Ann Romney: 'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'

just what the hell was PREVENTING Bernake FROM SAYING THAT?

What Bernanke hinted at, but couldn't quite say, was this:

While we need to bring deficits down over the long term, for the next few years we need more stimulus, not less. It isn't just a matter of avoiding "the fiscal cliff," as Bernanke warned. We need far more government spending.

man oh man
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just what the hell was PREVENTING Bernake FROM SAYING THAT?

What Bernanke hinted at, but couldn't quite say, was this:

While we need to bring deficits down over the long term, for the next few years we need more stimulus, not less. It isn't just a matter of avoiding "the fiscal cliff," as Bernanke warned. We need far more government spending.

man oh man

Here's a novel idea Steph...try READING...

A Federal Reserve chairman is not supposed to address such topics, because taxing and spending are not part of his franchise.

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke
Mitt Romney's claims to having engineered anything positive about the Massachusett's economy (except, ironically, the healthcare plan he won't talk about)

during his tenure as governor cover up one fact that changes the whiole story -

Romney vetoed 800 bills while governor, almost all of which were overriden by an 85% Democratic legislature.

Romney did not make Massachusetts an economic success while governor; he had no power to do so. His big accomplishment, the MA healthcare plan, occurred when Romney for all practical purposes, became a Democrat.

Romney As Governor: 800 Vetoes And One Big Deal : NPR
just what the hell was PREVENTING Bernake FROM SAYING THAT?

What Bernanke hinted at, but couldn't quite say, was this:

While we need to bring deficits down over the long term, for the next few years we need more stimulus, not less. It isn't just a matter of avoiding "the fiscal cliff," as Bernanke warned. We need far more government spending.

man oh man

Here's a novel idea Steph...try READING...

A Federal Reserve chairman is not supposed to address such topics, because taxing and spending are not part of his franchise.

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke

oh ok, so we'll let the Hufferpost translate it for us, and THIS is what they come up with folks

While we need to bring deficits down over the long term, for the next few years we need more stimulus, not less. It isn't just a matter of avoiding "the fiscal cliff," as Bernanke warned. We need far more government spending.
Ann Romney: 'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'
Isn't it about time she let's her ol' man know what those might be.....'cause he sure-as-fuck hasn't come-up with anything, yet.

(Is she bangin' Karl Rove?)
■The ad claims Romney “reduced unemployment to just 4.7 percent.” Yes — Massachusetts’ unemployment rate went from 5.6 percent to 4.6 percent under Romney. But — the state’s unemployment rate was slightly lower than the national rate when he took office, and was roughly the same as the national rate when he left office. : Romney’s Jobs Record Is Best (or Worst)

Do you even understand what full employment is? What would you expect? That unemployment go below 4 percent? 3 percent? Do you even realize that it is healthy for an economy to have SOME unemployment.

Your ‘fact check’ is utter bullshit. More jobs were not created there because THEY WERE NOT NEEDED.
just what the hell was PREVENTING Bernake FROM SAYING THAT?

man oh man

Here's a novel idea Steph...try READING...

A Federal Reserve chairman is not supposed to address such topics, because taxing and spending are not part of his franchise.

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke

oh ok, so we'll let the Hufferpost translate it for us, and THIS is what they come up with folks

While we need to bring deficits down over the long term, for the next few years we need more stimulus, not less. It isn't just a matter of avoiding "the fiscal cliff," as Bernanke warned. We need far more government spending.

Don't like Robert Kuttner's opinion? How about the far right Washington Times?

Bernanke hints at more Fed stimulus

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday left the door wide open to a further easing of monetary policy, saying the stagnation in the U.S. labor market was a "grave concern," but he stopped short of providing a clear signal of imminent action.

His stark language gave a temporary lift to U.S. stocks, but economists walked away from the Fed chairman's remarks still divided over whether the central bank would launch a fresh round of bond purchases at its upcoming meeting in September.

Bernanke said the Fed had to weigh the costs as well as the benefits of more monetary stimulus, although he hinted the costs were likely worthwhile.

Read more: Bernanke hints at more Fed stimulus | Times 247
Even if Obama wins, by year 2, there will be cuts. He won't like them, neither will those effected.

Yeah right. Obama and the Dumbos in Congress would rather see another credit downgrade then cut things they won't like to cut (welfare).
Even if Obama wins, by year 2, there will be cuts. He won't like them, neither will those effected.

Yeah right. Obama and the Dumbos in Congress would rather see another credit downgrade then cut things they won't like to cut (welfare).

Your ignorance is a dime a dozen with RWer's,

On September 19,. 2011, President Obama presented his detailed plan to reduce the federal deficit, and to pay for his jobs creation bill, The American Jobs Act.
Per the President, his deficit reduction plan will achieve "approximately $4.4 trillion in deficit reduction" and pay for "the cost of the American Jobs Act," which is about $447 billion. "This plan cuts $2 in spending for every dollar in new revenues," the President added.

In summary, the President's plan reduces the U.S. deficit with the following federal spending cuts and tax increases, as follows:
•Spending cuts in the Budget Control Act (i.e. debt ceiling agreement) - $1.2 trillion
•Spending cuts to "mandatory" programs as Medicare and Medicaid - $580 billion
•Drawdown of U.S troops in Afghanistan and Iraq - $1.1 trillion
•Income tax reform, largely via expiration of Bush tax cuts - $1.5 trillion
•Interest savings from paydown of federal debt - $430 billion
•Total = $4.81 trillion in planned savings for deficit reduction
Summary of Obama's Deficit Reduction Plan - President Obama's Plan to Reduce the Deficit

today the US govt. has 276 thousand fewer govt. employed people than 1985 under reagan and his smaller govt.
Even if Obama wins, by year 2, there will be cuts. He won't like them, neither will those effected.

Yeah right. Obama and the Dumbos in Congress would rather see another credit downgrade then cut things they won't like to cut (welfare).

the downgrade was from not taxing more and having more revenue coming in, not because of the dumos and reputurds.

It is like a bad dream come true, Ann Romney explaining the policies that will be put in place, should her husband win the election in November. There’s going to be cuts, in programs and people won’t like it.

Why on earth would the wife of a so-called experienced businessman, who claims he has a reputation for creating jobs when in reality he outsourced them to China, be speaking to American families and digging in the knife?

Why would Ann Romney love rubbing salt in the wounds of many bankrupt Americans, many homeless Americans, the jobless, the disabled and the elderly in an almost boastful fashion say this to “you people”?

More: Ann Romney There’s Going to Be Cuts -People Aren’t Going to Like | Politicol Commentary News

Probably people that won't like the cuts are these people...
Chinese and Vietnamese Prostitutes...

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- on-tax-dollars-spent-to-study-male-prostitutes-in-vietnam

- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new oversight report,
“Wastebook 2010” that highlights some of the most egregious examples of government waste in 2010.
Dr. Coburn Releases New Oversight Report:
Even if Obama wins, by year 2, there will be cuts. He won't like them, neither will those effected.

Yeah right. Obama and the Dumbos in Congress would rather see another credit downgrade then cut things they won't like to cut (welfare).

Welfare, as of 2000, is 1.7% of the ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET, asswipe.

You can't continue to try to balance the whole household budget by ever cheaper brands of kitty litter and toilet paper. Sooner or later the champagne and caviar has to go.
I only read half of the first page but I am guessing there was a lot of liberal fail in this thread. The statement is factual and honest.

Bring on the cuts and then we can discuss higher taxes
Even if Obama wins, by year 2, there will be cuts. He won't like them, neither will those effected.

Yeah right. Obama and the Dumbos in Congress would rather see another credit downgrade then cut things they won't like to cut (welfare).

Welfare, as of 2000, is 1.7% of the ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET, asswipe.

You can't continue to try to balance the whole household budget by ever cheaper brands of kitty litter and toilet paper. Sooner or later the champagne and caviar has to go.

Amen to that sister ;)
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Even if Obama wins, by year 2, there will be cuts. He won't like them, neither will those effected.

Yeah right. Obama and the Dumbos in Congress would rather see another credit downgrade then cut things they won't like to cut (welfare).

Welfare, as of 2000, is 1.7% of the ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET, asswipe.

You can't continue to try to balance the whole household budget by ever cheaper brands of kitty litter and toilet paper. Sooner or later the champagne and caviar has to go.

booze and cigs are something people on welfare always seem to be able to afford

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