you creduloids to get back in line for a refill of your piss cups.
Oh, and have you heard of Alexander Torshin? Since you're insisting that there was only one meeting between Trump campaign personnel and the Russians.
Meanwhile, Trump is telling the world the Russian attacks are all a hoax.

It's amazing how well the propagandists have managed to compartmentalize the pinheads' brains. Positively amazing.
...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!

Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Flynn got suckered into a PROCESS CRIME by MUELLER.

So all the crimes were LONG BEFORE Trump got elected.....except Flynn. Yeah, I don't think 'all' means what you think it means. Lying to the FBI in a criminal investigation is fairly serious.

Now, tell us about George Papadopolous. Remember, "all" crimes were long before Trump was elected.

Collecting opposition information on the opposing campaign is NOT ILLEGAL. EVERYONE does it.

From the Russians?

Then why did Trump lie his ass off about the meeting? Why did he instruct other to lie? Trump's campaign was told that the information was from 'high level government sources' among the Russians.

The very people who attacked us and tried to tip the election in favor of Trump. The same man whose campaign colluded with them to do the same thing. Trump's arguments have degenerated from 'there were no contacts with any russins' to 'there were many, many contacts with the Russians, but collusion isn't a crime.

Not good for Trump.


Then why did Trump say that the meeting was to get information on his political opponent?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Smiling......but this was about Russian Adoption, huh? You need to update the lie you're citing.
What PLANET do you people live on?

No wonder no one else debates you people. All you can do is spew GARBAGE.

Popadopalus was SET UP, and Flynn got caught in a Mueller perjury trap, by the very same SHYSTERS and CORRUPT TRASH that JUST GOT FIRED FROM THE FBI.
No one but the most retarded parroting rubes still believe Trump Junior's meeting with the Russians had to do with adoptions. Even the dotard is admitting it was to get dirt from the Russians on Hillary.
Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Flynn got suckered into a PROCESS CRIME by MUELLER.

So all the crimes were LONG BEFORE Trump got elected.....except Flynn. Yeah, I don't think 'all' means what you think it means. Lying to the FBI in a criminal investigation is fairly serious.

Now, tell us about George Papadopolous. Remember, "all" crimes were long before Trump was elected.

Collecting opposition information on the opposing campaign is NOT ILLEGAL. EVERYONE does it.

From the Russians?

Then why did Trump lie his ass off about the meeting? Why did he instruct other to lie? Trump's campaign was told that the information was from 'high level government sources' among the Russians.

The very people who attacked us and tried to tip the election in favor of Trump. The same man whose campaign colluded with them to do the same thing. Trump's arguments have degenerated from 'there were no contacts with any russins' to 'there were many, many contacts with the Russians, but collusion isn't a crime.

Not good for Trump.


Then why did Trump say that the meeting was to get information on his political opponent?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Smiling......but this was about Russian Adoption, huh? You need to update the lie you're citing.
What PLANET do you people live on?

No wonder no one else debates you people. All you can do is spew GARBAGE.

Popadopalus was SET UP, and Flynn got caught in a Mueller perjury trap, by the very same SHYSTERS and CORRUPT TRASH that JUST GOT FIRED FROM THE FBI.
Wow. You really are too stupid to get it, aren't you.

1. Obama imposes sanctions against Russia for meddling.

2. Flynn meets with Russians to talk about ripping up Obama's sanctions.

3. Dipshits claim "Obama did nothing" about Russian meddling.

Do you see where the giant hole in the "Obama did nothing" lie is, yet, dumbass? I made it as simple as possible so that even someone with an IQ of 9 can get it.
No one but the most retarded parroting rubes still believe Trump Junior's meeting with the Russians had to do with adoptions. Even the dotard is admitting it was to get dirt from the Russians on Hillary.
The MAJORITY know that the FBI and DOJ were full of obama hold overs that HATED Trump, and were/are still, actively trying to unseat a duly elected president. Only completely retarded, lying, shit spewing radical fascist democrat trash believe otherwise. Thankfully people like that are the MINORITY.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Flynn got suckered into a PROCESS CRIME by MUELLER.

So all the crimes were LONG BEFORE Trump got elected.....except Flynn. Yeah, I don't think 'all' means what you think it means. Lying to the FBI in a criminal investigation is fairly serious.

Now, tell us about George Papadopolous. Remember, "all" crimes were long before Trump was elected.

Collecting opposition information on the opposing campaign is NOT ILLEGAL. EVERYONE does it.

From the Russians?

Then why did Trump lie his ass off about the meeting? Why did he instruct other to lie? Trump's campaign was told that the information was from 'high level government sources' among the Russians.

The very people who attacked us and tried to tip the election in favor of Trump. The same man whose campaign colluded with them to do the same thing. Trump's arguments have degenerated from 'there were no contacts with any russins' to 'there were many, many contacts with the Russians, but collusion isn't a crime.

Not good for Trump.


Then why did Trump say that the meeting was to get information on his political opponent?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Smiling......but this was about Russian Adoption, huh? You need to update the lie you're citing.
What PLANET do you people live on?

No wonder no one else debates you people. All you can do is spew GARBAGE.

Popadopalus was SET UP, and Flynn got caught in a Mueller perjury trap, by the very same SHYSTERS and CORRUPT TRASH that JUST GOT FIRED FROM THE FBI.
Wow. You really are too stupid to get it, aren't you.

1. Obama imposes sanctions against Russia for meddling.

2. Flynn meets with Russians to talk about ripping up Obama's sanctions.

3. Dipshits claim "Obama did nothing" about Russian meddling.

Do you see where the giant hole in the "Obama did nothing" lie is, yet, dumbass? I made it as simple as possible so that even someone with an IQ of 9 can get it.
Obama is a disgrace to America. He was never legally president, and did everything in his power to destroy America, just as his puppet master Soros instructed him to do.
Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Flynn got suckered into a PROCESS CRIME by MUELLER.

So all the crimes were LONG BEFORE Trump got elected.....except Flynn. Yeah, I don't think 'all' means what you think it means. Lying to the FBI in a criminal investigation is fairly serious.

Now, tell us about George Papadopolous. Remember, "all" crimes were long before Trump was elected.

Collecting opposition information on the opposing campaign is NOT ILLEGAL. EVERYONE does it.

From the Russians?

Then why did Trump lie his ass off about the meeting? Why did he instruct other to lie? Trump's campaign was told that the information was from 'high level government sources' among the Russians.

The very people who attacked us and tried to tip the election in favor of Trump. The same man whose campaign colluded with them to do the same thing. Trump's arguments have degenerated from 'there were no contacts with any russins' to 'there were many, many contacts with the Russians, but collusion isn't a crime.

Not good for Trump.


Then why did Trump say that the meeting was to get information on his political opponent?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Smiling......but this was about Russian Adoption, huh? You need to update the lie you're citing.
What PLANET do you people live on?

No wonder no one else debates you people. All you can do is spew GARBAGE.

I directly and accurately cited Donald J. Trump. So I guess we're both right.

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

But the purpose of the meeting was adoption, huh? Again, you need to update the lies you're quoting. Trump already admitted to what you insist never happened.

Also, have you heard of Alexander Torshin? Mueller most definitely has. And Trump Jr.

Popadopalus was SET UP, and Flynn got caught in a Mueller perjury trap, by the very same SHYSTERS and CORRUPT TRASH that JUST GOT FIRED FROM THE FBI.

So all crimes were 'long before' Trump was elected. Except Flynn. And Popadopolus.

Any more backpedaling you want to do? Oh, and its easy not to commit perjury by simply not lying.

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