Another empty threat?

Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Well, obviously it’s been a total failure up to this point, want to try the same thing over and over again expecting different results?

So, do you think your hero in the White House will follow through?
How knows?
Throwing money at these fucked up countries never has worked never will work obviously by the results. We obviously have no southern border anymore, and certainly no border security. Because it’s just the tip of the iceberg those that are caught, Compared to those who cross undetected.

These diseased illegal aliens have no right to illegally cross, the best thing we can do is let them motherfuckers rot in Mexico...
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

Comrade, how should we deal with the assault on our southern border by your party and the foreign allies you have in the attack you are waging on America?

Thanks for asking, here is the plan I have put forth on this forum many times. It is a 3 step plan.

1. Pull at least 50% of the troops from Europe and station them on the border allowing them to defend this great nation for a change.

2. Go after the people that hire illegals, and go after them hard. Fines so high that businesses go out under and jail time for those caught doing it.

3. Create a true guest worker program so that those industries that need the labor can get it legally.

Do those 3 things and the illegal immigrant problem will be solved.

Okay, I find nothing to disagree with in that. :dunno:

and we would not need to shut the border and harm the economy.

Nope, while your plan is reasonable for maintenance, it does NOTHING to stop the invasion force headed our way, Shutting the boarder is still the best way to stop this frontal assault.
These caravans keep coming rather the number is 20,000 or 2000 is irrelevant we can't take in the entire population of Central America it is well past time for Congress to get off their useless ass and deal with this problem.
Gator has no interest in any "facts" but his/her own.
We have millions of people streaming over the border, God only knows how much drugs and weapons and explosives and terrorists and murders and the crazy angry left is concerned about the President? Something ain't right out there.

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.
So it’s not a crisis ?
It's a humanitarian crisis, not a national security crisis.

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.
So it’s not a crisis ?
It's a humanitarian crisis, not a national security crisis.
Let the motherfuckers rot in Mexico... They are not our responsibility you fucking retard

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.
So it’s not a crisis ?
It's a humanitarian crisis, not a national security crisis.
Let the motherfuckers rot in Mexico... They are not our responsibility you fucking retard
Your angry little tantrum is noted.

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.
So it’s not a crisis ?
It's a humanitarian crisis, not a national security crisis.

It's a humanitarian crisis alright, but that crisis is quickly becoming a National Security crisis. It is eroding our sovereignty, our culture and our freedom's. American's ARE dying at the hands of some of these "refugees", here's to hoping someone you love dies at their hands next instead of someone who can actually see and admit that w are about to be overwhelmed.

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.
So it’s not a crisis ?
It's a humanitarian crisis, not a national security crisis.
4 thousand people a day illegally entering a country is not a national crisis? Lol are you on crack?? I kinda feel bad for poor Americans like rural whites, and African Americans who’s resources have been depleted because of this invasion.. you should hide your racism a little better
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.

Comrade, how should we deal with the assault on our southern border by your party and the foreign allies you have in the attack you are waging on America?

Thanks for asking, here is the plan I have put forth on this forum many times. It is a 3 step plan.

1. Pull at least 50% of the troops from Europe and station them on the border allowing them to defend this great nation for a change.

2. Go after the people that hire illegals, and go after them hard. Fines so high that businesses go out under and jail time for those caught doing it.

3. Create a true guest worker program so that those industries that need the labor can get it legally.

Do those 3 things and the illegal immigrant problem will be solved.

Okay, I find nothing to disagree with in that. :dunno:

and we would not need to shut the border and harm the economy.

Nope, while your plan is reasonable for maintenance, it does NOTHING to stop the invasion force headed our way, Shutting the boarder is still the best way to stop this frontal assault.

Perhaps you are not familiar with the capability of our military ,but they can stop people from crossing, trust me.

Our economy cannot take a hit of a billion dollars a day in lost trade, no matter how much you morons think it can.

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.
So it’s not a crisis ?

A caravan that does not exist is not a crisis, that is correct.

Well done.
No they don't you lying ass Tard...….

Again, lets go lie for lie.....

You won't do it because you are full of SHIT...

I am still waiting for your list of lies, what is holding you up?

Ok Tard, your lying media lied about Nick Sandmann......

Name a comparable lie from our side.....

You can’t because you are full of Shit.....

I will bet you a Hundred dollars against five dollars of yours

that you can’t go lie for comparable lie because

You are FULL OF SHIT.............

What about it CHICKEN SHIT?

Sherrod settles lawsuit over Breitbart video that got her fired from USDA

You can keep your money, silly of me to take you welfare money that I already paid for with my taxes.

Not even close you CHICKEN SHIT LYING TARD...…

We both know you won't put your money where your mouth is at

because we both know you are full of SHIT...…...

My example is far worse, she lost her job, her career and her livelihood. I know that since you are a welfare queen losing a job is not a big deal to you, but it is to most people
No they don't you lying ass Tard...….

Again, lets go lie for lie.....

You won't do it because you are full of SHIT...

I am still waiting for your list of lies, what is holding you up?

Ok Tard, your lying media lied about Nick Sandmann......

Name a comparable lie from our side.....

You can’t because you are full of Shit.....

I will bet you a Hundred dollars against five dollars of yours

that you can’t go lie for comparable lie because

You are FULL OF SHIT.............

What about it CHICKEN SHIT?

Sherrod settles lawsuit over Breitbart video that got her fired from USDA

You can keep your money, silly of me to take you welfare money that I already paid for with my taxes.

Not even close you CHICKEN SHIT LYING TARD...…

We both know you won't put your money where your mouth is at

because we both know you are full of SHIT...…...

My example is far worse, she lost her job, her career and her livelihood. I know that since you are a welfare queen losing a job is not a big deal to you, but it is to most people

Your example is a joke......

The entire left wing media in all of its lying forms

was involved in smearing 16 year old Nick Sandmann

to promote your political agenda.

You won’t bet because you know you are full of SHIT.....

By the way, I would bet I could buy and sell your dumb ass....

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.
So it’s not a crisis ?
It's a humanitarian crisis, not a national security crisis.
Let the motherfuckers rot in Mexico... They are not our responsibility you fucking retard
Your angry little tantrum is noted.
We have been biting off more than we can chew for many decades now… That is why the whole situation is FUBAR.
I am still waiting for your list of lies, what is holding you up?

Ok Tard, your lying media lied about Nick Sandmann......

Name a comparable lie from our side.....

You can’t because you are full of Shit.....

I will bet you a Hundred dollars against five dollars of yours

that you can’t go lie for comparable lie because

You are FULL OF SHIT.............

What about it CHICKEN SHIT?

Sherrod settles lawsuit over Breitbart video that got her fired from USDA

You can keep your money, silly of me to take you welfare money that I already paid for with my taxes.

Not even close you CHICKEN SHIT LYING TARD...…

We both know you won't put your money where your mouth is at

because we both know you are full of SHIT...…...

My example is far worse, she lost her job, her career and her livelihood. I know that since you are a welfare queen losing a job is not a big deal to you, but it is to most people
I am still waiting for your list of lies, what is holding you up?

Ok Tard, your lying media lied about Nick Sandmann......

Name a comparable lie from our side.....

You can’t because you are full of Shit.....

I will bet you a Hundred dollars against five dollars of yours

that you can’t go lie for comparable lie because

You are FULL OF SHIT.............

What about it CHICKEN SHIT?

Sherrod settles lawsuit over Breitbart video that got her fired from USDA

You can keep your money, silly of me to take you welfare money that I already paid for with my taxes.

Not even close you CHICKEN SHIT LYING TARD...…

We both know you won't put your money where your mouth is at

because we both know you are full of SHIT...…...

My example is far worse, she lost her job, her career and her livelihood. I know that since you are a welfare queen losing a job is not a big deal to you, but it is to most people

Your example is a joke......

The entire left wing media in all of its lying forms

was involved in smearing 16 year old Nick Sandmann

to promote your political agenda.

You won’t bet because you know you are full of SHIT.....

By the way, I would bet I could buy and sell your dumb ass....

They lied about Sandmann and it cost him nothing.

They lied about Shirley Sherrod and it cost her career and livelihood.

But do not worry, as I said I do not want your welfare money, you need it far more than I do

Let me know when it actually forms and heads this way.

We were told by FoxNews back in Jan that one was coming...I think we are still waiting.
So it’s not a crisis ?

A caravan that does not exist is not a crisis, that is correct.

Well done.
Do you have evidence it doesn’t exist? Lol opppps

That damn evidence again
4 thousand people a day illegally entering a country is not a national crisis?
A national SECURITY crisis? No. It's a humanitarian crisis.
So why are Americans committing mass murders and black on black homicide still a issue? Why is African-American unemployment so high? Why are wages so low? It’s a huge crisis for us poor Americans
Political correctness/socialism makes all things worse

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