Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

If there's one thing this thread has's the bogus claim that Republicans support the military.

They're great at paying lip service and virtue signaling...but when push comes to shove...the military gets shoved under the bus by them
If there's one thing this thread has's the bogus claim that Republicans support the military.

They're great at paying lip service and virtue signaling...but when push comes to shove...the military gets shoved under the bus by them
I like Jon Stewart, but this burn barrel nonsense is silly.
Hundreds of millions of people use burn barrels, and they have never been connected with any problem.
If you are burning something stinky, like a tire, then you keep away from it.
Burning rubber has some stinky Sulphur, but nothing terribly toxic.
There likely is nothing that could have caused any physical problems.
And yet you or any others has been able to provide "this bunch of nonsense."
You and the RW talking points are just that.
Talking points and empty shells.

Show us the PORK Meister
Or be a COWARD and don't.

Your choice.
The word of Toomey and Cruz means NOTHING, unless you can show the PORK.
400 billion dollars of discretionary spending, WINCO.
That means they can apply that to anything they choose.
Doesn't mean that that 400 billion will be spent on the veterans, dude/dudette.
I am sure if it was going to be on the veterans, they would have shown where it would be spent.

You really don't know the political game do you?
Yes idiot...the version that passed the senate 84-16 and the version that 25 GOP Senators changed their vote on.

Both versions are essentially the the VFW report on it. There is ZERO pork in it
Nobody said pork, lesh. Pork is when they throw in a bridge to no where,
A museum, or library, and things such as that.
The Bill has 400 billion with it going to whatever they want to come up
with, and don't want you to know until after it's passed.
There is no doubt that you and your usual crew are nothing but willing
stooges for your masters.
Nobody said pork, lesh. Pork is when they throw in a bridge to no where,
A museum, or library, and things such as that.
The Bill has 400 billion with it going to whatever they want to come up
with, and don't want you to know until after it's passed.
There is no doubt that you and your usual crew are nothing but willing
stooges for your masters.
That's a bullshit claim. All the money in this bill is mandated to go to Vets health issues.

ALL of it.

It was that way when Republicans voted for it and it's still that way

Did you read what the VFW had to say about it?

Did you rea the actual bill?


You're going by what Pat fucking Toomey tells you?

Hatred of our military.
Why do you lie? Why can't they just throw a clean Bill out there
and have a vote on that? You know why, or you're just ignorant.
Republicans want to do right with the veterans, but, they are going to have
the democrats run 400 billion from taxpayers up their asses.
Why won't your tribe go with a clean Bill? Don't they like the Military?
That's a bullshit claim. All the money in this bill is mandated to go to Vets health issues.

ALL of it.

It was that way when Republicans voted for it and it's still that way

Did you read what the VFW had to say about it?

Did you rea the actual bill?


You're going by what Pat fucking Toomey tells you?

The 400 billion isn't, Lesh, no matter how much you want to stomp your feet,
it doesn't change the discretionary spending they threw in.
If you think Toomey is the only one, then you're not very smart, lesh.
That's a bullshit claim. All the money in this bill is mandated to go to Vets health issues.

ALL of it.

It was that way when Republicans voted for it and it's still that way

Did you read what the VFW had to say about it?

Did you rea the actual bill?


You're going by what Pat fucking Toomey tells you?

Oh yeah, and you will save $2000 a year on insurance premiums, you can keep your doctor, and your wife will be prettier, you'll be happier, your dog will stop crapping on your shoes, etc, etc. It's wonderful.
The 400 billion isn't, Lesh, no matter how much you want to stomp your feet,
it doesn't change the discretionary spending they threw in.
If you think Toomey is the only one, then you're not very smart, lesh.
So Meister...either Pat fucking Toomey is lying or the VFW is lying.

Tell me which?
That's a bullshit claim. All the money in this bill is mandated to go to Vets health issues.

ALL of it.

It was that way when Republicans voted for it and it's still that way

Did you read what the VFW had to say about it?

Did you rea the actual bill?


You're going by what Pat fucking Toomey tells you?

Show the Bill, Lesh. Not the VFW

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