Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

The VFW is now writing the Bill?
Where IS the Bill? The Bill that's been on the floor for a vote.
Not what the VFW lays out. Sheesh
The VFW is READING the bill retard...and they're ya know...kinda interested.

Are you saying they're lying?
The VFW is now writing the Bill?
Where IS the Bill? The Bill that's been on the floor for a vote.
Not what the VFW lays out. Sheesh
The bill has been posted ON THIS FUCKING THREAD about seven different times. Both versions and it's just as the VFW says
Stay tuned, lesh, if it was a clean Bill (it isn't) it would have passed.
And you say this based on what?

Pat fucking Toomey?

Your hatred of vets? Disregard for their health issues?

Tell me you think the VFW is lying or stupid

Bullshit - They already voted on the same bill.

The Military Times reported Republicans scuttled the PACT Act because of “a surprise deal on health care and environmental policies announced by Senate Democratic leaders.” In other words, Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin struck a deal on a domestic package, and Republicans were so outraged by Democratic efforts to govern that the Senate GOP threw a tantrum — one that would undermine veterans’ needs.
What the fuck do environmental policies have to do with a bill that is supposed to help Veterans ?
It didn't pass because Republicans got pissy that unrelated reconciliation bill passed with no GOP support...and they're screwing Vets because of it.
Show the Bill, Lesh. Not the VFW
It's posted like 7 times on this fucking thread...and why NOT the VFW retard?

Are they lying?

Are they stupid?

Do you think THEY (like you) haven't read the bill?

They have. You have not
Not a damn thing...but it's a way to screw with Dems and in the process fuck over Vets
Adding environmental policies to a bill that is supposed to help Vets and then blame the other side when they don't fall for that shit. Only stupid people fall for that bullshit. You fuckers care no more about Vets than Republicans do.
Pat Toomey said…

So either the VFW is lying or Pat fucking Toomey is

I’ve read both versions of the Bill (they’re ON this fucking thread)

Toomey is LYING
Save the rhetoric and cite which post numbers here lead to full content of current version of the Bill.
Or what you think is the full version.

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