Another Black Conservative Finds Out

Like I will continue saying, blacks need to get out of the Republican Party right now. Here we have a faithful black MAGA who was canvssing for the Repubican Party. He was called a slave.

Blacks like me are wising up to listening to whitehead liberal devils like you. Even Malcolm X knew the folly of buying into the white liberal devil. My teachers in high school always touted MLK, but gave short shrift to Malcolm X. Peddle your white bread superiority on others.
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Blacks like me are wising up to listening to white liberal devils like you. Even Malcolm X knew the folly of buying into the white liberal devil. My teachers in high always touted MLK, but gave short shrift to Malcolm X. Peddle your white bread superiority on others.
I'm black fool. Malcolm X would call you the house negro that you are.
It's funny how delusional these right wing idiots are. I post my picture as an avatar and these fools think its fake.

Any black person who remains a member of the current republican party is a fool. And Roderick, you're projecting. You are being told things by white right wingers and you don't have the intelligence to see that you are getting played. You repeat what some white right winger tells you about X, but X said this:


And Roderick, try reading my sig line next time you run your mouth. It's a statement from Malcolm X.
Like I will continue saying, blacks need to get out of the Republican Party right now. Here we have a faithful black MAGA who was canvssing for the Repubican Party. He was called a slave.

I really hope someday you realize that limousine liberal Dem politicians want to keep you perpetually angry, bitter and with that "us against them" mindset. Why? Because it's all about control. It's all about keeping your vote, and keeping people dependent on the government.

That horribly negative mindset is no way to go through life... and I think deep down you know that.
I really hope someday you realize that limousine liberal Dem politicians want to keep you perpetually angry, bitter and with that "us against them" mindset. Why? Because it's all about control. It's all about keeping your vote, and keeping people dependent on the government.

That horribly negative mindset is no way to go through life... and I think deep down you know that.

Yeah the white liberals have nominated 2 blacks for president. Where is the black conservative candidate for President? Shut the hell up with that bullshit lie.
"Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football, and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball. Through tricks of tokenism and false promises, and they have the willing cooperation of Negro leaders. These leaders sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains-----MALCOLM X ( from his speech called, God’s Judgment of White America)"

(From the same source in post 12.)
"We cannot have the oppressors telling the oppressed how to rid themselves of the oppressor. I have said most liberal whites react to Black Power with the question, “What about me?” rather than saying: “Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll see if I can do it.” There are answers to the right question.-Stokely Carmichael, “Power and Racism”



Where is the black conservative who has served in one of these offices?

Where is the black conservative house leader?

You see Roderick, if Harris wins the presidency and democrats get the house blacks will have the speaker of the house, lead at least 5 committees and about 30 subcommittees.

So keep on misquoting X like your white masters tell you.
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"Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football, and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball. Through tricks of tokenism and false promises, and they have the willing cooperation of Negro leaders. These leaders sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains-----MALCOLM X ( from his speech called, God’s Judgment of White America)"

(From the same source in post 12.)
Yep, thats what white liberals were doing in 1963. White liberals really don't control the democratic party today.
Yeah the white liberals have nominated 2 blacks for president. Where is the black conservative candidate for President? Shut the hell up with that bullshit lie.

I don't look at skin color when judging a president. Obama was a globalist sellout, and a puppet, just like GW Bush, Clinton, and the rest of them who get to the highest office in the land. If you want to put your faith in politicians, have at it, but one day you'll realize how foolish that is. Mark my words.

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