Another liberal city burns as the local politicians stand by dumbfounded

Listen to this...... There is only ONE conclusion that can be drawn from this dimocrap scrunt's remarks.


Only one.

But, of course, being a dimocrap scumbag of a whore, she's lying. Saying she never really meant what she very CLEARLY said


What would you like Mrs. Rawlings-Blake to do? They have the full force of the police department out on the streets. She has asked the Governor to send in the National Guard. They have implemented a curfew. Maybe you'd feel better if launched drone strikes and they enlisted the help of the NSA to tap people's phones?
If probably has something to do with her dumbass decision to give the young folks a little 'space' in order to vent their destructive inclinations last Saturday night, eh?

"Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile."

Dumb choice.

Predictable outcome, and escalation.
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?

This has nothing to do with justice. These are animals in the streets. If these people weren't on generational welfare and had half a brain, they would band together and fight legally against this. Ironic at how they're ready to kill the hand that feeds them.
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?
The mayor is a democrat
And she was called by Obama and "ADVISED" to keep the police at bay
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?

This has nothing to do with justice. These are animals in the streets. If these people weren't on generational welfare and had half a brain, they would band together and fight legally against this. Ironic at how they're ready to kill the hand that feeds them.

liberalism is a mental disease.
"Another liberal city burns as the local politicians stand by dumbfounded"

Another rightwing poster whose thread premise fails as a lie.

The mayor herself said she gave the rioters "space to destroy."
I think you're spinning her words.
There is no need to spin since it was very clear what she said. We all saw the police just standing there watching . when asked why? They said ask the mayor
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?

This has nothing to do with justice. These are animals in the streets. If these people weren't on generational welfare and had half a brain, they would band together and fight legally against this. Ironic at how they're ready to kill the hand that feeds them.
This is their version of justice, social justice.
The version of justice where you TAKE what is RIGHTFULLY yours
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?

This has nothing to do with justice. These are animals in the streets. If these people weren't on generational welfare and had half a brain, they would band together and fight legally against this. Ironic at how they're ready to kill the hand that feeds them.

Do you know who was out in the streets trying to quell the riots?

Members of the Nation of Islam.
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?

This has nothing to do with justice. These are animals in the streets. If these people weren't on generational welfare and had half a brain, they would band together and fight legally against this. Ironic at how they're ready to kill the hand that feeds them.

Do you know who was out in the streets trying to quell the riots?

Members of the Nation of Islam.
No one. Not even the cops.
You remain as uninformed as ever.
Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?
They are rebelling against the Democrat's government? That's news to me. What your evidence?
They are rebelling against police brutality.
If the cop(s) are guilty there will be a trial and a large payout. They are rebelling against a few cases where in all of them the problem was resisting. While you don't deserve death, getting physical always has the potential for a bad outcome. Multiply that by the many thousands of daily encounters and it's inevitable you will see stories like this. Tearing up your hood is a poor solution.
What would you like Mrs. Rawlings-Blake to do? They have the full force of the police department out on the streets. She has asked the Governor to send in the National Guard. They have implemented a curfew. Maybe you'd feel better if launched drone strikes and they enlisted the help of the NSA to tap people's phones?
If probably has something to do with her dumbass decision to give the young folks a little 'space' in order to vent their destructive inclinations last Saturday night, eh?

"Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile."

Dumb choice.

Predictable outcome, and escalation.

Every word in swim's post is a lie, a distortion or a failure to see with clear eyes...

The dimocrap whore did NOT have a curfew last night. It doesn't start until tonight.

The lying whore did NOT have the full force of the Ballmer Police Department on the line. Not even close. That is just simply an outrageous lie.

Baltimore has the Country's 8th largest Police Department with several thousand sworn Officers.

I saw a maximum of two or three hundred last night.

Also, the lying whore of a Mayor waited and waited to call in the National Guard. Even the Governor said, she "FINALLY" called for help when he announced the deployment of the Guardsmen.

dimocraps are lying scum

That's just the bottom line
Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?
They are rebelling against the Democrat's government? That's news to me. What your evidence?

They are rebelling against police brutality.
Weird huh?
Looked to me as if they were:
Starting fires
Looting stores
Throwing bricks at fire fighters
Assaulting other people

I saw no "rebelling", all I saw was criminals acting like complete lunatics
Looting stores that don't have anything to do with it is only discrediting what the non-violents are trying to say, and are really out for personal gain is all.
But non-violents don't get the headline news.
Perhaps they are allowing them to let off some steam, and trying to protect the businesses. If the National Guard are unable to help then I see the chain of command getting in and dealing with this.
If the cop(s) are guilty there will be a trial and a large payout. They are rebelling against a few cases where in all of them the problem was resisting. While you don't deserve death, getting physical always has the potential for a bad outcome. Multiply that by the many thousands of daily encounters and it's inevitable you will see stories like this. Tearing up your hood is a poor solution.

This is part of the BULLSHIT that's going on.......

1: The people in Baltimore have EVERY right to protest. Every right. In my mind, those Cops were wrong and there is also a long and continuing problem with Cops being too physical and too short tempered -- Especially with Blacks. I don't blame them AT ALL

2: Why haven't the Cops been charged? The Mayor could direct the City Attorney (or whoever) to charge the Cops if there is evidence to suggest wrong doing. If there is no evidence, then tell us. Instead, they do nothing. NOTHING. And, IMO, they know very well that their dithering is causing problems which leads me to....

3: Like with EVERYTHING the scum of the earth dimocraps get involved in, this protest, righteous in every way in the beginning, has been taken over by radical dimocrap scum, anarchists, communists and revolutionaries -- IOW, the dimocrap party

They did it in the Occupy (bowel) Movement, they did it in Ferguson and they tried to do it in the St Skittles of Dead Street Urchin case.

But this is Florida. And we don't play with scumbags. Scott told them that they wouldn't like what would happen if they tried their bullshit down here.

Miami is another story. But Miami is barely a part of America
Looting stores that don't have anything to do with it is only discrediting what the non-violents are trying to say, and are really out for personal gain is all.
But non-violents don't get the headline news.
Perhaps they are allowing them to let off some steam, and trying to protect the businesses. If the National Guard are unable to help then I see the chain of command getting in and dealing with this.

No way a Republican Governor asks the Lying Cocksucker in Chief for help.

I think he burns Ballmer to the ground first

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