Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

The bill “MAYBE” had mandatory funding from the beginning??

No fukwad. It DID HAVE mandatory funding from the beginning and rightfully so.

Both versions are posted above

And if you think a thousand troll posts will hide that you’re wrong. I’ll repost them as needed
You still don’t get it or perhaps you are just too fully committed to being a dishonest twat to admit it. But the argument remains: the GOP is claiming that somewhere between their agreement with the Dims (prior to the 6/16 vote) and that vote, the bill got changed.

I suspect that (to the embarrassment of the GOP negotiators), the bill which passed on 6/16 had the slippery lingo in it which sneakily changed the agreed upon formulation from discretionary to mandatory.

I’m very happy the chicanery got caught even if it was after the vote to pass it on 6/16. And I’m glad that it had to come up for another vote thereafter in the Senate ! 😎

And at the risk of your petty mind being shattered, the bill is likely to still be passed down to the last red cent with one significant correction. Mandatory spending will properly be put back into the discretionary category. Cry your eyes out. 😂🤣
the GOP is claiming that somewhere between their agreement with the Dims (prior to the 6/16 vote) and that vote, the bill got changed.

Both versions of the bill have been posted along with comparative analysis beginning with post 1024

Stop lying
You are just a dumbass. Within this thread there are links to the bill, links to comparative documents that show the changes within the bill, clear and precise explanations as to the reality that VA benefits are always funded with non-discretionary spending.

Spending not devoted to veterans? Even with links to the bill not a single person has bothered to copy and paste something within that bill that does not apply to veterans.

I mean you are more worthless than tits on a boar hog. You won't bother to read the bill. You won't bother to do any research. You will just latch on to anyone and everyone that confirms your own preexisting condition, even if it is a RINO that voted to impeach Trump.

I just don't believe anything you say. Decades of hearing you people talk shit, has just robbed me of any shred of respect I ever had for you.
You are the one unable to back up what you claim.........but that's par for the course. Like Trump when backed into a corner, you resort to childish name calling.

My point did not need a link. It was a statement. Only a dishonest shit talker would have asked for a link.

Can you flippin read? Are you color blind? I mean it is all there, in red and purple, the changes to the bill. And please, explain to me two things. First, the difference in discretionary spending and mandated spending, or non-discretionary? Provide examples. Then, tell me how more mandated spending somehow creates more discretionary funds without Congressional authorization. And no, that authorization was not added to the bill, nor was it in there from the beginning. The reality is those funds were promised to the Veterans, and walled off from being diverted. Republicans now claim they want to remove the wall. I call bullshit.
And again
Nope Republicans are not telling the truth.

That is called a comparative print. Here is what was changed in the bill,

That the bill from the House of Representatives (H.R. 3967) entitled “An Act to improve health care and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances, and for other purposes.”, do pass with the following

e)Not a taxable benefit.—A contract buy out for a covered health care professional under subsection (a) shall not be considered a taxable benefit or event for the covered health care professional.

Those two passages were stricken from the bill by the House. That is it period. Got to agree with the second one, why should a buy out be free of tax liability.

No pork in the bill, feel free to read the 64 page pdf document and see if I missed something. The Congressional Record don't lie, and you can track the voting history of the bill there as well.
And again
Look, I will prove precisely what I previously stated.

That is a comparative print showing the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Just a scratch out of a statement about "other purposes" at the beginning and a scratch out deep within the text of the non taxability of buy-out agreements for doctors treating the vets.

Now here is what all the caterwalling is about,

Immediately upon enactment of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, expenses authorized to be appropriated to the Fund in subsection (c) shall be estimated for fiscal year 2023 and each subsequent fiscal year and treated as budget authority that is considered to be direct spending

Direct spending, that means precisely what many of you are clamoring about. It is not "discretionary" and would be "locked away", only to be spent on the care of those veterans every year.

Furthermore, there is no additional spending items in the entire bill, unless you count the water problem at Camp Lejeune. The entire bill is devoted to the VA. McConnell is a LIAR. Like I said, he is pissing on your leg and telling you it is raining.
And again

Both versions of the bill have been posted along with comparative analysis beginning with post 1024

Stop lying
Again your lack of basic comprehension skills is entirely on you. You’re a retard. And you’re the liar. Now, go suck another bag of dicks. 🖕
Look, I will prove precisely what I previously stated.

That is a comparative print showing the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Just a scratch out of a statement about "other purposes" at the beginning and a scratch out deep within the text of the non taxability of buy-out agreements for doctors treating the vets.

Now here is what all the caterwalling is about,

Immediately upon enactment of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, expenses authorized to be appropriated to the Fund in subsection (c) shall be estimated for fiscal year 2023 and each subsequent fiscal year and treated as budget authority that is considered to be direct spending

Direct spending, that means precisely what many of you are clamoring about. It is not "discretionary" and would be "locked away", only to be spent on the care of those veterans every year.

Furthermore, there is no additional spending items in the entire bill, unless you count the water problem at Camp Lejeune. The entire bill is devoted to the VA. McConnell is a LIAR. Like I said, he is pissing on your leg and telling you it is raining.
And again
Official Journalism is dead, as everyone not only wants to be the 1st one to get the story out but also wants to be the 1st ones to control the spin.

The fake media and its ability to cover for the Democrats rely on them getting the false narrative out 1st, inflicting as much division and damage against the Republicans.

Ignorance, a lack of common sense is sadly Often human nature. People often accept what they 1st hear as 'gospel' without thinking or doing research. Such is the case with the Burn Pit Legislation.

Democrats rushed to blame the GOP for blocking the legislation, attempting topaint themselves as blameless.
* That - only one party at fault - is NEVER the case in politics.

Still, Democrats sought topaint the GOP as heartless, uncaring, abti-military merchants of death, blocking the bill because they hate the military.

When you stop and think back, has this ever been the case?

Republicans have always been the greatest supporters of the military.

When Dems are over and want to cut spending they target the military budget 1st.

Gore tried to strip vets of their vote to have another quick FL election that could not include overseas votes due to time constraints.

Biden sacrificed 13 military members in a horrifically attempted withdrawal plan out of Afghanistan.

LGBQT, CRT, Trans, etc...being forced on the military...

He is about to gut the military by firing thousands of special forces members and others who refuse to take an experimental drug that does NOT prevent catching COVID but does cause changes women's periods, causes heart damage and failure, strokes, and more.

That all being said, and more that could be, Democrats, fake news media, dupes, sheep, and snowflakes want the world to believe Republicans woke up one morning and said, "I suddenly hate the military, and screw them and the Burn Pit bill."

Aside from hatred, lies, indoctrination, ignorance, stubborness, and false narratives being pushed, the above does not make sense.

Ted Cruz set the record straight on what happened, what ALWAYS happens when bills try to get passed - politicians attempting to exploit the legislation for political / personal gain.

"The bill gives a $400B blank checkseparate from vets care—for unrelated pork that will supercharge inflation. I support the PACT Act & the $679.4B it would dedicate to vets. It’s ppl trying to use PACT to shovel more pork who are exploiting vets."

This should not surprise anyone, as it happens ALL the time.

So we get personal attacks and attacks on the Vets themselves...and a refusal to look at the actual facts.

Just lame bullshit like

"I hate liberals" so I'm not gonna believe this
So we get personal attacks and attacks on the Vets themselves...and a refusal to look at the actual facts.

Just lame bullshit like

"I hate liberals" so I'm not gonna believe this
That is what this Republican party has become and it's not new.

They did this with ballistic vests in the Iraq war (trying to invade on the cheap)

They fought against help for 911 first responders

They have been fighting this for ten years

Make no mistake...this isn't a "Trump" thing. This is the Republican Party revealing who they are.
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