Another groomer teacher outs himself on social media, no answer from the school

No I didn't you buffoon, I said the Twink made it everyone's business when he put it on the internet

Stop bothering me if you're going to be dense

So again, why do you feel it's your business what underwear he wears? It's none of my business.
Oh for gods sakes Scruff, everyone (on the left) is a groomer to yooz.
No. However grooming IS the left's official social policy, both in theory and in practice.

I'm not too worried about groomers, most of them are friendly people who don't rise to anywhere near the level of molesters.

I'm more concerned about the violence, and the intimidation. Those are bad things. Bad social and political policy
No. However grooming IS the left's official social policy, both in theory and in practice.

I'm not too worried about groomers, most of them are friendly people who don't rise to anywhere near the level of molesters.

I'm more concerned about the violence, and the intimidation. Those are bad things. Bad social and political policy

Grooming is the latest tactic that the right is attempting to use against the left.

I’m concerned about tbe violence and intimidation of teachers.

Grooming is the latest tactic that the right is attempting to use against the left.


Grooming is what deviant leftist fucktards do to little children.

Shame on you. Leftists are FULL OF SHIT.

I’m concerned about tbe violence and intimidation of teachers.

My kids are more important than your teachers.
Those of you who defend this shit certainly are, or at least are willfully complicit.

Children need to be protected from your kind, by whatever means it takes to do so.
I’m more concerned about children coming in contact with your kind.
Grooming is the latest tactic that the right is attempting to use against the left.

That's bullshit, and you know damn well that it is bullshit.

The abusive sexual grooming of children is taking place out in the open.

Subhuman filth such as yourself who defend it are no better than those directly doing it.

I’m concerned about tbe [sic] violence and intimidation of teachers.

Those who engage in this practice fully deserve whatever violence comes their way.

The backlash is coming, and when it does, it is going to be violent and bloody. Those of you who sexually fuck with other people's children are going to get what is coming to you.

Practice whatever sick, depraved sexual perversions you want, in the privacy of your own homes, but leave children out of it.
That's bullshit, and you know damn well that it is bullshit.

The abusive sexual grooming of children is taking place out in the open.

Subhuman filth such as yourself who defend it are no better than those directly doing it.

Those who engage in this practice fully deserve whatever violence comes their way.

The backlash is coming, and when it does, it is going to be violent and bloody. Those of you who sexually fuck with other people's children are going to get what is coming to you.

Practice whatever sick, depraved sexual perversions you want, in the privacy of your own homes, but leave children out of it.
Stay away from children dude. You’re pretty scary.
I’m more concerned about children coming in contact with your kind.

I do not care what someone who openly takes the side of those who sexually abuse children thinks of the safety of me being around children.

Your kind are a very obvious danger to children. We all know how safe children are around your kind.
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Homeschool them then.
We will use the law to keep you fuckers AWAY from our children.

If the law doesn't work, then we'll resort to whatever does.

Childfuckers and their allies, such as Coyote had better hope that it is the law that ends up being used against them. Going to prison will be preferable to what will otherwise have to happen to them if we are forced to resort to more primitive means to protect children from them.
I do not care what someone who openly takes the side of children thinks of the safety of me being around children.

Your kind are a very obvious danger to children. We all know how safe children are around your kind.

Well, I’m glad you think I openly take the side of children. That’s the only accurate thing you said all day.

Let’s just hope you stay away from the kids, ok?

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