Another Day, Another Liberal Socialist Democrat Agenda, Another Fear-Mongering Campaign

you clearly have not read this thread.

in the end it will pass with just enough votes so the Repub can tell their lemmings "well, we tried" and you folks will eat up like shit pudding
Its hard to read your Dimmer bs, but anything you idiots propose is full of baloney for lemmings, look it up in the dictionary, sub definition brainless and there's a picture of key Dim leaders.
Wow, worse than Trump love now going back to Reagan to blame for what Sleepy the Dependspresident is doing.
It's actually true. . . but it has nothing to do with Reagan or Trump, it has to do with the real owners of this nation.

And? It is a truth they do everything to hide. I read an article on this. . . wow, nearly a decade ago, and there are not many pieces, that the powers that be have gone to lengths to hide from folks, but this one has had images, and A LOT of them, removed from the internet archives. You want an example of modern regimes burning books? Well, I can find no better an example of oligarchs trying to hide truth than this one.

(click forward in through the years, and count how many green or yellow dots there are. . . each one I believe represents a purposeful take down/deletion.)

There are still a few images of the original left;

(now remember, this is not a partisan issue, it has to do with the Federal Reserve, and the international banking cabal.)


October 30, 2010 by Eric deCarbonnel
"What is the “cost” of federal deficits? The question is important because, since 1980s, the US government and the media have been claiming that "deficits don’t matter." There are no negative consequences to massive federal overspending (such as the 2010 $1.29 trillion budget deficit). We can spend our way to prosperity.. . . "

Here is a mirror, just in case they erase history and take the last few pages of this great piece in investigative reporting and re-writing of history away from us.
Its hard to read your Dimmer bs, but anything you idiots propose is full of baloney for lemmings, look it up in the dictionary, sub definition brainless and there's a picture of key Dim leaders.

It is only hard because you lack an IQ higher than your shoe size.

I am not a Dimmer or a Repuby....

I, unlike all of you party lemmings, complain about the debt and spending no matter who is the POTUS. It is why I left the GOP and vote almost exclusive Libertarian.

But as I said, the debt limit will be raised with just enough of your parties votes so they can pretend they do not like debt and spending and you morons will keep voting for them
It's actually true. . . but it has nothing to do with Reagan or Trump, it has to do with the real owners of this nation.

And? It is a truth they do everything to hide. I read an article on this. . . wow, nearly a decade ago, and there are not many pieces, that the powers that be have gone to lengths to hide from folks, but this one has had images, and A LOT of them, removed from the internet archives. You want an example of modern regimes burning books? Well, I can find no better an example of oligarchs trying to hide truth than this one.

(click forward in through the years, and count how many green or yellow dots there are. . . each one I believe represents a purposeful take down/deletion.)

There are still a few images of the original left;

(now remember, this is not a partisan issue, it has to do with the Federal Reserve, and the international banking cabal.)


October 30, 2010 by Eric deCarbonnel
"What is the “cost” of federal deficits? The question is important because, since 1980s, the US government and the media have been claiming that "deficits don’t matter." There are no negative consequences to massive federal overspending (such as the 2010 $1.29 trillion budget deficit). We can spend our way to prosperity.. . . "

Here is a mirror, just in case they erase history and take the last few pages of this great piece in investigative reporting and re-writing of history away from us.
all one has to investigate is Roswell. Is there anyone who knows who controls Area 51 and all of the nuclear facilities? It ain't Congress and it ain't a President. So who is it? Why can't a president see alien shit from Area 51 and who stops them from seeing it? There, and only there is who runs this country.
And how exactly is this different than when the GOP led govt. legislated to put off the debt ceiling until Trump was re-elected if by chance that would happen?
It's not. And how exactly does that excuse it?
It is only hard because you lack an IQ higher than your shoe size.

I am not a Dimmer or a Repuby....

I, unlike all of you party lemmings, complain about the debt and spending no matter who is the POTUS. It is why I left the GOP and vote almost exclusive Libertarian.

But as I said, the debt limit will be raised with just enough of your parties votes so they can pretend they do not like debt and spending and you morons will keep voting for them
Hahahahaha a person with no convictions calling out MY IQ, and there's that misuse of lemmings again. I don't complain about anything except lazy dreg Dims and taking away freedoms that I fought for. And I will continue to vote for the person who stands up for Americans and not the commie libtards. Libertarian huh?
It's not. And how exactly does that excuse it?

It does not excuse it, but it will never stop till both sides start holding their side accountable for it.

But that cannot happen as they have us too busy fighting each other over stupid shit that does not matter
Hahahahaha a person with no convictions calling out MY IQ

You are correct, I have never been convicted of any crimes. Not sure what that has to do with your lack of intelligence.

I don't complain about anything except lazy dreg Dims and taking away freedoms that I fought for. And I will continue to vote for the person who stands up for Americans and not the commie libtards.

To bad we have not had such a person this century.
all one has to investigate is Roswell. Is there anyone who knows who controls Area 51 and all of the nuclear facilities? It ain't Congress and it ain't a President. So who is it? Why can't a president see alien shit from Area 51 and who stops them from seeing it? There, and only there is who runs this country.

*excellent deflect* jc! :113:

I'm not even sure you made an attempt to look at what I posted. . . . NOT TEN SECONDS INTO THAT READ. . .

(Since the eighties. . . look at the number of articles in the news that told the public that "deficits don't matter.") Wow. . . the spike during/right before the '08 crash? Amazing the power of propaganda. :heehee:

". . . However, common sense tells us that government deficits must have a cost. If that were not the case, we could eliminate all taxes, and run the entire government on money printing and borrowing.

This is problematic because, if deficits didn’t magically “stop mattering” as the government claims, the implication is fraud. Pointing out a major government fraud today has become nearly impossible, because all government fraud is, by definition, a conspiracy. Since conspiracies get a bad name, mentioning any “government fraud” triggers a negative reaction, even for those frauds already proven true.

To fight this automatic loss of credibility, this article will be using Google Archive News to provide links to thousands of articles on controversial subject of past government frauds (as an example, see Google Archive results for CIA MK-ULTRA).

Also, before examining how deficits "stopped mattering" in the 1980s, the reason why rational people believe in conspiracy must be mentioned.

Why rational people believe in conspiracy

For a reasonable person to believe in conspiracy, all that is necessary is an impossible situation and group of people claiming there is no rational explanation (“It’s magic!”). Below are three examples:

1) Physically impossible. Claiming supernatural powers, gurus, shamans, yogis, spirit mediums, and others have been levitating themselves for centuries ( see Indian levitation secret revealed by BBC ). This defies the laws of gravity and is physically impossible.

2) Statistically impossible. Through bull and bear markets, month-after-month, year after year, Bernie Madoff’s investment fund produced consistent returns (down only 3 months out of 87 months). Madoff was earning 82% of the S&P; 500′s return with less than 22% of the risk which, as financial analyst-whistleblower Harry Markopolos pointed out, is "the equivalent of a Major League Baseball player batting .966 and no one suspecting a cheat." Madoff’s returns were statistically impossible, and the obvious, rational reaction would be to suspect fraud. ( See how the government missed Madoff’s crime for decades )

3) Logically impossible. Last year, the USDA reported record harvests while also declaring disaster areas across half the Midwest because of catastrophic crop losses. To eliminate any doubt that this could have been an innocent mistake, the USDA was even predicting record harvests in the same states (Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Alabama) where it had declared virtually all counties to have experienced 30 percent production losses. In an article last December ( 2010 Food Crisis for Dummies ), I pointed out that this was logically impossible ( for a recent update on the situation, see Food Crisis Fears Grow As Corn Prices Surge )

Magic VS Conspiracy

When a group of people (yogis in India, Madoff and his auditors, the USDA, etc) are claiming the impossible, a rational individual will suspect that they are lying, and a group of people lying together is called a conspiracy. Speculating on the actual explanation for impossible events (ie: those impossible profits mean Madoff is running a ponzi scheme) is called “engaging in conspiracy theories.”

Now on to how deficits magically “stop mattering.”
Trump handed out three trillion, what a rip-off since I only got a few hundred., under Trump we gotz a few thousand.
Yep, Biden targeted his buddies the rich and gave the poor crumbs, did just enough to justify his spending. He is no better than Trump, Obama. They love giving our money to their rich buddies.

The two parties are disgusting.
Anyone on the right that cannot show post complaining about rising the debt ceiling under Trump and suspending it under Trump have no credibility at all if they are whining about it now
Democrats don't complain about Democrats spending and Republicans don't complain about Republicans spending. That is why this nation is so fucked up, stupid, dumb, blind partisan politics.

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