Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

So the Republican goal here was to make it easier to cut this spending at a later date.

Thanks for pointing that out
Yes, of course it was. Too bad they didn’t stick to it.

Republican voters send Republicans to DC because Republicans promise to cut spending and taxes. But, this is how useless most of the Republicans are. They didn’t demand to cut a dime from this bloated bill. They voted for all 400 billion dollars of it, more than a thousand dollars from the pocket of each American man, woman, child, and gender fluid or age fluid person in the United States.

All the Republicans wanted was the possibility that someday, this might possibly be slightly reduced, if the need for it is reduced. But then Jon Stewart, of all has-beens, threw a hissy fit, and those spineless worms wimped out.

My son did two tours as a Marine in Afghanistan, and he was exposed to toxicity because his tent the second tour was right by the burn pits. It brought out asthma that he never knew he had inheritied from his grandfather. He got about 10% disability because of that and back problems from carrying a machine gun. The VA takes care of his medical issues. They never told him that they didn’t have enough money to help him.

Maybe the VA does need more, and the GOP was overwhelmingly willing to provide it. The Dems threw this mandatory part in, knowing the GOP would object. They probably guessed that the GOP would back down, and maybe coordinated the media’s response to make that happen.

Not the Dems’ fault, though. The Republicans keep letting them get away with it, so why should they stop? It’s like having a wife with no job and a purse full of credit cards. Don’t blame her, blame her fool husband who takes a second job to keep up with the payments.
Ummmm. You have a problem. The chart lumps incomes pretty broadly.

It shows a tax increase on income between 200k and 500k. It does not break out anything more as far as I can see.

400k falls between that number
Yes, I took that chart off. I’m trying to post on a “devices” instead my desktop. I’ll show it later in the day.
A rare moment of honesty from a Republican

And his own son is a Vet exposed to this.

You seriously think that the 400 Billion will be used to help Vets? It will go to the VA, who will say, “We’re already helping vets with exposure. But if they are giving us that money, we’ll find something to spend it on, so they give us more later!”

Your childlike faith in spending by the government would be amusing, if it weren’t being taken seriously by the party supposedly dedicated to fiscal responsibility.
Do you feel the same way about Biden who said he would never raise taxes on people earning less than 400,000 per year... and now he is about to do that very thing... so is he a petty liar too?....
Your link isn't working.
Cruz statement on his yes vote:

Slim backed down at the end....once agains showing he has no spine. At least it worked in vets' favor this time.
You seriously think that the 400 Billion will be used to help Vets? It will go to the VA, who will say, “We’re already helping vets with exposure. But if they are giving us that money, we’ll find something to spend it on, so they give us more later!”

Your childlike faith in spending by the government would be amusing, if it weren’t being taken seriously by the party supposedly dedicated to fiscal responsibility.
That’s not true . The filibuster still requires the 60vote threshold (10 GOP) member for all but the one yearly omnibus budget bill on the Senate and that’s what they were using to block the burn pit bill…for no other reason than that they could
This is part of where this conflict is coming from.

Answer this question for the forum.

How much money is enough money. Is any amount ever enough?

'At What Point Does VA Become Adequately Funded?' Republicans Question Record Budget Request​

"Republican lawmakers are concerned about the Department of Veterans Affairs' ballooning budget and question the agency's need for yet another huge funding boost, given it has already received $36 billion in pandemic supplements.

The VA is the second-largest federal agency and a complex organization. Its budget has expanded significantly since 9/11. In 2000, the agency's budget was $47 billion; this year, it is $240 billion. With that funding, it provides health care to nine million patients, administers the GI Bill, and facilitates a popular home loan program for veterans.

Between 2020 and 2021, the department's budget jumped 12%, soaring past any other federal agency's rate of growth, including the Defense Department.

Most of the spending can be attributed to an aging population of veterans from 20th-century wars, on top of an influx of a new generation of post-9/11 veterans.

In an interview with, Rep. Mike Bost, R-Ill., the top Republican on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, acknowledged the difficult balance of paying off America's war tab and providing veteran care, while also holding the VA accountable and making sure every dollar is tracked.

"We gave them a blank check," Bost said about the pandemic relief money. "That's not the best way to handle taxpayer dollars. None of it has oversight."

. . . and why are you against tracking those expenditures?
The bill passed. All that's left is discussing why it didn't before hand.
No, the bill passed, because this nation has a sacred view of America's veteran's. They are second only to the children and the elderly, you don't use them as a political football in the media, which ever party is seen as hurting them? Is royally screwed.

But that isn't the point here.

The party in power has no problem casting the other party as hurting vulnerable groups, just so it can spend more of the taxpayer largess, to please corporate contractors that provide services to the nation. The question is, how much of the budget, and these laws being passed, is actually going to serve these groups.

It's all politics, and these partisan groups have no problem deceiving the public about the reality of these legislative priorities.
Here's 7 pages of Republican "support for the troops"

There's 80 more

There was no pork. These assholes didn't even look in spite of the Bill being posted about 20 times

Asshole is whining about a different bill and using it to excuse trashing this one

Obviously Trump didn't take care of this

Same bullshit claim as before


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