Ann Coulter says that Trump is done

Ann Coulter.........POS CUUVNT
I will NEVER like her, no matter who she defends or attacks

Watch This, it's not all about Ann, but it is hilarious.

2024 is a long way off. Trump is old and overweight. He may not want to step back into the ring when the ref and judges are all democrats. He might step up, but why should he? He could play "king maker" and retire a success to his many golf courses and resorts.
Trump and his minions are going down in history as the biggest losers ever. They will be a major shit stain in history.
Trump and his minions are going down in history as the biggest losers ever. They will be a major shit stain in history.

One can only hope she is right...
Oh no I hope she wrong. Trump needs to run and Desantis also. Can't wait. We should pull a republican move and register as republican to make sure Desantis wins the primary. Then watch Trump screen voter fraud against a fellow repug. It would be a great shit storm to watch.
she never liked Trump.

Vanity Fair: What did you think of Donald Trump before this election cycle?

Ann Coulter: I probably thought what the Never Trumpers think of him now: I thought he was a tacky boor, I suppose, if you had asked me. I feel horrible saying that now, but I never thought of him. I just sort of saw the headlines. So I did not know that he was the kind of person who could actually believe things and was as patriotic as he seems to be, and wouldn’t back down.

You’re now one of his most vocal advocates. How did you gravitate toward him as a candidate?

I never thought that Trump was going to run for president; but I was very firmly on record, including in the book that I wrote before, Adios, America, as saying that Republicans should stop wasting their time with these novelty candidates. It’s not going to be a businessman; it is not going to be a talk radio host; it’s not going to be a member of Congress. Concentrate, we are wasting time, we are harming the eventual nominee. I mean, I am sorry, I love him, but Herman Cain was never going to be the nominee. It’s never going to be Duncan Hunter, who I supported. I thought the Republicans should just concentrate on governors—I had been haranguing Republican primary voters all this time . . .

Why were you so insistent on the nominee being a governor?

A governor of a big state has been vetted by the media. They know how to deal with the media—they are not going to go out and say stupid things, like talk about “legitimate rape” or calling a pregnancy resulting from rape “a gift from God.” No, we want somebody with more political skills who won’t back down when he comes under attack. He has to have been through the process before.

It turns out that all of the things I was looking for in a governor, Trump has even more. He has been vetted by the media, he has been attacked by the media his entire life, and is perfectly comfortable in front of a gaggle of microphones. Everything that you need that filter for, Trump has more of it than any cheesy governor. But still, was he going to stick it out?

Sure seems like she supported Trump to me. At least she did in 2016. Then she got to see what he really was...
she never liked Trump.
I think she did. I think she became disappointed in the settling in period; sometimes you have to fight in the courts before you can start digging holes. Ryan was the BIG disappointment imo. Perhaps the Party hadn't fully come to terms with ""the outsider"?

hjmick is, surprisingly enough, yet another mentally ill LibBot.

Not even close. Your problem, yours and those of your ilk, is that you believe that if one does not worship at the alter of Trump, if one is not a Trump fluffer, then they must be a liberal. Nothing could be further from the truth...

Vanity Fair: What did you think of Donald Trump before this election cycle?

Ann Coulter: I probably thought what the Never Trumpers think of him now: I thought he was a tacky boor, I suppose, if you had asked me. I feel horrible saying that now, but I never thought of him. I just sort of saw the headlines. So I did not know that he was the kind of person who could actually believe things and was as patriotic as he seems to be, and wouldn’t back down.

You’re now one of his most vocal advocates. How did you gravitate toward him as a candidate?

I never thought that Trump was going to run for president; but I was very firmly on record, including in the book that I wrote before, Adios, America, as saying that Republicans should stop wasting their time with these novelty candidates. It’s not going to be a businessman; it is not going to be a talk radio host; it’s not going to be a member of Congress. Concentrate, we are wasting time, we are harming the eventual nominee. I mean, I am sorry, I love him, but Herman Cain was never going to be the nominee. It’s never going to be Duncan Hunter, who I supported. I thought the Republicans should just concentrate on governors—I had been haranguing Republican primary voters all this time . . .

Why were you so insistent on the nominee being a governor?

A governor of a big state has been vetted by the media. They know how to deal with the media—they are not going to go out and say stupid things, like talk about “legitimate rape” or calling a pregnancy resulting from rape “a gift from God.” No, we want somebody with more political skills who won’t back down when he comes under attack. He has to have been through the process before.

It turns out that all of the things I was looking for in a governor, Trump has even more. He has been vetted by the media, he has been attacked by the media his entire life, and is perfectly comfortable in front of a gaggle of microphones. Everything that you need that filter for, Trump has more of it than any cheesy governor. But still, was he going to stick it out?

Sure seems like she supported Trump to me. At least she did in 2016. Then she got to see what he really was...


in the beginning a little.

and later she hated him.

Vanity Fair: What did you think of Donald Trump before this election cycle?

Ann Coulter: I probably thought what the Never Trumpers think of him now: I thought he was a tacky boor, I suppose, if you had asked me. I feel horrible saying that now, but I never thought of him. I just sort of saw the headlines. So I did not know that he was the kind of person who could actually believe things and was as patriotic as he seems to be, and wouldn’t back down.

You’re now one of his most vocal advocates. How did you gravitate toward him as a candidate?

I never thought that Trump was going to run for president; but I was very firmly on record, including in the book that I wrote before, Adios, America, as saying that Republicans should stop wasting their time with these novelty candidates. It’s not going to be a businessman; it is not going to be a talk radio host; it’s not going to be a member of Congress. Concentrate, we are wasting time, we are harming the eventual nominee. I mean, I am sorry, I love him, but Herman Cain was never going to be the nominee. It’s never going to be Duncan Hunter, who I supported. I thought the Republicans should just concentrate on governors—I had been haranguing Republican primary voters all this time . . .

Why were you so insistent on the nominee being a governor?

A governor of a big state has been vetted by the media. They know how to deal with the media—they are not going to go out and say stupid things, like talk about “legitimate rape” or calling a pregnancy resulting from rape “a gift from God.” No, we want somebody with more political skills who won’t back down when he comes under attack. He has to have been through the process before.

It turns out that all of the things I was looking for in a governor, Trump has even more. He has been vetted by the media, he has been attacked by the media his entire life, and is perfectly comfortable in front of a gaggle of microphones. Everything that you need that filter for, Trump has more of it than any cheesy governor. But still, was he going to stick it out?

Sure seems like she supported Trump to me. At least she did in 2016. Then she got to see what he really was...
After she got her ass whipped by Trump.
You really need medication.
Not even close. Your problem, yours and those of your ilk, is that you believe that if one does not worship at the alter of Trump, if one is not a Trump fluffer, then they must be a liberal. Nothing could be further from the truth...
Can you elaborate on exactly how I worship Trump by listing policies?
I think she did. I think she became disappointed in the settling in period; sometimes you have to fight in the courts before you can start digging holes. Ryan was the BIG disappointment imo. Perhaps the Party hadn't fully come to terms with ""the outsider"?


Like I the beginning she was ok with Trump... but a rino is a rino is a rino and her true colors soon appeared.;)
Not even close. Your problem, yours and those of your ilk, is that you believe that if one does not worship at the alter of Trump, if one is not a Trump fluffer, then they must be a liberal. Nothing could be further from the truth...
So you're a cross-dressing, open borders, anti-religion psycho.

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