Another example of how Republicans think

After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally

You are a really stupid, gullible human........

How in the world did the media get from 260 reported cases to 250,000 cases, a number equal to more than half the attendees?

The media did it by looking to a single study that relied on hypothetical numbers drawn from extrapolated data, all of which were wrong. explains the con:

To get to the astronomical number of cases allegedly spread because of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, the researchers analyzed "anonymized cellphone data to track the smartphone pings from non-residents and movement of those before and after the event," notes Newsweek. "The study then linked those who attended and traveled back to their home states, and compared changes in coronavirus trends after the rally's conclusion."
Essentially, the researchers assumed that new spikes in cases in areas where people went post-rally must have been caused by those rally attendees, despite there being no particular evidence that this was the case. The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, failed to account for simultaneous happenings—like schools in South Dakota reopening, among other things—that could have contributed to coronavirus spread in some of the studied areas.
The researchers also assumed a $46,000 price tag for each person infected to calculate the $12.2 billion public health cost of the event—but this figure would only make sense if every person had a severe case requiring hospitalization.
You can read the rest here.

There are two more points to make: First, this should remind you of the left’s passion for false hypotheticals from supposedly “expert” studies. The entire Wuhan virus lockdown that’s devastated vast swaths of the American economy resulted from the claim by Neil Ferguson, a British epidemiologist, and famed hysteric, that 2,200,000 Americans would die from the virus. And then, of course, there’s climate change, a fantasy predicated on computer models that perfectly represent the GIGO principle (garbage in, garbage out).

Second, it’s important to note that, as best as I can recollect, not a single mainstream media outlet reported on a similar study from the myriad Black Lives Matter protests and riots, all of which occurred when the virus was still peaking in America.

If sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, the opposite is true too: Since the scientific and media establishments aggressively refused even to consider that saucy BLM goose, anything they have to say about the robust Sturgis gander is unacceptable.

After the Sturgis bike rally helped spread COVID around the country and created a big spike in South Dakota's infection rate the state's governor takes about $5 million in COVID relief funds to run an ad campaign asking people to visit the state..South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign, despite a surge in coronavirus cases following the Sturgis motorcycle rally
Just another lie typed out on your keyboard. That facts state that out of 400,000 non mask wearing bikers, no one got sick really.

The Scamdemic is a hoax created by China and The Democrat Party to remove Trump from office, just like Russian Collusion was created by Democrats and their Russian allies to remove Trump from office.

You Lied, and No One Died.

Half you leftard MoFos

124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.

Source it boi.
I already did, gurl.

Sorry, your source was bebunked by another poster.
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.

Source it boi.
I already did, gurl.

Sorry, your source was bebunked by another poster.
Well that's a lie.
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.

Source it boi.
I already did, gurl.

Sorry, your source was bebunked by another poster.
Well that's a lie.

Actually son, YOU are the liar. I have no idea why a Virus with a 98.6 survival rate terrifies you kids so much.
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.


Everyone else thinks so.

Lots of links to the same debunked study does not make it true.

Funny how not a SINGLE article has shown any cases linked to riots. I guess the heat from the flames of the burning buildings helps kill the virus.
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.

Source it boi.
I already did, gurl.

Sorry, your source was bebunked by another poster.
Well that's a lie.

Actually son, YOU are the liar. I have no idea why a Virus with a 98.6 survival rate terrifies you kids so much.
Nope. I sourced. Nobody debunked. You lied. I don't think tRumplings know what a lie is these days.
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.

Source it boi.
I already did, gurl.

Sorry, your source was bebunked by another poster.
Well that's a lie.

Actually son, YOU are the liar. I have no idea why a Virus with a 98.6 survival rate terrifies you kids so much.
Nope. I sourced. Nobody debunked. You lied. I don't think tRumplings know what a lie is these days.

Nope, your source was debunked, you lied. I'm not a Rump guy kid. You're too stupid to know that the system is playing you. Why are you TERRIFED of a virus that only has a death rate of 1.4% ?
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.


You know a paper is bad when even snopes pans it.
124 cases have been linked to a rally that was over a quarter of a million people.

I'd say they did pretty damn good.
Lol, that's a lie. It's 250,000 cases. 19% of all cases in August, and $12,000,000,000 in medical expenses.

An amazingly good example of how not to manage a pandemic.

Source it boi.
I already did, gurl.

Sorry, your source was bebunked by another poster.
Well that's a lie.

Actually son, YOU are the liar. I have no idea why a Virus with a 98.6 survival rate terrifies you kids so much.
Nope. I sourced. Nobody debunked. You lied. I don't think tRumplings know what a lie is these days.
Even far left wing snopes says the study is crap. Read the snopes article before you spout off.
Works for me. The Feds stupid enough to hand out money for nothing, she takes it and uses it to serve the interests of her state.

Did you get a handout?

Yes. I spent it on home remodeling. And, no, I did not need it at all.
Hypocrite. I thought you righties hated hand outs. If you had the courage of your convictions you would have given it back. Looks like you don't. No surprises there. And no "if they were stupid enough to give it to me" is not an excuse for you accepting it. Never want to hear from you about 'welfare handouts' etc. You now have zero credibility on the subject.
Works for me. The Feds stupid enough to hand out money for nothing, she takes it and uses it to serve the interests of her state.

Did you get a handout?

Yes. I spent it on home remodeling. And, no, I did not need it at all.
Hypocrite. I thought you righties hated hand outs. If you had the courage of your convictions you would have given it back. Looks like you don't. No surprises there. And no "if they were stupid enough to give it to me" is not an excuse for you accepting it. Never want to hear from you about 'welfare handouts' etc. You now have zero credibility on the subject.

Your faux outrage is noted and dismissed. Moving on now. Loser.

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