Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

They did not. Stop lying

Finally they did...out of SHAME. They changed their votes yes

And Republicans have exposed themselves here.

They do NOT care about Veterans
Sen. Pat Toomey on Sunday defended his decision and that of his Republican colleagues’ last week to block the passage of a bill that aims to expand health care access to veterans exposed to burn pits.
The bill — the Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act — was approved in the Senate in June by a vote of 84-14. It went back to the Senate again for a procedural vote last week and was expected to pass with its broad bipartisan support.
In a surprise effort, Republicans blocked the legislation. Toomey (R-Pa.) said he wanted to amend the bill to make technical changes in terms of the accounting of VA funds. That vote drew criticism from Democrats and veterans groups, as well as comedian Jon Stewart, who has made the passage of the legislation a special cause of his.

Defending his actions Sunday, Toomey said he’s working to amend the bill in a way that would “not change by one penny any spending on any veterans program,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”
What I’m trying to do is change a government accounting methodology that is designed to allow our Democratic colleagues to go on an unrelated $400 billion spending spree that has nothing to do with veterans and won’t be in the veterans space,” he said.
Sen. Pat Toomey on Sunday defended his decision and that of his Republican colleagues’ last week to block the passage of a bill that aims to expand health care access to veterans exposed to burn pits.
The bill — the Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act — was approved in the Senate in June by a vote of 84-14. It went back to the Senate again for a procedural vote last week and was expected to pass with its broad bipartisan support.
In a surprise effort, Republicans blocked the legislation. Toomey (R-Pa.) said he wanted to amend the bill to make technical changes in terms of the accounting of VA funds. That vote drew criticism from Democrats and veterans groups, as well as comedian Jon Stewart, who has made the passage of the legislation a special cause of his.

Defending his actions Sunday, Toomey said he’s working to amend the bill in a way that would “not change by one penny any spending on any veterans program,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”
What I’m trying to do is change a government accounting methodology that is designed to allow our Democratic colleagues to go on an unrelated $400 billion spending spree that has nothing to do with veterans and won’t be in the veterans space,” he said.
This may shock you but a career politician is lying.
Here's 7 pages of Republican "support for the troops"

There's 80 more

Most of us veterans are conservatives Goofy. What we hate is pork, which is likely your favorite verb.
There was no pork. These assholes didn't even look in spite of the Bill being posted about 20 times
Tell us what exactly is in the bill.

What is actually in this piece of legislation?

Yes. I know how Democrats operate. You attach your pet projects that taxpayers won't support to bills that taxpayers will support. Then when it's rejected you cry that Republicans hate vets or whatever. You're lying snakes.

Dem's can't fight dirty, freeze Republicans out and cram through tax increases that hurt the 50% of Americans Republicans represent then expect Republicans to work with them on other bills. Go F yourselves Dems.
Asshole is whining about a different bill and using it to excuse trashing this one
No offsetting spending cuts to pay for better than a quarter trillion in spending over 10 years it so it should have been killed as a matter of course.

Maybe the vets lobbying for it should have took that into account and suggested some cuts of their own to ease the tax-payer burden.

John Stewart just wants to remain relevant

I have to pay for their health care to show support? Lol no .. I don’t

Screw the military..


Yeah and it took Trump to restore Vet healthcare, robbed by dems for years to pay for their lame social spending ventures.
Obviously Trump didn't take care of this
The same democrats who spit on Vietnam Vets now want to create a fake issue about Afghanistan Vets who were all but abandoned by the Biden administration. How freaking ironic.

Compensation for fires in Afghanistan? WTF? The truth is that democrats who created this lame bill were old enough to spit on Vietnam Veterans.

So pay for it! Start a charity .. put your money where your mouth is

Evidence? That makes no sense. Why would this program need to be permanent? Are veterans exposed to toxicity going to live forever, as long as the 400 Billions keeps being spent?

Oh noooes!

Your talking screaming point fell flat under the weight of facts. Now yer so angwee!

Nobody cares about your disgust or Stewart’s outrage.

democrats care about the military lol lol lol lol lol

But the way democrats load up every bill they pass with port its a fair question

Dems F over Republicans, cram through a giant PORK tax increase climate spending bill then demand Republicans vote for another bill. Republicans tell Dems to go F themselves.
Same bullshit claim as before
He’s claiming that there’s $400 billion in unrelated spending in the bill.

That’s nonsense.
Not really... the designation for spending matters... we have to get DC to stop the games... they take money from a good bill and use it for political crap like the 1-6 commission for example.... or clean energy they have investments in.... it has to stop....
Not really... the designation for spending matters... we have to get DC to stop the games... they take money from a good bill and use it for political crap like the 1-6 commission for example.... or clean energy they have investments in.... it has to stop....
There’s no games. The bill says what the money must be spent on.

Toomey is playing the games. He’s going on TV spreading lies that he knows he isn’t going to he called out on.
There’s no games. The bill says what the money must be spent on.

Toomey is playing the games. He’s going on TV spreading lies that he knows he isn’t going to he called out on.
You need to stop watching CNN... they are the ones lying.... the bill now has an amendment written by Toomey that says where the money must be spent... the dems tried to pass it without a designation and without oversight which they wrote into the bill the day before the vote.... that's dirty pool my friend.... they wanted to take that money and spend wherever they chose... you can't support that if you care about the sick vets....
You need to stop watching CNN... they are the ones lying.... the bill now has an amendment written by Toomey that says where the money must be spent... the dems tried to pass it without a designation and without oversight which they wrote into the bill the day before the vote.... that's dirty pool my friend.... they wanted to take that money and spend wherever they chose... you can't support that if you care about the sick vets....
Toomey is lying. The bill always said where the money goes. There was always oversight.

Toomey wanted to take the spending of the bill from being mandatory back to discretionary.

Discretionary spending is easier to cut. It gets hung up in stupid budget fights. When the budgeted money runs out, veterans are out of luck.

Toomey’s amendment is bad for veterans.

There was no change. The money was always mandatory spending. It’s the only way it makes sense. The bill passed tonight without any changes.
Not really... the designation for spending matters... we have to get DC to stop the games... they take money from a good bill and use it for political crap like the 1-6 commission for example.... or clean energy they have investments in.... it has to stop....
So Republicans blocked a Vet Health Bill because they were pissed about some other Bills?


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