Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Here's 7 pages of Republican "support for the troops"

There's 80 more

There was no pork. These assholes didn't even look in spite of the Bill being posted about 20 times

Asshole is whining about a different bill and using it to excuse trashing this one

Obviously Trump didn't take care of this

Same bullshit claim as before
Nice little tap dance. What do you do for an encore?
What did they lie about... they were trying to ensure all of the money got to where it was promised..... why are you against that?....
I already explained what he lied about. He invented a problem with the bill. His amendment wasn’t going to change anything about where the money would go, it would make it so that care would be rationed when the budget ran out, make it far easier to cut, and make it easier to use as political leverage for unrelated budgetary battles in the future.

His amendment wasn’t about helping veterans. It was a lot helping politics and he was using a lie (which you believed) to try to get his way.
Maybe in your world vets get no HC unless this bill passes, but that’s not reality.

Are vets dying in the street because of a lack of HC?

Emotional. Think better.

Are they dying of cancer because of lack of healthcare, as you asserted before…little bitch?

Do I really need to go back and find your posts?


The original that was voted down by the Republicans because it was discretionary spending and not mandatory. The Dems control the budgetary panel that would have moved the money to their own fucking projects than to what the bill is intended. All of it.

And because the GOP said no really the second time, they took absolute shit from the media, Jon Stewart and the veteran community (if you call Grunt Style part of it), and unjustly. Schumer is a fucking scumbag for putting the GOP against the Vets on a loose-loose bill.

The Democrats will never let a budget bill go in clean. They will fill it with pork and do it on an issue that we just saw. Its the only play they have right now.

The original that was voted down by the Republicans because it was discretionary spending and not mandatory. The Dems control the budgetary panel that would have moved the money to their own fucking projects than to what the bill is intended. All of it.

And because the GOP said no really the second time, they took absolute shit from the media, Jon Stewart and the veteran community (if you call Grunt Style part of it), and unjustly. Schumer is a fucking scumbag for putting the GOP against the Vets on a loose-loose bill.

The Democrats will never let a budget bill go in clean. They will fill it with pork and do it on an issue that we just saw. Its the only play they have right now.
Lies lies lies lies lies

Bill never changed. I’ve read them both online. I’ve posted side by side comparisons. Republicans got burned trying to punish burn pit victims for Manchin’s flip. They are fucked this fall. America is tired of the right wing thugary.
The original that was voted down by the Republicans because it was discretionary spending and not mandatory.
The original was MANDATORY (as was the final version).

Republicans claimed they voted it down because it WASN'T discretionary.

Stupid lies are not making you fuckers look any better here
I already explained what he lied about. He invented a problem with the bill. His amendment wasn’t going to change anything about where the money would go, it would make it so that care would be rationed when the budget ran out, make it far easier to cut,
What is the opposite of making a budget easier to cut? Making it more difficult to cut, or impossible to cut?

Making spending permanent and mandatory, then moving on to look for more ways to make spending permanent and mandatory is exactly how we got into the insane deficit and debt.of ours.

Our national debt it more than $91,000 per person. Maybe if the Dems keep that in mind, they will care more about the unborn, considering how much money each unborn American owes.

Anyway, mandatory or discretionary, the money will be spent, so it is a victory for the spend, spend, spend crowd. The amendment won’t save a dime. In a shocking surprise move, the GOP caved again to media pressure.

Someone asked on the dreaded conservative radio this morning, “are the Republicans the Stupid Party, or just knowing members of the Twoparties?”

The answer is “yes.”
What is the opposite of making a budget easier to cut? Making it more difficult to cut, or impossible to cut?

Making spending permanent and mandatory, then moving on to look for more ways to make spending permanent and mandatory is exactly how we got into the insane deficit and debt.of ours.

Our national debt it more than $91,000 per person. Maybe if the Dems keep that in mind, they will care more about the unborn, considering how much money each unborn American owes.

Anyway, mandatory or discretionary, the money will be spent, so it is a victory for the spend, spend, spend crowd. The amendment won’t save a dime. In a shocking surprise move, the GOP caved again to media pressure.

Someone asked on the dreaded conservative radio this morning, “are the Republicans the Stupid Party, or just knowing members of the Twoparties?”

The answer is “yes.”
So the Republican goal here was to make it easier to cut this spending at a later date.

Thanks for pointing that out
Triggered when fact checked by Manchin.

Do you really think Manchin was right when he said that Americans making under $400,000 per year won’t get a tax increase?

The non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation disagrees.
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Do you really think Manchin was right when he said that Americans making under $400,000 per year won’t get a tax increase?

The non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation disagrees. View attachment 677556
Ummmm. You have a problem. The chart lumps incomes pretty broadly.

It shows a tax increase on income between 200k and 500k. It does not break out anything more as far as I can see.

400k falls between that number
Ummmm. You have a problem. The chart lumps incomes pretty broadly.

It shows a tax increase on income between 200k and 500k. It does not break out anything more as far as I can see.

400k falls between that number
Oh and that has nothing to do with this issue.

90 pages and 2000 posts fighting against this using ignorance and lies …

That’s a stain on the Republican Party that will not go away

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