Another Lie debunked-IG report concludes FBI did not spy on trump campaign

The FBI did nothing to trump.

Correction, the FBI got nothing on Trump, despite you and your party abusing our system of government by using Homeland Security Assets to attack the GOP nominee....
The FBI got plenty on trump. And they did so legally.
Well, now the report is out, feel free to link where he said that. Should be a piece of cake for a genius such as yourself.


Wrong. Go to a search engine, type the words and find the links yourself if you don't want to admit trump said this.

Wow, I thought this thread was about the DOJ watchdog and his report doesn't support your BS. It says at least 4 people in the campaign were spied on.


His report says what was done was justified.

And that alters they were spied on HOW?


They weren’t spied on. Spying indicates illicit or illegal surveillance. All warrants, including Paige, were legally obtained and, according to the IG, justified.

BS, the warrants were not legally obtained, the FISA court was presented with demonstrably false information, to include an altered email that said Page was working with the CIA and had been for more than a decade. It was altered to indicate the opposite. Also exculpatory statements made by Page and Papadopoulos were withheld and they withheld the fact the Steele information was garbage. Every "mistake" and "misrepresentation" they made was to disadvantage one group, the Trump campaign. That indicates bias.

The FBI got plenty on trump


If they got anything on him, then you'd have, for the first time, something for which to justify the outrageous abuse of power by the Cocksucker Administration to use HOMELAND SECURITY ASSETS to win an election....

They got nothing.

What they got is the same amount of credibility you have = absolute zero

Move to Kenya, the only country you care about....
trump lied to you. And you fell for it. There are at least 8 heads that need to roll Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, ex-national security adviser John Bolton, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, Vice President Mike Pence, trump and I am including William Barr. There was no deep state. There was no coup. There is no witch hunt or hoax.

There was nothing but a bunch of trumps lies.

The time has come for trump.

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
View attachment 292008

Sonam Sheth and Eliza Relman

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI inserted spies in his 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.

Trump has repeatedly and baselessly alleged that the FBI inserted covert operators in his campaign.

He also alleged, without evidence, that former President Barack Obama had intelligence officials tap his phones, a claim the report is also expected to undercut.

Sources told The Times and The Washington Post that while the report undermines Trump's most extreme claims, it also faults the FBI for making bureaucratic mistakes when applying for a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.

The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 presidential campaign while investigating whether the campaign was conspiring with the Russian government to interfere in the election, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with a draft of the report.

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
Surveillance is spying. Carter Page didn't break the law, so what was the motive?
The steele dossier was to spy on trump.
Now we "come back" to Page to do our dirty work.
Just because someone is not charged doesn't mean there wasn't probable cause to investigate them to begin with. Not everyone the FBI goes after is guilty. That's the whole purpose for investigating suspects.

Bullshit, they knew Page had been working with the CIA for more than a decade. An FBI lawyer altered an email to indicate the opposite and that altered email was included to justify a FISA warrant. Some folks should go to jail behind this shit.

Dumbfuck, Page was no longer with the Trump campaign when they spied on him. He was barely associated with them while he was with the campaign. And he was kicked to the curb by the campaign and he never met with Trump nor ever spoke with him.

You morons are idiots for claiming Trumo was spied on because Page was spied on. :cuckoo:

Not what the report says, they were spied on during and after they left the campaign.

Wow, I thought this thread was about the DOJ watchdog and his report doesn't support your BS. It says at least 4 people in the campaign were spied on.


His report says what was done was justified.

And that alters they were spied on HOW?


They weren’t spied on. Spying indicates illicit or illegal surveillance. All warrants, including Paige, were legally obtained and, according to the IG, justified.

Illicit usually refers to something that is not morally proper or acceptable, which applies in this case of spying on the Trump campaign to find any dirt they could. In total, the IG’s report identified “at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the Carter Page FISA applications, and many additional errors in the Woods Procedures. These errors and omissions resulted from case agents providing wrong or incomplete information to OI and failing to flag important issues for discussion.”

According to AG Barr:

“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken. It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory. Nevertheless, the investigation and surveillance was pushed forward for the duration of the campaign and deep into President Trump’s administration. In the rush to obtain and maintain FISA surveillance of Trump campaign associates, FBI officials misled the FISA court, omitted critical exculpatory facts from their filings, and suppressed or ignored information negating the reliability of their principal source. The Inspector General found the explanations given for these actions unsatisfactory. While most of the misconduct identified by the Inspector General was committed in 2016 and 2017 by a small group of now-former FBI officials, the malfeasance and misfeasance detailed in the Inspector General’s report reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process.”

Spying refers to secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors, which Trump certainly was. So what the FBI did WAS spying, and it WAS illicit, if not illegal. We'll see what Durham's Report says when it comes out.

For months, we've been hearing just wait until the IG report comes out!

Now it's out and in just one day, the new battle cry is just wait until the U.S. Attorney's report comes out!


Bullshit, this report showed exactly what I thought it would, systemic abuse of the FISA court by the FBI. Barr and Durham will now decide if there is enough evidence to charge individuals.

we've been hearing just wait until the IG report comes out!

By the pro Israel Christian supporters of Trump.... the DUMBEST LIFE FORMS in the UNIVERSE..... who trusted chosen Mr. Horowitz to call a spade a spade.... and DEEP STATE ZIONIST TRAITOR HOROWITZ once again validated 911 Truthers by outing himself as a serial liar with precisely no patriotism to AMERICA....

Step away from the bong.

we've been hearing just wait until the IG report comes out!

By the pro Israel Christian supporters of Trump.... the DUMBEST LIFE FORMS in the UNIVERSE..... who trusted chosen Mr. Horowitz to call a spade a spade.... and DEEP STATE ZIONIST TRAITOR HOROWITZ once again validated 911 Truthers by outing himself as a serial liar with precisely no patriotism to AMERICA....

Step away from the bong.



When he said "give up everything and follow me"

Who got EVERYTHING????

duh duh duh

duh biBULL doesn't say.....

but Mr. Horowitz would give you an answer...... HE GOT EVERYTHING

we've been hearing just wait until the IG report comes out!

By the pro Israel Christian supporters of Trump.... the DUMBEST LIFE FORMS in the UNIVERSE..... who trusted chosen Mr. Horowitz to call a spade a spade.... and DEEP STATE ZIONIST TRAITOR HOROWITZ once again validated 911 Truthers by outing himself as a serial liar with precisely no patriotism to AMERICA....

Step away from the bong.



When he said "give up everything and follow me"

Who got EVERYTHING????

duh duh duh

duh biBULL doesn't say.....

but Mr. Horowitz would give you an answer...... HE GOT EVERYTHING


Can you translate that gibberish to English?

Claiming that Hillary Clinton didn't "know" about what Fusion GPS was doing is the last refuge of a lying partisan hack, Faun! It's almost as laughable as claiming she didn't "understand" that running the State Department on two servers hidden in her home was against the law!
It's just gotta be, is not proof, lying con tool.

Back to "paraphrasing" again, Faun? You seem to do that whenever you're flailing in a string...

Lying con tool, as you're not presenting any evidence to back up your assertions, exactly what do you think you're saying if not, it's just gotta be?

If I said..."it's just gotta be"...then you could bust my chops over that but when you "paraphrase" what I said and then say what I said doesn't make're just being an idiot!
Anyone who has a job in the White House? I would wager that 90K is one of the lower salaries being pulled down by people who have jobs there!
We're not talking about the white house. We are talking about the DC area.

First of all 90K is peanuts in the DC area!
Don't know squat about the DC area you, IM2! Some of the wealthiest communities in the country are in the DC area because the people that live there predominantly work in government and they make a lot of money!

I do know about DC, and what you're talking about is the Alexandria Virginia area.

As usual you show yourself to be one of the more ignorant posters on the board, IM2! These are the ten richest Counties in the US. Notice something about the top five? Duh?

The 10 Richest Counties in the U.S.
  1. Loudoun County, Virginia. Median HHI: $129,588.
  2. Fairfax County, Virginia. Median HHI: $117,515. ...
  3. Howard County, Maryland. Median HHI: $115,576. ...
  4. Falls Church city, Virginia. ...
  5. Arlington County, Virginia. ...
  6. Douglas County, Colorado. ...
  7. Hunterdon County, New Jersey. ...
  8. Los Alamos County, New Mexico. …
Yeah, they are all in Virginia. Like I said, you stupid motherfucker.

Who's the stupid motherfucker? You don't seem to realize that Metropolitan DC encompasses parts of Maryland and Virginia! Most of the people who LIVE in Loudon, Fairfax, Howard, Falls Church and Arlington Counties work in government in DC!
Once prove yourself to be one of the more ignorant posters on the board!
When right wingers can't defend trump, they try falling back on the Clintons. The Clinton Foundation has been investigated thoroughly and nothing was found. Hillary Clinton is not the president and the Clinton Foundation is irrelevant to this discussion.
Hillary isn't the President and the Clinton Foundation's "donations" from foreigners have dried up like a shallow well in the desert! Gee, I wonder why nobody's giving the Clinton's money now that Hillary's no longer seen as a "sure thing" to win the White House! (eye roll)
You flaming dumbfuck. Now you're asking me to prove something I never asserted. Even worse for your idiocy, you're shifting the goal post from Hillary knew Fusion GPS hired Steele ... to ... Hillary paid for it.

Moron, literally no one, myself included, denies Hillary hired Fusion GPS to perform opposition research for her and that Fusion GPS then hired Steele.

That you idiotically think that's what's being debated here only serves to demonstrate just how fucked in the head you really are. :cuckoo:

Now that you revealed you don't even know what we're talking about, feel free to kindly fuck off.
Your poor little ignorant brain washed tool. I knew you couldn't prove Hitlery and the DNC didn't PAY FOR the fake Steele dossier, because we all know they DID.

Hillary Clinton, DNC -- and One Republican -- Paid for Russia Dossier: Report | Breitbart

Now you better go stand back on head in that 55 gallon drum of BULL SHIT you live in, because you're a quart low.
We're not talking about the white house. We are talking about the DC area.
Don't know squat about the DC area you, IM2! Some of the wealthiest communities in the country are in the DC area because the people that live there predominantly work in government and they make a lot of money!

I do know about DC, and what you're talking about is the Alexandria Virginia area.

As usual you show yourself to be one of the more ignorant posters on the board, IM2! These are the ten richest Counties in the US. Notice something about the top five? Duh?

The 10 Richest Counties in the U.S.
  1. Loudoun County, Virginia. Median HHI: $129,588.
  2. Fairfax County, Virginia. Median HHI: $117,515. ...
  3. Howard County, Maryland. Median HHI: $115,576. ...
  4. Falls Church city, Virginia. ...
  5. Arlington County, Virginia. ...
  6. Douglas County, Colorado. ...
  7. Hunterdon County, New Jersey. ...
  8. Los Alamos County, New Mexico. …
Yeah, they are all in Virginia. Like I said, you stupid motherfucker.

Who's the stupid motherfucker? You don't seem to realize that Metropolitan DC encompasses parts of Maryland and Virginia! Most of the people who LIVE in Loudon, Fairfax, Howard, Falls Church and Arlington Counties work in government in DC!
Once prove yourself to be one of the more ignorant posters on the board!
You. I know what metro DC is. And I know most of the people who work for the government live in Virginia. That's been a problem for actual DC residents relative to economic development.
When right wingers can't defend trump, they try falling back on the Clintons. The Clinton Foundation has been investigated thoroughly and nothing was found. Hillary Clinton is not the president and the Clinton Foundation is irrelevant to this discussion.
Hillary isn't the President and the Clinton Foundation's "donations" from foreigners have dried up like a shallow well in the desert! Gee, I wonder why nobody's giving the Clinton's money now that Hillary's no longer seen as a "sure thing" to win the White House! (eye roll)
You are the one talking about the Clintons and a good development team can assure the longevity of this foundation when donations stop.

Annual Reports, Financials & Tax-Exempt Materials
Another Inquiry Doesn’t Back Up Trump’s Charges. So, on to the Next.
By the time the Justice Department inspector general’s report was released, the president and his supporters had moved on in their effort to convince Americans of the enemies arrayed against him.

President Trump and his allies spent months promising that a report on the origins of the F.B.I.’s Russia investigation would be a kind of Rosetta Stone for Trump-era conspiracy enthusiasts — the key to unlocking the secrets of a government plot to keep Mr. Trump from being elected in 2016.

On that point, the report by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, did not deliver, even as it found serious problems with how F.B.I. officials justified the surveillance of a Trump campaign aide to a federal court.

But by the time it was released, the president, his attorney general, his supporters in Congress and the conservative news media had already declared victory and decamped for the next battle in the wider war to convince Americans of the enemies at home and abroad arrayed against the Trump presidency.

They followed a script they have used for nearly three years: Engage in a choreographed campaign of presidential tweets, Fox News appearances and fiery congressional testimony to create expectations about finding proof of a “deep state” campaign against Mr. Trump. And then, when the proof does not emerge, skew the results and prepare for the next opportunity to execute the playbook.

That opportunity has arrived in the form of an investigation by a Connecticut prosecutor ordered this year by Attorney General William P. Barr — and the president and his allies are now predicting it will be the one to deliver damning evidence that the F.B.I., C.I.A. and even close American allies conspired against Mr. Trump in the 2016 election.

There is no indication that Mr. Durham will exhume any information that will fundamentally change the understanding of what happened in 2016. But for Mr. Trump and his allies, the final conclusions might ultimately be less important than the months spent speculating about what those conclusions might be.

Speaking to reporters in London last week, Mr. Trump played down expectations about the Horowitz inquiry — indicating it was only an appetizer for what’s to come.

“I do think the big report to wait for is going to be the Durham report,” he said.

“That’s the one that people are really waiting for.”

Another Inquiry Doesn’t Back Up Trump’s Charges. So, on to the Next.
You flaming dumbfuck. Now you're asking me to prove something I never asserted. Even worse for your idiocy, you're shifting the goal post from Hillary knew Fusion GPS hired Steele ... to ... Hillary paid for it.

Moron, literally no one, myself included, denies Hillary hired Fusion GPS to perform opposition research for her and that Fusion GPS then hired Steele.

That you idiotically think that's what's being debated here only serves to demonstrate just how fucked in the head you really are. :cuckoo:

Now that you revealed you don't even know what we're talking about, feel free to kindly fuck off.
Your poor little ignorant brain washed tool. I knew you couldn't prove Hitlery and the DNC didn't PAY FOR the fake Steele dossier, because we all know they DID.

Hillary Clinton, DNC -- and One Republican -- Paid for Russia Dossier: Report | Breitbart

Now you better go stand back on head in that 55 gallon drum of BULL SHIT you live in, because you're a quart low.
^^^ idiot doubles down on stupid. :lmao:

Moron, no one was arguing whether or not Hillary's money went to Steele.

The debate is did she know Fusion GPS hired Steele.

You're such a flaming loser, you don't even know what the debate is about.
one at a time

6. the tax cuts benefitted everyone that pays taxes. Yes, it did nothing for the 50% who pay no taxes, its hard to cut zero. and yes, 5% of 1 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand-------------so fricken what?

7. Bernie has never drawn a crowd of 30,000, Trump does it at every rally.

Wrong. The tax cuts didn't do anything except pay off the donor class.

The 2017 Tax Cuts Didn't Work, The Data Prove It

Column: A devastating analysis of the tax cut shows it’s done virtually no economic good

Fishy, Trump lies. He lies easier than that obese blog breathes. He's lying to you.

Elizabeth Warren vs Donald Trump: Whose 2020 rallies draw the biggest crowds?

the tax cuts for small businesses and corporations are part of the reason for the low UE rate and the growth in the stock market. and yes, a 5% across the board tax cut saves more for a guy making 20 million than for a guy making 50 thousand. So what? and its also true that tax cuts have no affect on someone who is paying zero taxes (50% of america). again, so fricken what?

You didn't bother to read any of the links did you? The tax cuts did NOTHING.

The independent, non-partisan Congressional Research Service just released a report showing that the 2017 tax cuts for the richest Americans and corporations did not work. This confirms what anybody who has been looking at the data already knew. Investment did not boom and workers will not see the promised bump in pay . Instead, the federal government incurred massive deficits while wealth inequality increased to its highest level in three decades.

Tell us when and where Warren has ever had a crowd of 30,000 or more, give us the place and date and proof of the headcount.

Trump doesn't get that many people. He lies.

List of rallies for the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia

so the current UE rates are faked? the DOW is faked? the wage report is faked? your 401K balance is faked?

you are a victim of the lying media.

as to Trump rallys, All you need to do is watch one, the cameras capture the crowds, or are the cameras lying too?
Unemployment was falling and wages were rising well before the tax cut. There was no discernible difference after the tax cut was passed.

Yes, the stock market went up but most of the gains were well before the tax cut too. In fact, since Jan 2017, the Dow is up like 3%ish per year. Furthermore, the benefits of a climbing market are very unevenly distributed. Half the country has no money in the market and those that do, almost 90% is owned by the top 10% of the country by wealth.

Just thought I’d introduce some facts.

Most of the activity in the stock market after the tax cut was companies buying their own stock back.

It wasn't because of new sales or because of new products or new investment.

Which is why the stock market has stayed mostly flat.

The tax cuts went to those who already had more money than they need in many lifetimes. They don't spend and invest enough in our economy. Mostly because there isn't enough of them. It's the middle class and poor who drive our economy. They create the demand for the products. If they don't have the money to spend, then the economy slows and suffers.

The tax cuts made the wage gap even worse while making our deficit and debt such higher.

It didn't do anything positive for America or our people.
Another Inquiry Doesn’t Back Up Trump’s Charges. So, on to the Next.
By the time the Justice Department inspector general’s report was released, the president and his supporters had moved on in their effort to convince Americans of the enemies arrayed against him.

President Trump and his allies spent months promising that a report on the origins of the F.B.I.’s Russia investigation would be a kind of Rosetta Stone for Trump-era conspiracy enthusiasts — the key to unlocking the secrets of a government plot to keep Mr. Trump from being elected in 2016.

On that point, the report by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, did not deliver, even as it found serious problems with how F.B.I. officials justified the surveillance of a Trump campaign aide to a federal court.

But by the time it was released, the president, his attorney general, his supporters in Congress and the conservative news media had already declared victory and decamped for the next battle in the wider war to convince Americans of the enemies at home and abroad arrayed against the Trump presidency.

They followed a script they have used for nearly three years: Engage in a choreographed campaign of presidential tweets, Fox News appearances and fiery congressional testimony to create expectations about finding proof of a “deep state” campaign against Mr. Trump. And then, when the proof does not emerge, skew the results and prepare for the next opportunity to execute the playbook.

That opportunity has arrived in the form of an investigation by a Connecticut prosecutor ordered this year by Attorney General William P. Barr — and the president and his allies are now predicting it will be the one to deliver damning evidence that the F.B.I., C.I.A. and even close American allies conspired against Mr. Trump in the 2016 election.

There is no indication that Mr. Durham will exhume any information that will fundamentally change the understanding of what happened in 2016. But for Mr. Trump and his allies, the final conclusions might ultimately be less important than the months spent speculating about what those conclusions might be.

Speaking to reporters in London last week, Mr. Trump played down expectations about the Horowitz inquiry — indicating it was only an appetizer for what’s to come.

“I do think the big report to wait for is going to be the Durham report,” he said.

“That’s the one that people are really waiting for.”

Another Inquiry Doesn’t Back Up Trump’s Charges. So, on to the Next.
They're playing by the Benghazi playbook. Just keep investigating over and over and over until you win an election. And convince the rightards the next investigation will succeed where the last one failed. This way, the brain-dead cultists always have hope.
Not what I said. I said the entire Ukrainian government had a history of corruption, thats why the people elected Zelensky----to fight that long term corruption. Some of the corruption was involving Burisma, the gas company that was paying the kids of Biden, Pleosi, Kerry, and Romney 50,000 per month to sit on their board and do nothing. So tell me, why do you think that company paid those kids that money? to get access to the US government, Thats why. Are you really so stupid and partisan that you cannot understand that?

You’re deflecting. Stay focused. You asked why Biden would hold up foreign aid? I answered why. Because Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

You actually agreed here:
Sure the guy was corrupt,

So, why would anyone get upset that Joe Biden forced out a prosecutor in Ukraine that we both acknowledge was corrupt?

Because the "corrupt" prosecutor was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government.

you can't be as dumb as you appear to be.

Really? You think the corrupt prosecutor was actually investigating a billionaire Ukrainian oligarch?

The only person claiming Shokin was investigating Burisma is the guy you acknowledge is corrupt.

Tell me that is what you’re saying. I dare you.

None of us know the depth of corruption in the Ukraine before the election of Zelensky. What we do know is that Biden bribed the previous government leaders to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government, did he have ulterior motives? maybe, maybe not. It really doesn't matter.

What does matter is that we all have seen Biden bragging about using US money to bribe the previous leaders to fire the guy. Are you going to sit there and tell us that Biden was so concerned and so knowledgeable about Ukrainian corruption that he knew exactly who to get fired?

But you never answered my question: What did Burisma expect in return for hiring the kids of Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney? Not one of them had any experience with gas companies or the Ukraine, so why were they paid 50K per month to sit on that board? Try to answer honestly if you can.
"What we do know is that Biden bribed the previous government leaders to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma and its connections to the US government"

That's a lie, ya lying con tool.

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

That person and the rest of the far right radical extremists on this board knows it's all a lie.

Everything you've been repeating over and over in this thread has been posted by others on this board over and over again.

You can post honest facts and documents all day long.

No matter what you post, none of it will be accepted by any far right radical extremist.

You are so wasting your time.

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