Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

It didn't pass because Republicans got pissy that unrelated reconciliation bill passed with no GOP support...and they're screwing Vets because of it.
There is supposedly an extra 400 billion dollars for Prog agendas on it. Come on..Jon Stewart and Rob Reiner do not care about military people. They care about the extras in every budget that bring globalism to fruition. It will be gratifying to see all of these entertainment and Hollywood shills slowly killed. And it will be deserved.
There is supposedly an extra 400 billion dollars for Prog agendas on it. Come on..Jon Stewart and Rob Reiner do not care about military people. They care about the extras in every budget that bring globalism to fruition. It will be gratifying to see all of these entertainment and Hollywood shills slowly killed. And it will be deserved.

It's bullshit

Can you flippin read? Are you color blind? I mean it is all there, in red and purple, the changes to the bill. And please, explain to me two things. First, the difference in discretionary spending and mandated spending, or non-discretionary? Provide examples. Then, tell me how more mandated spending somehow creates more discretionary funds without Congressional authorization. And no, that authorization was not added to the bill, nor was it in there from the beginning. The reality is those funds were promised to the Veterans, and walled off from being diverted. Republicans now claim they want to remove the wall. I call bullshit.
Nope Republicans are not telling the truth.

That is called a comparative print. Here is what was changed in the bill,

That the bill from the House of Representatives (H.R. 3967) entitled “An Act to improve health care and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances, and for other purposes.”, do pass with the following

e)Not a taxable benefit.—A contract buy out for a covered health care professional under subsection (a) shall not be considered a taxable benefit or event for the covered health care professional.

Those two passages were stricken from the bill by the House. That is it period. Got to agree with the second one, why should a buy out be free of tax liability.

No pork in the bill, feel free to read the 64 page pdf document and see if I missed something. The Congressional Record don't lie, and you can track the voting history of the bill there as well.
Look, I will prove precisely what I previously stated.

That is a comparative print showing the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Just a scratch out of a statement about "other purposes" at the beginning and a scratch out deep within the text of the non taxability of buy-out agreements for doctors treating the vets.

Now here is what all the caterwalling is about,

Immediately upon enactment of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, expenses authorized to be appropriated to the Fund in subsection (c) shall be estimated for fiscal year 2023 and each subsequent fiscal year and treated as budget authority that is considered to be direct spending

Direct spending, that means precisely what many of you are clamoring about. It is not "discretionary" and would be "locked away", only to be spent on the care of those veterans every year.

Furthermore, there is no additional spending items in the entire bill, unless you count the water problem at Camp Lejeune. The entire bill is devoted to the VA. McConnell is a LIAR. Like I said, he is pissing on your leg and telling you it is raining.
Look, I will prove precisely what I previously stated.

That is a comparative print showing the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Just a scratch out of a statement about "other purposes" at the beginning and a scratch out deep within the text of the non taxability of buy-out agreements for doctors treating the vets.

Now here is what all the caterwalling is about,

Immediately upon enactment of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, expenses authorized to be appropriated to the Fund in subsection (c) shall be estimated for fiscal year 2023 and each subsequent fiscal year and treated as budget authority that is considered to be direct spending

Direct spending, that means precisely what many of you are clamoring about. It is not "discretionary" and would be "locked away", only to be spent on the care of those veterans every year.

Furthermore, there is no additional spending items in the entire bill, unless you count the water problem at Camp Lejeune. The entire bill is devoted to the VA. McConnell is a LIAR. Like I said, he is pissing on your leg and telling you it is raining.
Pat Toomey has ALWAYS been against this bill

He's an asshole

What sucks worse is the 25 Republican Senators that first voted for it...and then changed their vote and lied about why. The Bill ALWAYS had mandatory funding.

Nothing of substance changed. A new title and something about tax benefits for doctors...that's it
We are now in at almost 700 posts, probably more, I just returned. But very early in this thread I posted precisely what that Tik Tok video girl did. I posted links to the comparison and even cut and pasted the only changes in the bill. It is right there for everyone to see. Hell, I have done all the work.

Now, I didn't research the bill in the Congressional Record, or spend the time to read all 60+ pages of the bill because I am some partisan hack. Hell, to be honest, I gave the Republicans the benefit of the doubt. Besides, those 60 pages were a drop in the bucket compared to the 2,000 pages I had to muddle through for work, and honestly, they were more interesting. It was a welcome break. Here is what I learned.

The bill passed back in June, shortly thereafter Toomey attempted to make an amendment, not once, but twice, to change the spending from mandatory, or non-discretionary, to discretionary. Not really sure why, I mean no way that was going to fly in the House. Besides, as I have pointed out consistently throughout this thread, spending on VA benefits is almost always done with non-discretionary spending. I mean it is one thing to take funds away from the building of new shooting house for the Delta force, it is quite another to take funds from the health care of Veterans suffering from service related injuries. But apparently, that is precisely what Toomey wanted the ability to do. Up vote or down vote, just proposing those amendments should have been a clear signal to Vets that Toomey does not represent them.

Honestly, there is but one conclusion as to why Republicans reversed their votes here, and it is both sad, and telling, as to just how big of pieces of shit these Republicans are. Looks like Manchin finally caved, and although Sinema is not confirmed, it appears that some major legislation is going to be passed before the summer recess. That is a good thing, obviously there needs to be some action made on the issues facing this country. Inflation, supply chain issues, semi-conductors, and prescription drug costs. Republicans are so miffed that there might be some positive action taken under the Biden administration that they are willing to throw Veterans, who are suffering from illnesses caused by burn pits--and let me digress here a bit. What kind of flippin moron ass military leadership lets their charges stand around a fire pit burning toxic waste? Hell, if the military was a private company they would be litigated into bankruptcy. But they are more than willing to throw those Vets under the bus. Every damn one of them ought to be locked in a room where Plutonium is being burned, and yes, that would be a death sentence. But they have it coming. And the fist bump--nothing could be more insulting. Kick these fawkers to the damn curb.

I find it odd people are saying Manchin caved. He did not. He got what he wanted. He was against the original bill because he said it was too large and not paid for.

In the bill negotiated, it's far smaller and while he says they are not tax increases, there are moves put in place to increase taxes to pay for the bill. So he is getting what he claimed he wanted all along.
I find it odd people are saying Manchin caved. He did not. He got what he wanted. He was against the original bill because he said it was too large and not paid for.

In the bill negotiated, it's far smaller and while he says they are not tax increases, there are moves put in place to increase taxes to pay for the bill. So he is getting what he claimed he wanted all along.
You do realize that you are not talking about the burn pit bill right?
Look you stupid shit, I have posted in this thread both versions of the bill. Toomey's complaint is that the funding is non-discretionary. It has always been non-discretionary, and that is SOP for health care funding for VETS, or anyone else for that matter, like Medicare and Medicaid. The fact that I know, but you don't know and don't care, exemplifies what the fawk is wrong with this country. I can tell you, 200 years ago Republicans would have been crucified had they attempted this bullshit. But back then, the electorate was far more engaged and far more intelligent than today. Now we have a bunch of walking morons like you that "don't care", are too flippin ass lazy to do the necessary research, and get your news from bias ass sites that tell you precisely what you want to hear.

Look, voting is a responsibility, it is not, and never has been, a right. When this country finally makes its way to a third world nation, laughed at by the rest of the world, rest assured, ignorant ass morons like you will be saddled with the responsibility. If you really are a Patriot, if you really do love America, then stay the fuck at the house on election day. You are too stupid to vote.
Listen you mindless fucktard drone scumbag. Gfy.

You simply don’t know what the GOP and the Dims agreed to. And if the 6/16 version had slipped in the change to make discretionary spending mandatory, but it wasn’t caught by Toomey in time, then maybe that’s why it passed the first time.

In any case, your farting all over the thread contributes nothing of value.

Oh. Voting is a right. It is not a responsibility. Why do you say such stupid things as you said in your post? :dunno:
Listen you mindless fucktard drone scumbag. Gfy.

You simply don’t know what the GOP and the Dims agreed to. And if the 6/16 version had slipped in the change to make discretionary spending mandatory, but it wasn’t caught by Toomey in time, then maybe that’s why it passed the first time.

In any case, your farting all over the thread contributes nothing of value.

Oh. Voting is a right. It is not a responsibility. Why do you say such stupid things as you said in your post? :dunno:
Republicans thank you for swallowing their lies. Every time someone like you blindly goes along with them, they know they can continue to do and say whatever they want.
Listen you mindless fucktard drone scumbag. Gfy.

You simply don’t know what the GOP and the Dims agreed to. And if the 6/16 version had slipped in the change to make discretionary spending mandatory, but it wasn’t caught by Toomey in time, then maybe that’s why it passed the first time.

In any case, your farting all over the thread contributes nothing of value.

Oh. Voting is a right. It is not a responsibility. Why do you say such stupid things as you said in your post? :dunno:
That is a LIE as has been documented endlessly above

The bill ALWAYS included mandatory funding

Stop lying
Listen you mindless fucktard drone scumbag. Gfy.

You simply don’t know what the GOP and the Dims agreed to. And if the 6/16 version had slipped in the change to make discretionary spending mandatory, but it wasn’t caught by Toomey in time, then maybe that’s why it passed the first time.

In any case, your farting all over the thread contributes nothing of value.

Oh. Voting is a right. It is not a responsibility. Why do you say such stupid things as you said in your post? :dunno:
And Toomey was bitching about it then and no one cared
Republicans thank you for swallowing their lies. Every time someone like you blindly goes along with them, they know they can continue to do and say whatever they want.
Ah, maroon. You don’t know whether “they” lied at all. You’re just a fool. A useless idiot.

Meanwhile, the senile racist hair sniffing criminal scumbag Alzheimer Victim in Chief can’t be trusted to even read the Teleprompter correctly, and you lap up every word from that unmitigated ceaseless lying sac of shit.
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Everyone agrees that the only government run health care system in the US, which for US Veterans, needs to be funded. After all, these veterans laid their lives on the line and were told they would be taken care of medically for their sacrifice and service for the rest of their lives

However, that is not what happens, and really has never happened. The VA has a whole host of various scandals over the years which can be traced to a lack of government funding and trying to turn away as many veterans as possible, like those soldiers in Vietnam who were told that Agent Orange that the military used really did not cause all of their cancers.


Previous to this the GOP voting down the PACT Act to better fund veterans, the GOP offered to increase funding for veterans, but were denied by democrats and told no. Then the democrats come back later, but with additional verbiage that will allow them to use the money for other things other than veterans, so the GOP shoots it down. Then the DNC stooge Jon Stewart gets up in front of the camera saying how evil the GOP is for not caring for US veterans.

Along comes the circus the media tells America that the GOP should have passed the bill anyway and then go back into amend it, but as we all know, nothing is ever fixed in DC, it just gets worse and worse.

But this is just a taste of what the Left wants for us all, which is government health care for all. It will be a system that, likewise, is not funded properly as patients will be treated like a child caught in a custody battle between two screaming parents, neither of which wants to buy their child shoes they need because they insist the other should be paying for it.

But as we all know, the only time government is concerned about spending is when it comes to the health care of the average citizen, then all of a sudden they become frugal and stingy.

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