An Investigation Into Rusian Interference...

No one but the most retarded parroting rubes still believe Trump Junior's meeting with the Russians had to do with adoptions. Even the dotard is admitting it was to get dirt from the Russians on Hillary.
The MAJORITY know that the FBI and DOJ were full of obama hold overs that HATED Trump, and were/are still, actively trying to unseat a duly elected president. Only completely retarded, lying, shit spewing radical fascist democrat trash believe otherwise. Thankfully people like that are the MINORITY.

Yeah, I don't think 'majority' nor 'know' mean what you think they mean. Though in fairness, neither did 'all'.

But given you believed Trump when he told you that 'no' means 'yes' and 'would' means 'wouldn't', I'm guessing that this isn't a new thing for you.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Flynn got suckered into a PROCESS CRIME by MUELLER.

So all the crimes were LONG BEFORE Trump got elected.....except Flynn. Yeah, I don't think 'all' means what you think it means. Lying to the FBI in a criminal investigation is fairly serious.

Now, tell us about George Papadopolous. Remember, "all" crimes were long before Trump was elected.

Collecting opposition information on the opposing campaign is NOT ILLEGAL. EVERYONE does it.

From the Russians?

Then why did Trump lie his ass off about the meeting? Why did he instruct other to lie? Trump's campaign was told that the information was from 'high level government sources' among the Russians.

The very people who attacked us and tried to tip the election in favor of Trump. The same man whose campaign colluded with them to do the same thing. Trump's arguments have degenerated from 'there were no contacts with any russins' to 'there were many, many contacts with the Russians, but collusion isn't a crime.

Not good for Trump.


Then why did Trump say that the meeting was to get information on his political opponent?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Smiling......but this was about Russian Adoption, huh? You need to update the lie you're citing.
What PLANET do you people live on?

No wonder no one else debates you people. All you can do is spew GARBAGE.

I directly and accurately cited Donald J. Trump. So I guess we're both right.

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

But the purpose of the meeting was adoption, huh? Again, you need to update the lies you're quoting. Trump already admitted to what you insist never happened.

Also, have you heard of Alexander Torshin? Mueller most definitely has. And Trump Jr.

Popadopalus was SET UP, and Flynn got caught in a Mueller perjury trap, by the very same SHYSTERS and CORRUPT TRASH that JUST GOT FIRED FROM THE FBI.

So all crimes were 'long before' Trump was elected. Except Flynn. And Popadopolus.

Any more backpedaling you want to do? Oh, and its easy not to commit perjury by simply not lying.
Any more lies you want to tell?

Everything you've said has been garbage... fake news.

Got anything that resembles the truth?
No one but the most retarded parroting rubes still believe Trump Junior's meeting with the Russians had to do with adoptions. Even the dotard is admitting it was to get dirt from the Russians on Hillary.
The MAJORITY know that the FBI and DOJ were full of obama hold overs that HATED Trump, and were/are still, actively trying to unseat a duly elected president. Only completely retarded, lying, shit spewing radical fascist democrat trash believe otherwise. Thankfully people like that are the MINORITY.

Yeah, I don't think 'majority' nor 'know' mean what you think they mean. Though in fairness, neither did 'all'.

But given you believed Trump when he told you that 'no' means 'yes' and 'would' means 'wouldn't', I'm guessing that this isn't a new thing for you.
You said you think president Trump is the best president ever, and that you'd never trash him with lies like you're doing.

You ever think about being such a piss poor human being is bad?
...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!

Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
None of those have anything to do with the Russian interference that began in 2014 and was going on in 2016.

Barry was President during both, knew about it, and did nothing.

Any investigation into Russian interference that refuses to investigate this President is a joke.
...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!
It’s amazing how they haven’t. It was done under his administration right? Don’t universities question admins when corruption is found? I’m just saying
Oh, and since you guys have never heard of Alexander's a little bit of information:

Spanish police have turned over to the FBI wiretaps of conversations involving Alexander Torshin, a prominent Russian banker suspected of money laundering who met with President Donald Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., during the 2016 US presidential election.

The FBI has obtained wiretaps of a Putin ally tied to the NRA who met with Trump Jr. during the campaign

Now why would this be relevant? Have you ever heard of Maria Butina? The young Russian woman who courted members of the NRA who was recently indicted in federal court for conspiracy against the United States and working as an unregistered agent of a foreign government?

Guess who court filings cites as 'unregistered agent of a foreign agent' Maria Butina's hander for the Russian Government?

None other than Alexander Torshin. The very fellow who Spanish Police have wiretaps of arranging his meeting with Donald Trump Jr.
...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!

Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
None of those have anything to do with the Russian interference that began in 2014 and was going on in 2016.

Barry was President during both, knew about it, and did nothing.

Any investigation into Russian interference that refuses to investigate this President is a joke.

Trump's admission that his campaign colluded with Russian agents most definitely does.

Trumps lies about that meeting most definitely does

Trump instructing others to lie about that meeting most definitely does.

Trump trying to shut down the investigation into that meeting most definitely does.
...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!

Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Yoh have zero evidence to back your claims.

Evidence shows Obama knew in 2014 and did nothing. Evidence shows Obama knew in 2016 and did nothing.

Evidence shows the DNC candidate colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians...that she broke the law...

...yet Mueller's investigation has totally ignored both of them, has refused to investigate either of them.

Mueller is running a treasonous attempt to perpetrate a political coup.
...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!

Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Flynn got suckered into a PROCESS CRIME by MUELLER.

So all the crimes were LONG BEFORE Trump got elected.....except Flynn. Yeah, I don't think 'all' means what you think it means. Lying to the FBI in a criminal investigation is fairly serious.

Now, tell us about George Papadopolous. Remember, "all" crimes were long before Trump was elected.

Collecting opposition information on the opposing campaign is NOT ILLEGAL. EVERYONE does it.

From the Russians?

Then why did Trump lie his ass off about the meeting? Why did he instruct other to lie? Trump's campaign was told that the information was from 'high level government sources' among the Russians.

The very people who attacked us and tried to tip the election in favor of Trump. The same man whose campaign colluded with them to do the same thing.

Trump's arguments have degenerated from 'there were no contacts with any Russians' to 'there were many, many contacts with the Russians, but collusion isn't a crime.

Not good for Trump.


Then why did Trump say that the meeting was to get information on his political opponent?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Smiling......but this was about Russian Adoption, huh? You need to update the lie you're citing.
Comey testified his FBI agents reported they don't think Flynn lied...

The US IG reported the FBI altered witness tewitness...

Finally, Flynn 'lied' about something not even illegal. Yeah, he's a huge threat. :p

And he has nothing to do with any crime involving Trump.
...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!

Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Yoh have zero evidence to back your claims.

I've already linked to Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with a Russian Operative was to collect information on his political opponent.

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You merely ignore Trump's own admission. And then pretend that because you pretend it doesn't exist, it magically isn't evidence. Alas, its a direct contradiction of Trump's statement that the purpose of the meeting was adoptions.

Trump lied. Worse, Trump personally dictated the statement that Don Jr. released making the same claim, that it was only about adoptions. Trump instructed others to lies. Worse still, Don Jr. has already released the emails leading up to that meeting where Trump's campaign was told the information they would receive would come from the the 'high level government sources' in Russia.

To which Don Jr. replied 'Love it!'

The American people, probably less so.

And of course, Trump has called on Jeff Sessions to end the investigation. An attempt to end the investigation into the very meeting that Trump has lied about repeatedly.

I've shown you links to the Spanish Police turning over wiretaps of conversations between Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin and Donald Trump Jr.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. It won't matter.
Trump's admission that his campaign colluded with Russian agents most definitely does.
You're a liar - he made no such claim.

Meanwhile Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, perpetrated election fraud, broke election laws, violated campaign finance laws, colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians, and took over $100 million from the KGB Bank.
Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Flynn got suckered into a PROCESS CRIME by MUELLER.

So all the crimes were LONG BEFORE Trump got elected.....except Flynn. Yeah, I don't think 'all' means what you think it means. Lying to the FBI in a criminal investigation is fairly serious.

Now, tell us about George Papadopolous. Remember, "all" crimes were long before Trump was elected.

Collecting opposition information on the opposing campaign is NOT ILLEGAL. EVERYONE does it.

From the Russians?

Then why did Trump lie his ass off about the meeting? Why did he instruct other to lie? Trump's campaign was told that the information was from 'high level government sources' among the Russians.

The very people who attacked us and tried to tip the election in favor of Trump. The same man whose campaign colluded with them to do the same thing.

Trump's arguments have degenerated from 'there were no contacts with any Russians' to 'there were many, many contacts with the Russians, but collusion isn't a crime.

Not good for Trump.


Then why did Trump say that the meeting was to get information on his political opponent?

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Smiling......but this was about Russian Adoption, huh? You need to update the lie you're citing.
Comey testified his FBI agents reported they don't think Flynn lied...

Flynn admitted, in court, that he did lie. Ending any debate on the topic.

Well, any rational debate.
Trump's admission that his campaign colluded with Russian agents most definitely does.
You're a liar - he made no such claim.

Says you. Trump on the other hand, says differently:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

That's collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. As 1) The person they met with is an admitted Russian Operative 2) Trump's campaign was informed that the information was going to be from 'high level government sources'.

And its amusing that Trump keeps trying to distance himself from a meeting that he insists was perfectly legal.

Alas, his former personal lawyer Cohen has already admitted that Trump did indeed know about the meeting. With Trump himself publicly bragging about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton....

......only two days before the meeting.

Um, good luck with that.
QUOTE="easyt65, post: 20574310, member: 55400"]
...that begin in 2014 that doesn't Investigate the former President and his administration that knew about it and did nothing to stop it ... and an investigation into Russian interference in 2016 that does not include the investigation of the former President and administration who were in The White House at the time, knew it was still going on, and still refuse to do anything about it... all the evidence you need to prove Mueller's investigation IS A WITCH HUNT!

Dozens of indictments and half a dozen guilty pleas along with Trump admitting his campaign colluded with the Russians..... all the evidence you need to prove that you have no idea what 'witch hunt' means.
All two bit, half baked process crimes of things that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president and had NOTHING to do with COLLUSION.

You people suck horse cock. Democrats are LYING TRASH.

Or.....we're generally better informed than you are. For example, what did former National Security Advisor Flynn plead guilty to? You claimed it was all for crimes that happened LONG BEFORE Trump was president.

And the president has admitted to his campaign colluded with the Russians. He openly admits that his team met with Russian operatives to collect information to benefit his campaign. Information that his campaign personnel believed was from high level Russian government sources.

There's no question on whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Of course they did. The questions left are how much, and exactly who.

WIth Trump's former personal attorney admitting that Trump was informed of the meeting between a Russian Operative and his own people, Trump knowing is becoming increasingly likely.
Yoh have zero evidence to back your claims.

I've already linked to Trump admitting that the purpose of the meeting with a Russian Operative was to collect information on his political opponent.

"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere."

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

You merely ignore Trump's own admission. And then pretend that because you pretend it doesn't exist, it magically isn't evidence. Alas, its a direct contradiction of Trump's statement that the purpose of the meeting was adoptions.

Trump lied. Worse, Trump personally dictated the statement that Don Jr. released making the same claim, that it was only about adoptions. Trump instructed others to lies. Worse still, Don Jr. has already released the emails leading up to that meeting where Trump's campaign was told the information they would receive would come from the the 'high level government sources' in Russia.

To which Don Jr. replied 'Love it!'

The American people, probably less so.

And of course, Trump has called on Jeff Sessions to end the investigation. An attempt to end the investigation into the very meeting that Trump has lied about repeatedly.

I've shown you links to the Spanish Police turning over wiretaps of conversations between Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin and Donald Trump Jr.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. It won't matter.[/QUOTE]
Perhaps someone needs to draw you a picture because you obviously can't read.

Collecting opposition research is not illegal. If it was Hillary would be guilty....but she PAID foreign spies and Russians for propaganda she illegally used in an election.

All those indictments you like to speak of - none of them have anything to do with false accusations of crimes involving Trump and collusion.


Trump's admission that his campaign colluded with Russian agents most definitely does.
You're a liar - he made no such claim.

Says you. Trump on the other hand, says differently:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

That's collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. As 1) The person they met with is an admitted Russian Operative 2) Trump's campaign was informed that the information was going to be from 'high level government sources'.

And its amusing that Trump keeps trying to distance himself from a meeting that he insists was perfectly legal.

Alas, his former personal lawyer Cohen has already admitted that Trump did indeed know about the meeting. With Trump himself publicly bragging about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton....

......only two days before the meeting.

Um, good luck with that.



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Perhaps someone needs to draw you a picture because you obviously can't read.

Collecting opposition research is not illegal.

Then why has Trump lied repeatedly about the nature of the meeting, insisting it was only about adoptions in his first tweetstorm, and compelling Don Jr. to lie in the same fashion by personally dictating the statement that his son released?

Trump has openly admitted his campaign colluded with the Russians, with his campaign personnel meeting with a Russian Operative for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from high level Russian government sources. Russia, the same source that has attacked our election, trying to aid Trump.

That's collusion.

You can pretend it never happened. You can pretend Trump hasn't lied repeatedly about it, compelled others to lie to cover up the meeting, and tried to stop the investigation into the meeting.

But reality doesn't change just because you close your eyes.
Did anyone notice that Mueller rested his case against Manafort without mentioning Trump or Russians?
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Why are snowflakes so afraid of / opposed to investigating exactly when the Russian interference began and the man who was the President at the time, the President who KNEW it was going on, and who refused to do anything about it?

If you say you want to know about it then ignore when it statted, who knew about it, who allowed it to 2014 and 2016, then you really don't give a damn about Russian interference. You really want to attack Trump.
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Trump's admission that his campaign colluded with Russian agents most definitely does.
You're a liar - he made no such claim.

Says you. Trump on the other hand, says differently:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

That's collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. As 1) The person they met with is an admitted Russian Operative 2) Trump's campaign was informed that the information was going to be from 'high level government sources'.

And its amusing that Trump keeps trying to distance himself from a meeting that he insists was perfectly legal.

Alas, his former personal lawyer Cohen has already admitted that Trump did indeed know about the meeting. With Trump himself publicly bragging about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton....

......only two days before the meeting.

Um, good luck with that.

Laughing......remember when you said there was no evidence of Collusion. You bought Trump's lie on the topic. And now that Trump has revealed that yes, indeed, his campaign did collude with the Russians....

......your argument has degenerated into an increasingly desperate 'but collusion isn't a crime!'

Conspiracy is a crime. As is obstruction of justice. Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from the Russian Government. The same govenrment that was attacking the US election to aid Trump.

With Trump lying for months trying to cover up his campaign's collusion with Russia. And compelling others to lie to cover it up.

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly isn't.
Did anyone notice that Mueller rested his case against Manafort without mentioning Trump or Russians?

The Manafort case wasn't about Trump or the Russians. The prosecutors already told the judge this.

Which makes Trump supporters opposition to the prosecution of the man all the more bizarre. Manafort has openly admitted to millions in unreported income.

Are Manafort and Gates, like Omarosa, another example of how Trump hires the 'best people'?

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