Another Liberal Learns The Hard Way

Sure people should help others, but a girl stopping to help some young black guys,

bad idea.
Dang I missed the part where it identified her political ideology, or is it your contention that conservatives never help anyone else?

I'd disagree with that, I've met plenty of very helpful kind people on both sides of the political spectrum.


She was taking classes at Northwest State Community College.

And everyone knows that conservatards don't believe in all the book learnin' crap.
Another Liberal Learns The Hard Way

Disturbing that we all know and agree that a conservative would not hold out their hand to help another human being.

Thankfully, its very rare for that helping hand to be met by rw violence.
Sure people should help others, but a girl stopping to help some young black guys,

bad idea.

I'm not going to feign mock outrage & call you a racist for this statement, you do have a point. Sure you couldve just said two young guys..but the reality is that young black men commit way too much crime & because of this, you have every right to be cautious of them. But, I will say this, you usually can tell when a black kid is probably bad news by the way he dresses. It's not a sure bet, but a safe bet...that if the kid is sagging a pair of BAGGY pants(those kids sagging in girl jeans wearing bright colored polo shirts, clean cut are usually harmless, they're not thugs), down jackets, and a beanie in 100 degree weather...are the ones to worry about. Not just black boys, any boys dressed like that. That is a certifiable thug 99.99% of the time.

Sometimes you can judge a book by it's cover, not so much
They are coming for you Tank... the evil blacks have been dispatched to your location...


Check out this video on YouTube:

[ame=]Napoleon XIV: 'They're coming to take me away' - YouTube[/ame]

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