Another liberal city burns as the local politicians stand by dumbfounded

Looting stores that don't have anything to do with it is only discrediting what the non-violents are trying to say, and are really out for personal gain is all.
But non-violents don't get the headline news.
Perhaps they are allowing them to let off some steam, and trying to protect the businesses. If the National Guard are unable to help then I see the chain of command getting in and dealing with this.
The non violents?
Just like the rest of the victims in this country they should be seeking recourse via the legal system.
Acting like our uneducated ancestors and "marching" up & down the street solves nothing. There is no civil rights issue here. There is POSSIBLY a crime.
The solution to one man's death is not the destruction of hundreds or thousands of people's livelihoods & property.

And "marching" isn't the solution either. Get a god damn lawyer and do what the rest of the civilized world does.
The entire dimocrap scum establishment is in on the anarchy, rioting, looting and violence


dimocraps are the scum of the earth people. I do NOT exaggerate
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?

This has nothing to do with justice. These are animals in the streets. If these people weren't on generational welfare and had half a brain, they would band together and fight legally against this......and I would Ironic at how they're ready to kill the hand that feeds them.
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?

This has nothing to do with justice. These are animals in the streets. If these people weren't on generational welfare and had half a brain, they would band together and fight legally against this. Ironic at how they're ready to kill the hand that feeds them.

Do you know who was out in the streets trying to quell the riots?

Members of the Nation of Islam.

Are you really this uniformed?

"Things are apparently so bad in Baltimore that even the city’s gang adversaries—along with the Nation of Islam—are joining forces."

Bloods and Crips Team Up to Protest Baltimore s Cops - The Daily Beast#
These animals are so beyond stupid that if they were really upset they would go surround the police stations and protest there. Looting, pillaging, stealing, arson are the stuff of criminals.
Looting stores that don't have anything to do with it is only discrediting what the non-violents are trying to say, and are really out for personal gain is all.
But non-violents don't get the headline news.
Perhaps they are allowing them to let off some steam, and trying to protect the businesses. If the National Guard are unable to help then I see the chain of command getting in and dealing with this.
The non violents?
Just like the rest of the victims in this country they should be seeking recourse via the legal system.
Acting like our uneducated ancestors and "marching" up & down the street solves nothing. There is no civil rights issue here. There is POSSIBLY a crime.
The solution to one man's death is not the destruction of hundreds or thousands of people's livelihoods & property.

And "marching" isn't the solution either. Get a god damn lawyer and do what the rest of the civilized world does.

Disagree, Gramps. Totally.

The City, State, Feds..... Whatever don't give a flying fuck about lawsuits. Not in the least.

If you do sue them, guess what? They defend against your lawsuit with YOUR MONEY, using YOUR TAX PAYER FUNDED LAWYERS, your taxpayer funded Judge, in your taxpayer funded Courthouse.

And if you win, they pay the settlement with YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Then they promptly go back to doing what they were doing beofre your lawsuit. Nothing changes.

In fact, there have been DOZENS of successful lawsuits against Ballmer for this type of thing in the last ten years. And NOTHING has changed.

These people had every right protest. I am behind them 100%. Not 99% -- 100%

But what happens with these things is that dimocrap scum see an opening and insert themselves into it and then FUCK everything up.

They get their Black Guerrillas and their Crips and Bloods and Black Panthers and their socialists and communists and every other fucking low-life dimocrap scumbag group in the Country to take it over and turn it into something other than what it was supposed to be.

Meanwhile, they get GOOD MEN LIKE YOU to take the opposite side of where you normally be.

They can easily, and often successfully, categorize you as uncaring and indifferent..... Even racist for not taking their side.

You are too nice to understand what FILTH the dimocrap scum party is.

They take a good thing and they fuck it up. Every time. Every thing.

The people had a right to be heard but dimocrap scum have ruined any chance of that.

dimocrap scum are VERY good at what they do, Gramps. Always remember that.

They are the best liars, and THE most evil group of human beings, in the history of Man
Looting stores that don't have anything to do with it is only discrediting what the non-violents are trying to say, and are really out for personal gain is all.
But non-violents don't get the headline news.
Perhaps they are allowing them to let off some steam, and trying to protect the businesses. If the National Guard are unable to help then I see the chain of command getting in and dealing with this.
The non violents?
Just like the rest of the victims in this country they should be seeking recourse via the legal system.
Acting like our uneducated ancestors and "marching" up & down the street solves nothing. There is no civil rights issue here. There is POSSIBLY a crime.
The solution to one man's death is not the destruction of hundreds or thousands of people's livelihoods & property.

And "marching" isn't the solution either. Get a god damn lawyer and do what the rest of the civilized world does.

Disagree, Gramps. Totally.

The City, State, Feds..... Whatever don't give a flying fuck about lawsuits. Not in the least.

If you do sue them, guess what? They defend against your lawsuit with YOUR MONEY, using YOUR TAX PAYER FUNDED LAWYERS, your taxpayer funded Judge, in your taxpayer funded Courthouse.

And if you win, they pay the settlement with YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Then they promptly go back to doing what they were doing beofre your lawsuit. Nothing changes.

In fact, there have been DOZENS of successful lawsuits against Ballmer for this type of thing in the last ten years. And NOTHING has changed.

These people had every right protest. I am behind them 100%. Not 99% -- 100%

But what happens with these things is that dimocrap scum see an opening and insert themselves into it and then FUCK everything up.

They get their Black Guerrillas and their Crips and Bloods and Black Panthers and their socialists and communists and every other fucking low-life dimocrap scumbag group in the Country to take it over and turn it into something other than what it was supposed to be.

Meanwhile, they get GOOD MEN LIKE YOU to take the opposite side of where you normally be.

They can easily, and often successfully, categorize you as uncaring and indifferent..... Even racist for not taking their side.

You are too nice to understand what FILTH the dimocrap scum party is.

They take a good thing and they fuck it up. Every time. Every thing.

These people have a right to be heard.

dimocrap scum are VERY good at what they do, Gramps. Always remember that.

They are the best liars and THE most evil group of human beings in the history of Man
All nonsense imo

The courts are how civilized people settle disputes.
All nonsense imo

The courts are how civilized people settle disputes.

Maybe someday you'll understand how you're being used by dimocraps. They're playing GOOD people like a cheap fiddle

Hope you understand that, if not now, then someday
Looting stores that don't have anything to do with it is only discrediting what the non-violents are trying to say, and are really out for personal gain is all.
But non-violents don't get the headline news.
Perhaps they are allowing them to let off some steam, and trying to protect the businesses. If the National Guard are unable to help then I see the chain of command getting in and dealing with this.
The non violents?
Just like the rest of the victims in this country they should be seeking recourse via the legal system.
Acting like our uneducated ancestors and "marching" up & down the street solves nothing. There is no civil rights issue here. There is POSSIBLY a crime.
The solution to one man's death is not the destruction of hundreds or thousands of people's livelihoods & property.

And "marching" isn't the solution either. Get a god damn lawyer and do what the rest of the civilized world does.

Disagree, Gramps. Totally.

The City, State, Feds..... Whatever don't give a flying fuck about lawsuits. Not in the least.

If you do sue them, guess what? They defend against your lawsuit with YOUR MONEY, using YOUR TAX PAYER FUNDED LAWYERS, your taxpayer funded Judge, in your taxpayer funded Courthouse.

And if you win, they pay the settlement with YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Then they promptly go back to doing what they were doing beofre your lawsuit. Nothing changes.

In fact, there have been DOZENS of successful lawsuits against Ballmer for this type of thing in the last ten years. And NOTHING has changed.

These people had every right protest. I am behind them 100%. Not 99% -- 100%

But what happens with these things is that dimocrap scum see an opening and insert themselves into it and then FUCK everything up.

They get their Black Guerrillas and their Crips and Bloods and Black Panthers and their socialists and communists and every other fucking low-life dimocrap scumbag group in the Country to take it over and turn it into something other than what it was supposed to be.

Meanwhile, they get GOOD MEN LIKE YOU to take the opposite side of where you normally be.

They can easily, and often successfully, categorize you as uncaring and indifferent..... Even racist for not taking their side.

You are too nice to understand what FILTH the dimocrap scum party is.

They take a good thing and they fuck it up. Every time. Every thing.

The people had a right to be heard but dimocrap scum have ruined any chance of that.

dimocrap scum are VERY good at what they do, Gramps. Always remember that.

They are the best liars, and THE most evil group of human beings, in the history of Man

Whats your solution if not civil or legal?
I have to agree somewhat. Democrats sure do fluck things up. Most areas they control, are miserable Hellholes. That's why so many, even fellow Democrats, are fleeing those areas in droves.

But unfortunately, those fleeing Democrats are headed to places they don't currently control. And that's very bad news for the residents of those places. The more Democrats, the more likely the area is to become a Third World nightmare. They will invade and destroy. So do your best to keep your little slice of paradise a secret. If Democrats hear about it, paradise will be quickly lost.
Looting stores that don't have anything to do with it is only discrediting what the non-violents are trying to say, and are really out for personal gain is all.
But non-violents don't get the headline news.
Perhaps they are allowing them to let off some steam, and trying to protect the businesses. If the National Guard are unable to help then I see the chain of command getting in and dealing with this.
The non violents?
Just like the rest of the victims in this country they should be seeking recourse via the legal system.
Acting like our uneducated ancestors and "marching" up & down the street solves nothing. There is no civil rights issue here. There is POSSIBLY a crime.
The solution to one man's death is not the destruction of hundreds or thousands of people's livelihoods & property.

And "marching" isn't the solution either. Get a god damn lawyer and do what the rest of the civilized world does.

Disagree, Gramps. Totally.

The City, State, Feds..... Whatever don't give a flying fuck about lawsuits. Not in the least.

If you do sue them, guess what? They defend against your lawsuit with YOUR MONEY, using YOUR TAX PAYER FUNDED LAWYERS, your taxpayer funded Judge, in your taxpayer funded Courthouse.

And if you win, they pay the settlement with YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Then they promptly go back to doing what they were doing beofre your lawsuit. Nothing changes.

In fact, there have been DOZENS of successful lawsuits against Ballmer for this type of thing in the last ten years. And NOTHING has changed.

These people had every right protest. I am behind them 100%. Not 99% -- 100%

But what happens with these things is that dimocrap scum see an opening and insert themselves into it and then FUCK everything up.

They get their Black Guerrillas and their Crips and Bloods and Black Panthers and their socialists and communists and every other fucking low-life dimocrap scumbag group in the Country to take it over and turn it into something other than what it was supposed to be.

Meanwhile, they get GOOD MEN LIKE YOU to take the opposite side of where you normally be.

They can easily, and often successfully, categorize you as uncaring and indifferent..... Even racist for not taking their side.

You are too nice to understand what FILTH the dimocrap scum party is.

They take a good thing and they fuck it up. Every time. Every thing.

These people have a right to be heard.

dimocrap scum are VERY good at what they do, Gramps. Always remember that.

They are the best liars and THE most evil group of human beings in the history of Man
All nonsense imo

The courts are how civilized people settle disputes.
i can't possibly be the only one who said "Thats The Mayor?" when I saw her for the first time. Pretty much sets the standard of Baltimore voters. they may as well elected a fired Burger King manager.
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

Rebellion against tyranny doesn't hold as much charm for the don't tread on me types now, does it?

These rioters are not rebelling against tyranny. Heck the freaking mayor is supporting them. What tyranny is there?

Our Founders didnt rebellion from Britain for the hell of it. They did so because they had no choice. Nor did they violently destroy their communities. They fought the army that was oppressing them. They did so in order to build their nation, not tear it down.

The people destroying their neighborhoods and community aren't rebelling against tyranny. They are things destroying property and hurting people for the fun of it.
Watching these cities burn and these stupid politicians do nothing just makes me angry.
New Orleans, Ferguson & now Baltimore. They all have several things in common. Can YOU figure it out? The problem is quite obvious

The title of your OP says it all, Grampa! :thup: The Rudy Giuliani's of politics and law enforcement are a thing of the past and now we have chaos and it will continue. When the uneducated, entitlement-minded are the ones with the power....look out.
Whats your solution if not civil or legal?

Thoreau wrote on peaceful protests.

Gandhi used them successfully

Women's suffrage was peacefully protested and successful

"Sit-Ins" work

MLK was a peaceful man

Early on, in the beginning of the anti war movement (before scum of the earth dimocraps took it over) the Flower Movement got a lot of attention

And my favoritist most gooder peaceful protest of all time >>

Whats your solution if not civil or legal?

Thoreau wrote on peaceful protests.

Gandhi used them successfully

Women's suffrage was peacefully protested and successful

"Sit-Ins" work

MLK was a peaceful man

Early on, in the beginning of the anti war movement (before scum of the earth dimocraps took it over) the Flower Movement got a lot of attention

And my favoritist most gooder peaceful protest of all time >>


well the all voted for free stuff. but being they all have IQ's under 35, didnt know that it came with the price of all of thier local stores burned or looted.
That when the government is unresponsive to the people, the people respond?

Kind of like the Boston Tea Party. The people were not getting their voices heard, they rioted and destroyed property that wasn't there to make a political point.

But I assume you won't see it that way.
That when the government is unresponsive to the people, the people respond?

Kind of like the Boston Tea Party. The people were not getting their voices heard, they rioted and destroyed property that wasn't there to make a political point.

But I assume you won't see it that way.
i am surprised a black protester hasn't been walking the streets holding a huge sign that reads "Welcome To The Bush Administration".
That when the government is unresponsive to the people, the people respond?

Kind of like the Boston Tea Party. The people were not getting their voices heard, they rioted and destroyed property that wasn't there to make a political point.

But I assume you won't see it that way.

Ironic how the govt provides generational welfare and gives them endless gravy train yet the govt is unresponsive to their needs?
That when the government is unresponsive to the people, the people respond?

Kind of like the Boston Tea Party. The people were not getting their voices heard, they rioted and destroyed property that wasn't there to make a political point.

But I assume you won't see it that way.

Ironic how the govt provides generational welfare and gives them endless gravy train yet the govt is unresponsive to their needs?
do all of these lazy bums ever think about the day "When The Money Runs Out"? do they really expect free stuff when the Obama debt hits 20 Trillion? welcome to greece!

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