An Investigation Into Rusian Interference...

Mueller is doing nothing. His case against Manafort is over without mentioning Trump or Russia.
Trump's admission that his campaign colluded with Russian agents most definitely does.
You're a liar - he made no such claim.

Says you. Trump on the other hand, says differently:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

That's collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. As 1) The person they met with is an admitted Russian Operative 2) Trump's campaign was informed that the information was going to be from 'high level government sources'.

And its amusing that Trump keeps trying to distance himself from a meeting that he insists was perfectly legal.

Alas, his former personal lawyer Cohen has already admitted that Trump did indeed know about the meeting. With Trump himself publicly bragging about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton....

......only two days before the meeting.

Um, good luck with that.

Laughing......remember when you said there was no evidence of Collusion. You bought Trump's lie on the topic. And now that Trump has revealed that yes, indeed, his campaign did collude with the Russians....

......your argument has degenerated into an increasingly desperate 'but collusion isn't a crime!'

Conspiracy is a crime. As is obstruction of justice. Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from the Russian Government. The same govenrment that was attacking the US election to aid Trump.

With Trump lying for months trying to cover up his campaign's collusion with Russia. And compelling others to lie to cover it up.

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly isn't.
You have zero evidence to back your lies and accusations.

Why are you so afraid to REALLY investigate Russian interference, when it 1st began, and why Obama CHOSE not to do anything about it in 2014, 2016, and anytime in between?
Mueller is doing nothing. His case against Manafort is over without mentioning Trump or Russia.

Mueller is having a criminal prosecuted for very serious crimes. And has another (both Trump campaign employees, I might add) admit to guilt to numerous crimes.

And the prosecutors said that the case wasn't about Trump. You seem confused.
Any investigation that ignores the fact that the Democratic Party candidate colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for Russian generated propaganda and used that paid for document illegally in a u.s. election is evidence that Mueller's investigation is nothing more than a Witch Hunt.
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,

Trump's admission that his campaign colluded with Russian agents most definitely does.
You're a liar - he made no such claim.

Says you. Trump on the other hand, says differently:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

That's collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. As 1) The person they met with is an admitted Russian Operative 2) Trump's campaign was informed that the information was going to be from 'high level government sources'.

And its amusing that Trump keeps trying to distance himself from a meeting that he insists was perfectly legal.

Alas, his former personal lawyer Cohen has already admitted that Trump did indeed know about the meeting. With Trump himself publicly bragging about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton....

......only two days before the meeting.

Um, good luck with that.

Laughing......remember when you said there was no evidence of Collusion. You bought Trump's lie on the topic. And now that Trump has revealed that yes, indeed, his campaign did collude with the Russians....

......your argument has degenerated into an increasingly desperate 'but collusion isn't a crime!'

Conspiracy is a crime. As is obstruction of justice. Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from the Russian Government. The same govenrment that was attacking the US election to aid Trump.

With Trump lying for months trying to cover up his campaign's collusion with Russia. And compelling others to lie to cover it up.

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly isn't.
You have zero evidence to back your lies and accusations.

I've already presented my evidence. Trump's own admission that his campaign met with Russia operatives for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from high level russian government sources.

Trump's campaign was told that the information was from high level government sources.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

To which Don Jr replied 'Love it!'.

They knew where the information came from, they knew it was part of Russia and its government support of Trump. They met with the russian operative anyway.

That's collusion.

And they lied repeatedly to cover up their collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie to cover up his campaign's collusion. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting itself.

That's obstruction of justice.

You can ignore all of this. But you can't make us ignore it. Which is why you fail.
Did anyone notice that Mueller rested his case against Manafort without mentioning Trump or Russians?

The Manafort case wasn't about Trump or the Russians. The prosecutors already told the judge this.

Which makes Trump supporters opposition to the prosecution of the man all the more bizarre. Manafort has openly admitted to millions in unreported income.

Are Manafort and Gates, like Omarosa, another example of how Trump hires the 'best people'?
You said yourself it has nothing to do with Trump and it has nothing to do with Russian interference.

If Mueller can go back over a decade to investigate a crime having nothing to do with Russian interference - the sole reason he was appointed Special Counsel - why can't Mueller go back 4 years to investigate when the Russian interference began and why Obama allowed it to happen / continue?
Did anyone notice that Mueller rested his case against Manafort without mentioning Trump or Russians?

The Manafort case wasn't about Trump or the Russians. The prosecutors already told the judge this.

Which makes Trump supporters opposition to the prosecution of the man all the more bizarre. Manafort has openly admitted to millions in unreported income.

Are Manafort and Gates, like Omarosa, another example of how Trump hires the 'best people'?
You said yourself it has nothing to do with Trump and it has nothing to do with Russian interference.


Though I wonder what Manafort will offer on Trump in exchange for a lighter sentence?
Any investigation that ignores the fact that the Democratic Party candidate colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for Russian generated propaganda and used that paid for document illegally in a u.s. election is evidence that Mueller's investigation is nothing more than a Witch Hunt.
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,


It was adorable when Easy kept screaming that there was 'no evidence of collusion!'

Which has no degraded to 'Collusion is not a crime!'

The backpedalling has been delicious.
And the plot thickens still!

As the Spanish police have turned over wiretaps of conversations between Russian intelligence handler Alexander Torshin and......wait for it.......wait. For. It.

Donald Trump Jr during the 2016 election campaign.

The FBI has obtained wiretaps of a Putin ally tied to the NRA who met with Trump Jr. during the campaign

With Torshin named the handler of Russian spy Maria Butina in recent federal court filings.

Remember when Trump insisted that any contact between his campaign and Russia was 'fake news'? That's pure vintage bullshit almost makes ya nostalgic now, doesn't it?
You're a liar - he made no such claim.

Says you. Trump on the other hand, says differently:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

That's collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. As 1) The person they met with is an admitted Russian Operative 2) Trump's campaign was informed that the information was going to be from 'high level government sources'.

And its amusing that Trump keeps trying to distance himself from a meeting that he insists was perfectly legal.

Alas, his former personal lawyer Cohen has already admitted that Trump did indeed know about the meeting. With Trump himself publicly bragging about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton....

......only two days before the meeting.

Um, good luck with that.

Laughing......remember when you said there was no evidence of Collusion. You bought Trump's lie on the topic. And now that Trump has revealed that yes, indeed, his campaign did collude with the Russians....

......your argument has degenerated into an increasingly desperate 'but collusion isn't a crime!'

Conspiracy is a crime. As is obstruction of justice. Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from the Russian Government. The same govenrment that was attacking the US election to aid Trump.

With Trump lying for months trying to cover up his campaign's collusion with Russia. And compelling others to lie to cover it up.

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly isn't.
You have zero evidence to back your lies and accusations.

I've already presented my evidence. Trump's own admission that his campaign met with Russia operatives for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from high level russian government sources.

Trump's campaign was told that the information was from high level government sources.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

To which Don Jr replied 'Love it!'.

They knew where the information came from, they knew it was part of Russia and its government support of Trump. They met with the russian operative anyway.

That's collusion.

And they lied repeatedly to cover up their collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie to cover up his campaign's collusion. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting itself.

That's obstruction of justice.

You can ignore all of this. But you can't make us ignore it. Which is why you fail.
You have no evidence.
You have presented no evidence.
You have parroted false accusations.
You have parroted BS.

Collecting Opposition Research is not illegal.
- No information was passed.

Trump had the Constitutional authority to fire Comey.
- Rosenstein made the case for Cindy's firing.
- Rosenstein advised Trump to fire Comey.

There is no evidence of illegal collusion by Trump.
There is no evidence against Trump.

No indictment so far has anything to do with any non-existent collusion between Trump and Russia.

All existing evidence of crimes and collusion involving Russians involves Democrats.

Why are you so afraid to REALLY investigate Russian interference, when it 1st began, and why Obama CHOSE not to do anything about it in 2014, 2016, and anytime in between?
Any investigation that ignores the fact that the Democratic Party candidate colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for Russian generated propaganda and used that paid for document illegally in a u.s. election is evidence that Mueller's investigation is nothing more than a Witch Hunt.
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,


It was adorable when Easy kept screaming that there was 'no evidence of collusion!'

Which has no degraded to 'Collusion is not a crime!'

The backpedalling has been delicious.
Yoh have zero evidence.
No illegal collusion has been proven.
You can keep claiming there us all you want but there isn't.

I have not changed anything.
I continue to point out you lie, you make false accusations, you have no evidence.

Why are you so afraid to REALLY investigate Russian interference, when it 1st began, and why Obama CHOSE not to do anything about it in 2014, 2016, and anytime in between?
Russian interference started in 2014.

Not beginning an investigation into Russian interference when it began and with who knew about it and allowed it to continue is evidence of how much of a criminal hike Mueller's investigation is.

Says you. Trump on the other hand, says differently:

That's collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. As 1) The person they met with is an admitted Russian Operative 2) Trump's campaign was informed that the information was going to be from 'high level government sources'.

And its amusing that Trump keeps trying to distance himself from a meeting that he insists was perfectly legal.

Alas, his former personal lawyer Cohen has already admitted that Trump did indeed know about the meeting. With Trump himself publicly bragging about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton....

......only two days before the meeting.

Um, good luck with that.

Laughing......remember when you said there was no evidence of Collusion. You bought Trump's lie on the topic. And now that Trump has revealed that yes, indeed, his campaign did collude with the Russians....

......your argument has degenerated into an increasingly desperate 'but collusion isn't a crime!'

Conspiracy is a crime. As is obstruction of justice. Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from the Russian Government. The same govenrment that was attacking the US election to aid Trump.

With Trump lying for months trying to cover up his campaign's collusion with Russia. And compelling others to lie to cover it up.

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly isn't.
You have zero evidence to back your lies and accusations.

I've already presented my evidence. Trump's own admission that his campaign met with Russia operatives for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from high level russian government sources.

Trump's campaign was told that the information was from high level government sources.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

To which Don Jr replied 'Love it!'.

They knew where the information came from, they knew it was part of Russia and its government support of Trump. They met with the russian operative anyway.

That's collusion.

And they lied repeatedly to cover up their collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie to cover up his campaign's collusion. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting itself.

That's obstruction of justice.

You can ignore all of this. But you can't make us ignore it. Which is why you fail.
You have no evidence.

Except Trump admitting to collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives to gain high level information to aid his campaign as part of the Russian Government's support of Trump.

And quotes from the emails of Don Jr setting up the meeting in which he was informed that "“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

And Trump's lies to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen admitting that Trump was aware of the meeting between Russian operatives and his campaign.

And Trump bragging publicly about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton.......only two days before the meeting with the Russian Operative.

And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And the multiple guilty pleas of Trump campaign officials and Trump administration officials on lying about contacts with the Russians.

Plus wire taps by the Spanish authorities of conversations between Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin and Don Jr during the 2016 campaign......which have been turned over to the FBI and Mueller.

And Alexander Torshin being cited as the handler for Russian Spy Maria Butina who had infiltrated the NRA on behalf of Russia. get that we can all still see this evidence even when you pretend it doesn't exist, right? That your willful ignorance doesn't magically make any of it disappear?
I didn't say it was illegal, dumb shit. I said the "Obama did nothing" lie is destroyed by the fact Flynn spoke to the Russians about Obama's sanctions.

Do try to catch up, idiot.

Wow! That may be the most irrelevant thing anyone could ever say about "Putin flipped my Vote" Investigation.

Nice work, Jake

Laughing......remember when you said there was no evidence of Collusion. You bought Trump's lie on the topic. And now that Trump has revealed that yes, indeed, his campaign did collude with the Russians....

......your argument has degenerated into an increasingly desperate 'but collusion isn't a crime!'

Conspiracy is a crime. As is obstruction of justice. Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from the Russian Government. The same govenrment that was attacking the US election to aid Trump.

With Trump lying for months trying to cover up his campaign's collusion with Russia. And compelling others to lie to cover it up.

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly isn't.
You have zero evidence to back your lies and accusations.

I've already presented my evidence. Trump's own admission that his campaign met with Russia operatives for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from high level russian government sources.

Trump's campaign was told that the information was from high level government sources.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

To which Don Jr replied 'Love it!'.

They knew where the information came from, they knew it was part of Russia and its government support of Trump. They met with the russian operative anyway.

That's collusion.

And they lied repeatedly to cover up their collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie to cover up his campaign's collusion. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting itself.

That's obstruction of justice.

You can ignore all of this. But you can't make us ignore it. Which is why you fail.
You have no evidence.

Except Trump admitting to collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives to gain high level information to aid his campaign as part of the Russian Government's support of Trump.

And quotes from the emails of Don Jr setting up the meeting in which he was informed that "“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

And Trump's lies to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And the multiple guilty pleas of Trump campaign officials and Trump administration officials on lying about contacts with the Russians.

Plus wire taps by the Spanish authorities of conversations between Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin and Don Jr during the 2016 campaign......which have been turned over to the FBI and Mueller.

And Alexander Torshin being cited as the handler for Russian Spy Maria Butina who had infiltrated the NRA on behalf of Russia. get that we can all still see this evidence even when you pretend it doesn't exist, right? That your willful ignorance doesn't magically make any of it disappear?
You already spouted these lies. Trump never admitted to collusion.

A of your crap has been debunked.

You have no evidence.

Why are you so afraid to REALLY investigate Russian interference, when it 1st began, and why Obama CHOSE not to do anything about it in 2014, 2016, and anytime in between?
Any investigation that ignores the fact that the Democratic Party candidate colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for Russian generated propaganda and used that paid for document illegally in a u.s. election is evidence that Mueller's investigation is nothing more than a Witch Hunt.
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,


It was adorable when Easy kept screaming that there was 'no evidence of collusion!'

Which has no degraded to 'Collusion is not a crime!'

The backpedalling has been delicious.
Yoh have zero evidence.

Overwhelming evidence exists. You simply ignore it all and then pretend that because you ignore, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how reality works. For example....

Trump admitting to collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives to gain high level information to aid his campaign as part of the Russian Government's support of Trump.

And quotes from the emails of Don Jr setting up the meeting in which he was informed that "“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

And Trump's lies to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen admitting that Trump was aware of the meeting between Russian operatives and his campaign.

And Trump bragging publicly about how his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton.......only two days before the meeting with the Russian Operative.

And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And the multiple guilty pleas of Trump campaign officials and Trump administration officials on lying about contacts with the Russians.

Plus wire taps by the Spanish authorities of conversations between Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin and Don Jr during the 2016 campaign......which have been turned over to the FBI and Mueller.

And Alexander Torshin being cited as the handler for Russian Spy Maria Butina who had infiltrated the NRA on behalf of Russia.

You have commited to ignore any and all evidence of collusion. That's certainly your choice. But you can't make us ignore the overwhelming evidence. And you certainly can't stop Mueller from investigating it.
The Russian interference began in 2014...under Obama. It continued...under Obama. Democrats claim it happened in 2016...under Obama. Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians then broke election law by using the foreign-generated document she paid for...under Obama.

So why do snowflakes claim that any investigation into Russian interference must ignore Obama was the President during all of it, knew about all of it, and did nothing to stop it?
Laughing......remember when you said there was no evidence of Collusion. You bought Trump's lie on the topic. And now that Trump has revealed that yes, indeed, his campaign did collude with the Russians....

......your argument has degenerated into an increasingly desperate 'but collusion isn't a crime!'

Conspiracy is a crime. As is obstruction of justice. Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from the Russian Government. The same govenrment that was attacking the US election to aid Trump.

With Trump lying for months trying to cover up his campaign's collusion with Russia. And compelling others to lie to cover it up.

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly isn't.
You have zero evidence to back your lies and accusations.

I've already presented my evidence. Trump's own admission that his campaign met with Russia operatives for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from high level russian government sources.

Trump's campaign was told that the information was from high level government sources.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

To which Don Jr replied 'Love it!'.

They knew where the information came from, they knew it was part of Russia and its government support of Trump. They met with the russian operative anyway.

That's collusion.

And they lied repeatedly to cover up their collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie to cover up his campaign's collusion. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting itself.

That's obstruction of justice.

You can ignore all of this. But you can't make us ignore it. Which is why you fail.
You have no evidence.

Except Trump admitting to collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives to gain high level information to aid his campaign as part of the Russian Government's support of Trump.

And quotes from the emails of Don Jr setting up the meeting in which he was informed that "“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

And Trump's lies to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And the multiple guilty pleas of Trump campaign officials and Trump administration officials on lying about contacts with the Russians.

Plus wire taps by the Spanish authorities of conversations between Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin and Don Jr during the 2016 campaign......which have been turned over to the FBI and Mueller.

And Alexander Torshin being cited as the handler for Russian Spy Maria Butina who had infiltrated the NRA on behalf of Russia. get that we can all still see this evidence even when you pretend it doesn't exist, right? That your willful ignorance doesn't magically make any of it disappear?
You already spouted these lies. Trump never admitted to collusion.

Except when he did:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

And there was no doubt where this information was coming from, as Don Jr's emails make ludicriously clear;

“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

That's collusion.

And Trump lying to cover it up.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover it up.

And Trump trying to end the investigation into his campaign's collusion.

And guilty pleas among his campaign and administration about lying to cover up Russian contacts.

And wire taps of Don Jr meeting with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

And ...



And you ignore it all. You fail....because you can't make us ignore any of it.

A of your crap has been debunked.

And by 'debunked', you mean you pretending that none of it exists?

Laughing....good luck with that.
You have zero evidence to back your lies and accusations.

I've already presented my evidence. Trump's own admission that his campaign met with Russia operatives for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from high level russian government sources.

Trump's campaign was told that the information was from high level government sources.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

To which Don Jr replied 'Love it!'.

They knew where the information came from, they knew it was part of Russia and its government support of Trump. They met with the russian operative anyway.

That's collusion.

And they lied repeatedly to cover up their collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie to cover up his campaign's collusion. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting itself.

That's obstruction of justice.

You can ignore all of this. But you can't make us ignore it. Which is why you fail.
You have no evidence.

Except Trump admitting to collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives to gain high level information to aid his campaign as part of the Russian Government's support of Trump.

And quotes from the emails of Don Jr setting up the meeting in which he was informed that "“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

And Trump's lies to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And the multiple guilty pleas of Trump campaign officials and Trump administration officials on lying about contacts with the Russians.

Plus wire taps by the Spanish authorities of conversations between Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin and Don Jr during the 2016 campaign......which have been turned over to the FBI and Mueller.

And Alexander Torshin being cited as the handler for Russian Spy Maria Butina who had infiltrated the NRA on behalf of Russia. get that we can all still see this evidence even when you pretend it doesn't exist, right? That your willful ignorance doesn't magically make any of it disappear?
You already spouted these lies. Trump never admitted to collusion.

Except when he did:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

And there was no doubt where this information was coming from, as Don Jr's emails make ludicriously clear;

“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

That's collusion.

And Trump lying to cover it up.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover it up.

And Trump trying to end the investigation into his campaign's collusion.

And guilty pleas among his campaign and administration about lying to cover up Russian contacts.

And wire taps of Don Jr meeting with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

And ...



And you ignore it all. You fail....because you can't make us ignore any of it.

A of your crap has been debunked.

And by 'debunked', you mean you pretending that none of it exists?

Laughing....good luck with that.
Dude, again, meeting to collect opposition research is not 'collusion' and is not illegal.

Hillary actually broke the law by colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for an unverified document she illegally used in a US election.

You want to ignore the actual crime committed to focus on a non-crime you can't get over due to bias butt-hurt.

Again, you have ZERO evidence.
You have zero evidence to back your lies and accusations.

I've already presented my evidence. Trump's own admission that his campaign met with Russia operatives for the express purpose of collecting information to aid their campaign from high level russian government sources.

Trump's campaign was told that the information was from high level government sources.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

To which Don Jr replied 'Love it!'.

They knew where the information came from, they knew it was part of Russia and its government support of Trump. They met with the russian operative anyway.

That's collusion.

And they lied repeatedly to cover up their collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie to cover up his campaign's collusion. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting itself.

That's obstruction of justice.

You can ignore all of this. But you can't make us ignore it. Which is why you fail.
You have no evidence.

Except Trump admitting to collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives to gain high level information to aid his campaign as part of the Russian Government's support of Trump.

And quotes from the emails of Don Jr setting up the meeting in which he was informed that "“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

And Trump's lies to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover up the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

And the multiple guilty pleas of Trump campaign officials and Trump administration officials on lying about contacts with the Russians.

Plus wire taps by the Spanish authorities of conversations between Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin and Don Jr during the 2016 campaign......which have been turned over to the FBI and Mueller.

And Alexander Torshin being cited as the handler for Russian Spy Maria Butina who had infiltrated the NRA on behalf of Russia. get that we can all still see this evidence even when you pretend it doesn't exist, right? That your willful ignorance doesn't magically make any of it disappear?
You already spouted these lies. Trump never admitted to collusion.

Except when he did:

This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

And there was no doubt where this information was coming from, as Don Jr's emails make ludicriously clear;

“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

That's collusion.

And Trump lying to cover it up.

And Trump compelling others to lie to cover it up.

And Trump trying to end the investigation into his campaign's collusion.

And guilty pleas among his campaign and administration about lying to cover up Russian contacts.

And wire taps of Don Jr meeting with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

And ...



And you ignore it all. You fail....because you can't make us ignore any of it.

A of your crap has been debunked.

And by 'debunked', you mean you pretending that none of it exists?

Laughing....good luck with that.

So why do snowflakes claim that any investigation into Russian interference must ignore Obama was the President during all of it, knew about all of it, and did nothing to stop it?

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