Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

If the Democrats could pass that "Inflation Reduction Act," under the rule for reconciliation? Since the vote for the PACT Act, got more than enough votes in the house, if the Democrats want, they could have done the same.

"If Democrats pass this bill, which they can do with a simple majority under Senate rules for reconciliation, it would be the single most important legislative step the US has ever taken to combat the climate crisis."

Nope, the folks you need to blame, are the folks that control all three branches of government.

The DNC runs the table, they control all three branches of government, and can pass, or defeat, anything they want. To the corporate elites, and the corrupt interests that fund the DNC? The Green Corporate interests are more important to the DNC than the nation's vets.

Stop being manipulated.
That’s not true . The filibuster still requires the 60vote threshold (10 GOP) member for all but the one yearly omnibus budget bill on the Senate and that’s what they were using to block the burn pit bill…for no other reason than that they could
But here you are giving lip service (and nothing else) again.

Next will come the virtue signaling
That’s not true . The filibuster still requires the 60vote threshold (10 GOP) member for all but the one yearly omnibus budget bill on the Senate and that’s what they were using to block the burn pit bill…for no other reason than that they could
yeah, that slipped my mind, thanks.
Pat Toomey referring to veterans as a ‘sympathetic group’ is all you need to know about Toomey.

How Any Vet or family member of a Vet can vote Republican after this debacle...I'll never know
If we really cared about our military we wouldn't be doing what we do with our military. It's good we decided to help those we harmed but the real issue which has been completely overlooked in all of this is that they never should have been in harm's way to start with. Sadly BOTH parties supported that.

So yes while this make Senate Republican's look like total fools, there isn't a good and bad side here.

As an aside, I did enjoy seeing Manchin totally outplay McConnell.
11 Senate Republicans voted against burn pits bill:

Cruz statement on his yes vote:


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