Another Jewish guy badly beaten in Brooklyn

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism
I am all for peace, a Baptist (not a very good one) and have little love for trump. But, in their shoes (or Kippa actually) if it is as bad as you say, I'd be a pistol packing Jew. The military (ours or Israel's) is not an answer. It don't work that way here.

LOL, good luck getting a carry permit in NYC. even just getting permission to keep a revolver in your own home/apartment takes 3-6 months and hundreds of dollars in fees.

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism
I am all for peace, a Baptist (not a very good one) and have little love for trump. But, in their shoes (or Kippa actually) if it is as bad as you say, I'd be a pistol packing Jew. The military (ours or Israel's) is not an answer. It don't work that way here.
The Left no longer cares about Jews. I have learned that firsthand. They are deemed to privileged and wealthy.

It also depends on the "degree" of Jewishness. There is a huge gulf between secular people of Jewish descent and even your Modern Orthodox Jews, never mind ultra-orthodox Hasidim.

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism
I am all for peace, a Baptist (not a very good one) and have little love for trump. But, in their shoes (or Kippa actually) if it is as bad as you say, I'd be a pistol packing Jew. The military (ours or Israel's) is not an answer. It don't work that way here.
The Left no longer cares about Jews. I have learned that firsthand. They are deemed to privileged and wealthy.

It also depends on the "degree" of Jewishness. There is a huge gulf between secular people of Jewish descent and even your Modern Orthodox Jews, never mind ultra-orthodox Hasidim.
There are so few of us that to me we should be united but we aren't. Any Jew that still votes Democrat is really questionable IMO.

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism
I am all for peace, a Baptist (not a very good one) and have little love for trump. But, in their shoes (or Kippa actually) if it is as bad as you say, I'd be a pistol packing Jew. The military (ours or Israel's) is not an answer. It don't work that way here.
The Left no longer cares about Jews. I have learned that firsthand. They are deemed to privileged and wealthy.

It also depends on the "degree" of Jewishness. There is a huge gulf between secular people of Jewish descent and even your Modern Orthodox Jews, never mind ultra-orthodox Hasidim.
There are so few of us that to me we should be united but we aren't. Any Jew that still votes Democrat is really questionable IMO.

The secular ones are more into their lefty causes mostly than anything else.
My deepest sympathies to the victim and his family.

This is 2020 and things are quickly changing for the worse, as was expected.

I hear that Brooklyn used to be a nice place. Of course, a lot of other places were also once nice places.

I guess that the only thing for people there to do is what I do when I walk on the sidewalk. If they see suspicious characters approaching, try to duck into a store for protection. Stop every few yards and check who is behind you.

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism

They are refusing to wear masks, and are holding public events and have cause multiple spikes and death.

They have physically attacked members of their own community who do wear masks or follow social distance guidelines.

I condemn the violence but New Yorkers went through hell to squash this virus and people are getting angry about the illness and deaths they are spreading.

What about Cuomo? He put New Yorkers through hell thanks to him tens of thousands of elderly New Yorkers died of the Wuhan Coronavirus when he decided to throw a ton of hospital patients with it into the elderly nursing homes.

You ignore that and instead blame the Hasidic Jewish community in Brooklyn.

6000 elderly died in New York, not tens of thousand. That’s about the same number of elderly who died in Canada. With a similar population.

Your talking points on Cuomo are repeated daily on this forum by multiple posters bleating in unison.

None of them are true.

So 6000 elderly dead is okay? They probably wouldn't have died so soon if it was not for Cuomo putting hospital patients with the Wuhan Coronavirus into the elderly nursing homes.

Sorry but the Cuomo stuff is true.
Does that 6000 include beating by 20 year old patients

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism

They are refusing to wear masks, and are holding public events and have cause multiple spikes and death.

They have physically attacked members of their own community who do wear masks or follow social distance guidelines.

I condemn the violence but New Yorkers went through hell to squash this virus and people are getting angry about the illness and deaths they are spreading.
Progs have push social justice rights and progs eliminate unalienable rights.

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism

You are right.

NY has become the US beacon of antisemitism with Cuomo and De Blasio.

Sad but true.
Cuomo is responsible for the rise in antisemitism.

If this is what it takes for them o wake up to the Democrat Party, so be it.

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism

You are right.

NY has become the US beacon of antisemitism with Cuomo and De Blasio.

Sad but true.
Cuomo is responsible for the rise in antisemitism.

If this is what it takes for them o wake up to the Democrat Party, so be it.
They will never wake up !!!

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism

You are right.

NY has become the US beacon of antisemitism with Cuomo and De Blasio.

Sad but true.
Cuomo is responsible for the rise in antisemitism.

If this is what it takes for them o wake up to the Democrat Party, so be it.
They will never wake up !!!
Trump is grabbing a percentage of every Democrat group

This is going on everyday
These Jews love the Torah and Trump and live life in peace
Can T order the military to protect them or bring in the IDF

NYC has become the US beacon of anti semetism

You are right.

NY has become the US beacon of antisemitism with Cuomo and De Blasio.

Sad but true.
Cuomo is responsible for the rise in antisemitism.

If this is what it takes for them o wake up to the Democrat Party, so be it.
They will never wake up !!!
Trump is grabbing a percentage of every Democrat group
He is not polling as well with white older folks and may lose

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