"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

I understand two things you do not. Capitalism is real, borders are not...

Go ahead tough guy tell another country you don't recognize their borders...have fun in jail fool.
Got a few million people here who've tested that out, and never went to jail eh?
Try it in someone else's country like Mexico, China, Thailand, etc. See how they handle illegal aliens.
Some nations defend their borders, we don't, at least not very well. Cheap labor demands you know...

You've made it plain that you object to defending our borders.
So, as to the topic:

"Offensive and hurtful" is irrelevant. The term is inaccurate. That some try to use it to insult US citizens speaks volumes about themselves.

How is it inaccurate?

We are talking about US citizens, not inanimate objects. And, they don't "anchor" families in quite the fashion as is often portrayed.
...How does a new born baby sponsor it's parents. All the stories I see are about the baby staying with the parents as they are deported. They little citizens have to wait a long time to come back.
Their parents should have thought of that before they attained Illegal Alien status, prior to popping-out that puppy.

Did anyone consider your status before YOU were popped out, dog?
...We are talking about US citizens, not inanimate objects. And, they don't "anchor" families in quite the fashion as is often portrayed.
Doesn't matter.

They're only US citizens due to an unintended and unanticipated loophole-usage of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.

A fresh interpretation of the 'jurisdiction' concept embedded within the 14th should do the trick.

It won't be possible to un-grant citizenship to those already born.

But, moving forward, it will close the door on those who want to try the Anchor Baby option.

And there's nothing to prevent us from sending these Anchor Parents home, and telling them that they can either (1) take their precious little US citizens with them, until they're old enough to come back on their own, or (2) surrender custody and leave them here as wards of the state, where we will raise them in their stead.

These 'sneaks' are in the cross-hairs now, and the pendulum is now swinging the other (and saner) way - away from them.

A long-overdue and most happy state of affairs.

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Six months pregnant mother crosses Rio Grande only to get to hospital and give a birth to a child that will sponsor her and rest of the family to stay in USA. That's plain example of anchor baby. The country gives the citizenship to a child whose only connection to this country is that mother came across illegally. We keep crying how American families are struggling while this anchor baby along with mother gets all the care they need on the golden platter. And you do know who's paying for it.
How does a new born baby sponsor it's parents. All the stories I see are about the baby staying with the parents as they are deported. They little citizens have to wait a long time to come back.

Nope, they're not being deported.
Six months pregnant mother crosses Rio Grande only to get to hospital and give a birth to a child that will sponsor her and rest of the family to stay in USA. That's plain example of anchor baby. The country gives the citizenship to a child whose only connection to this country is that mother came across illegally. We keep crying how American families are struggling while this anchor baby along with mother gets all the care they need on the golden platter. And you do know who's paying for it.
How does a new born baby sponsor it's parents. All the stories I see are about the baby staying with the parents as they are deported. They little citizens have to wait a long time to come back.

Nope, they're not being deported.
Yes they are. Over 72,000 undocumented persons with American born children were deported in 2013. Most of them took the kids with them when they were deported.
They're only US citizens due to....

They are US citizens for the same reason you are, dog.

Temper, temper, Princess.

My parents were US citizens, and there is no question of my own birthright.

Their parent were here illegally when they gave birth, and the 'jurisdiction' concept embedded within the 14th Amendment raises questions about their own citizenship birthright, which has been addressed at least once already by the courts, and which, you can now be sure, will be revisited again and again, in the not-too-distant future, until America wins.

Enjoy the show... this is gonna be fun.
...Over 72,000 undocumented persons with American born children were deported in 2013. Most of them took the kids with them when they were deported.
Grand idea.

And a respectable Down Payment on the total volume that needs to be processed in a similar fashion.

A good start.
man what is up with you? you come charging in here and start putting everyone down.

Anyone who refers to innocent, newborn babies thusly:

I wonder how many pile of shit anchor babies we would have if the law hand been followed in the first place. ...
These vermin know what they are doing when they sneak in and crap out their spawn.

...deserves to be put down. Nothing to do with policy, and everything to do with basic human decency.
Whoa, Unkotare. No one wants to harm that anchor baby, just that the parents have to go back to their home country with their child. People are talking about Mexico, Italy, Guatemala. etc. as hell holes! Once the family liquidates their effects, they will have a tidy sum to start life again. And what's more it will be possible they have a leg up on immigration (legal) back legally to the US!
you can now be sure, will be revisited again and again, in the not-too-distant future, .....

Soon after January 20, 2017, most likely.
you can now be sure, will be revisited again and again, in the not-too-distant future, .....

Soon after January 20, 2017, most likely.

Check back in here then and admit you were wrong.
man what is up with you? you come charging in here and start putting everyone down.

Anyone who refers to innocent, newborn babies thusly:

I wonder how many pile of shit anchor babies we would have if the law hand been followed in the first place. ...
These vermin know what they are doing when they sneak in and crap out their spawn.

...deserves to be put down. Nothing to do with policy, and everything to do with basic human decency.
Whoa, Unkotare. No one wants to harm that anchor baby....

You sure? Better ask Mindless Pissant. His attitude has been pretty clear.
Is there anything a left loon can't make politically correct? This garbage is getting really old

Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

At a town hall event in New Hampshire yesterday, a reporter challenged Donald Trump on his repeated use of the term "anchor baby."

The reporter asked Trump if he is aware that the term is "offensive" and "hurtful."

"You mean it's not politically correct and yet everybody uses it? Ya know what? Give me a different term," he shot back.

The reporter suggested he modify his language and instead say "American-born children of undocumented immigrants."

"You want me to say that? No, I'll use the word anchor baby," Trump said, as the reporter tried to interject again.

"Excuse me. I'll use the word anchor baby," he concluded before moving on to another question.

WATCH: Trump Defiant After Reporter Says 'Anchor Baby' Is an Offensive Term

Having friends and family members murdered by illegal aliens is also offensive and extremely hurtful. Having your identity stolen by illegals is hurtful and takes years to recover from after they ruin your credit. Paying more taxes to subsidize people who don't assimilate and are often hostile towards us is offensive and hurtful. Teachers dealing with many students speaking different languages is offensive and hurtful to those who can't learn because the teacher is overwhelmed.

Anchor baby is a fitting term for the incredibly offensive action on the part of illegals who deliberately have a baby to access our welfare system and take advantage of us. They drop anchor by having that baby.

Typical that some liberals are more offended by an honest description of something rather than by the action itself.

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