Another Interstate Bridge Collapse

The tax cut culture strikes again!

I-5 bridge collapses over Skagit River; cars in the water | The Today File | Seattle Times

Posted by Brian M. Rosenthal

An Interstate 5 bridge collapsed into the Skagit River on Thursday evening, dumping cars and people into the waters north of Mount Vernon.

Washington State Patrol spokesman Mark Francis wrote on Twitter at 7:19 p.m. that both the northbound and southbound lanes had collapsed in the water.

Francis told the Associated Press he did not know how many people were in the water, whether there were any injuries or what caused the collapse.

Rescue efforts were under way soon after as dozens of people gathered on the shore to watch. A reporter on the scene said he saw a rescue boat take at least one person to shore amid cheers from the spectators.

Photographs of the collapse circulating on Twitter and Facebook showed a wide gap in the bridge and at least two vehicles in the water.

The bridge, built in 1955, was classified by the National Bridge Inventory as “functionally obsolete” in both 2000 and 2010. But the Washington Department of Transportation does not list it among its list of “structurally deficient bridges.”

Traffic around the site was backed up for miles.
U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen released a statement saying in part that he encourages “people to follow police instructions and stay away from the site of the collapse to let first responders address the situation safely.”



Seems like you rushed to judgement a tad prematurely. I saw on the news this morning that a big truck took out a primary support and caused the collapse. Funding had nothing to do with it.

I disagree. Funding the right projects has everything to do with it. The problem in nanny state liberal loony land AKA WA- we spend hard earned tax dollars on boondoggles instead of repairing/ replacing bridges. If we do target money on such things they fight for years over "environmental impact" BS. Or "aesthetic impacts". They always manage to go way over budget and time-lines to the point that tax payers are fed up and are TEA (taxed enough already) :D

The bridge in question was obviously inadequate to meet the need of transporting the load that caused the collapse. Either a new bridge needs to be built or some other means of getting wide loads across certain waterways needs to be implemented.

I-5 is an integral interstate to Pacific Coast commerce. We need adequate bridges or alternatives. We do not need a transit no one uses or fancy toilets in downtown Seattle.
Seems like you rushed to judgement a tad prematurely. I saw on the news this morning that a big truck took out a primary support and caused the collapse. Funding had nothing to do with it.

Therefor, the question before us is: Was the truck drive a democrat or a republican?

lol, when I first read the story today, I first thought the head line read "A truck driver union STRIKE" collapsed the bridge. I was thinking to myself, how could striking truck drivers cause a bridge to collapse, were they to fat or something?

Bridge collapse caused by oversized truck hitting span

The collapse of the Interstate-5 bridge over the Skagit River in Washington State was triggered by a truck with a excessively tall load hitting a steel girder, sending two vehicles into the icy water 50-feet below, Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste said Friday.

Three people were hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries Thursday evening, but there were no fatalities.

Batiste said the truck, which was carrying drilling rig equipment, struck a bridge support girder, setting off a chain reaction. The vertical clearance from the roadway to the beam is 14.6 feet.

"For reasons unknown at this point in time, the semi struck the overhead of the bridge causing the collapse," Batiste said.

The truck made it off the bridge and the driver remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators.
Bridge collapse caused by oversized truck hitting span
Imagine how many bridges would eventually collapse, if we had the size government that Republicans insist on! :lol:

Let's see if some private company decides to rebuild the bridges for us, with their own money!

It's OK. We can't spend money, we have to save to avoid debt.. but businesses and others need lower taxes.

Eventually, all of that growth of business has a cost.. a cost on the roads and systems that are the lifeblood of our economy. And someone will have to pay the piper.

In case you wondered, several studies have been done on this, and we only have slightly over 76000+ bridges that are considered high risk.

Daily Kos: Washington State Bridge Collapses.. think Infrastructure Spending Doesn't matter?

Yep can you imaging if we had this crop of baggers in back in the 30's Hover dam would not have been built, in the south the TVA wouldn't have happened to bring electricity to that region. in the 50's the interstate highway system would not have been built (All government funded). Eisenhower warned us about the lunatic fringe in his party in his farewell speech
Eisenhower's Forgotten Warning and the Threat of Authoritarian Currents in Our Politics | Alternet
The tax cut culture strikes again!

I-5 bridge collapses over Skagit River; cars in the water | The Today File | Seattle Times

Posted by Brian M. Rosenthal

An Interstate 5 bridge collapsed into the Skagit River on Thursday evening, dumping cars and people into the waters north of Mount Vernon.

Washington State Patrol spokesman Mark Francis wrote on Twitter at 7:19 p.m. that both the northbound and southbound lanes had collapsed in the water.

Francis told the Associated Press he did not know how many people were in the water, whether there were any injuries or what caused the collapse.

Rescue efforts were under way soon after as dozens of people gathered on the shore to watch. A reporter on the scene said he saw a rescue boat take at least one person to shore amid cheers from the spectators.

Photographs of the collapse circulating on Twitter and Facebook showed a wide gap in the bridge and at least two vehicles in the water.

The bridge, built in 1955, was classified by the National Bridge Inventory as &#8220;functionally obsolete&#8221; in both 2000 and 2010. But the Washington Department of Transportation does not list it among its list of &#8220;structurally deficient bridges.&#8221;

Traffic around the site was backed up for miles.
U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen released a statement saying in part that he encourages &#8220;people to follow police instructions and stay away from the site of the collapse to let first responders address the situation safely.&#8221;



Seems like you rushed to judgement a tad prematurely. I saw on the news this morning that a big truck took out a primary support and caused the collapse. Funding had nothing to do with it.

I disagree. Funding the right projects has everything to do with it. The problem in nanny state liberal loony land AKA WA- we spend hard earned tax dollars on boondoggles instead of repairing/ replacing bridges. If we do target money on such things they fight for years over "environmental impact" BS. Or "aesthetic impacts". They always manage to go way over budget and time-lines to the point that tax payers are fed up and are TEA (taxed enough already) :D

The bridge in question was obviously inadequate to meet the need of transporting the load that caused the collapse. Either a new bridge needs to be built or some other means of getting wide loads across certain waterways needs to be implemented.

I-5 is an integral interstate to Pacific Coast commerce. We need adequate bridges or alternatives. We do not need a transit no one uses or fancy toilets in downtown Seattle.

Or high speed rail. How many bridges would $100+ billion dollars buy.
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I continually LAUGH at all the prior speculations, tax blaming SEQUESTERING???
This had NOTHING to do with it but again such a stretch ... such HYSTERIA!!!

How many times have we recently been subjected to hysterical, exaggerated, WILD CONCLUSION JUMPERS???

There is no excuse any more for you idiots that jumped to conclusions as the information is widely distributed.

THINK before you write!!!
The bridge was old and should have been fixed already- before the sequester, which merely reduces future spending by a trivial amount.

Is everything that goes wrong going to get blamed on cuts? Obama has had five years to address stuff like this, but has been too busy worrying about other issues, like abortion, birth control and granting amnesty to millions of illegals.

There haven't been any deep cuts. Obama supporters keep trying to claim that he spent less than anyone, so maybe you should direct your complaints to White House website if you really believe his spending less was the cause of this.

Old? It was built 60 years ago.

The President has been talking about infrastructure spending since he was a candidate. Who is stopping it?

Nearly six months ago, President Obama and Congress enacted a $787 billion stimulus package with the promise that it would boost the sagging economy, save and create jobs, and in the case of the $48 billion in transportation funding, jump-start the construction of "shovel-ready," worthwhile projects.
I guess the feds didn't think it was worthwhile...

ANyway, I heard this morning a truck may be responsible for its failure. I am also wondering if the 5.7 earthquake could have had any influence as well.
Imagine how many bridges would eventually collapse, if we had the size government that Republicans insist on! :lol:

Let's see if some private company decides to rebuild the bridges for us, with their own money!

It's OK. We can't spend money, we have to save to avoid debt.. but businesses and others need lower taxes.

Eventually, all of that growth of business has a cost.. a cost on the roads and systems that are the lifeblood of our economy. And someone will have to pay the piper.

In case you wondered, several studies have been done on this, and we only have slightly over 76000+ bridges that are considered high risk.

Daily Kos: Washington State Bridge Collapses.. think Infrastructure Spending Doesn't matter?

Yep can you imaging if we had this crop of baggers in back in the 30's Hover dam would not have been built, in the south the TVA wouldn't have happened to bring electricity to that region. in the 50's the interstate highway system would not have been built (All government funded). Eisenhower warned us about the lunatic fringe in his party in his farewell speech
Eisenhower's Forgotten Warning and the Threat of Authoritarian Currents in Our Politics | Alternet

Again the U.S. Interstate highway system was buit for the military, during the cold war, not the people we just benefitted from it.

Bridge collapse caused by oversized truck hitting span

The collapse of the Interstate-5 bridge over the Skagit River in Washington State was triggered by a truck with a excessively tall load hitting a steel girder, sending two vehicles into the icy water 50-feet below, Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste said Friday.

Three people were hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries Thursday evening, but there were no fatalities.

Batiste said the truck, which was carrying drilling rig equipment, struck a bridge support girder, setting off a chain reaction. The vertical clearance from the roadway to the beam is 14.6 feet.

"For reasons unknown at this point in time, the semi struck the overhead of the bridge causing the collapse," Batiste said.

The truck made it off the bridge and the driver remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators.
Bridge collapse caused by oversized truck hitting span

I would be curious to see the timing of it and the earthquake.
The tax cut culture strikes again!

I-5 bridge collapses over Skagit River; cars in the water | The Today File | Seattle Times

Posted by Brian M. Rosenthal

An Interstate 5 bridge collapsed into the Skagit River on Thursday evening, dumping cars and people into the waters north of Mount Vernon.

Washington State Patrol spokesman Mark Francis wrote on Twitter at 7:19 p.m. that both the northbound and southbound lanes had collapsed in the water.

Francis told the Associated Press he did not know how many people were in the water, whether there were any injuries or what caused the collapse.

Rescue efforts were under way soon after as dozens of people gathered on the shore to watch. A reporter on the scene said he saw a rescue boat take at least one person to shore amid cheers from the spectators.

Photographs of the collapse circulating on Twitter and Facebook showed a wide gap in the bridge and at least two vehicles in the water.

The bridge, built in 1955, was classified by the National Bridge Inventory as “functionally obsolete” in both 2000 and 2010. But the Washington Department of Transportation does not list it among its list of “structurally deficient bridges.”

Traffic around the site was backed up for miles.
U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen released a statement saying in part that he encourages “people to follow police instructions and stay away from the site of the collapse to let first responders address the situation safely.”



I realize your need to blame someone for this, however, we had ample spending we could have used during the stimulus program, but that would not mean that bridge would have been replaced. It was an old design but structurally sound and would not have been targeted for replacement. But don't let anyone interfere with your drama.
The bridge was old and should have been fixed already- before the sequester, which merely reduces future spending by a trivial amount.

The right wing - the wing of 'should have'.

Is everything that goes wrong going to get blamed on cuts? Obama has had five years to address stuff like this, but has been too busy worrying about other issues, like abortion, birth control and granting amnesty to millions of illegals.

You're such an ignorant whore.
Obama Calls for Infrastructure Spending &#8212; for the Fifth Time in Five Years
Obama Calls for Infrastructure Spending ? for the Fifth Time in Five Years - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire

Obama Infrastructure Plan: Senate GOP Blocks $60 Billion Measure

Thursday's legislation would have provided an immediate $50 billion investment in roads, bridges, airports and transit systems.

Obama Infrastructure Plan: Senate GOP Blocks $60 Billion Measure

Announcing a new proposal to expedite the timeline of big infrastructure projects, President Obama said, "I'm big on rebuilding our infrastructure - bridges, airports, ports," but warned that as the rest of the world continues building their own infrastructure, "We've got to up our game."

Obama on infrastructure: "We've got to up our game" - CBS News Video
MIAMI &#8212; President Obama came to the congested ocean port here on Friday to promote his plans to rebuild the nation&#8217;s &#8220;raggedy&#8221; roads, bridges, schools and other infrastructure with a marriage of public and private investment.
Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs
The blueprint for the fiscal 2013 budget released today would spend $476 billion through 2018 on highway, bridge and mass transit projects, funded in part by winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs - Businessweek

Bridge collapse caused by oversized truck hitting span

The collapse of the Interstate-5 bridge over the Skagit River in Washington State was triggered by a truck with a excessively tall load hitting a steel girder, sending two vehicles into the icy water 50-feet below, Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste said Friday.

Three people were hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries Thursday evening, but there were no fatalities.

Batiste said the truck, which was carrying drilling rig equipment, struck a bridge support girder, setting off a chain reaction. The vertical clearance from the roadway to the beam is 14.6 feet.

"For reasons unknown at this point in time, the semi struck the overhead of the bridge causing the collapse," Batiste said.

The truck made it off the bridge and the driver remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators.
Bridge collapse caused by oversized truck hitting span

This is clearly the result of excess government regulation on the trucking industry.
The bridge was old and should have been fixed already- before the sequester, which merely reduces future spending by a trivial amount.

The right wing - the wing of 'should have'.

Is everything that goes wrong going to get blamed on cuts? Obama has had five years to address stuff like this, but has been too busy worrying about other issues, like abortion, birth control and granting amnesty to millions of illegals.

You're such an ignorant whore.

Obama Calls for Infrastructure Spending ? for the Fifth Time in Five Years - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire

Obama Infrastructure Plan: Senate GOP Blocks $60 Billion Measure

Obama on infrastructure: "We've got to up our game" - CBS News Video
MIAMI — President Obama came to the congested ocean port here on Friday to promote his plans to rebuild the nation’s “raggedy” roads, bridges, schools and other infrastructure with a marriage of public and private investment.
Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs
The blueprint for the fiscal 2013 budget released today would spend $476 billion through 2018 on highway, bridge and mass transit projects, funded in part by winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs - Businessweek

Are you stupid or being intentionally moronic?

There was nothing wrong with the bridge UNTIL a semi with an oversized load RAN INTO ITS SUPPORTING STRUCTURE
The bridge was old and should have been fixed already- before the sequester, which merely reduces future spending by a trivial amount.

The right wing - the wing of 'should have'.

You're such an ignorant whore.

Obama Calls for Infrastructure Spending ? for the Fifth Time in Five Years - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire

Obama Infrastructure Plan: Senate GOP Blocks $60 Billion Measure

Obama on infrastructure: "We've got to up our game" - CBS News Video
Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs
The blueprint for the fiscal 2013 budget released today would spend $476 billion through 2018 on highway, bridge and mass transit projects, funded in part by winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs - Businessweek

Are you stupid or being intentionally moronic?

There was nothing wrong with the bridge UNTIL a semi with an oversized load RAN INTO ITS SUPPORTING STRUCTURE

OK. Calm down.
Nothing I said contradicts that fact. I clearly quoted the text from Clementine that I was responding directly to. Is it OK with you that I responded to something Clementine wrote?
The bridge was old and should have been fixed already- before the sequester, which merely reduces future spending by a trivial amount.

The right wing - the wing of 'should have'.

Is everything that goes wrong going to get blamed on cuts? Obama has had five years to address stuff like this, but has been too busy worrying about other issues, like abortion, birth control and granting amnesty to millions of illegals.

You're such an ignorant whore.

Obama Calls for Infrastructure Spending ? for the Fifth Time in Five Years - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire

Obama Infrastructure Plan: Senate GOP Blocks $60 Billion Measure

Obama on infrastructure: "We've got to up our game" - CBS News Video
MIAMI &#8212; President Obama came to the congested ocean port here on Friday to promote his plans to rebuild the nation&#8217;s &#8220;raggedy&#8221; roads, bridges, schools and other infrastructure with a marriage of public and private investment.
Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs
The blueprint for the fiscal 2013 budget released today would spend $476 billion through 2018 on highway, bridge and mass transit projects, funded in part by winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs - Businessweek

All of that, and not one word that would have affected that truck. Good job at creating all those strawmen and not addressing the problem of that one truck hitting the bridge supports.
The bridge was old and should have been fixed already- before the sequester, which merely reduces future spending by a trivial amount.

The right wing - the wing of 'should have'.

You're such an ignorant whore.

Obama Calls for Infrastructure Spending ? for the Fifth Time in Five Years - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire

Obama Infrastructure Plan: Senate GOP Blocks $60 Billion Measure

Obama on infrastructure: "We've got to up our game" - CBS News Video
Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs
The blueprint for the fiscal 2013 budget released today would spend $476 billion through 2018 on highway, bridge and mass transit projects, funded in part by winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Obama Budget Doubles Infrastructure Funds While Cutting Programs - Businessweek

All of that, and not one word that would have affected that truck. Good job at creating all those strawmen and not addressing the problem of that one truck hitting the bridge supports.

Did you happen to see that I responded directly to a claim that Clementine made by proving it false? Is that OK with you, if I show falsehoods to be false, or do I need your permission first?
Seems to me that a bridge that collapses just because a truck hits A single supporting column was NEVER structurally sound.

Either there's more to the story we have yet to read or that bridge was NEVER safe.

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