Analyzing The Russia Collusion Myth

If the Trump team asks the Russki's to release some of H's classified emails from her bathroom server to win the election, is that "collusion"? Putin knew that the emails were golden if H won the election. Talk about blackmail...

Talk about blackmail. If Putin has the videos on Trump like the British dossier hints at, that would be 1,000 times better than any e-mails.

Megyn Kelly: There have been questions in America about Donald Trump's finances. He hasn't released his tax returns. There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. There have been questions about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, all of which has Americans asking, ”Do you have something damage on our president?“

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

Many Americans come here. There are representatives of 100 companies from the US, who have come to Russia. Do you think I have met each and every representative of those American companies?

And we will help them implement their plans in Russia and will try to steer things in a direction so that they can work here successfully and make a profit.

And we will help them implement their plans in Russia and will try to steer things in a direction so that they can work here successfully and make a profit.

And should they all be arrested for it afterwards? Have you lost your minds there or something? Do you think we are gathering dirt on all of them now? Are you all right in the head, all of you there?

Interview to NBC (full version, Kremlin site)
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Talk about blackmail. If Putin has the videos on Trump like the British dossier hints at, that would be 1,000 times better than any e-mails.

Megyn Kelly: There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. ... all of which has Americans asking, ”Do you have something damage on our president?“

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

80 times Trump talked about Putin

Since 2013 — when Trump’s Miss Universe pageant was held in Moscow — Trump has at least nine times claimed to have spoken to, met, or made contact with Putin

May 27, 2014
Speaking at the National Press Club,

”I own Miss Universe, I was in Russia, I was in Moscow recently and I spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer, and we had a tremendous success.”
Clearly there was meetings between Trump’s administration and high level Russian official at a time when Russia was clearly trying to influence our elections.

Does it rise to the level of collusion… Probably. They investigation continues. If I was this new FBI director though, I’d keep the rental and not buy a house yet; he may have to be fired too.
If the Trump team asks the Russki's to release some of H's classified emails from her bathroom server to win the election, is that "collusion"? Putin knew that the emails were golden if H won the election. Talk about blackmail...

Not sure. It's a hypothetical. What isn't is that a key advisor knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks beforehand

Link? You're saying a Trump advisor knew of Podesta getting hacked 6 weeks prior to it happening? I call BULLSHIT in capital letters cuz I think you're flat out lying.

The fact that Trump's campaign officials met with Russian gov't reps or intermediaries before or after the hacking proves absolutely nothing. It is highly likely the Russkies also met with people in the Clinton camp too. As did reps from most other major players did.

Six weeks before the release of Podesta’s e-mails…. yes. If I can show you a Trump advisor knew six weeks before Wikileaks publishing the e-mails, will you agree with me that it is collusion?

You show me where a Trump advisor knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks before it happened, that's what you said. Funny that after all this time nobody knows about that except you, otherwise it would have been all over the news for weeks. Lay it on me.

The “it” I was referring to was the release of Podesta’s e-mails.

Here is the quote from mid August:

Screen Shot 2017-06-10 at 8.23.10 PM.png

That was August. In early October, Podesta’s e-mails were released through Wikileaks.
"What isn't is that a key advisor knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks beforehand". That's what you said, which you admit now was not true.

If I can show you a Trump advisor knew six weeks before Wikileaks publishing the e-mails, will you agree with me that it is collusion?"

Roger Stone may have known in advance that Podesta's emails would be released, he says he has back channels with somebody at Wikileaks. Which may or may not be true, but NONE of this says anything about collusion with the Russians. This is utter BULLSHIT, that offers NOTHING in the way of evidence of collusion.
With the FBI being denied access to the DNC's computers and E-Mails how do they even know the
Russians were involved?
"What isn't is that a key advisor knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks beforehand". That's what you said, which you admit now was not true.

If I can show you a Trump advisor knew six weeks before Wikileaks publishing the e-mails, will you agree with me that it is collusion?"

Roger Stone may have known in advance that Podesta's emails would be released, he says he has back channels with somebody at Wikileaks. Which may or may not be true, but NONE of this says anything about collusion with the Russians. This is utter BULLSHIT, that offers NOTHING in the way of evidence of collusion.

It proves it outright.
Tucker pwns all basically because he is brilliant, funny and extremely quick witted.

My guess is Calloway agreed to pretend to take the establishment democrat/msm position. Nobody in their right mind can honestly believe "Russia collusion myth."

After just 8 years of Obama's presidency + Soros Media brainwashing the population, almost half of the country are potential patients of mental clinics. Even the foreigners are laughing...

Putin accuses America of 'political schizophrenia'
(Includes a video)


Love the irony of seeing one of the most retarded posters on this forum claiming that half of American population is mentally deficient.
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Clearly there was meetings between Trump’s administration and high level Russian official at a time when Russia was clearly trying to influence our elections.

Does it rise to the level of collusion… Probably. They investigation continues. If I was this new FBI director though, I’d keep the rental and not buy a house yet; he may have to be fired too.
If the Trump team asks the Russki's to release some of H's classified emails from her bathroom server to win the election, is that "collusion"? Putin knew that the emails were golden if H won the election. Talk about blackmail...

Not sure. It's a hypothetical. What isn't is that a key advisor knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks beforehand

Link? You're saying a Trump advisor knew of Podesta getting hacked 6 weeks prior to it happening? I call BULLSHIT in capital letters cuz I think you're flat out lying.

The fact that Trump's campaign officials met with Russian gov't reps or intermediaries before or after the hacking proves absolutely nothing. It is highly likely the Russkies also met with people in the Clinton camp too. As did reps from most other major players did.

Just a few days ago in St Petersburg:

Megyn Kelly: President Putin, was this possibility ever discussed between the Trump team and your representatives prior to President Trump being inaugurated?

Vladimir Putin: Our ambassador met with someone. What should an ambassador do? That is his job. That is what he gets paid for. He should have meetings, discussing current affairs, reaching agreements. What is he supposed to do there? Go to the kind of places that he will be fired for visiting? No. This is his job but he is being accused of meeting with someone. Are you nuts out there or what? This is diplomatic service. This is just amazing.

St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting

Putin is perhaps ignorant of American law that makes it ILLEGAL for campaigns and President-elects to undermine current president's foreign policy.


The lying, the coverup and recorded conversation of Flynn and Kysliak suggests that's EXACTLY what they were discussing.
Clearly there was meetings between Trump’s administration and high level Russian official at a time when Russia was clearly trying to influence our elections.

Does it rise to the level of collusion… Probably. They investigation continues. If I was this new FBI director though, I’d keep the rental and not buy a house yet; he may have to be fired too.
If the Trump team asks the Russki's to release some of H's classified emails from her bathroom server to win the election, is that "collusion"? Putin knew that the emails were golden if H won the election. Talk about blackmail...

Not sure. It's a hypothetical. What isn't is that a key advisor knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks beforehand

Link? You're saying a Trump advisor knew of Podesta getting hacked 6 weeks prior to it happening? I call BULLSHIT in capital letters cuz I think you're flat out lying.

The fact that Trump's campaign officials met with Russian gov't reps or intermediaries before or after the hacking proves absolutely nothing. It is highly likely the Russkies also met with people in the Clinton camp too. As did reps from most other major players did.

Just a few days ago in St Petersburg:

Megyn Kelly: President Putin, was this possibility ever discussed between the Trump team and your representatives prior to President Trump being inaugurated?

Vladimir Putin: Our ambassador met with someone. What should an ambassador do? That is his job. That is what he gets paid for. He should have meetings, discussing current affairs, reaching agreements. What is he supposed to do there? Go to the kind of places that he will be fired for visiting? No. This is his job but he is being accused of meeting with someone. Are you nuts out there or what? This is diplomatic service. This is just amazing.

St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting

Putin is perhaps ignorant of American law that makes it ILLEGAL for campaigns and President-elects to undermine current president's foreign policy.


The lying, the coverup and recorded conversation of Flynn and Kysliak suggests that's EXACTLY what they were discussing.

You don't now that, you and Candycorn are both full of crap. So they met and talked, how the hell would either of you know what was discussed? Answer: you don't, so you make shit up.
There is nothing new or unique in this thread. Just the same "I am right and you are wrong" opinions and judgments. Collusion may not be proved because of obstruction, hence, the obstruction of justice charges. No one knows what evidence there is or where the investigation is going except for the investigators.
There is nothing new or unique in this thread. Just the same "I am right and you are wrong" opinions and judgments. Collusion may not be proved because of obstruction, hence, the obstruction of justice charges. No one knows what evidence there is or where the investigation is going except for the investigators.

Stop lying. Transcripts of the testimony are out. Read them and see for your self.
There is nothing new or unique in this thread. Just the same "I am right and you are wrong" opinions and judgments. Collusion may not be proved because of obstruction, hence, the obstruction of justice charges. No one knows what evidence there is or where the investigation is going except for the investigators.

Stop lying. Transcripts of the testimony are out. Read them and see for your self.
You can not provide substantial links to transcripts of the investigation. This is just nonsense in your delusional mind. There are transcripts of public testimony and Comey notes. That does not represent a fraction of the investigation. The most questionable meetings between trump campaign officials and associates are still secret.
Everything you disagree with is either fake news or the person you disagree with is a liar in your mind. Your opinions are made worthless because you can not back up your delusions and rely on lame insults.
Show us the transcripts of the conversations between trump's son in law and the Russians or Sessions conversations with the Russians, etc., etc..
There is nothing new or unique in this thread. Just the same "I am right and you are wrong" opinions and judgments. Collusion may not be proved because of obstruction, hence, the obstruction of justice charges. No one knows what evidence there is or where the investigation is going except for the investigators.

Stop lying. Transcripts of the testimony are out. Read them and see for your self.
You can not provide substantial links to transcripts of the investigation. This is just nonsense in your delusional mind. There are transcripts of public testimony and Comey notes. That does not represent a fraction of the investigation. The most questionable meetings between trump campaign officials and associates are still secret.
Everything you disagree with is either fake news or the person you disagree with is a liar in your mind. Your opinions are made worthless because you can not back up your delusions and rely on lame insults.

Again you are about to look stupid. You are letting your girl parts dictate your posts. Anyway, Politico, Washington post and NY times all have FULL transcripts of the public hearings for us to read. Now. Would you like to link them and prove me wrong, or am I going to do it and prove you a liar again joe?
There is nothing new or unique in this thread. Just the same "I am right and you are wrong" opinions and judgments. Collusion may not be proved because of obstruction, hence, the obstruction of justice charges. No one knows what evidence there is or where the investigation is going except for the investigators.

Stop lying. Transcripts of the testimony are out. Read them and see for your self.
You can not provide substantial links to transcripts of the investigation. This is just nonsense in your delusional mind. There are transcripts of public testimony and Comey notes. That does not represent a fraction of the investigation. The most questionable meetings between trump campaign officials and associates are still secret.
Everything you disagree with is either fake news or the person you disagree with is a liar in your mind. Your opinions are made worthless because you can not back up your delusions and rely on lame insults.

Again you are about to look stupid. You are letting your girl parts dictate your posts. Anyway, Politico, Washington post and NY times all have FULL transcripts of the public hearings for us to read. Now. Would you like to link them and prove me wrong, or am I going to do it and prove you a liar again joe?

Oh yeah, never said the memos were up there but I do believe Comey him self said 90% of the stories out there are BS. And his memos, only his friend has seen them. Think Muller did to. But not the press, not congress.
There is nothing new or unique in this thread. Just the same "I am right and you are wrong" opinions and judgments. Collusion may not be proved because of obstruction, hence, the obstruction of justice charges. No one knows what evidence there is or where the investigation is going except for the investigators.

Stop lying. Transcripts of the testimony are out. Read them and see for your self.
You can not provide substantial links to transcripts of the investigation. This is just nonsense in your delusional mind. There are transcripts of public testimony and Comey notes. That does not represent a fraction of the investigation. The most questionable meetings between trump campaign officials and associates are still secret.
Everything you disagree with is either fake news or the person you disagree with is a liar in your mind. Your opinions are made worthless because you can not back up your delusions and rely on lame insults.

Again you are about to look stupid. You are letting your girl parts dictate your posts. Anyway, Politico, Washington post and NY times all have FULL transcripts of the public hearings for us to read. Now. Would you like to link them and prove me wrong, or am I going to do it and prove you a liar again joe?
Those are not the transcripts I challenged you to provide or the ones you claimed to have. You are deflecting away from your delusional post about the investigation being over because you have transcripts. Everyone has the same transcripts and video's to view. No one has the complete view of the investigation except for the lead investigators. Certainly not you.
Put up or shut up.
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Full Transcript and Video: James Comey’s Testimony on Capitol Hill

Mr. Burr to Comey on Russia hacking election.

BURR: Are you confident that no votes cast in the 2016 presidential election were altered?

COMEY: I’m confident. By the time — when I left as director, I had seen no indication of that whatsoever.

And just one of the many times Comey said Trum wasn't under investigation,

BURR: Director Comey, did the president at any time ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. elections?

COMEY: Not to my understanding, no.
If the Trump team asks the Russki's to release some of H's classified emails from her bathroom server to win the election, is that "collusion"? Putin knew that the emails were golden if H won the election. Talk about blackmail...

Not sure. It's a hypothetical. What isn't is that a key advisor knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks beforehand

Link? You're saying a Trump advisor knew of Podesta getting hacked 6 weeks prior to it happening? I call BULLSHIT in capital letters cuz I think you're flat out lying.

The fact that Trump's campaign officials met with Russian gov't reps or intermediaries before or after the hacking proves absolutely nothing. It is highly likely the Russkies also met with people in the Clinton camp too. As did reps from most other major players did.

Just a few days ago in St Petersburg:

Megyn Kelly: President Putin, was this possibility ever discussed between the Trump team and your representatives prior to President Trump being inaugurated?

Vladimir Putin: Our ambassador met with someone. What should an ambassador do? That is his job. That is what he gets paid for. He should have meetings, discussing current affairs, reaching agreements. What is he supposed to do there? Go to the kind of places that he will be fired for visiting? No. This is his job but he is being accused of meeting with someone. Are you nuts out there or what? This is diplomatic service. This is just amazing.

St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting

Putin is perhaps ignorant of American law that makes it ILLEGAL for campaigns and President-elects to undermine current president's foreign policy.


The lying, the coverup and recorded conversation of Flynn and Kysliak suggests that's EXACTLY what they were discussing.

You don't now that, you and Candycorn are both full of crap. So they met and talked, how the hell would either of you know what was discussed? Answer: you don't, so you make shit up.
Stone knew of it six months prior to its release. Clearly he knew of the hacking. Only a blind fool would think he didn't tell the man he was advising.

Nothing is being made up fuck face. Stone posted it, it did happen
Full Transcript and Video: James Comey’s Testimony on Capitol Hill

Mr. Burr to Comey on Russia hacking election.

BURR: Are you confident that no votes cast in the 2016 presidential election were altered?

COMEY: I’m confident. By the time — when I left as director, I had seen no indication of that whatsoever.

And just one of the many times Comey said Trum wasn't under investigation,

BURR: Director Comey, did the president at any time ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. elections?

COMEY: Not to my understanding, no.

He is now
Not sure. It's a hypothetical. What isn't is that a key advisor knew of Podesta being hacked 6 weeks beforehand

Link? You're saying a Trump advisor knew of Podesta getting hacked 6 weeks prior to it happening? I call BULLSHIT in capital letters cuz I think you're flat out lying.

The fact that Trump's campaign officials met with Russian gov't reps or intermediaries before or after the hacking proves absolutely nothing. It is highly likely the Russkies also met with people in the Clinton camp too. As did reps from most other major players did.

Just a few days ago in St Petersburg:

Megyn Kelly: President Putin, was this possibility ever discussed between the Trump team and your representatives prior to President Trump being inaugurated?

Vladimir Putin: Our ambassador met with someone. What should an ambassador do? That is his job. That is what he gets paid for. He should have meetings, discussing current affairs, reaching agreements. What is he supposed to do there? Go to the kind of places that he will be fired for visiting? No. This is his job but he is being accused of meeting with someone. Are you nuts out there or what? This is diplomatic service. This is just amazing.

St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting

Putin is perhaps ignorant of American law that makes it ILLEGAL for campaigns and President-elects to undermine current president's foreign policy.


The lying, the coverup and recorded conversation of Flynn and Kysliak suggests that's EXACTLY what they were discussing.

You don't now that, you and Candycorn are both full of crap. So they met and talked, how the hell would either of you know what was discussed? Answer: you don't, so you make shit up.
Stone knew of it six months prior to its release. Clearly he knew of the hacking. Only a blind fool would think he didn't tell the man he was advising.

Nothing is being made up fuck face. Stone posted it, it did happen

You don't jack shit, asshole. Time to hit the ignore button, you aren't worth the time of day to see what you wrote.
Link? You're saying a Trump advisor knew of Podesta getting hacked 6 weeks prior to it happening? I call BULLSHIT in capital letters cuz I think you're flat out lying.

The fact that Trump's campaign officials met with Russian gov't reps or intermediaries before or after the hacking proves absolutely nothing. It is highly likely the Russkies also met with people in the Clinton camp too. As did reps from most other major players did.

Just a few days ago in St Petersburg:

Megyn Kelly: President Putin, was this possibility ever discussed between the Trump team and your representatives prior to President Trump being inaugurated?

Vladimir Putin: Our ambassador met with someone. What should an ambassador do? That is his job. That is what he gets paid for. He should have meetings, discussing current affairs, reaching agreements. What is he supposed to do there? Go to the kind of places that he will be fired for visiting? No. This is his job but he is being accused of meeting with someone. Are you nuts out there or what? This is diplomatic service. This is just amazing.

St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting

Putin is perhaps ignorant of American law that makes it ILLEGAL for campaigns and President-elects to undermine current president's foreign policy.


The lying, the coverup and recorded conversation of Flynn and Kysliak suggests that's EXACTLY what they were discussing.

You don't now that, you and Candycorn are both full of crap. So they met and talked, how the hell would either of you know what was discussed? Answer: you don't, so you make shit up.
Stone knew of it six months prior to its release. Clearly he knew of the hacking. Only a blind fool would think he didn't tell the man he was advising.

Nothing is being made up fuck face. Stone posted it, it did happen

You don't jack shit, asshole. Time to hit the ignore button, you aren't worth the time of day to see what you wrote.

Your surrender is noted. I’ll add you to the list.

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