Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Ah, maroon. You don’t know whether “they” lies at all. You’re just a fool. A useless idiot.

Meanwhile, the senile racist hair sniffing criminal scumbag Alzheimer Victim in Chief can’t be trusted to even read the Teleprompter correctly, and you lap up every word from that unmitigated ceaseless lying sac of shit.
Saying “I hate Biden” does not change the reality of what Republicans are doing here
That's a bullshit claim. All the money in this bill is mandated to go to Vets health issues.

ALL of it.

It was that way when Republicans voted for it and it's still that way

Did you read what the VFW had to say about it?

Did you rea the actual bill?


You're going by what Pat fucking Toomey tells you?

Remember the Republican Senators were "for it before they were against it." (sound familiar?)
That is a LIE as has been documented endlessly above

The bill ALWAYS included mandatory funding

Stop lying
I haven’t lied at all and you’re still a douche. The bill maybe always had the provision written in it which makes what was agreed to (discretionary spending not mandatory spending) — and if that’s the case, then closer attention should have been paid to the bill passed by the Senate on 6/16. You imbecile.

Sadly for you fucking scumbags, it had to get passed a second time. And it failed because (perhaps) by that time the Schumer chicanery had finally been spotted.

Either way, it’s an easy fix. Correct the language of the bill to correspond to the GOP intent (discretionary not mandatory spending).

Go get a tissue. Have a good cry. Take a Midol.

Then, gfy. :fu:
The democrats were hoping that it would pass so that money could be funneled into their pet projects that have been denied.
Saying “I hate Biden” does not change the reality of what Republicans are doing here
Correct. And the reality of the changes being called for are perfectly proper. All of your false claims are worthless braying jackass nonsense.
I haven’t lied at all and you’re still a douche. The bill maybe always had the provision written in it which makes what was agreed to (discretionary spending not mandatory spending) — and if that’s the case, then closer attention should have been paid to the bill passed by the Senate on 6/16. You imbecile.

Sadly for you fucking scumbags, it had to get passed a second time. And it failed because (perhaps) by that time the Schumer chicanery had finally been spotted.

Either way, it’s an easy fix. Correct the language of the bill to correspond to the GOP intent (discretionary not mandatory spending).

Go get a tissue. Have a good cry. Take a Midol.

Then, gfy. :fu:
The bill “MAYBE” had mandatory funding from the beginning??

No fukwad. It DID HAVE mandatory funding from the beginning and rightfully so.

Both versions are posted above

And if you think a thousand troll posts will hide that you’re wrong. I’ll repost them as needed
There is supposedly an extra 400 billion dollars for Prog agendas on it. Come on..Jon Stewart and Rob Reiner do not care about military people. They care about the extras in every budget that bring globalism to fruition. It will be gratifying to see all of these entertainment and Hollywood shills slowly killed. And it will be deserved.
"supposedly" it to us.
Pat Toomey has ALWAYS been against this bill

He's an asshole

What sucks worse is the 25 Republican Senators that first voted for it...and then changed their vote and lied about why. The Bill ALWAYS had mandatory funding.

Nothing of substance changed. A new title and something about tax benefits for doctors...that's it
They were FOR the Bill before they were AGAINST it. :heehee:
I personally know a kid who joined the marines, but once in boot camp, was told he had medical problems. His mother got an emergent phone call saying he needed emergent surgery. Then after the surgery, they messed him up worse than what he was, so they simply slowly pushed him out of the service, knowing he was damaged good, and denied him health care. A doctor outside the VA later told him the surgery they did was not called for and only made him worse.

He went to a JAG lawyer and he just laughed, saying how this was an epidemic and said there is not much he could do except try to tackle a mountain of petitions and forms and bureaucracy and hope for the best.. They then wrote their representatives who did not even bother to mail back a letter of acknowledgement.

He died 5 years later at the tender age of 25.
Republicans thank you for swallowing their lies. Every time someone like you blindly goes along with them, they know they can continue to do and say whatever they want.
They are showing us who they are......going all in on Republican lies and throwing our veterans under the bus. The same veterans that Republicans sent to Iraq and Afghanistan.
The current bill and the original bill have been posted on this thread and reposted beginning with post 1024

As well as comparisons between them

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