And now on to the more serious question of immunity. . .

SCOTUS should rule a President has immunity in conduct of his office

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They weren’t waiting. They were going through proper process which takes time.

The reason this is speculation is because it seems to rely on a counter factual, that charges wouldn’t have been filed if he wasn’t running. That seems extremely unlikely to me.
Well, I guess we'll never know since your cult waited a full 2 1/2 years and only filed after Trump announced he was running against your cult's leader. In Bragg's case he waited a full 7+ years. Had to make sure that investigation was complete, huh? LOL
Well, I guess we'll never know since your cult waited a full 2 1/2 years and only filed after Trump announced he was running against your cult's leader. In Bragg's case he waited a full 7+ years. Had to make sure that investigation was complete, huh? LOL
None of that is grounds for appeal. LOL
Well, I guess we'll never know since your cult waited a full 2 1/2 years and only filed after Trump announced he was running against your cult's leader. In Bragg's case he waited a full 7+ years. Had to make sure that investigation was complete, huh? LOL
Well, that’s what makes it speculative. It’s not the DoJ’s fault that Trump declared his candidacy before they were ready to bring charges.
Well, that’s what makes it speculative. It’s not the DoJ’s fault that Trump declared his candidacy before they were ready to bring charges.
LOL and she was wearing a short skirt at the bar, so she asked for it.,
It IS about how much protection the President--any and all who are President--should have from malicious or opportunist or vindictive prosecution
Most of the witnesses and evidence against Benedict's criminal actions that went beyond his offical duties as president came from Republicans, including some from his inner circle.

Prosecutors have identified 84 witnesses in the classified documents case alone, including Trump's valet and co-defendant Walt Nauta, who traveled with the former president to his arraignment in the D.C. case last week.
Nixon didn't have to order his plumbers to break into anything. Furthermore if there is evidence of Carter, Clinton or Obama acting in a criminal manner, the DOJ should investigate. How many years did Durham investigate for an Obamagate moment? Benedict Donald didn't have to feed 'wild falsehoods' about the election to his supporters 'because he was angry he'd lost the election'.

"Impeachment, conviction, and removal are a specific intra-governmental safety valve. It is not the criminal justice system, where individual accountability is the paramount goal."

"Put anther way, in the language of today: President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen, unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while in office, didn't get away with anything yet – yet.

We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."

I'll consider your point when you start charging Obama with bombing a wedding and bombing doctors.
They weren’t waiting. They were going through proper process which takes time.

The reason this is speculation is because it seems to rely on a counter factual, that charges wouldn’t have been filed if he wasn’t running. That seems extremely unlikely to me.
Because that's absurd.

Garland would have given his left one NOT to have Trump run for president.
LOL and she was wearing a short skirt at the bar, so she asked for it.,

I’m saying the DoJ would have prosecuted Trump either way. It seems pretty convenient that you blame the DoJ for prosecuting him after Trump declared when they have no control over him.
Question it then, lose it, and spend millions more. And your equivalency is quite, quite poor.
Too bad for you Bragg's case is a complete joke. It's going to make your cult look terrible. Hell, we still don't know what crime Trump allegedly committed.
So why did Nixon need a pardon? Why did Clinton need a plea deal before he left office?
He didn't. No charges were ever proffered during the two plus years between resignation and pardon. Ask Gerald Ford, he wasn't known for the greatest decisions in the world, but he was head and shoulders above this current class of demofascists.

I’m saying the DoJ would have prosecuted Trump either way. It seems pretty convenient that you blame the DoJ for prosecuting him after Trump declared when they have no control over him.
Trump declared early precisely because he heard indictments were imminent.

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