"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

Is there anything a left loon can't make politically correct? This garbage is getting really old

Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

At a town hall event in New Hampshire yesterday, a reporter challenged Donald Trump on his repeated use of the term "anchor baby."

The reporter asked Trump if he is aware that the term is "offensive" and "hurtful."

"You mean it's not politically correct and yet everybody uses it? Ya know what? Give me a different term," he shot back.

The reporter suggested he modify his language and instead say "American-born children of undocumented immigrants."

"You want me to say that? No, I'll use the word anchor baby," Trump said, as the reporter tried to interject again.

"Excuse me. I'll use the word anchor baby," he concluded before moving on to another question.

WATCH: Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

Having friends and family members murdered by illegal aliens is also offensive and extremely hurtful. Having your identity stolen by illegals is hurtful and takes years to recover from after they ruin your credit. Paying more taxes to subsidize people who don't assimilate and are often hostile towards us is offensive and hurtful. Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful to those who can't learn because the teacher is overwhelmed.

Anchor baby is a fitting term for the incredibly offensive action on the part of illegals who deliberately have a baby to access our welfare system and take advantage of us. They drop anchor by having that baby.

Typical that some liberals are more offended by an honest description of something rather than by the action itself.

Why not educate yourself instead of believing this nonsense propaganda designed to scare you? Read the link from the Washington Post about the myth you are chasing.
Border security and immigration laws are soooooo mean spirited !!!
So is the 14th amendment which makes anchor babies citizens.

Bigots are scared shitless of American babies of the Mexican ethnicity. It actually causes them pain.
Border security and immigration laws are soooooo mean spirited !!!
So is the 14th amendment which makes anchor babies citizens.

Bigots are scared shitless of American babies of the Mexican ethnicity. It actually causes them pain.
Fine. Have it your way. You'll sleep better. While the rest of the country - which knows better - moves in another direction and leaves you behind.

But... thank you for playing.
Border security and immigration laws are soooooo mean spirited !!!
So is the 14th amendment which makes anchor babies citizens.

Bigots are scared shitless of American babies of the Mexican ethnicity. It actually causes them pain.
Actually, that has more to do with slaves and states, the 14th amendment was meant to deal states and slaves, not illegals aliens from Mexico. Illegals are taking advantage of the ambiguity. And it stinks.
absolutely brilliant...That man is not going to pull out at the last minute to make way for ANYONE. Foolish liberals only WISH that were so....They see the writing on the wall. americans are sick and tired of the same old okey doke career politicians wrecking the country.
I believe he means exactly what he says....and how refeshing THAT is....
He can say whatever he likes, free speech is a liberal value, but he doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected.

He's gotcha scared don't he? LMAO

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Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful ....

No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful ....

No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
You're right, Patriot. Thirty two years of love. But it is tough having to teach English to a student and reading to a class at the same time.
Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful ....

No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Mexican immigrants, they love to dominate. Territorialism. Excess. Too many kids, too many cars, too many occupants,too many pets, visitors, excessively loud music volume. Not to keen on sensitivity, though. That is an Anglo thing, I guess. Think?
Is there anything a left loon can't make politically correct? This garbage is getting really old

Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

At a town hall event in New Hampshire yesterday, a reporter challenged Donald Trump on his repeated use of the term "anchor baby."

The reporter asked Trump if he is aware that the term is "offensive" and "hurtful."

"You mean it's not politically correct and yet everybody uses it? Ya know what? Give me a different term," he shot back.

The reporter suggested he modify his language and instead say "American-born children of undocumented immigrants."

"You want me to say that? No, I'll use the word anchor baby," Trump said, as the reporter tried to interject again.

"Excuse me. I'll use the word anchor baby," he concluded before moving on to another question.

WATCH: Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

Yes... Anchor Babies are injurious to the nation. And those who support the premise that illegals can come here, drop a child on US Soil and use that status to claim citizenship and that such provides that the citizenry is then obligated to sustain them... are nothing short of proponents of foreign ideas that are hostile to American Principle, OKA: Enemies of the American people.
Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful ....

No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Mexican immigrants, they love to dominate. Territorialism. Excess. Too many kids, too many cars, too many occupants,too many pets, visitors, excessively loud music volume. Not to keen on sensitivity, though. That is an Anglo thing, I guess. Think?
Just like any other race, I think it depends on the individual. I taught many Mexican Americans and most were fine people when it came to their children. The only problems I had when the parents could not speak English. Although I got a translator for notes to the parents, they still were no help until a hearing was held. The best by far were the Asians.
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absolutely brilliant...That man is not going to pull out at the last minute to make way for ANYONE. Foolish liberals only WISH that were so....They see the writing on the wall. americans are sick and tired of the same old okey doke career politicians wrecking the country.
I believe he means exactly what he says....and how refeshing THAT is....
He can say whatever he likes, free speech is a liberal value, but he doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected.

He's gotcha scared don't he? LMAO
Nope. He's Sarah Palin, who pees standing up, and just as unappetizing and cringeworthy...
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Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful ....

No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Mexican immigrants, they love to dominate. Territorialism. Excess. Too many kids, too many cars, too many occupants,too many pets, visitors, excessively loud music volume. Not to keen on sensitivity, though. That is an Anglo thing, I guess. Think?
Just like any other race, I think it depends on the individual. I taught many Mexican Americans and most were fine people when it came to their children. The only problems I had when the parents could not speak English. Although I got a translator for note to the parents, they still were no help until a hearing was held. The best by far were the Asians.
Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful ....

No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Mexican immigrants, they love to dominate. Territorialism. Excess. Too many kids, too many cars, too many occupants,too many pets, visitors, excessively loud music volume. Not to keen on sensitivity, though. That is an Anglo thing, I guess. Think?
Just like any other race, I think it depends on the individual. I taught many Mexican Americans and most were fine people when it came to their children. The only problems I had when the parents could not speak English. Although I got a translator for notes to the parents, they still were no help until a hearing was held. The best by far were the Asians.
Mexicans aren't a race. And these same fine folks don't deserve special rights because they are brown and are needy. Plenty of other immigrants from other lands come here LEGALY. How about that? Legal immigrants deserve as much attention. too. More so, actually.
Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful ....

No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Mexican immigrants, they love to dominate. Territorialism. Excess. Too many kids, too many cars, too many occupants,too many pets, visitors, excessively loud music volume. Not to keen on sensitivity, though. That is an Anglo thing, I guess. Think?

Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful ....

No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Mexican immigrants, they love to dominate. Territorialism. Excess. Too many kids, too many cars, too many occupants,too many pets, visitors, excessively loud music volume. Not to keen on sensitivity, though. That is an Anglo thing, I guess. Think?
No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Mexican immigrants, they love to dominate. Territorialism. Excess. Too many kids, too many cars, too many occupants,too many pets, visitors, excessively loud music volume. Not to keen on sensitivity, though. That is an Anglo thing, I guess. Think?
Just like any other race, I think it depends on the individual. I taught many Mexican Americans and most were fine people when it came to their children. The only problems I had when the parents could not speak English. Although I got a translator for note to the parents, they still were no help until a hearing was held. The best by far were the Asians.
No, it's not.
As a teacher, I can say it makes effective teaching almost impossible. Children and parents should attend English classes and be banned from public schools until they are proficient in the English language.
If I were to guess, Jackson is the first person in this conversation to claim to be a teacher, that most likely is a teacher.
Jackson understand the problems that are brought to a classroom when some of the students cant and refuse to speak English.
It disrupts the class and creates a negative learning experience for those students that do speak English.
Snookems on the other hand has proven that he/she can not be a teacher due to the fact that this simple understanding is missing.
Mexican immigrants, they love to dominate. Territorialism. Excess. Too many kids, too many cars, too many occupants,too many pets, visitors, excessively loud music volume. Not to keen on sensitivity, though. That is an Anglo thing, I guess. Think?
Just like any other race, I think it depends on the individual. I taught many Mexican Americans and most were fine people when it came to their children. The only problems I had when the parents could not speak English. Although I got a translator for notes to the parents, they still were no help until a hearing was held. The best by far were the Asians.
Mexicans aren't a race. And these same fine folks don't deserve special rights because they are brown and are needy. Plenty of other immigrants from other lands come here LEGALY. How about that? Legal immigrants deserve as much attention. too. ccMore so, actually.
I agree with you. I don't know if these people were illegal or legal. Most were on welfare and definitely got free breakfast and lunch (which I disagree with), free clothing, glasses and medical. I used to buy socks, belts and even shoes for some of my little ones. Never a "Thank you." I guess they are used to getting things free. But that really wasn't my concern. My concern was were they becoming good readers?
Democrats would love nothing more than for republicans to continue to refer to Hispanic American citizens as 'anchor babies.'
Those who abide by Ethnicity Ties rather than Citizenship Ties aren't worth having, anyway.

No more doomsday blackmail... no more pandering... no more vote-whoring... time to take a stand... let's put it to the test, and see if you're right.
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