Another example of how Republicans think

124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.


124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.


Everyone else thinks so.

After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally
Another example of how Republicans Democrats think
They bitch about a real, legit American governor spending on an ad campaign aimed to increase/improve commerce within her state while Californias governor spends $25 billion per year on illegal wetbacks and the twisted, backwards fucks don't say a damn thing about it.
This is the mind virus....LIBERALISM.
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
And 160,000 dead is acceptable with some republicans..heard that too...
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After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally
Another example of how Republicans Democrats think
They bitch about a real, legit American governor spending on an ad campaign aimed to increase/improve commerce within her state while Californias governor spends $25 billion per year on illegal wetbacks and the twisted, backwards fucks don't say a damn thing about it.
This is the mind virus....LIBERALISM.
Wow..$25 billion on illegal wetbacks..gotta link?
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.
Actually thats the lie........try to keep up and how many times do you need to get punched in the face 2 days later by facts and look the fool
The public health risks of Sturgis were so rigorously studied by the authors that “no medical journal would touch it,” as bestselling author and public health writer Alex Berenson noted on Tuesday. Instead, the report was posted on the website of the obscure Insitute of Labor Economics, a leftwing German thinktank.

Our infotainment industry — formerly known as “the mainstream media,” and prior to that as “the news business” — went bonkers over the claim.

After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally

So what? It's a relief fund. You know what I used my Covid relief funds for? I painted my deck.

It's relief fund. You can use it for anything you want. And of course there is a surge of CASES after a rally.

So what?

Do tell... what could they have spent the money on, that would have magically reduced the number of cases? Please, let me hear your brilliant thoughts on this. What magic should they have spent the money on to make Covid go away? Let's hear it.
Buy masks for the stupid MF's

There is zero evidence that masks prevent or slow down, or do anything in stopping Covid-19.

Denmark actually encouraged citizens to NOT wear masks. They have lower levels of infection than we do.

China on other hand, were in fact wearing masks BEFORE the covid-19 outbreak. If the masks prevented the spread of Covid, it should have never spread in China to start with. They've been wearing masks in mass, since SARS.

There is hardly any consistent evidence between countries that had harsh lock down measures, and countries that did not, that correlates to their Covid numbers. Barely any at all.

Some countries had tough measures, and had high numbers, and others low numbers.
Other countries had barely any measures at all, and some had high numbers and some had lower numbers.

Sweden, Denmark, Finland, all did fairly little, and the result was lower rates of infection than the US or the rest of Europe.

UK, Italy and elsewhere, had huge lock down measures, and had massive numbers of Covid patients.

Even within the US, some states that did very little, have had relatively few deaths, and others had massive lock downs, and had huge numbers of deaths.

No evidence to support "masks do anything".

And by the way, you do know that the World Health Organization, said and has maintained that making people wear masks who are not sick.... is not recommended? You do know that right?

So, no. Buying a billion masks would not do anything. No evidence whatsoever that wearing a mask prevents anything. None. Zero. You can't point to a single peer reviewed research paper done anywhere, that suggests mask wearing has any positive effect.

*IF YOU CAN*.... please post a link to such a report, and I will read it. If you post actual scientifically verifiable evidence, I will change my mind. But i want to read the research, and read what they did, how they did it, and who verified it.

Again, all of the fake evidence we've been given so far, has been proven false. Not even a fraction of the number of deaths happened.

In fact, even the deaths that did happen are suspect, because we know that hospitals and clinics were tagging every death they could, as being a covid death, without even verifying the patient had covid.
Massive protests, riots and looting across democrat run cities and states but you know what really caused the Kung Flu to spike? Some people on motorcycles in South Dakota.
After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally
Uh.....sorry to piss on your Cornflakes....but Sturgis didn't cause a spike.
That was total BS.

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After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally

So what? It's a relief fund. You know what I used my Covid relief funds for? I painted my deck.

It's relief fund. You can use it for anything you want. And of course there is a surge of CASES after a rally.

So what?

Do tell... what could they have spent the money on, that would have magically reduced the number of cases? Please, let me hear your brilliant thoughts on this. What magic should they have spent the money on to make Covid go away? Let's hear it.
Buy masks for the stupid MF's

There is zero evidence that masks prevent or slow down, or do anything in stopping Covid-19.

Denmark actually encouraged citizens to NOT wear masks. They have lower levels of infection than we do.

China on other hand, were in fact wearing masks BEFORE the covid-19 outbreak. If the masks prevented the spread of Covid, it should have never spread in China to start with. They've been wearing masks in mass, since SARS.

There is hardly any consistent evidence between countries that had harsh lock down measures, and countries that did not, that correlates to their Covid numbers. Barely any at all.

Some countries had tough measures, and had high numbers, and others low numbers.
Other countries had barely any measures at all, and some had high numbers and some had lower numbers.

Sweden, Denmark, Finland, all did fairly little, and the result was lower rates of infection than the US or the rest of Europe.

UK, Italy and elsewhere, had huge lock down measures, and had massive numbers of Covid patients.

Even within the US, some states that did very little, have had relatively few deaths, and others had massive lock downs, and had huge numbers of deaths.

No evidence to support "masks do anything".

And by the way, you do know that the World Health Organization, said and has maintained that making people wear masks who are not sick.... is not recommended? You do know that right?

So, no. Buying a billion masks would not do anything. No evidence whatsoever that wearing a mask prevents anything. None. Zero. You can't point to a single peer reviewed research paper done anywhere, that suggests mask wearing has any positive effect.

*IF YOU CAN*.... please post a link to such a report, and I will read it. If you post actual scientifically verifiable evidence, I will change my mind. But i want to read the research, and read what they did, how they did it, and who verified it.

Again, all of the fake evidence we've been given so far, has been proven false. Not even a fraction of the number of deaths happened.

In fact, even the deaths that did happen are suspect, because we know that hospitals and clinics were tagging every death they could, as being a covid death, without even verifying the patient had covid.
Actually Denmark does require face masks..Coronavirus In Denmark: Face Masks Required On All Public Transit
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.

Your statistics are false. Why can't you tell the truth?
After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally
Another example of how Republicans Democrats think
They bitch about a real, legit American governor spending on an ad campaign aimed to increase/improve commerce within her state while Californias governor spends $25 billion per year on illegal wetbacks and the twisted, backwards fucks don't say a damn thing about it.
This is the mind virus....LIBERALISM.
Wow..$25 billion on illegal wetbacks..gotta link?

The number doesn’t matter, you can’t give two fucks about what’s spent on Mexico’s filth, hell, you’re probably posting from the streets of Tijuana right now..but I’ll play along anyway.
After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally
Uh.....sorry to piss on your Cornflakes....but Sturgis didn't cause a spike.
That was total BS.

Yes it did.

Clash daily is a joke.
After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally

So what? It's a relief fund. You know what I used my Covid relief funds for? I painted my deck.

It's relief fund. You can use it for anything you want. And of course there is a surge of CASES after a rally.

So what?

Do tell... what could they have spent the money on, that would have magically reduced the number of cases? Please, let me hear your brilliant thoughts on this. What magic should they have spent the money on to make Covid go away? Let's hear it.
Buy masks for the stupid MF's

There is zero evidence that masks prevent or slow down, or do anything in stopping Covid-19.

Denmark actually encouraged citizens to NOT wear masks. They have lower levels of infection than we do.

China on other hand, were in fact wearing masks BEFORE the covid-19 outbreak. If the masks prevented the spread of Covid, it should have never spread in China to start with. They've been wearing masks in mass, since SARS.

There is hardly any consistent evidence between countries that had harsh lock down measures, and countries that did not, that correlates to their Covid numbers. Barely any at all.

Some countries had tough measures, and had high numbers, and others low numbers.
Other countries had barely any measures at all, and some had high numbers and some had lower numbers.

Sweden, Denmark, Finland, all did fairly little, and the result was lower rates of infection than the US or the rest of Europe.

UK, Italy and elsewhere, had huge lock down measures, and had massive numbers of Covid patients.

Even within the US, some states that did very little, have had relatively few deaths, and others had massive lock downs, and had huge numbers of deaths.

No evidence to support "masks do anything".

And by the way, you do know that the World Health Organization, said and has maintained that making people wear masks who are not sick.... is not recommended? You do know that right?

So, no. Buying a billion masks would not do anything. No evidence whatsoever that wearing a mask prevents anything. None. Zero. You can't point to a single peer reviewed research paper done anywhere, that suggests mask wearing has any positive effect.

*IF YOU CAN*.... please post a link to such a report, and I will read it. If you post actual scientifically verifiable evidence, I will change my mind. But i want to read the research, and read what they did, how they did it, and who verified it.

Again, all of the fake evidence we've been given so far, has been proven false. Not even a fraction of the number of deaths happened.

In fact, even the deaths that did happen are suspect, because we know that hospitals and clinics were tagging every death they could, as being a covid death, without even verifying the patient had covid.
Actually Denmark does require face masks..Coronavirus In Denmark: Face Masks Required On All Public Transit

Only on public transit, and only recently. Before just this last month, they were not recommending masks.

Again, that's nifty.... how about actual scientific evidence that masks works? Let's go for that, more so than even what their public policies are. Show me the science that proves masks work on Covid-19. Good luck, because I've looked, and found nothing.

Lots of opinions, lots of claims, lots of doctors and medical people saying this and that.... no real science have I been able to find so far.
After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally
Uh.....sorry to piss on your Cornflakes....but Sturgis didn't cause a spike.
That was total BS.

Yes it did.

Clash daily is a joke.

Did you read that? Because that link seems rather... sketchy to me.

They analyzed cell phone data, and suggested that Covid-19 cases increased 7% to 12% from the motorcycle rally.

Really? And they were able to make these scientific measurements in exactly 2 weeks?

Think about that for a second. The motorcycle rally ended Aug 16th. This report came out Sep 8th. Two weeks. They were able to collect and analyze all that data, correctly.... in two weeks?

It takes roughly 2 weeks for a person to even have symptoms ... assuming they have symptoms, which we now know the vast majority never show any symptoms.

So in a period of exactly two weeks.... EXACTLY two weeks.... they were able to collect all this data, and analyze all of it properly, with a whooping FOUR PEOPLE who worked on this report..>> FOUR PEOPLE << worked on a report, for exactly two weeks.... collecting all this data from South Dakota... IN GERMANY..... when it takes two weeks for people to even show symptoms.

And they can tell exactly how many cases of Covid-19 are due to the motorcycle rally? Really?

I've read research reports, that had smaller data samples than this...... that required a full YEAR to properly research and write up a report on.

How many had Covid before ever going to the rally, that are being assumed to have caught there? How many are being miss diagnosed?

If this report had come out 6 months from now, talking about how much Covid-19 had been spread around, I would be far more inclined to believe it.

But 10 days of work, by a whooping 4 people, on the cellphone data of 500,000 people, and you want to claim you have the smalllest of clues what really happened, when there isn't even enough time for most of those people to incubate before this report was released.......

Skeptical. Sorry, I'm not going to follow you in your blind faith of something that is obviously...> OBVIOUSLY < a rushed research paper. There is no possible way that this report didn't cut some corners in analyzing the data, to rush it out.

By the way, you do know that every single convention or mass gathering has illness routinely.... right? We even have a slang for it.

Con-crud. Or convention crud, is a slang for common colds, flus, and other minor illnesses that routinely outbreak from conventions and rallies, and large gatherings.

This has been true for DECADES. Even with ZERO Covid-19, getting light flus and colds from conventions is normal.

So spare me this "If only....." crap. Without Covid-19 getting ill at a convention is as normal as getting wet in a rain storm.

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